Memes Thread 2

The Agrarian

Aug 17, 2018
I remember talking to accounts of Cassidy for weeks on end until someone exposed her eventually. This user takes on completely different people with completely different stories. There is no other way to describe it (as we don't even know if its a woman) other then some serious mental issues are present.

I'm not against woman's rights. But feminism is more about a satanic agenda disrupting what the Almighty has sent down compared to making woman feel superior, or even equal. As I've mentioned before most feminists are godless while pious woman are actually anti-feminism. Here's an article written by a woman.

Saving this article for later.
Gotta reload on narrative-ammo.

Looks juicy.


Jul 27, 2017
I remember talking to accounts of Cassidy for weeks on end until someone exposed her eventually. This user takes on completely different people with completely different stories. There is no other way to describe it (as we don't even know if its a woman) other then some serious mental issues are present.

I'm not against woman's rights. But feminism is more about a satanic agenda disrupting what the Almighty has sent down compared to making woman feel superior, or even equal. As I've mentioned before most feminists are godless while pious woman are actually anti-feminism. Here's an article written by a woman.

I’ve only known Chass to have 3 sock accounts since I’ve been here. I believe she has severe mental health based on her reactions.

There is extreme feminism that creates division.
Idk if it’s satanic as I feel religion itself has also been another factor in division.

Women are not equal? Wtf you smoking? Just because a female doesn’t serve you, she’s godless.
That sounds like a satanic form of slavery if you pull the religious card.

My observation is everyone here is so deep into their opinion you guys are letting your opionion/fear and paranoia affect your life.

It’s opinions like this where women or “minorities” not seen as equals is the reason why I cannot take conspiracies as serious anymore. Society is changing and perhaps failing cause your strong opinions are creating division. Stay woke though. Good luck


Jun 17, 2017
I went to search his posts a week ago or whenever i made the original post. His profile does not exist. Click on his name, he's gone.
the admin apparently will ban people and may or may not remove all of the persons posts. in this case, he left them. in others (chassidy, colonel valerio) theyre gone.

Seeing he posted a Muslim video and supported his stance with Quran i think its pretty obvious he was talking to Muslims.
this was posted in the den for all to see. if he felt this was solely a religious issue, i think he would have posted it in the religious forum. i think he simply used the videos to further elucidate his point.

Sure, the entire world should forbid the bad and enjoin the good but does a non Muslim even know what evil is?
boy, is that presumptuous. do you think only islam has cornered the market on morality? maybe you do.

I believe you are a Christian so we both believe Jesus will return to rule. What kind of laws do you think he will enforce? I can guarantee churches will not allow homosexual unions for starters.
im not a christian.

Far as those deciding for themselves.. If a man got caught stealing the punishment is to cut off his hand.
At some point for the betterment of society Gods law needs to be enforced as He knows best, but how many "non believers" are gonna agree with this? In an age where billions deny God altogether? Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is shariah, while sharia literally means Gods law, such as the 10 commandments, as in thou shall not steal.
a religious state? no thanks. i like my god given freedom. i have absolutely no business telling someone else how and what to pray to, or foisting what i believe god commands onto anyone else. let them find their own way and let god take it up with that person.

gods law, to me, is the one natural law: dont steal. you probably wont agree with that, and thats OK.

Far as moving this convo, this is a two year old thread with some 30 posts with maybe 2 or 3 actually being about memes. I don't see the point. Granted, most of this post belongs in the other thread but seeing half of the users here can't be bothered with "derailing", why should i?
this thread is completely derailed and ruined (for now), so we might as well keep talking here.
just because other users cant be bothered with derailing avoidance does not mean that derailing should be done or encouraged.


Jun 17, 2017
What we have is alot of bias people with strong opinions who don't like to admit when they are wrong. We both know I've been wrong before but even i don't like to admit it.
those who have been wrong and have shown their humility here have earned a great deal of respect (at least from me) and have gained some important knowledge for themselves. kudos to those people.


Jul 27, 2017
awake: state of awareness and consciousness of what really is happening
woke: believing in the various forms of racial NWO social propaganda
All the the stuff we’ve been fed and indoctrined through makes many think they are woke. Not awake.

To be awake. You have to let go and challenge all of what you know. Of course easier said than done.
Letting go of concepts that defined you as a character, mentally, spiritually. Even I struggle letting go.
However I acknowledge that perhaps everything I’ve learned systematically was designed to turn me into a slave system. To be ignorant and stir division


Jul 27, 2017
I cannot tell someone to put aside their religious ideas, their socialist or nationalistic ideas. What they choose to carry forward is up to them.

I have control over my actions. The best I can do is impact those I can.


Jul 27, 2017
the admin apparently will ban people and may or may not remove all of the persons posts. in this case, he left them. in others (chassidy, colonel valerio) theyre gone.

this was posted in the den for all to see. if he felt this was solely a religious issue, i think he would have posted it in the religious forum. i think he simply used the videos to further elucidate his point.

boy, is that presumptuous. do you think only islam has cornered the market on morality? maybe you do.

im not a christian.

a religious state? no thanks. i like my god given freedom. i have absolutely no business telling someone else how and what to pray to, or foisting what i believe god commands onto anyone else. let them find their own way and let god take it up with that person.

gods law, to me, is the one natural law: dont steal. you probably wont agree with that, and thats OK.

this thread is completely derailed and ruined (for now), so we might as well keep talking here.
just because other users cant be bothered with derailing avoidance does not mean that derailing should be done or encouraged.
This thread is derailed Poly. Maybe we can change the title of this thread at this point.

Regardless I think we can all debate respectfully here.


Jun 17, 2017
from: malatesta
factually incorrect moogly

hey, whats up!!

some of your accounts were wiped clean. others still remain.
when i said "colonel valerio", i meant you and not a specific account of yours.


Jul 27, 2017
oh you know just the grind. Life’s better without this place but I do check in every now and the , know thy enemy and all that, and I felt like correcting the record. Colonel and TMT (the only accounts worthy of note )posts are still up and for the newbies here,are worth perusing for a counter to the narratives and misinformation here ( also there is a lot of drunken rage just a heads up )

well im here so i might make a few posts, I’d say it’s good to see you but you know..



Jun 17, 2017
Colonel and TMT (the only accounts worthy of note )posts are still up and for the newbies here,are worth perusing for a counter to the narratives and misinformation here ( also there is a lot of drunken rage just a heads up )
good, im glad theyre still up.

well im here so i might make a few posts, I’d say it’s good to see you but you know..
haha, thats fine.
if you read nothing else from me, keep far away from that gene therapy "vax".


Jun 28, 2020
I’ve only known Chass to have 3 sock accounts since I’ve been here. I believe she has severe mental health based on her reactions.

There is extreme feminism that creates division.
Idk if it’s satanic as I feel religion itself has also been another factor in division.

Women are not equal? Wtf you smoking? Just because a female doesn’t serve you, she’s godless.
That sounds like a satanic form of slavery if you pull the religious card.

My observation is everyone here is so deep into their opinion you guys are letting your opionion/fear and paranoia affect your life.

It’s opinions like this where women or “minorities” not seen as equals is the reason why I cannot take conspiracies as serious anymore. Society is changing and perhaps failing cause your strong opinions are creating division. Stay woke though. Good luck
I didn't say women weren't equal. I said many choose feminism because they feel like they are oppressed by men, ie not equal.

That said, I'll highlight the obvious. We are not equal. A man can not have a baby and a woman whose not on steroids can't deadlift 500lbs.

As I've said before woman exceeds man in some aspects while man exceeds woman in other aspects. Together we complete one another and it is designed this way. There's a reason woman weren't the bread winners when the prophets walked amongst us. But today.. everything is backwards.

This is why i don't like arguing feminism, words are easily twisted. We are not equal but this does not grant one sex superiority.

Ironically God has cursed men who try to act like woman and woman who try to act like men.


Jul 27, 2017
oh you know just the grind. Life’s better without this place but I do check in every now and the , know thy enemy and all that, and I felt like correcting the record. Colonel and TMT (the only accounts worthy of note )posts are still up and for the newbies here,are worth perusing for a counter to the narratives and misinformation here ( also there is a lot of drunken rage just a heads up )

well im here so i might make a few posts, I’d say it’s good to see you but you know..
I think I need to disappear from this place for a bit too. Lol.


Jun 28, 2020
this was posted in the den for all to see. if he felt this was solely a religious issue, i think he would have posted it in the religious forum. i think he simply used the videos to further elucidate his point.
You make a good point.

boy, is that presumptuous. do you think only islam has cornered the market on morality? maybe you do.
I think morality comes from God.. and the truth is you can't find God unless you're upon an Abrahamic religion. Unless you're hanging on to something He actually sent down.

Obviously Islam is the straight path but this does not mean all Christians and Jews are deviant. While other mainstream religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism are actually anti Abrahamic. Hindus bow to graven images while Buddhists worship a man.

As i briefly explained to Maes, "Goodness" can be subjective and there are many examples. Lets take the plight of the gay man. Guys never looked into religion and like everyone else, he only wants food, shelter and security. When he champions "gay rights" to him this is a good thing. Even though God calls it an abomination.

Luciferans are a good example. Such as those who are involved with MK ultra. They abuse their own kids, r*pe them, lock them in dark boxes for days. These people are so twisted they think what they are doing is good, they think it makes their young strong. Whats evil to you and me is not to others.

Like i said and firmly believe. Right and wrong come from what God has sent down as it is only with Gods help we can see the truth from the falsehood.

Its ok if you don't agree. We can agree to disagree on it.


Mar 4, 2020
Speaking of porn, it certainly got my pulse racing in my younger days, but I later simply got bored with it because it was so cold and loveless.
Call me oldfashioned but I think true love between a man and woman is one of the most beautiful things in the world and shouldn't be cheapened by being paraded in front of cameras.
"Control yourselves honourably, not in lust like the heathens" (1 Thess 4:4/5)
"Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love.." (Ecc 9:9)
"And God said 'It is not good for the man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18 )
"Two are better than one, for how can one keep warm alone?" (Ecc 4:9-11)

Jesus said:-"The Creator made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' So they are no longer two, but one." (Matt 19:4)

"Judy Judy Judy.."


Jun 28, 2020
Which came first for you Christian Tidal, porn or the prostitutes?

Maybe Awoken is right when he says you're just here to make Christians look bad.


Jun 17, 2017
Its ok if you don't agree. We can agree to disagree on it.
i agree with your intent to do good, and most of your beliefs.
i very much disagree with the ways and means you wish to carry them out and the removal of others' free will to choose.

thats all.