The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 16, 2017
And you will be able to whine about it. Most people are moving on. Others will be lost without Trump to complain about. Meanwhile, your rights are being destroyed and it ain't the old orange fella doing it. #Distraction101
Right... because I’m so one dimensional.

we haven’t had “Rights” in decades. All parties are guilty of that. I could give a shit less if he has a tv station. I just won’t watch it. I don’t watch tv anyway and you’d have to hold me hostage to watch Fox ad it is. No different.

how’s the hero worship working out for you?

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017

what will you do when Daddy's gone ?

Who's gonna tuck you into bed at night ?
Both of you are quite comical. You go straight to the libby playbook and say I idolize Trump because I do not fret his every move nor give him more power than anyone can possess in a controlled choice situation. FWIW, Jess, you are the one talking Trump TV not me. What will you and Jess do when he is gone? Go for those who were not losing their mind every day over a politician? You two are obsessed with him and made up boogie people on the right who are about to wage war in red hats. And you actually believe that to be true while turning a blind eye to everything else going on meaning again, obsession. A little fact in front of you is I am not the one participating in this thread as a major part of my day. That would be you two who are still letting Trump get to you every single hour of every single day.

Anyone who does not participate in your irrational hate for a man is put on the so-called other side and told they are MAGA people or whatever ridiculous shit you two supply every day. BTW, I was the one who called a Biden win. Documented. Yall were worried sick. They never intended to let Trump win again and they made sure of it. Oh, and both of you need to work on your sarcasm for it doesn't phase me when you use baby talk insults. The mere fact you think some are reeling from his defeat show you have an unrealistic view of how easily some move on in life and place a strong emphasis on the life they create rather than the one they want us to live in or what is said on a message board. Anyone with half a brain and seeing turnout at events prior to the election knows it was crooked as the night when they shut it down and went to work on how to magically make people wake to a Biden win. It was quite the divide tactic.

But I hope it makes you feel better. Happy New Year.. with the emphasis on "New."
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Mar 16, 2017
Both of you are quite comical. You go straight to the libby playbook and say I idolize Trump because I do not fret his every move nor give him more power than anyone can possess in a controlled choice situation. FWIW, Jess, you are the one talking Trump TV not me. What will you and Jess do when he is gone? Go for those who were not losing their mind every day over a politician? You two are obsessed with him and made up boogie people on the right who are about to wage war in red hats. And you actually believe that to be true while turning a blind eye to everything else going on meaning again, obsession. A little fact in front of you is I am not the one participating in this thread as a major part of my day. That would be you two who are still letting Trump get to you every single hour of every single day.

Anyone who does not participate in your irrational hate for a man is put on the so-called other side and told they are MAGA people or whatever ridiculous shit you two supply every day. BTW, I was the one who called a Biden win. Documented. Yall were worried sick. They never intended to let Trump win again and they made sure of it. Oh, and both of you need to work on your sarcasm for it doesn't phase me when you use baby talk insults. The mere fact you think some are reeling from his defeat show you have an unrealistic view of how easily some move on in life and place a strong emphasis on the life they create rather than the one they want us to live in or what is said on a message board. Anyone with half a brain and seeing turnout at events prior to the election knows it was crooked as the night when they shut it down and went to work on how to magically make people wake to a Biden win. It was quite the divide tactic.

But I hope it makes you feel better. Happy New Year.. with the emphasis on "New."
FWIW the zone.. trump is the one talking trump tv. I’m just letting you know about it so that you aren’t too despondent when he’s out of office. You keep denying that your a big fan but your posts say otherwise. You only ever post here anymore to complain about other posters who don’t like trump. Go figure. I’m not here every waking minute of the day. I have other shit to do. When I do SEE SOMETHING I post it here. And it isn’t all about trump, you people just don’t pay attention to anything else.

As for what I’ll do when he’s out of office? I imagine I’ll start complaining about Biden. They all suck.


Jun 20, 2019
FWIW the zone.. trump is the one talking trump tv. I’m just letting you know about it so that you aren’t too despondent when he’s out of office. You keep denying that your a big fan but your posts say otherwise. You only ever post here anymore to complain about other posters who don’t like trump. Go figure. I’m not here every waking minute of the day. I have other shit to do. When I do SEE SOMETHING I post it here. And it isn’t all about trump, you people just don’t pay attention to anything else.

As for what I’ll do when he’s out of office? I imagine I’ll start complaining about Biden. They all suck.
Yes, politicians, like vacuums, do suck. But unlike vacuums, I want the politicians that suck less. Lol


Dec 30, 2020
i’m so confused at this stuff with pence being a traitor, being fired, quitting politics, what did i miss? i see things all over twitter about him being a traitor and death threats to trump but i see no sources or anything to explain the story?


Mar 16, 2017
In this tweet, where exactly does Trump say he personally is starting up a news outlet? Be specific. He may or may not in the future, but this tweet does not confirm or support your statements.
You guys would make godawful detectives. We will see. It’s interesting though cuz I did figure with all the passive aggression prevalent around here some of you should be able to read between the lines. Guess those skill sets aren’t interrelated.


Mar 16, 2017
i’m so confused at this stuff with pence being a traitor, being fired, quitting politics, what did i miss? i see things all over twitter about him being a traitor and death threats to trump but i see no sources or anything to explain the story?
He asked the courts to throw out a lawsuit which was aiming to make him override the election results and pick the new president himself.


Mar 16, 2017
Yes, politicians, like vacuums, do suck. But unlike vacuums, I want the politicians that suck less. Lol
They all suck about equally the same. Just different ways. You prefer the brand of suck trump offers, many others don’t. Either way it’s still suck and we’re still getting screwed one way or another.