2020 General Election Thread


Mar 13, 2017
possibly all 3

care to give another reason why anybody would vote Republican.
When it comes to black and Latinos, I'd say it's because he's worked hard for their votes. Before Covid hit, blacks and Latinos had the highest levels of employment since they started keeping track of those kinds of stats -- in something like 70 years. Biden's been in office about 70 years hasn't he? He sent their jobs overseas. Trump brought them back. Black income is up and black poverty is down in Trump''s America.

Trump increased federal funding for Black colleges and universities, and made $100 million available for scholarships and research at those same schools. At the same time, he made it easier for them to access federal money for growth and improvement.

Trump's First Step Act has reduced prison sentences for 7000 prisoners, something like 90% of them black, and given even more of them a chance at putting prison behind them for good.

Add to that the fact that he hasn't started any wars, which have taken the lives of many black and Latino Americans during the last few administrations, and he's winding down the ones that previous presidents have engaged in, and you might start to see how a person doesn't have to be rich, retarded, or racist to vote for Trump. They just have to know what he's done for America.


Dec 19, 2017
He manipulated them so much that as one they chant we love you?
He just said whatever a nation tired of wars, and liberal agenda, wanted to hear, yet did nothing to actually adress those issues.

Muslims terrorize kill and torture people
Like the famines the British caused in Iran and India? The bombs dropped on Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Sinchon and Vietnam, not to mention the use of agent orange, which has left a good portion of Vietnams plant, animal and human population, and even US veterans and their families in disease and disability up to this day? Raiding and occupying Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria? Guantanamo, Abu Gharib, or caging immigrant childs? None of which you have...
They never take responsibility
Apologized for, let alone make amends? Not to mention all the gun violence?
Beat their wives
And non muslims never do?

Not all Americans are Christian. There is no such thing as a Christian nation
So aren't all the so called muslims countries! And Americas were raided through a christian mission, or at least in the guise of one; unlike you, we don't like to blame a whole religion for the vice of a misguided/pretentious few, that's why today we use "zionist" instead of "jews".

What do Christians have to do with what muslims do, it’s not an equal argument
Honest to God everyday christian civilian? Nothing. But their rulers, and media, which aren't all christian (or any either valid religion)? Most large scale events and catastrophes.

We aren’t like Israel. Christianity is an individual religion.
That's a nice admission.

I’m sorry..I don’t understand what you’re argument is..are you saying that the media likes Christians or doesn’t like them?
They pretend that they do, they don't openly attack christians (or jews or buddhists or hindus or etc.), no crime by a christian perpetrator, even if done through twisted beliefs, is blamed on all of christianity (unlike Islam); but that's a ruse, as christian beliefs and what they hold dear, is, if ever so subtly, attacked and defiled on a routine (The Nun, The Evil Within 2, etc., VC has covered this enough).
Feb 22, 2020
When it comes to black and Latinos, I'd say it's because he's worked hard for their votes. Before Covid hit, blacks and Latinos had the highest levels of employment since they started keeping track of those kinds of stats -- in something like 70 years. Biden's been in office about 70 years hasn't he? He sent their jobs overseas. Trump brought them back. Black income is up and black poverty is down in Trump''s America.

Trump increased federal funding for Black colleges and universities, and made $100 million available for scholarships and research at those same schools. At the same time, he made it easier for them to access federal money for growth and improvement.

Trump's First Step Act has reduced prison sentences for 7000 prisoners, something like 90% of them black, and given even more of them a chance at putting prison behind them for good.

Add to that the fact that he hasn't started any wars, which have taken the lives of many black and Latino Americans during the last few administrations, and he's winding down the ones that previous presidents have engaged in, and you might start to see how a person doesn't have to be rich, retarded, or racist to vote for Trump. They just have to know what he's done for America.
the unemployment was a downward trend from the Obama years, Trump just inherited that trend.

under Obama the unemployment went down by a greater margin. Unemployment numbers are all fudged either way, both under Obama and Trump.

the Federal Funding for Black Colleges was a bill proposed by a Democratic Senator Doug Jones. It wasn't Trump's idea, I guess you could give him credit for not vetoing it.

Obama didn't start any new wars that took Black and Latino lives either (I assume you mean American Black and Latino lives, because both Obama and Trump fail if you are talking globally), thats kind of a silly thing to brag about, especially after assasinating an Iranian general, which was the most provocative action any US president has taken in a long time.

the first step act is a tiny step in the right direction, but it does not undo the far greater harm Trump has done for minorities considering how he lied about Covid, how he has cut 20 million Americans off of healthcare, and how he has cut plenty of other social programs and decimated the Voting Rights Act, created levels of division and hatred that have not existed for at least half a century.


Mar 13, 2017
He just said whatever a nation tired of wars, and liberal agenda, wanted to hear, yet did nothing to actually adress those issues.
He’s bringing home the troops and hasn’t started any wars. He made the economy great again and that led to prosperity for everyone..even us little guys. He’s done a lot for the country already and taken on the swamp to do it. He deserves his recognition of a job well done. No one made those people chant anything.

Like the famines the British caused in Iran and India? The bombs dropped on Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Sinchon and Vietnam, not to mention the use of agent orange, which has left a good portion of Vietnams plant, animal and human population, and even US veterans and their families in disease and disability up to this day? Raiding and occupying Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria? Guantanamo, Abu Gharib, or caging immigrant childs? None of which you have...
What does all that have to do with muslims terrorizing the world? Muslims are terrorists and do horrible things because that is what their founder did and his god..approved of.

Apologized for, let alone make amends? Not to mention all the gun violence?
Do muslims take responsibility for the bombings..the stabbings..the sex slaves? Or do they blame them on other people or events?

And non muslims never do?
Muslims are allowed to beat their wives and treat them so horribly that they can’t go out without an escort and be covered up so it’s as if they don’t exist. Islam is horrible to women.

So aren't all the so called muslims countries! And Americas were raided through a christian mission, or at least in the guise of one; unlike you, we don't like to blame a whole religion for the vice of a misguided/pretentious few, that's why today we use "zionist" instead of "jews".
Countries using sharia law aren’t muslim? Governments using sharia aren’t muslim? That’s the difference isn’t it? You have your own system of laws that go hand in hand with being a muslim.
Given the chance you will take over any country with this law.

What are you talking about raided? People settled here for a better life away from kings. Not all the settlers were Christians.

Lol..tomato/tomatoe. America is treated as we are all Christians who live here and that might have been true at different times in our history that quite a few people were Christian..but we are not a Christian nation..look at our leaders. How many were Christians?

That's a nice admission.
Is it? Israel will come to God as a nation and know Jesus. They are still a nation..a chosen people whereas Christians aren’t like that. Though we also know God.

They pretend that they do, they don't openly attack christians (or jews or buddhists or hindus or etc.), no crime by a christian perpetrator, even if done through twisted beliefs, is blamed on all of christianity (unlike Islam); but that's a ruse, as christian beliefs and what they hold dear, is, if ever so subtly, attacked and defiled on a routine (The Nun, The Evil Within 2, etc., VC has covered this enough).
What crime is done by Christians? I’m not sure what you mean here? Yep..the media and Hollywood hates Christianity.
Feb 22, 2020
Can you explain how he did that, exactly?
"muslims are at war with us"
"they're murderers and rapists"
"they hate our country"
"go back to where you came from"
"in the old days we used to knock em out"
"I'll pay for your legal fees if you knock em out"

He has demonized blacks, latinos, muslims, liberals, protesters all to his hateful base and told them that they want to take over the country and burn it to the ground.

Are you trolling here or what ?

No president since I've been alive has intentionally stoked tension, division, and hatred. Its been his MO since day one. Its not even close.


Mar 13, 2017
you are a piece of work.

Trump is the biggest liar ever, and he certainly is not for "freedom".

If you believe what you wrote you would fall under the Retarded category.
The left are pathological liars who lie to gain power and control..doesn’t mean they are smart..but they sure are greedy bastards willing to plunge the whole country into ruin to win an election and continue to try to rule over us. It really is pathological and that you can’t see it..or agree with it..what does that make you?


Jun 17, 2017

IF this is true, i wonder if this (the dementia medication, Namenda, not the incontinence pads) will be the october surprise.


Mar 13, 2017

IF this is true, i wonder if this (the dementia medication, Namenda, not the incontinence pads) will be the october surprise.
I think the 4chan post is fake, but I believe that there is truth in it.