The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 16, 2017
I hate the establishment, and all of their agendas, unlike you who picks sides and cheer leads for team red.

I dont like Biden, I just think he's much better than Trump, I'm still against all the bad shit Biden will do, and I will call it out.

Here leftists are already calling out Biden's pick for Secretary of State. Not a good guy. But see I call it out on both sides unlike you cultists.

All his picks so far have been terrible... “vote for Biden you can push him left” they said. Idiots.


Mar 16, 2017
I would very much like for [at least what seems to be] the truth to come out regarding the US elections, for the sake of freedom, free speech, and for a political resistance to the NWO agenda to continue. But if not, things may accelerate in a different direction.

If they had evidence which proved this don’t you think they would have released this by now?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
If they had evidence which proved this don’t you think they would have released this by now?
I cannot vouch for the credibility of this info Jess, but if it is true, it explains the reason for the delay...



Mar 16, 2017
I cannot vouch for the credibility of this info Jess, but if it is true, it explains the reason for the delay...

Ok so a couple things...

Any lawyer with the ability to pass a security clearance (which almost all can because it looks at the same things the BAR looks at to grant your license to practice law) can try these types of cases. Sidney Powell does not have some special sort of ability granted by the courts. They admit this in the first comment following the article.

The election results for both states in question as per that article have already been certified. If that article was correct then they would have released this “evidence” Monday. Instead they fired Powell. You can make what you want of that but to me it seems as if the evidence she claimed to have was lacking so they severed ties.

just think about it like this: if you were trump and you had all this evidence of this horrific crime against democracy and you knew you had millions of avid supporters ready and willing to throw down in the streets to defend you - would you be holding on to that evidence or would you be plastering it everywhere you can and blasting it all over the airwaves? I’d be doing the latter, I think most people would do similar. Instead he gave his approval to begin the transition.

I get a dozen texts and emails from his campaign a day asking me for money. As per the fine print atleast half of the money he is currently raising is going to paying off campaign debts - many of those debts owed to companies he himself owns. It seems to me he has not conceded - not because he’s going to blow the lid off this thing imminently- but because conceding puts an end to the money train coming in. It’s a ponzi scheme.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Ok so a couple things...

Any lawyer with the ability to pass a security clearance (which almost all can because it looks at the same things the BAR looks at to grant your license to practice law) can try these types of cases. Sidney Powell does not have some special sort of ability granted by the courts. They admit this in the first comment following the article.

The election results for both states in question as per that article have already been certified. If that article was correct then they would have released this “evidence” Monday. Instead they fired Powell. You can make what you want of that but to me it seems as if the evidence she claimed to have was lacking so they severed ties.

just think about it like this: if you were trump and you had all this evidence of this horrific crime against democracy and you knew you had millions of avid supporters ready and willing to throw down in the streets to defend you - would you be holding on to that evidence or would you be plastering it everywhere you can and blasting it all over the airwaves? I’d be doing the latter, I think most people would do similar. Instead he gave his approval to begin the transition.

I get a dozen texts and emails from his campaign a day asking me for money. As per the fine print atleast half of the money he is currently raising is going to paying off campaign debts - many of those debts owed to companies he himself owns. It seems to me he has not conceded - not because he’s going to blow the lid off this thing imminently- but because conceding puts an end to the money train coming in. It’s a ponzi scheme.
I’m reserving my judgement on “the evidence” till the scale and quality of that evidence becomes clear. It may be that after all the legal examinations, it becomes evident that majority of the American people really wanted Biden and Harris. If they are the team who US people wanted, they should be able to get them.

I would imagine that for better or for worse, the Trump side will need to make a case that will stand cross examination within the next three weeks.
Apr 13, 2017
A short story.

One morning, a man, let's call him Ronald, wakes up, goes to the kitchen, opens the cookie jar but feels like there are less cookies than the night before. He shrugs, takes a cookie and goes on with his day.

The day after, Ronald again wakes up to the observation cookies have disappeared overnight. When he sees his son walk into the kitchen, let's call him Joey, he asks: "Joey, you been taking cookies when no one was looking?" Joey says "No, why?" Ronald says "You know the rules. Yet every morning cookies seem to have disappeared" Joey says: "Dad, I think you're just seeing things."

Ronald decides to install a camera during the night to unravel the cookie mystery and catches Joey on film nicking two cookies, probably one for himself, another for his sister, let's call her Kamelia, before everyone else wakes up. Now that Ronald has caught the suspect with his hands in the cookie jar, literally and figuratively, he decides to play this one out to see how far the culprits will keep up the facade. Again, he opens the cookie jar while the whole family is seated around the kitchen table. He remarks that cookies have again disappeared and throws Joey an accusing glare. "Joey" he says, "you really have no idea why every day there's less cookies in the cookie jar than the night before?" Joey shrugs "I don't know, dad." Ronald looks at Kamelia who shrugs and shakes her head innocently. "Are you sure?" Ronald says, "There's crumbs leading to your bedroom."

Joey: "That's probably just from last night. I ate cookies last night, remember?"
Ronald: "I vacuumed the hallway after you went to your room."
Kamelia: "Maybe you missed a spot?"

Ronald's wife, let's call her Jessica, intercedes on behalf of the children. "Ronald" she says, "Don't accuse the kids without evidence. I'm sure they wouldn't break the rules, right guys?" Joey and Kamelia nod their heads decisively.

Jessica: "See, Ronald. They said they didn't do it."
Ronald: "So no one took any cookies. They just ate themselves."
Joey: "Maybe it's a raccoon. You always leave the window open."
Ronald: "It's not a raccoon. There wouldn't be a cookie left if it was a raccoon."
Kamelia: "Maybe it was a squirl!" She snickers.
Ronald: "It wasn't a squirl either. The lid is too heavy."
Joey: "So it must've been an animal stronger than a squirl, but less devouring than a raccoon."

Joey and Kamelia both go into a deep pondering posture.

Jessica: "Let it go already, Ron. Certify their innocence or you'll be sleeping in the couch tonight."
Ronald smirks: "You've always been a partisan hack, you know?"
Jessica: "I'm just going whichever way the evidence goes."

During all this time, Ronald kept the hard evidence to himself, exposing the lengths to which the cheaters and their shills would go to deny any form of cheating, probably because they all benefited from the cheating in some form. Little did they know that Ronald had the video footage, not just of the cookie theft itself, but recorded the entire conversation they had around the kitchen table, ready to be disclosed for all to see.
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Mar 16, 2017
And at what point does Ronald unveil the video footage? As a parent (which you aren’t) I can tell you right after they lied to my face and I had it the video footage would be unveiled and they’d be grounded. I wouldn’t be sitting on it for weeks while they continued to “steal” the cookies.

lovely choice of names, sure it’s just a coincidence;)
Feb 22, 2020
All his picks so far have been terrible... “vote for Biden you can push him left” they said. Idiots.
Yeah but all Trumps picks were terrible too, worse even, so I don't really see this as a huge deal. I was under no illusion about Biden, but if he gets back in the Iran deal and doesn't try to burn the country down by starting a civil war, its a net positive IMO.


Mar 16, 2017
Yeah I’m not shocked or anything either. But we have definitely not accomplished anything other than “getting back in line” by electing him. Many people are fine with this and that’s precisely what they wanted. I’m not, I didn’t, and it’s why I didn’t vote. Helen, Kerry, blinken.. I’m sure the list will just continue to irk me as it comes out.
Yeah but all Trumps picks were terrible too, worse even, so I don't really see this as a huge deal. I was under no illusion about Biden, but if he gets back in the Iran deal and doesn't try to burn the country down by starting a civil war, its a net positive IMO.


Jan 29, 2018
It went that way since they were trying to impeach back in January. Trump is no saint and has his faults.

I’d prefer him over Biden as he’s the lesser of two evils. But the power is on Biden’s side.
When are you guys going to smarten up... THEY ARE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN. There is no "competition" beween them... this "close and disputed" election, the vanishing economy and manufacturing base, covid, cuties and the ped agenda... what does it take for you guys ON A CONSPIRACY WEBSITE to gt it together and just fully admit that boths "sides" exist only to funnel resources into their particular coffers of corruption. Thats it. Trump is a scumbag sellout just like the rest, and people on this website totally deicredit themselves when they try promoting him as anything other than what he really is...


Jan 29, 2018
Everything will go according to plan...the NWO folks (Klaus Schwab, Soros, etc) will see to it that they can usher in their Great Reset, Build Back Better, Transhumanistic agenda by futher politicizing COVID. Biden/Harris will follow orders - mandate masks for everyone, push people farther apart...all the while pushing their "New Normal" agenda. And don't forget the vaccine...that's coming too...
Unless the people decide eough is enough and wake up... its really that easy. Not saying it might not be messy or painful, but its just that easy.


Jul 27, 2017
When are you guys going to smarten up... THEY ARE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN. There is no "competition" beween them... this "close and disputed" election, the vanishing economy and manufacturing base, covid, cuties and the ped agenda... what does it take for you guys ON A CONSPIRACY WEBSITE to gt it together and just fully admit that boths "sides" exist only to funnel resources into their particular coffers of corruption. Thats it. Trump is a scumbag sellout just like the rest, and people on this website totally deicredit themselves when they try promoting him as anything other than what he really is...
I’ve actually been hinting that they are the same to meet an agenda. Don’t assume off one post.

The us government is a corrupted one. They have their role into baiting the general public to believe something


Jan 29, 2018
I’ve actually been hinting that they are the same to meet an agenda. Don’t assume off one post.

The us government is a corrupted one. They have their role into baiting the general public to believe something
Im just saying... everything about the corruption of this election and the way both parties are handling it clearly shows that its more political theater, designed to divide and conquer.


Jul 27, 2017
(looks around) Yup, we're still on a conspiracy site forum, so discussion of conspiracies is a bit to be expected. Many people do not trust the elections, so it's not like this is just a tiny splinter group questioning the validity and trying to dig deeper.

People can support the President and not be in a cult, esp. when there were, and are, so many blatantly suspicious things going down. Personally, I will be just fine no matter how this goes, all glory to Jesus Christ. No mental collapses forthcoming. ;)
I hope no mental collapses coming. You guys here are better than that.

Albeit true we are a conspiracy forum, I think not everything is a conspiracy though.
Any hardcore follower is cult like. Trump and biden included.

The thing is trumps followers seem to be more outspoken in this.
Apr 13, 2017
Im just saying... everything about the corruption of this election and the way both parties are handling it clearly shows that its more political theater, designed to divide and conquer.
If they’re both on the same team, why did one side have to commit massive fraud to win? And why would the other side even bother taking it to court? It would be so much easier to lull everyone by pretending nothing happened.


Jul 27, 2017
If they’re both on the same team, why did one side have to commit massive fraud to win? And why would the other side even bother taking it to court? It would be so much easier to lull everyone by pretending nothing happened.
Most people will react to a response.
It’s easy to create a democrat vs republican narrative, which creates a left vs right, white vs black, etc.

It trickles into a divided society


Jul 27, 2017
Im just saying... everything about the corruption of this election and the way both parties are handling it clearly shows that its more political theater, designed to divide and conquer.
I hear ya

I believe the same thing.


Jul 27, 2017
Ok so a couple things...

Any lawyer with the ability to pass a security clearance (which almost all can because it looks at the same things the BAR looks at to grant your license to practice law) can try these types of cases. Sidney Powell does not have some special sort of ability granted by the courts. They admit this in the first comment following the article.

The election results for both states in question as per that article have already been certified. If that article was correct then they would have released this “evidence” Monday. Instead they fired Powell. You can make what you want of that but to me it seems as if the evidence she claimed to have was lacking so they severed ties.

just think about it like this: if you were trump and you had all this evidence of this horrific crime against democracy and you knew you had millions of avid supporters ready and willing to throw down in the streets to defend you - would you be holding on to that evidence or would you be plastering it everywhere you can and blasting it all over the airwaves? I’d be doing the latter, I think most people would do similar. Instead he gave his approval to begin the transition.

I get a dozen texts and emails from his campaign a day asking me for money. As per the fine print atleast half of the money he is currently raising is going to paying off campaign debts - many of those debts owed to companies he himself owns. It seems to me he has not conceded - not because he’s going to blow the lid off this thing imminently- but because conceding puts an end to the money train coming in. It’s a ponzi scheme.
Exactly. There is no evidence. He’s prolonging the inevitable.

The guy has serious debt, which probably means a prison or jail stint when he is out of office.

He baited his hardcore followers into expecting missles and nukes with the establishment all the guy had were a couple of sparklers that the kids use on the 4th of July