The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 13, 2017
The PA Supreme Court has rejected the constitutional challenge and it will now go to the US Supreme Court.


Jul 27, 2017
The PA Supreme Court has rejected the constitutional challenge and it will now go to the US Supreme Court.
I don’t think anything will happen. The judges are abiding by a more set in stone accept it results.

The difference between Gore in 2000 and Trump 2020 is although you and I have stated that Trump is using every legal action to contest. Gore was only contesting one state over hundreds of votes.

Where Trump is contesting millions of voted across five states, which at that point, nothing is looking good for Trump.


Jul 27, 2017
We can’t hate Trump for exploring his options. He has his right to do so. We also need to come to a realization that Rudy Guilliani has more than likely ran out of options at this point.


Mar 13, 2017
We can’t hate Trump for exploring his options. He has his right to do so. We also need to come to a realization that Rudy Guilliani has more than likely ran out of options at this point.
I think the plan was always that it would go to the US Supreme Court. There’s also Sidney Powell’s suit in Georgia and I think the case in Nevada is still alive.


Mar 16, 2017
There you go again. My principle is that the law should be upheld, and the chips fall where they may, even if that means disenfranchising millions of people. It’s an unfortunate situation, but it is in no way Trump’s fault or my fault. Blame those who permitted illegal voting, if you want to blame someone. And maybe explain why you think a vote is important, yet not enough to protect with strict adherence to the laws governing how it can be cast.

I had not heard that Pennsylvania had qualified the pandemic as an excuse. Do you have more on that? I believe that the conditions for being able to vote are specified in the state constitution, so allowing pandemic as a reason would have also had to be a constitutional amendment. Was the constitution amended? If it wasn’t, I honestly don’t see how those votes are legal. If there is an argument for why they should not be unconstitutional and therefore illegal, other than “it’s not fair”, I haven’t heard it.

The law is the law for a reason. It recognizes that people are fickle and prone to emotional decisions. It really does suck that 7 million people might not have their votes accepted, but if we have any faith in the law, we have to accept that it’s to be applied equally in all situations.
No one allowed illegal voting. That is what your missing. Nothing about mail in voting was illegal according to Pennsylvania law. So far even trump appointed judges have agreed on that. Yet you don’t.

I don’t have an article on it. I know what I read when I applied for a mail in ballot. I know the process I had to go through which included a double validation process with my social and drivers license needed. I know the disclaimers which were on the page. Mail in voting was expanded in 2015 and used in the 2016 election and the midterms in 2018. It was expanded through the legislature, not the constitution. Why didn’t they challenge those changes? Why only now?


Mar 16, 2017
The PA Supreme Court has rejected the constitutional challenge and it will now go to the US Supreme Court.
They are hopeful the Supreme Court will take the case. They usually don’t unless two lower courts disagree. That has not happened here so if they did it would open up a whole bunch of other legal questions.


Mar 16, 2017
I think the plan was always that it would go to the US Supreme Court. There’s also Sidney Powell’s suit in Georgia and I think the case in Nevada is still alive.
Sidney powell is not a trump lawyer and is not attached to his campaign or election legal teams. So who is her plaintiff?


Mar 18, 2017
Yes, I did deliberately bait you into the Michigan irregularities. It's clearly the only way to draw your attention to them since you've been ignoring evidence, pretending it to be nonexistent, throughout this entire thread. It's borderline suspicious. But I'm glad it caught your attention now. At least you're no longer ignoring it.

Apologies for the erroneous link. I have no idea how that happened.

Here's the video:

In it Crowder brings up this law (12:50) that allows for these AV counting boards when there's over 250 precincts, but none of that takes away from the legitimate arguments, which you do not address. You circle around them with insignificant voting numbers from 2016 (which I only used as an example that overcount is not something made up out of the blue in 2020). What you're doing is a clear case of strawmanning. You are not addressing the actual arguments or the statistical improbabilities, near impossibilities, and it's looking more and more like deliberate deflection. You're already even parrotting the inception created by the media that team Trump is planning the actual coup while ignoring the blatant electoral coup that already happened.

You are still ignoring those anomalous ballot drops after the closing of the voting boards at 6am in the morning with 95+% Biden votes as if they don't even exist, or as if they're not anomalous at all. You're ignoring that it would only have taken Trump to get 36% of the 16,41% election day voter turnout to require Biden to have gotten 100% of a 100% absentee ballot voter turnout to win Detroit with 94,04%. Meaning, if Trump had 37% or more of the election day voter turnout in Detroit, it is not just statistically impossible, but physically impossible for Biden to have won Detroit with 94,04%.

Biden? Really? He wouldn't even get 94,04% if you only had registered democrats vote between him and Trump.

Even if the setting up of independent counting boards for absentee ballots wasn't decided on a whim, why then did they not include the data of registered voters for those counting boards, for which they had plenty of time to organise?
im basically addressing your claim of statistical improbabilities by saying they are not existent. Wayne county votes democrat. Historically, Detroit had more votes for Clinton in 2016 and Obama had more votes than Clinton in 2008 when there was a significantly higher turnout.

I posted the article about this. There was basically the same number of people who voted in Detroit in 2020 as 2016 when trump won by around 10,000 votes. So he barely won, and Michigan hasn’t been red since 1992 if I remember correctly. They are a democrat leaning state that voted for a democrat candidate in almost every election for 30 years.

overall, Biden won in Michigan by about 150,000 and your saying something about there not being enough democrats to make this possible? This becomes some sort of statistical anomaly for you, but I already told you that the Lincoln project crowd was going to be the swing vote this year.

this seems to be hard for many of you to accept. What it looks like happened in Michigan is that Republicans may have helped swing the state blue and it had nothing to do with Detroit. That is a more direct way of putting what I was trying to show in my previous post. I saw the potential for this months ago.

I’m still registered as a republican and trump was the reason I went looking into the libertarian party in 2016 to begin with. There was no way I planned to vote for trump even though I was a Republican at the time and never officially changed this status.

I was even less motivated to vote for him in 2020 and you can pretend that this wasn’t a reality that affected the outcome of the election all you want, but it was. The harsh reality you don’t want to face is that you don’t have to cheat to beat someone like trump. The only person who is in a position to try to cheat is trump himself and I would call many of his lawsuits and legal actions an attempt to try to cheat the system that voted against him.

I’m currently reading the lawsuit filed by Sidney Powell, and if anyone can be accused of trying to cheat at this point, it is people like her trying to represent trump from different angles.

so you trying to bait me with false information just makes you look bad quite frankly. If you can’t approach a discussion with me with any sort of transparency, how on earth do you expect me to take anything you say seriously? I really can’t at this point. You have admitted that you manipulate me when you are responded to me openly because I was able to catch you doing it. You did not admit this voluntarily.

and you can try to play like you were baiting me and feign surprise that I found the same information as you found, but in the pursuit of finding the same information independently, I am still forming a completely different conclusion.

quite frankly, trying to say that you were intentionally baiting me just makes it sound like you are trying to grab onto something since your argument is drowning at this point. You can’t be trusted to say that I’m not looking at statistical anomalies because you are not even being open and transparent with the information you are giving me to review. And you can’t call my argument a straw man just because I formed a different conclusion with some of the same information.
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Mar 16, 2017
Yeah I hear you on the millions of legal votes cast to get disenfranchised. Which is why I see nothing to become of this.

Scary thing if joe wins we may go to war in the name of Murica.

As much as the hardcore Maga hats had me jump off the Trump train this year. At least he attempted to reach out to North Korea, Russia etc.

I worry especially Biden is more like Bush than Obama.
There is a pretty good likelihood that trump starts a war with Iran on his way out the door. Israeli intelligence is preparing for it. So...


Oct 2, 2017
Forget this Trump has no chance now. Ellis is a shit lawyer they didn't even show any evidence of illegal mail-in voting at the PA Supreme Court. No wonder it got rejected. The deep state has won and Biden will drive the US to the ground and the rest of the west with it.


Oct 2, 2017
After reading a bunch of Powell's tweets, I noticed that she is just another one of those Qanon nutjobs. She retweeted someone saying WWG1WGA. The Kraken stuff is stupid as well.

It almost feels like those lawyers were setup to make the serious subject of election fraud look like a farce in the eyes of many.


Mar 16, 2017
Forget this Trump has no chance now. Ellis is a shit lawyer they didn't even show any evidence of illegal mail-in voting at the PA Supreme Court. No wonder it got rejected. The deep state has won and Biden will drive the US to the ground and the rest of the west with it.
Do you think they didn’t present it because maybe it didn’t exist? I don’t think this is some massive deep state assault on trump. I think he served his purpose and his time is up. He did his job. He will continue campaigning for the next four years and pad his coffers with the money of true believers, unfortunately. He is no different. They’ve all been driving the west to the ground for as long as there’s been a west and they will continue to do so - every one of them has their own special role to fill in that ultimate mission.

right now - the American people are more divided then they’ve ever been and the rich are doing better then they ever have. Trumps mission is accomplished.


Mar 16, 2017
Here is her lawsuit. I fight the urge to laugh so much. I’m not familiar with who is listed as the plaintiff, but I don’t think it will last long. Her assumptions are excessive.

Omg.. the first thing you see is q bullshit and then a big DONATE NOW button. This is all an elaborate ponzi scheme.

no legit self respecting lawyer goes begging for donations..


Oct 2, 2017
Do you think they didn’t present it because maybe it didn’t exist? I don’t think this is some massive deep state assault on trump. I think he served his purpose and his time is up. He did his job. He will continue campaigning for the next four years and pad his coffers with the money of true believers, unfortunately. He is no different. They’ve all been driving the west to the ground for as long as there’s been a west and they will continue to do so - every one of them has their own special role to fill in that ultimate mission.

right now - the American people are more divided then they’ve ever been and the rich are doing better then they ever have. Trumps mission is accomplished.
I don't know what the PA lawsuit was all about so I cant say for sure.

Trump would have delayed the deep state for 4 more years. With Biden the empty shell, it will go forward much faster with him doing what his controllers want. But I agree that Trump divided the country, but it was not really his fault it was more because of the marxist infiltration of american society. People whine about transphobia, white supremacy and whatnot on Twitter all day long so this is what you get when you put someone like Trump in power with a society like that.


Jul 27, 2017
I think the plan was always that it would go to the US Supreme Court. There’s also Sidney Powell’s suit in Georgia and I think the case in Nevada is still alive.
It’s possible just seems like a far reach. Conspiracy and deep state stuff aside. Trump made enemies within politics. The SCOTUS are not going to disenfranchise 5 states. If it is one or two states. Sure. But 5 is kinda overkill tbh


Jul 27, 2017
I don't know what the PA lawsuit was all about so I cant say for sure.

Trump would have delayed the deep state for 4 more years. With Biden the empty shell, it will go forward much faster with him doing what his controllers want. But I agree that Trump divided the country, but it was not really his fault it was more because of the marxist infiltration of american society. People whine about transphobia, white supremacy and whatnot on Twitter all day long so this is what you get when you put someone like Trump in power with a society like that.
That’s what I was trying to get across. I am horrible at wording. Yes we’re a conspiracy forum. So the far fetched ideas should float around here, but it hurt the republican party. We need a shake up on the republican side to stand a chance in future elections.

I like Kim Klacik’s ideas when it comes to poor communities. Republicans think like her. We should have a better chance


Mar 16, 2017
I don't know what the PA lawsuit was all about so I cant say for sure.

Trump would have delayed the deep state for 4 more years. With Biden the empty shell, it will go forward much faster with him doing what his controllers want. But I agree that Trump divided the country, but it was not really his fault it was more because of the marxist infiltration of american society. People whine about transphobia, white supremacy and whatnot on Twitter all day long so this is what you get when you put someone like Trump in power with a society like that.
Trump exploited those divisions to fuel his support with his base. Whatever pre existing issues American society has - rubbing salt in them isn’t going to help and is definitely his fault. This country is dying, has been for a long time. He didn’t help that. I didn’t see him hold anything off. I saw him promise to and not deliver. This was never about being a leader for him. His campaign promises and slogans served one purpose and one purpose only - building his “brand” - once you realize he is just another ny trust fund baby asshole it’s all pretty clear.

I don’t know what or who saves this country. Or helps this country. Or turns us back from this edge.. I don’t know if anything or anyone possibly could. I do know that it isn’t the people who want the power that are going to be able to do it. This is something that needs the power of the people and that’s the only thing that stands any chance imo. To clarify - I’m not talking about communism. But there is power in numbers.

I sincerely wish we could all move past these labels and realize we have more in common then we think. We all want the same things, we just disagree on how to get there. If we could truly grasp that maybe it would lead to the opportunity for conversation and compromise. But it’s probably a pipe dream anyway


Oct 2, 2017
Trump exploited those divisions to fuel his support with his base. Whatever pre existing issues American society has - rubbing salt in them isn’t going to help and is definitely his fault. This country is dying, has been for a long time. He didn’t help that. I didn’t see him hold anything off. I saw him promise to and not deliver. This was never about being a leader for him. His campaign promises and slogans served one purpose and one purpose only - building his “brand” - once you realize he is just another ny trust fund baby asshole it’s all pretty clear.

I don’t know what or who saves this country. Or helps this country. Or turns us back from this edge.. I don’t know if anything or anyone possibly could. I do know that it isn’t the people who want the power that are going to be able to do it. This is something that needs the power of the people and that’s the only thing that stands any chance imo.
He did some good things it was not all just politics. I think he really loves his country no matter what.

I agree that the US is dying. Montesquieu said that once the integrity of the republic's election process is compromised, the republic is finished. The US arrived at that point and the end of the 250 year cycle for civilizations. The rest of western nations will follow.'s predictions about nuclear war within 5 years and massive population reduction are pretty alarming. They are miltary contractors so they must know something.


Jul 27, 2017
Trump exploited those divisions to fuel his support with his base. Whatever pre existing issues American society has - rubbing salt in them isn’t going to help and is definitely his fault. This country is dying, has been for a long time. He didn’t help that. I didn’t see him hold anything off. I saw him promise to and not deliver. This was never about being a leader for him. His campaign promises and slogans served one purpose and one purpose only - building his “brand” - once you realize he is just another ny trust fund baby asshole it’s all pretty clear.

I don’t know what or who saves this country. Or helps this country. Or turns us back from this edge.. I don’t know if anything or anyone possibly could. I do know that it isn’t the people who want the power that are going to be able to do it. This is something that needs the power of the people and that’s the only thing that stands any chance imo. To clarify - I’m not talking about communism. But there is power in numbers.

I sincerely wish we could all move past these labels and realize we have more in common then we think. We all want the same things, we just disagree on how to get there. If we could truly grasp that maybe it would lead to the opportunity for conversation and compromise. But it’s probably a pipe dream anyway
It’s because we’re intolerant.
We have an identity per se which creates division.

Hopefully relations improve