Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jul 23, 2020
The sad truth is SM (even the other agencies) still push that agenda on new idols and trainees, and to be honest each Kpop generation is more fragile than the previous one. It's even getting harder to predict how this industry's future will be...
I remember an article I read recently about an entertainer (not Korean) who predicted that the end of K-pop will be in the next few years.
Might explain why LSM is selling his shares and asking other agencies to buy into the company. He might have seen the writing on the wall.


Jul 23, 2020
Can you please share the link to that entertainer?
Hey @Taeminfan2022 how have you been?
Here is a reddit discussion..

CNN article

One of the other reasons is that the West sees KPOP as a cultural threat. Colonization was a success because they were able to force their victims into adopting their KPOP has a strong influence and those who love the Kwave are learning the language. This is a threat to "white supremacy"...they will kill it.


Jun 2, 2021
Onew won't speak because he's alone and no one will get his back if he decides to make such a step. And he witnessed with his own eyes what SM is capable to do, so he probably knows what's gonna happen to him if he opens his mouth. Unlike JYJ and Shinhwa, they decided TOGETHER to disbanded from SM.

"Genuine Emotion" you said...?
There's a well known basic rule in the Korean acting world "if you can shed tears in front of the camera in 7 seconds, you're a professional actor". It's a skill hard to accomplish even for the veteran actors.

Regarding the BDSM ring, since when idols were filming for a variety show without a PRESET...?
SM was striving alot with Jjong to make him adopt gay concept but he refused.
As for that letter, it reminds me how clever and genius he was, cuz he knew how sensitive this matter is for the society.
There was a protest in Korea against some political issues by college students at the time, and as always, the government was trying to draw attentions away from that movement by other news articles -and obviously not posting anything about ot- to avoid more students paricipation. But, Jjong did both at the same time, he participated in the protest and drew the attentions back by posting what considered as a "Hot Topic" for an idol, and all that was done indirectly. So, that doesn't make him neither a gay nor a supporter for that community. After all he wasn't religious at all.

The question here is about the Catholic man, who represented himself as Jesus in his album, performing a promiscuous dance with ladies outfit on, and expressed his happiness from being worshipped.

Don't worry about me friend, I'm not here seeking for an agreement to my opinion and it's my pleasure to have this discussion with you.:)
So at the end of the day j0nghyun is a saint onminkey deserve to be hated but they are not that bad and T@emin is the devil on earth.
Firstly, if he supported this agenda to fool Sm than that was not clever it was very foolish of him bcz now every koop fans uses j0nghyun as a gay icon people use his name to celebrate pride month I don't care what his intentions were he did end up doing what he supposedly was against.
About Mr. Catholic man hwasa used the same symbolism in Maria also but I didn't see you people dragging her like you do to him also you can hate on him all you want its justified but sometimes the hate against him goes too overboard like I saw someone call him narcissist and selfish bcz minho was there to send him off for his enlistment ignoring the fact that he sent off all of his hyungs to the military I saw people calling him j0nghyun wannabe for biting his pet cat on this thread like he gets shamed for doing even normal things now :rolleyes:
About the genuine emotions talk at the end of the day we are all speculating we don't know them personally it may seem genuine to someone and fake to another to me they did look like genuine emotions and I still believe they were genuinely hurt by his death.
I am not going to talk to you about this matter anymore it's been dragged on for too long let's just end this discussion peacefully here.


Jul 23, 2020
yes I don't believe that theory that was kind of like a response to those people who say his members (Taemin) killed him I don't any of his members were directly involved in his death but it could be possible that he was one of the candidates for the sacrifice like j0nghyun I just mentioned it because I find it strange how all of these incidents happened in the same year also I have watched radio star with Sh1nee the point is if he knows about it why doesn't he say anything why is he still in 5m also I suggest you to watch there from now on concert there are times where they fake their emotions and there are times when you can tell they are genuinely hurt the emotions they displayed in that concert were genuine
Minho's expression don't seem fake at all he genuinely missed j0ng:(
All of them look sad in this one as well I watched this concert some time ago and seeing there reaction I genuinely cried yes they fake there emotions alot but some emotions cannot be faked. also I know you love j0nghyun and believe he was pure but have you seen 5hawol's post why did j0nghyun have that BDSM ring in his room? why was he keeping it in a room he shared with a 14-15 year old christian boy? again why he defended his internet war performance with T@emin? if he felt uncomfortable doing it why did he display support for it?
Why did he support lgbtq agenda he could've posted any other letter why did he have to post this one?
here is a translation of that letter

j0nghyun was a kind person I pray for him but as a religious person who believes that this is a major sin his support for lgbtq agenda does not sit right with me. Again you have a right to your opinion if you think he was a pure person then I won't argue with you I won't say you are wrong in hating Sh1nee members either but I respectfully choose to disagree with your opinion.
One of the things I remember about Jesus is that he protected a prostitute from death. That was the equivalent of LBGQ. I have had gay friends in fact one of them named Levi was always very kind, but judging him is not my place because I too have my own to be judged on. As I remember the story, he said he supported that gay person because he was being attacked not because he was gay. JJong himself said he doesn't swing that way so he was straight. Anyway to each their own. Only he and his creator know their relationship....i don't know what he did when no one was watching, right? he he he


Jun 2, 2021
Taemin has a beautiful place

Surprised that Key hadn't been there

Key ain't that close with them he did not even visit mine once in the military t@em said he went to visit him in the military but he refused to meet him bcz he couldn't be bothered to be dressed for him but he had time for female celebs
Minho talks about it here he met both t@em and 0new but key didn't even send him text messages I think key isn't that close to them only has a business relationship with them


Jun 2, 2021
View attachment 57280
I mean take a look how the whole m0ve performance started. People got scanned and when it was Ch4n1s turn the lights went red.
Also everything else: the colors used during the performance, them acting like they drink wine 2 times (1× 5uH0, 1x d4w0n). Even the tree the dancers formed looked kind of creepy to me. And it wasn't only in the cover. They made use of it during their Bel1ever performance too.

In the beginning of Bel1ever you can see only one eye of each member
View attachment 57281I

I don't really want to comment on the whole performance, but everything the dancers and members do creeps me out.
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I mean what is it even supposed to be?
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Or this. Should it show some kind of duality? Or a split personality?

And then there is the tree I was talking aboutView attachment 57285
I am not sure what this all is supposed to mean. I thought maybe some of you guys can interpret it.
Kingdom is a big mass ritual every performance is dark and sinister someone posted about it earlier here Ateez did a mass ritual like performance on kingdom san's grandfather died the next day.


Jul 23, 2020
So at the end of the day j0nghyun is a saint onminkey deserve to be hated but they are not that bad and T@emin is the devil on earth.
Firstly, if he supported this agenda to fool Sm than that was not clever it was very foolish of him bcz now every koop fans uses j0nghyun as a gay icon people use his name to celebrate pride month I don't care what his intentions were he did end up doing what he supposedly was against.
About Mr. Catholic man hwasa used the same symbolism in Maria also but I didn't see you people dragging her like you do to him also you can hate on him all you want its justified but sometimes the hate against him goes too overboard like I saw someone call him narcissist and selfish bcz minho was there to send him off for his enlistment ignoring the fact that he sent off all of his hyungs to the military I saw people calling him j0nghyun wannabe for biting his pet cat on this thread like he gets shamed for doing even normal things now :rolleyes:
About the genuine emotions talk at the end of the day we are all speculating we don't know them personally it may seem genuine to someone and fake to another to me they did look like genuine emotions and I still believe they were genuinely hurt by his death.
I am not going to talk to you about this matter anymore it's been dragged on for too long let's just end this discussion peacefully here.
No one deserves to ne hated and no one is a saint. Taemin doesn't hide his occult's public knowledge and just as fans mistakenly believe him to be gay due to his actions so does Taemin. His occult symbols are now considered they all have issues he he he.



Jun 2, 2021
One of the things I remember about Jesus is that he protected a prostitute from death. That was the equivalent of LBGQ. I have had gay friends in fact one of them named Levi was always very kind, but judging him is not my place because I too have my own to be judged on. As I remember the story, he said he supported that gay person because he was being attacked not because he was gay. JJong himself said he doesn't swing that way so he was straight. Anyway to each their own. Only he and his creator know their relationship....i don't know what he did when no one was watching, right? he he he
You didn't have to compare him to jesus come on and yeah I don't think he was part of that community.


Jun 2, 2021
No one deserves to ne hated and no one is a saint. Taemin doesn't hide his occult's public knowledge and just as fans mistakenly believe him to be gay due to his actions so does Taemin. His occult symbols are now considered they all have issues he he he.

View attachment 57291
Could you give me the link for this plz also my point was simply that you guys go overboard with the t@emin hate on this forum everything he says represents his belief but if j0nghyun or any other sh1nee member did something bad no they were faking it for the cameras why did you have to call him selfish for asking minho to accompany him to the army base when he did the same for all of his hyungs? When someone analyzes his mvs and hates on him for promoting evil agendas that is justified but when you guys hate him for small things like that it is not justified at all.


Dec 2, 2019
So at the end of the day j0nghyun is a saint onminkey deserve to be hated but they are not that bad and T@emin is the devil on earth.
Firstly, if he supported this agenda to fool Sm than that was not clever it was very foolish of him bcz now every koop fans uses j0nghyun as a gay icon people use his name to celebrate pride month I don't care what his intentions were he did end up doing what he supposedly was against.
About Mr. Catholic man hwasa used the same symbolism in Maria also but I didn't see you people dragging her like you do to him also you can hate on him all you want its justified but sometimes the hate against him goes too overboard like I saw someone call him narcissist and selfish bcz minho was there to send him off for his enlistment ignoring the fact that he sent off all of his hyungs to the military I saw people calling him j0nghyun wannabe for biting his pet cat on this thread like he gets shamed for doing even normal things now :rolleyes:
About the genuine emotions talk at the end of the day we are all speculating we don't know them personally it may seem genuine to someone and fake to another to me they did look like genuine emotions and I still believe they were genuinely hurt by his death.
I am not going to talk to you about this matter anymore it's been dragged on for too long let's just end this discussion peacefully here.

I wanna share some Proverbs:
Proverbs 26:4

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.
Proverbs 29:9
If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.
Proverbs 18:2
A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Unfortunately, I think the following two verses applies to me. Yeah, Im sure :rolleyes:
Proverbs 18:6
A fool's lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating.
Proverbs 26:11
Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly. :oops:

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
So at the end of the day j0nghyun is a saint onminkey deserve to be hated but they are not that bad and T@emin is the devil on earth.
Firstly, if he supported this agenda to fool Sm than that was not clever it was very foolish of him bcz now every koop fans uses j0nghyun as a gay icon people use his name to celebrate pride month I don't care what his intentions were he did end up doing what he supposedly was against.
About Mr. Catholic man hwasa used the same symbolism in Maria also but I didn't see you people dragging her like you do to him also you can hate on him all you want its justified but sometimes the hate against him goes too overboard like I saw someone call him narcissist and selfish bcz minho was there to send him off for his enlistment ignoring the fact that he sent off all of his hyungs to the military I saw people calling him j0nghyun wannabe for biting his pet cat on this thread like he gets shamed for doing even normal things now :rolleyes:
About the genuine emotions talk at the end of the day we are all speculating we don't know them personally it may seem genuine to someone and fake to another to me they did look like genuine emotions and I still believe they were genuinely hurt by his death.
I am not going to talk to you about this matter anymore it's been dragged on for too long let's just end this discussion peacefully here.

Fine by me.
But I'de like to clarify that I'm only interested in SM's 1st and 2nd generations idols, that's why I didn't mention hwasa and didn't even heard of her album.

Edit: If anyone else wanted to continue this discussion with me, then please feel free.:D
Last edited:


Oct 13, 2020
So at the end of the day j0nghyun is a saint onminkey deserve to be hated but they are not that bad and T@emin is the devil on earth.
Firstly, if he supported this agenda to fool Sm than that was not clever it was very foolish of him bcz now every koop fans uses j0nghyun as a gay icon people use his name to celebrate pride month I don't care what his intentions were he did end up doing what he supposedly was against.
About Mr. Catholic man hwasa used the same symbolism in Maria also but I didn't see you people dragging her like you do to him also you can hate on him all you want its justified but sometimes the hate against him goes too overboard like I saw someone call him narcissist and selfish bcz minho was there to send him off for his enlistment ignoring the fact that he sent off all of his hyungs to the military I saw people calling him j0nghyun wannabe for biting his pet cat on this thread like he gets shamed for doing even normal things now :rolleyes:
About the genuine emotions talk at the end of the day we are all speculating we don't know them personally it may seem genuine to someone and fake to another to me they did look like genuine emotions and I still believe they were genuinely hurt by his death.
I am not going to talk to you about this matter anymore it's been dragged on for too long let's just end this discussion peacefully here.
i love the way you think


Oct 13, 2020
H! I can see that as well. Him being sacrificed and dead, an energy harvest. The reason I think his death was staged is because from looking deeply into celebrities, I’ve found that celebrities play roles. For example, I do not think that Sul!i is dead. Reason being, I think she is playing a role. Specifically, emi!ly Mei. The similarities between then are undeniable and I wanted to deny it because I loved the character, Sul!i. Now I realize that they’re simply making a mockery out of the public. Emi!ly was in a tiktok with @mber !liu, and su!li/emi!ly look alike. I do not think it’s a coincidence, they like to hide things in plain sight. So, I believe as of right now that these celebrities play roles, and the “deaths” are simply just shows on the world stage. Now, from looking into various examples.
ohhh who is giving u this info ??? like do u have a source ?


Aug 20, 2020
ive been saying that jonghyun was scarified according to the satanic calendar but i’ve not linked any proof simply bc i was too lazy lol but here are the resources and all that’s left is to connect the dots urselves.

he died on the day of new moon - december 18th
then was buried on the day of the winter solstice - december 22th

this video goes into it, skip to 22:25 but watch the entire thing for more info if u want

here’s a link to the calendar

keep in mind that the sacrifices may vary (it says at the top). i think the sacrifices listed there are just the standard or typical ones that take place. but jh dying on the new moon phase and then buried on the winter solstice is suspicious - especially taking into consideration all the predictive programming etc that has been going on throughout his career . . . i’m sure it’s safe to conclude that he was sacrificed and actually died unfortunately.
I read about the winter solstice who is the longest night in the year,and one of the most important sabbath in pagan/satanism ,and i think this is a big sacrifice.Not a sacrifice for jealousy or stupid things.
A sacrifice related to important things
New moon is a phase when people do rituals for a new beginning
I don't know why Jh was considered the person right for this ritual,and Sulli death could be a sacrifice to increase the power of the first ritual.But these people pay attention to the energy of someone.Sulli was the visual and was considered one of the best female visual ,Jh maybe for the powerful voice and the powerful energy he had.The sacrifice is an exchange of energy,so this is not a casual choice.This is not only a punishment.He was chosen for a reason.Same for Sulli.


Feb 16, 2021
Hey @Taeminfan2022 how have you been?
Here is a reddit discussion..

CNN article

One of the other reasons is that the West sees KPOP as a cultural threat. Colonization was a success because they were able to force their victims into adopting their KPOP has a strong influence and those who love the Kwave are learning the language. This is a threat to "white supremacy"...they will kill it.
Thank you, I am doing well, how about you?


Oct 13, 2020
I read about the winter solstice who is the longest night in the year,and one of the most important sabbath in pagan/satanism ,and i think this is a big sacrifice.Not a sacrifice for jealousy or stupid things.
A sacrifice related to important things
New moon is a phase when people do rituals for a new beginning
I don't know why Jh was considered the person right for this ritual,and Sulli death could be a sacrifice to increase the power of the first ritual.
yes yes yesss omg big brain. the sacrifice could be linked to how most ppl say jh died for the increased globalisation of kpop. like after he died kpop Blew Up every group from the big 3 and hybe came to the states etc - a new beginning for kpop.

and sullis death may have just been another energy harvest to keep us in a low vibration and to increase the power maybe, i never thought of that.

i truly have no idea how they pick these ppl to sacrifice but they seem to do it by gematria and gematria comes from mystical practices so it in itself is a form of magic. like the amount oh number 9’s surrounding jhs death (9 is the flipped number 6 - elite love reversing things and 6 is the devils number (666) also 69 = above so below so 6 and 9 are sacrificial numbers).


Jun 2, 2021
No one deserves to ne hated and no one is a saint. Taemin doesn't hide his occult's public knowledge and just as fans mistakenly believe him to be gay due to his actions so does Taemin. His occult symbols are now considered they all have issues he he he.

View attachment 57291
Fine by me.
But I'de like to clarify that I'm only interested in SM's 1st and 2nd generations idols, that's why I didn't mention hwasa and didn't even heard of her album.

Edit: If anyone else wanted to continue this discussion with me, then please feel free.:D
ohh I didn't know about that I am mostly familiar with sm idols and I don't know much about 3rd-4th gen groups beyond bt5 but I knew about maria bcz she won some awards for that last year


Feb 16, 2021
Could you give me the link for this plz also my point was simply that you guys go overboard with the t@emin hate on this forum everything he says represents his belief but if j0nghyun or any other sh1nee member did something bad no they were faking it for the cameras why did you have to call him selfish for asking minho to accompany him to the army base when he did the same for all of his hyungs? When someone analyzes his mvs and hates on him for promoting evil agendas that is justified but when you guys hate him for small things like that it is not justified at all.
I don't hate T@emin as a person and I don't think it's nice to assume for the entire forum. When someone is a public figure with hundreds of millions of people looking up to them, they can be subjected to constructive criticism because they have a heavy responsibility. I am in this forum since February and not even once I saw a member hating, in fact many prayed for him to stop the demonic cultivation, his self starving, deforming his face with fillers etc.