He manipulated them so much that as one they chant we love you?
He just said whatever a nation tired of wars, and liberal agenda, wanted to hear, yet did nothing to actually adress those issues.
Muslims terrorize kill and torture people
Like the famines the British caused in Iran and India? The bombs dropped on Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Sinchon and Vietnam, not to mention the use of agent orange, which has left a good portion of Vietnams plant, animal and human population, and even US veterans and their families in disease and disability up to this day? Raiding and occupying Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria? Guantanamo, Abu Gharib, or caging immigrant childs? None of which you have...
They never take responsibility
Apologized for, let alone make amends? Not to mention all the gun violence?
And non muslims never do?
Member States are reporting up to a 60% increase in emergency calls by women subjected to violence by their intimate partners in April
Not all Americans are Christian. There is no such thing as a Christian nation
So aren't all the so called muslims countries! And Americas were raided through a christian mission, or at least in the guise of one; unlike you, we don't like to blame a whole religion for the vice of a misguided/pretentious few, that's why today we use "zionist" instead of "jews".
What do Christians have to do with what muslims do, it’s not an equal argument
Honest to God everyday christian civilian? Nothing. But their rulers, and media, which aren't all christian (or any either valid religion)? Most large scale events and catastrophes.
We aren’t like Israel. Christianity is an individual religion.
That's a nice admission.
I’m sorry..I don’t understand what you’re argument is..are you saying that the media likes Christians or doesn’t like them?
They pretend that they do, they don't openly attack christians (or jews or buddhists or hindus or etc.), no crime by a christian perpetrator, even if done through twisted beliefs, is blamed on all of christianity (unlike Islam); but that's a ruse, as christian beliefs and what they hold dear, is, if ever so subtly, attacked and defiled on a routine (The Nun, The Evil Within 2, etc., VC has covered this enough).