The New (Im)moral Majority - the "Secular Democrats of America"

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
"It is past time for the Democratic party to take back the mantle of religious freedom from the GOP, which has exposed its hypocrisy for all to see by supporting Donald Trump. Christian Nationalists have found willing participants in the Republican party who will join their crusade to destroy the wall of separation that protects religion from government, and government from religion."

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Oct 2, 2017
Quote wars!

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” -- Marcus Aurelius


Jun 28, 2020
Not really seeing why an Englishman would care what goes on in American politics. I hardly care and I'm American.

For what its worth Demorat and Repubitard are both on the same team. They have the same paymasters. Neither gives a damn about you or me. If you want proof, well its abundant.

I've always heard only Americans believe Americans once walked on the moon. I highly doubt this event myself, but the point is the lies are so obvious, no one whose out of reach of the propaganda would ever believe it.

Sad to see non-Americans think American governments actually give a damn about the people or even their religion for that matter.
While the world may be awake to "some" American propaganda, clearly they aren't to all of it.

Sides, America already has a religion. I believe they refer to it as the mystery religion.
Its literally ingrained into the streets.
Dc owl.jpg


Mar 13, 2017
There is something wrong with secularism, though. It's just called blame. It's like the secularist legacy is to blame, and the spiritualist legacy is to get blamed. I get blamed for everything, and funny coincidence, they are all democrats.

To be clear, I don't think republicans are very spiritual. What they do is more like putting stickers on a Ferrari. They can drive the car, but they would rather it just sit in their driveway.


Apr 13, 2019
“A creature revolting against a creator is revolting against the source of his own powers-including even his power to revolt... It is like the scent of a flower trying to destroy the flower.”
~ C.S. Lewis
No atheist is rebelling against a creator, as they don't need to because they don't think the creator exists.. Why rebel against something that does not exist?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
No atheist is rebelling against a creator, as they don't need to because they don't think the creator exists.. Why rebel against something that does not exist?
A child is born who grows up not knowing his father. He doesn’t believe he has a father and denies his existence, but in the mirror, the echo of his fathers face looks back at him, whether he believes in him or not.


Aug 24, 2017
"It is past time for the Democratic party to take back the mantle of religious freedom from the GOP, which has exposed its hypocrisy for all to see by supporting Donald Trump. Christian Nationalists have found willing participants in the Republican party who will join their crusade to destroy the wall of separation that protects religion from government, and government from religion."

I believe everyone should pay attention to what's currently happening with the secularization of society because all this fight against separatism and domestic terrorism has for main objectives to instill faith in governments with the scientific 'truths' it provides while assaulting faith in God.
Just look at this covid experiment, it's impossible to question the vaccine and all the decisions (lockdowns, curfews) that were approved by a scientific council. They were quick to blame place of worship when it all started and for the first time in a thousand year it was forbidden to celebrate easter inside a church.
In France they want to pass a law against 'separatism' that will give government the right to monitor religious gatherings so it's not surprising that the US is going to follow the same example and we already see what they're trying to do in California against sunday church services.

Of course atheists/agnostics and all those who have no clue about what's going on will say that's great we'll have peace and safety.

For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
Jun 1, 2018
"You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong, then you lack empathy, not religion." –
There is only one thing....just one, that separates us from God. and that is sin! There is only one thing that separates us from sin, and that is God. You will be able to make your moral argument and plea in the second resurrection at the Great White Throne Judgment where the book of works is opened. Only a FOOL says there is no God!
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Oct 2, 2017
There is only one thing....just one, that separates us from God. and that is sin! There is only one thing that separates us from sin, and that is God. You will be able to make your moral argument and plea in the second resurrection at the Great White Throne Judgment where the book of works is opened. Only a FOOL says there is no God!
Only a fool, after thousands of years, would still be arguing about whether there's a God or not.
"The only sin in the world is ignorance" -- Thoreau


Mar 4, 2020
"You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong, then you lack empathy, not religion." –

Atheists and nonchristians reject Jesus who preached love and kindness, so we could say that atheists and nonchristians haven't got any morals at all because they've rejected him..;)


Mar 4, 2020
No atheist is rebelling against a creator, as they don't need to because they don't think the creator exists.. Why rebel against something that does not exist?

Scientists mathematically estimate there are thousands of alien civilisations in the universe, and as Jesus said "I am not of this world" he was technically saying he's an alien visitor.
He also said "Even if you don't believe me, believe the miracles.....i'll tell you things hidden since the creation of the world"".
He did 37 miracles so I'd say he was very much worth listening to..;)
He also said he came to save the world, so in that respect he's a kind of Adrian Brody character who says "Follow me if you want to get off this planet"..:)



Jun 28, 2020
Atheists and nonchristians reject Jesus who preached love and kindness, so we could say that atheists and nonchristians haven't got any morals at all because they've rejected him..;)
Didn't you say that 50% of Christians weren't Christian?

I'm pretty sure Catholics think the Prophet Jesus was divine as I'm pretty sure they are the ones who refer to Mary as "mother of god".

So by your own words, a billion people who accept Jesus preached love and kindness have no morals? That what you're saying?
Its getting hard to follow your posts when you become self contradictory.


Mar 4, 2020
Didn't you say that 50% of Christians weren't Christian?
I'm pretty sure Catholics think the Prophet Jesus was divine as I'm pretty sure they are the ones who refer to Mary as "mother of god".
So by your own words, a billion people who accept Jesus preached love and kindness have no morals? That what you're saying?
Its getting hard to follow your posts when you become self contradictory.
Every religion has got its own divisions, for example Sunni and Shiite muslims hate each others guts, and some muslims do terrorism but other muslims don't.
Catholicism has got satan's fingerprints all over it, (for example the catholic IRA once let off a bomb in my home town of Leicester (england), we lived 3 miles away and it rattled our windows and woke up our cat) but at least catholics regard Jesus as the son of God, so most of them have still got a tiny chance of getting to the pearlies, but whether they'll get through only God knows..:)

PS- if ever i meet an IRA terrorist i'd like to ask him what the hell had our cat done to upset the IRA?


Jun 28, 2020
Every religion has got its own divisions, for example Sunni and Shiite muslims hate each others guts, and some muslims do terrorism but other muslims don't.
Catholicism has got satan's fingerprints all over it, (for example the catholic IRA once let off a bomb in my home town of Leicester (england), we lived 3 miles away and it rattled our windows and woke up our cat) but at least catholics regard Jesus as the son of God, so most of them have still got a tiny chance of getting to the pearlies, but whether they'll get through only God knows..:)

PS- if ever i meet an IRA terrorist i'd like to ask him what the hell had our cat done to upset the IRA?
I'm Sunni and i don't hate Shias. For what its worth, 80% of Muslims are Sunni, much larger then the 50% of Christians who are Catholic, which you say are not Christian. I think they'd beg to differ but its not my problem as its your statement.

The Quran says all life is sacred so any from of terrorism immediately removes one from Islam.
Can one who acts in direct contradiction to a religions teachings ever be a part of it?
Clearly this is rhetorical. See if you can use that brain of yours.

I have to agree with "satans finger prints" as God has no mother, nor offspring for that matter.

How does one with no morals have a tiny chance of getting into heaven?
You've said Catholics are not Christian. So these billion "non-Christians" have no morals, right? How can one have the same regards as you and have no morals? Are you trying to say you have no morals Tidal? Trying to keep you consistent is proving to be a very difficult task.

Ironically those who break the first commandment, "No god but Me" won't get to the "pearlies" either. But most won't understand this until judgement day. لا إله إلا الله


Mar 4, 2020
God has no mother, nor offspring for that matter..
..Ironically those who break the first commandment, "No god but Me" won't get to the "pearlies" either..
1- Jesus said "I am the Son of God", and God himself said "This is my beloved son", but you muslims say God had no son.
So who shall we believe, God and Jesus or you muslims?

2- Yup, Christians know there's only one God, but you muslims follow some other god called 'Allah'..:)


Jun 28, 2020
1- Jesus said "I am the Son of God", and God himself said "This is my beloved son", but you muslims say God had no son.
So who shall we believe, God and Jesus or you muslims?

2- Yup, Christians know there's only one God, but you muslims follow some other god called 'Allah'..:)
Didn't take long to derail this thread, did it?

1. Do we need to mention David and Solomon were also called "son of god" in your book? Why don't you worship them?

2. Why don't you admit your "one" god has 3 names, while any single one of them is mentioned you get a different mental image? When i say "God the Father", immediately a certain image appears in your head. When i say "Jesus" a Different image appears in your head. When i say Holy spirit a DIFFERENT image appears in your head.

Why don't you admit your "one" god has opposing wills? Such as Jesus saying Father, take this cup from me, not as i will but as You will?

We both know i can go on with there being 91 verses in YOUR book denying the divinity of Christ. Why do you even bring up this proverbial dead horse? Lord knows I'm sick of this debate. If you want to bow before a man be my guest. Its not like I'll have to answer for it on judgement day.

"Warn those who claim, Allah has offspring".
"They have no knowledge of this, nor did their forefathers. What a terrible claim that comes out of their mouths! They say nothing but lies. " (18:4-5 Quran)

Good luck on judgement day, you will need it.


Mar 4, 2020
1. Do we need to mention David and Solomon were also called "son of god" in your book? Why don't you worship them?
2. Why don't you admit your "one" god has 3 names,
Good luck on judgement day, you will need it.

1- ALL Christians are sons and daughters of God,..:)-
"What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?..Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters" (2 Cor 6:14-18 )
But Jesus is not just "a" son of god like the rest of us, he's THE Son of God, spot the difference?

2- God has NO name, he's just 'God'..:)
Jesus is NOT God, we know that because he said so himself-

Jesus said-"These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me" (John 14:23)
"I am going to the Father, for my Father is greater than I" (John 14:28 )
"Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone" (Luke 18:19)

"Only God knows when Judgment Day will be, I don't know myself" (Mark 13:32)

3- It's not Christians who need luck to get through the pearlies, it's all the Jesus-rejecters who'll need it..:)-
Jesus said-
"Whoever rejects me rejects God" (Luke 10:16)

PS- as for the topic of this thread, most Democrats are hell-bound, the Bible accurately predicted their arrival-
" you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour" (1 John 2:18 )