A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Police clash with demonstrators as huge anti-lockdown protests break out in Germany and Switzerland

  • Demonstrators took to streets in central German city of Kassel and were pictured engaging with riot police
  • In Berlin , some 1,800 police were on standby for possible riots, but only few dozen protesters assembled
  • In Zagreb, the Croatian capital, protesters also took to the streets to demonstrate against coronavirus
  • In Paris, images showed eerily quiet streets as non-essential shops in the city were closed from Saturday
Harry Howard and AFP – Daily Mail March 22, 2021

Protesters clashed with police in Germany and Croatia and some took to the streets in Switzerland on Saturday as new lockdowns were introduced in France, Poland and Ukraine to battle a third wave of coronavirus.

Police used pepper spray to disperse people protesting against coronavirus curbs in the German city of Kassel in one of the country’s largest such rallies so far this year.

The protest attracted between 15,000 and 20,000 demonstrators, a Kassel police spokesman told AFP, making it one of the largest such rallies so far this year.

Several groups, most of them far-right opponents of government’s regulations to fight the pandemic, had called for protests Saturday in cities across the country.

In Berlin, some 1,800 police officers were on standby for possible riots, but only a few dozen protesters assembled at the city’s landmark Brandenburg Gate.

In Switzerland, thousands of demonstrators descended on the small northern Swiss town of Liestal, while others gathered in Basel, to demand an end to measures that have shut restaurants and other venues for months.


Mar 27, 2017
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
2013 Rockefeller Paper Envisaged Global Lockdown

2013 Rockefeller Paper Predicted Isolation & No Physical Contact

At the 2013 Global Health Summit in Beijing, China, 112 key individuals from governments, the private sector, international organizations, and other groups, met to discuss how the next 100 years of global health may look. The summit released a white paper, titled: Dreaming the Future of Health for the Next 100 Years, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

In a section of the report that detailed what the participants were relatively certain of, there is a description of life that has many similarities to what has transpired in response to Covid, including isolation and an increasingly virtual life:

"The abundance of data, digitally tracking and linking people may mean the 'death of privacy' and may replace physical interaction with transient, virtual connection, generating isolation and raising questions of how values are shaped in virtual networks... Education will undergo major transformation due to convergence of insights from cognitive psychology and new online tools (chunking, crowdsourcing, chatrooms, mass open online courses) creating learning spaces in the 'many to many' forms of peer to peer learning, outside formal classrooms" (p.8).

The report then moves on to hypothesize on four different scenarios that could take place in the future, under a section, titled: Waking Up in 2050.

In Scenario 1, The Scramble for Health Resources, there is a dystopian depiction of what life may be like in January, 2050: ...

"Many are worried about the possibilities of infectious diseases from Section X spreading to their neighbourhood. Their private health management schemes have sent reassuring messages that they are covered in their packages by a fault-free surveillance system that is able to detect any disease, and reminders to ensure that they have had their annual sensor checks" (p.13).

In Scenario 2: Health if we Make it Happen, the report discusses the possibility of a Global Standards Agency in Beijing, and a common international currency, by January, 2050:

"We were briefed by videoconference from the Global Standards Agency in Beijing on the latest norms cities should reach on environment, wellbeing, local production and recycling. We raised our concern that state authorities are not enforcing the standards. The Community Food Producers Association asked why the findings of the 2047 evaluation on investing in state and citizen enforcement were not being acted on. The representative of the GSA told us that is a local matter, but Greg from the CFPA raised that local government funds collapsed after the common international currency (CIC) was adopted" (p.14).

There are many other sections of this paper that are worth noting, as they provide insights into how elite networks see the future. For instance, the paper argues that there will probably be a decline in fertility, a trend we are already seeing in many countries:

"People will live longer and fertility will decline, with women exercising their reproductive rights" (p.6).

The report notes that humans will most likely "interact more with artificial intelligence," and envisages that re-engineering may give birth to hybrid human-robot beings:

"We will interact more with artificial intelligence. The use of robotics, bio-engineering to augment human functioning is already well underway and will advance. Re-engineering of humans into potentially separate and unequal forms through genetic engineering or mixed human-robots raises debates on ethics and equality. A new demography is projected to emerge after 2030 of technologies (robotics, genetic engineering, nanotechnology ) producing robots, engineered organisms, 'nanobots' and artificial intelligence (AI) that can self-replicate. Debates will grow on the implications of an impending reality of human designed life" (p.7).

In relation to the power of nation-states, the paper argues that states power may diminish more, giving rise to megacities, local identity politics, and global networks:

"The power of states and their ability to provide an effective nexus between the local and global levels may diminish in the face of growing megacities, local identity politics, increasing social exclusion, increasing private influence on all spheres of life, widening liberalisation and stronger global networks" (p.10).

Clearly, this report includes many insights relating to the kind of world elite networks of power see coming into view, from the death of physical interaction to a global international currency. The future is not decided however, and, ultimately, your future will be shaped by you - by what you accept, oppose, and desire.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Excellent presentation from Jamie Dlux featuring AIDS scientist Peter Duesberg.
While on the Joe Rogan podcast back in 2012 Prof.Duesberg calls out the medical establishment for the HIV/AIDS scam, which Fauci played a massive role. Worthwhile.
a pattern emerges
Dec 11, 2020
Every adult in the UK will be asked to 'play their part' and test themselves for coronavirus twice a week to help ease the nation out of lockdown


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
More blatant lies.
If a so-called virus cannot be isolated, i.e. positively identified, nor has ever been witnessed infecting a heathly cell, how could any deaths be attributed to it?

Even by their fabricated numbers, there is no so-called pandemic.

