The American “Coup d’etat”


Jan 29, 2018
How is he worse than Bush or Obama?
For starters, our infrastructure has suffered greatly because Trump never bothered to fill a bunch of the positions and agencies within the FedGov that actually maintain it. He was just too lazy, stupid and unprofessional to bother filling a bunch of boring (to him) but vital positions and our country has paid a price for that. The two you just mentioned are also horrid, but they do have a basic comprehension of governmental operation and were able to keep the wheels on many of the basic functions Trump has failed with.
Apr 13, 2017
For starters, our infrastructure has suffered greatly because Trump never bothered to fill a bunch of the positions and agencies within the FedGov that actually maintain it. He was just too lazy, stupid and unprofessional to bother filling a bunch of boring (to him) but vital positions and our country has paid a price for that. The two you just mentioned are also horrid, but they do have a basic comprehension of governmental operation and were able to keep the wheels on many of the basic functions Trump has failed with.
I can’t comment here. It’s the first time I hear of this.

I do know alot of infrastructure has suffered at the hands of the agents of chaos since the George Floyd incident.


Jan 29, 2018
I can’t comment here. It’s the first time I hear of this.

I do know alot of infrastructure has suffered at the hands of the agents of chaos since the George Floyd incident.
There are mass positions and entire departments that Trump never bothered to fill. Its taken a HUGE toll on our already problematic infrastructure.


Mar 14, 2017
How is the study of racism and how it effects society RACIST ?

You guys are on autopilot.
How is the study of racism and how it effects society RACIST ?

You guys are on autopilot.
Here’s more for you to chew on.....
“ At one point, Jolie brought up the Black Lives Matter movement in the U.S., global inequality and what she considers to be a poor system of educating U.S. students about Black history and Africa.

"What I see in, for example, American history books (is) how limited they are … They really start teaching people who are Black about their lives through the Civil Rights movement, which is such a horrible place to begin," she said.

Jolie asked Nakate if she could suggest "ways we can further educate people about Africa, about being a Black woman, about all that you know and you feel and the roots of" Uganda.

Nakate responded by correcting a common misperception. "Africa is not just a country," but rather a continent with 54 countries, she noted. "So, people need to know that. And they need to understand the history."

"Even in my country, I remember the history that we learned about, and it talked so much of slavery and all that. I think that is a narrative that needs to change," the 23-year-old activist said. “

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Mar 14, 2017
For starters, our infrastructure has suffered greatly because Trump never bothered to fill a bunch of the positions and agencies within the FedGov that actually maintain it. He was just too lazy, stupid and unprofessional to bother filling a bunch of boring (to him) but vital positions and our country has paid a price for that. The two you just mentioned are also horrid, but they do have a basic comprehension of governmental operation and were able to keep the wheels on many of the basic functions Trump has failed with.
Not sure that paints a complete picture of the reality.... Trump may be an insider but he is not THEIR insider.... or so it may seem. I’m not saying he’s not dangerous or pseudo-deep state. I just don’t know if he’s been in the league of Clinton-Bush-Obama. The word prior to the presidency was that he was thrown out of the club.

Obama’s nominees faced only 17 cloture votes in his first term. Trump’s have faced 108 in 18 months.


Mar 14, 2017
There are mass positions and entire departments that Trump never bothered to fill. Its taken a HUGE toll on our already problematic infrastructure.
I don’t know if there’s really bad blood here... or if Trump really believed Obama was inelligible or if he was just playing to the birther crowd..... but.. ....


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
by Rep. Paul Gosar

“As I write this, I am in our nation’s Capital attending to legislative business, but I remain focused on what is happening in our country regarding our election.

In 2016, then candidate Donald Trump fell victim to a heinous crime that had never before been committed in the history of our country. The outgoing Obama administration weaponized our Department of Justice and FBI to unlawfully spy on their political opponent. They falsified information and crafted a ridiculous narrative around a Russia hoax that would be used as the basis to pursue a sham investigation. That disgraceful investigation became a Sword of Damocles throughout the majority of President Trump’s Presidency.

Before President Trump was even sworn in, Democrat Leftists swore an oath to remove him by any means they could. Official calls to impeach him came before he was even sworn in. At the conclusion of the Russia investigation, they cherry picked a phone call the President had with Ukraine to pursue a farcical impeachment. They failed. They lied about our President every day for four years. Having failed everywhere else, they brazenly engaged in systemic voter fraud and are trying to steal this election. They did it right in front of us with no shame.

For months Joe Biden hid while they carefully planned. The “fact-checkers” became more bold — removing reports and slapping “this claim is disputed” labels on anything that might bruise Joe Biden. For weeks leading up to Election Day, we were told to expect Trump to win big on election night but that in the days that followed, Biden would overtake any lead as mail-in ballots were counted. On election night as votes poured in overwhelmingly for President Trump, Joe Biden told supporters to “Keep the Faith” and “We believe we are on track to win this.” The next morning, we all awoke to see massive, statistically impossible spikes in votes for Joe Biden and almost zero for President Trump. Are we witnessing a coup d’etat?

We will not tolerate this.

As many of you know, I helped organize the very first “Stop the Steal” rally in Arizona right after it became clear that voting patterns emerged that could not occur in the absence of fraud. Patriotic warriors joined together to gather evidence and tell the Left we will not accept a coup and a usurper in the White House.

We all remember when candidate Joe Biden held a rally in downtown Phoenix and precisely zero people attended. Nada. Zilch. It was a clear reflection of the utter lack of popular support in Arizona for Biden. Conversely, President Trump held rallies in Yuma, Bullhead City, Prescott, and several other places and 30,000 people showed up in person on 48 hours notice while millions of others watched online. You could not look out your window without seeing patriots waving flags and declaring their support for President Trump. I travel extensively all over this state. I saw 2 maybe 3 signs for Biden between Yuma and Mohave Counties. Otherwise Arizona was a sea of MAGA 2020.

In short, from the pre-election polls, to Election Day, to voter enthusiasm, and to the extreme turnout for Republicans statewide, where every contested down ballot race was won by Republicans (with the notable exception of Martha McSally), it was apparent that Trump would win, and indeed did win, Arizona. It was not even close.

I attended a legislative hearing on Monday and listened to two expert witnesses familiar with Dominion voting software and voting patterns. They both testified that the Arizona results, particularly in Maricopa County, were altered to take votes from President Trump and give them to Biden. Perhaps one of the more damning testimonies came from Dr. Shiva who presented data showing that based upon demographic distribution of Party affiliations, the only way for Biden to have statistically caught up with Donald Trump was if Democrat votes came in at 130% for Biden and -30% for Trump.

A recent hand count of a random sampling of ballots, ordered by a superior court judge, determined that 3% of the votes in Maricopa County were fraudulently recorded against President Trump and in favor of Biden. Considering that Biden supposedly “won” by .06%, this theft of votes is more than enough to put Arizona in President Trump’s column and restore his lawful and rightful victory.

We can never accept the results of fraud. Our right to vote includes the right to a fair vote count. I will fight to restore the rightful victor, President Trump. Our Constitution, our Republic and our nation demand election integrity. We are not giving up. The President has not conceded and will not concede to a Third World coup d’etat. We have a constitutional republic, not a banana republic.

Please stay strong and pray for our country and the true President of the United States. Be ready to defend the Constitution and the White House.”

Paul Anthony Gosar has served as the United States Representative for Arizona’s 4th congressional district since 2013.

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Mar 14, 2017
“the state of Georgia where several serious issues have been shown within the peach state election.”

“the overall instructions had to be coordinated by a central plan because the exact same processes were carried out simultaneously across several regions in exactly the same way. The former New York Mayor suspects that DC was the origination of the plan. “They didn’t do it everywhere. They did it in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta.” “Places where there is a lot of corruption.”



Mar 14, 2017



Mar 14, 2017
Why would they cheat if they didn’t think they needed to?
Yeah, the thing is, the GOP is driving him out as much as anyone else and plenty of GOP swamp creatures are being invited into Biden’s orbit. I have no problem with anyone drawing their line at Trump. I’m not saying Trump is a boy scout but he has told the truth in a way the Romenys, Sasses and Grahams have not. So this isn’t exactly a right vs left thing happening. I see a mass exodus for Republican voters. I’m not sure how it can go down. But there’s lots of people who are pretty fed up with the ruling class. Trump may just be an accidental tourist or something more, but I just care about the rigged voting system. I’m not surprised by it, but I prefer it completely come to light for those who have not yet awakened.
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Mar 16, 2017
by Rep. Paul Gosar

“As I write this, I am in our nation’s Capital attending to legislative business, but I remain focused on what is happening in our country regarding our election.

In 2016, then candidate Donald Trump fell victim to a heinous crime that had never before been committed in the history of our country. The outgoing Obama administration weaponized our Department of Justice and FBI to unlawfully spy on their political opponent. They falsified information and crafted a ridiculous narrative around a Russia hoax that would be used as the basis to pursue a sham investigation. That disgraceful investigation became a Sword of Damocles throughout the majority of President Trump’s Presidency.

Before President Trump was even sworn in, Democrat Leftists swore an oath to remove him by any means they could. Official calls to impeach him came before he was even sworn in. At the conclusion of the Russia investigation, they cherry picked a phone call the President had with Ukraine to pursue a farcical impeachment. They failed. They lied about our President every day for four years. Having failed everywhere else, they brazenly engaged in systemic voter fraud and are trying to steal this election. They did it right in front of us with no shame.

For months Joe Biden hid while they carefully planned. The “fact-checkers” became more bold — removing reports and slapping “this claim is disputed” labels on anything that might bruise Joe Biden. For weeks leading up to Election Day, we were told to expect Trump to win big on election night but that in the days that followed, Biden would overtake any lead as mail-in ballots were counted. On election night as votes poured in overwhelmingly for President Trump, Joe Biden told supporters to “Keep the Faith” and “We believe we are on track to win this.” The next morning, we all awoke to see massive, statistically impossible spikes in votes for Joe Biden and almost zero for President Trump. Are we witnessing a coup d’etat?

We will not tolerate this.

As many of you know, I helped organize the very first “Stop the Steal” rally in Arizona right after it became clear that voting patterns emerged that could not occur in the absence of fraud. Patriotic warriors joined together to gather evidence and tell the Left we will not accept a coup and a usurper in the White House.

We all remember when candidate Joe Biden held a rally in downtown Phoenix and precisely zero people attended. Nada. Zilch. It was a clear reflection of the utter lack of popular support in Arizona for Biden. Conversely, President Trump held rallies in Yuma, Bullhead City, Prescott, and several other places and 30,000 people showed up in person on 48 hours notice while millions of others watched online. You could not look out your window without seeing patriots waving flags and declaring their support for President Trump. I travel extensively all over this state. I saw 2 maybe 3 signs for Biden between Yuma and Mohave Counties. Otherwise Arizona was a sea of MAGA 2020.

In short, from the pre-election polls, to Election Day, to voter enthusiasm, and to the extreme turnout for Republicans statewide, where every contested down ballot race was won by Republicans (with the notable exception of Martha McSally), it was apparent that Trump would win, and indeed did win, Arizona. It was not even close.

I attended a legislative hearing on Monday and listened to two expert witnesses familiar with Dominion voting software and voting patterns. They both testified that the Arizona results, particularly in Maricopa County, were altered to take votes from President Trump and give them to Biden. Perhaps one of the more damning testimonies came from Dr. Shiva who presented data showing that based upon demographic distribution of Party affiliations, the only way for Biden to have statistically caught up with Donald Trump was if Democrat votes came in at 130% for Biden and -30% for Trump.

A recent hand count of a random sampling of ballots, ordered by a superior court judge, determined that 3% of the votes in Maricopa County were fraudulently recorded against President Trump and in favor of Biden. Considering that Biden supposedly “won” by .06%, this theft of votes is more than enough to put Arizona in President Trump’s column and restore his lawful and rightful victory.

We can never accept the results of fraud. Our right to vote includes the right to a fair vote count. I will fight to restore the rightful victor, President Trump. Our Constitution, our Republic and our nation demand election integrity. We are not giving up. The President has not conceded and will not concede to a Third World coup d’etat. We have a constitutional republic, not a banana republic.

Please stay strong and pray for our country and the true President of the United States. Be ready to defend the Constitution and the White House.”

Paul Anthony Gosar has served as the United States Representative for Arizona’s 4th congressional district since 2013.

I just don’t get the dishonesty tbh.. Biden’s campaign was almost entirely virtual. There wasn’t supposed to be any turnout. That was the point.


Mar 16, 2017
“the state of Georgia where several serious issues have been shown within the peach state election.”

“the overall instructions had to be coordinated by a central plan because the exact same processes were carried out simultaneously across several regions in exactly the same way. The former New York Mayor suspects that DC was the origination of the plan. “They didn’t do it everywhere. They did it in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta.” “Places where there is a lot of corruption.”

Meaning: a lot of black people.

I honestly don’t know why you guys put any stock in Giuliani. He is a clown and is as deep in the swamp as you can get. Has been a long time.
Feb 22, 2020
Why would they cheat if they didn’t think they needed to?
There is no way in hell they would be completely unaware that Trump could win via the electoral college. They have data analytics, they would have known it would at least be close, and if Trump was such a threat to the establishment as you would have us believe, there is no way they would take any chances.

What you are asking us to believe is absolute garbage. You can't have it both ways.

If they didn't cheat Trump in 2016, it wouldn't be because they didn't think he would win, it would be because THEY WANTED HIM TO WIN.

Now let me ask you this. TRUMP in 2020 knew he was gonna lose, or at least knew he was in serious trouble. So let me ask you , if you think mass election fraud is a thing. Why would Trump himself not engage in it ?

Trump needed to cheat far more than Biden did.

All the polls had Trump in far more trouble then he was in 2016, because of Covid and other issues.

So is Trump an angel who doesn't cheat ? Despite being a cheat his entire life pre-politics.

You are asking us to believe that a lifelong cheat and hustler, who has links to the Mafia would not cheat in an election, the polls rightly predicted he would lose.

Yet you think Biden, who was projected to win comfortably, is the one who had to cheat.


You all have lost your minds for real.
Feb 22, 2020
Yeah, the thing is, the GOP is driving him out as much as anyone else and plenty of GOP swamp creatures are being invited into Biden’s orbit. I have no problem with anyone drawing their line at Trump. I’m not saying Trump is a boy scout but he has told the truth in a way the Romenys, Sasses and Grahams have not. So this isn’t exactly a right vs left thing happening. I see a mass exodus for Republican voters. I’m not sure how it can go down. But there’s lots of people who are pretty fed up with the ruling class. Trump may just be an accidental tourist or something more, but I just care about the rigged voting system. I’m not surprised by it, but I prefer it completely come to light for those who have not let awakened.
Trump hasn't told any truths, he's just acted as a politician and put out ambiguous slogans which speak in generalities.

"Washington is corrupt"

No shit, is that supposed to be some big revelation.

He's gonna drain the swamp. lol. He talked it but didn't walk it. Politics 101 is to promise shit you have no intention of fulfilling. "Lock her up" "Build a wall" How did that all turn out ?

Its funny how people who think they are awake and hip to the agenda of the elites, get conned over and over by a corrupt politician pretending to be a "populist" a guy who lies literally every time he flaps his lips.

Learn how elites manipulate and control people and stop acting like a sucker.

You are boxing yourself into a world of ignorance and delusion. Everything against Trump can just be written off as "deep state" You are now ignoring g reality because you have to believe Trumps nonsense.


Are you that far gone ?