George Floyd/Protests/Peace/Riots/Chaos

Apr 13, 2017
The only difference between then and now is the Boston Tea Party knew their oppressors. BLM doesn't. BLM doesn't know which white person or which business is an ally or not. So the destruction was random.
Is this the racism of low expectations I see? "Blacks can't figure out their oppressor, so we should forgive them their randomly targeted destruction".


Mar 13, 2017
Idk anymore. Civil unrest is crazy now.
This has transcended beyond George Floyd. This is decades worth of pent up frustration by lower class and black communities.

I think we need a proper leader whose voice can make an impact. Clearly Trump is not the guy.

We absolutely need someone.
Who can interrupt the media for however long minutes. Get people to calm down and encourage citizens to help each other. Easier said than done,
but we are divided. The quarantine measures made people get used to that idea
Why isn’t Trump the guy? He even had low unemployment in the black and Hispanic communities. That’s helpful.

I think it’s less pent up frustrations than it’s a victim hood mindset keeping people from living the lives they could be living by keeping them trapped in the past.
Mar 17, 2017
As a matter of interest, what American tribe's land are you living on mate? If you feel sorry for them you can always give it back.. :p

I believe your friends are on the land at the moment. Once the land (not me) spits them out, we'll see who gets it....


Mar 13, 2017
Is this the racism of low expectations I see? "Blacks can't figure out their oppressor, so we should forgive them their randomly targeted destruction".
Speak for yourself.

Nobody said blacks can't figure out their oppressors. The fact is, it's impossible for them to do so. Because racism is that pervasive.
Mar 17, 2017
No that was the narrative. They didn’t think they did anything wrong by coming to a land that was mostly unoccupied anyway..:rolleyes:
It doesnt matter whether they thought it was right or wrong. They dont get to be the judge of that. It wasnt theirs then, and now we're about to see that shown in front of everyone...

I’m not sure what this reply has to do with what I was saying about the pilgrims coming to America?
You said they didnt know they would make it and I said thats false. They knew they would make it because they were BROUGHT here.

So we give the American Indians the land they were living on when we came here? It wasn’t all the land we still keep that or does it matter anymore?

Right...that’s stupid. There is no one alive that it can go back to.
All of its going back. Once this system falls, everythings going to be restored. And yes their descendants are still alive and some were scattered around the world from the Americas. So thats who its going back to..

And thats fair right? If someone got to come here and enslave, murder, torture, pillage, r*pe, steal, enslave etc... someone for the right to live on the land and their descendants are found to be alive, its only right that they get the right to their land again right?
Mar 17, 2017
Idk anymore. Civil unrest is crazy now.
This has transcended beyond George Floyd. This is decades worth of pent up frustration by lower class and black communities.

I think we need a proper leader whose voice can make an impact. Clearly Trump is not the guy.

We absolutely need someone.
Who can interrupt the media for however long minutes. Get people to calm down and encourage citizens to help each other. Easier said than done,
but we are divided. The quarantine measures made people get used to that idea
Multiculturalism never works. And by the looks of things, things are about to burst...
Apr 13, 2017
Thats the narrative they fed you to make you feel better about what they did.

Since they were brought here, they absolutely knew the way. Do you think those black guys wearing colorful clothing in some of George Washington pictures were slaves huh?

Its not about paying anything. Its about restoring ownership to its rightful owners. They know they're holding things that belong to black people. You dont because to them you're goyim. But those at the top know. And anyone can know if they simply look at history as told THEN and not now...

So whats going to happen is a restoration of the things that the pope/western Europe took when they came over here. That means land, resources, titles, names, writings, cultures etc... All going back. And fair is fair. They came and took it and they know Someone is on the to take it back. As was the plan all along...
Native Americans probably weren't African, KM. They were most likely descended from indigenous Siberians (ie. Eurasian).

Samoyedic people from Russia:









Yeniseian people:


Apr 13, 2017
So until criminals stop existing cops get a free reign to be criminals with no consequence? Who’s being unreasonable?
You are. First, this is your quadrillionth straw man. Second, the black crime problem in the US is a lot bigger than the cop problem. Take care of the black crime problem first and the cop problem will probably disappear. Your strategy is, no, target the cop problem first and hope the black crime problem will disappear by whatever measures are expected, from defunding cops to abolishing them completely. This is irrational and counterproductive.

Edit: Sorry, I've gotten the impression you don't believe there is a black crime problem. My bad. lol
Mar 17, 2017
Native Americans probably weren't African, KM.
You're talking about natives, Im talking about indigenous.

Native- a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
Indigenous- originating or occurring naturally in a particular place

So these people:

They were most likely descended from indigenous Siberians (ie. Eurasian).

Samoyedic people from Russia:


View attachment 37914


View attachment 37915


View attachment 37916


View attachment 37917

Yeniseian people:


View attachment 37918
are not these people:


And thats really the crux of what you call the "crime" problem. Yall wont give them their culture back. Give them their culture back with order and guidelines to follow instead of feeding them hip hop and negativity and that solves the problem. Of course they dont want the problem to be solved because they designed for it to be a problem. So you're literally complaining about problems the empire you support created...


Mar 13, 2017
They dont get to be the judge of that. It wasnt theirs then, and now
Sure they do..they did it.

The land was mostly could be their land.

You said they didnt know they would make it and I said thats false. They knew they would make it because they were BROUGHT here.
Well if you didn’t die on the boat ride over and managed to live through that first year...haven’t you read the history of it or do you always bend history to your opinion whether it makes sense or not? Wait..don’t answer that..I already know.

All of its going back. Once this system falls, everythings going to be restored. And yes their descendants are still alive and some were scattered around the world from the Americas. So thats who its going back to..

And thats fair right? If someone got to come here and enslave, murder, torture, pillage, r*pe, steal, enslave etc... someone for the right to live on the land and their descendants are found to be alive, its only right that they get the right to their land again right?
You’re delusional. That’s not going to happen.

What is fair? The people that happened to aren’t alive there is no one to give back to. Just because you are descended from someone doesn’t mean you deserve their stuff. And if they didn’t own it’s not their stuff anyway.
Apr 13, 2017
You're talking about natives, Im talking about indigenous.

Native- a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
Indigenous- originating or occurring naturally in a particular place

So these people:

are not these people:

View attachment 37920

And thats really the crux of what you call the "crime" problem. Yall wont give them their culture back. Give them their culture back with order and guidelines to follow instead of feeding them hip hop and negativity and that solves the problem. Of course they dont want the problem to be solved because they designed for it to be a problem. So you're literally complaining about problems the empire you support created...
And your theory of the black indigenous in the Americas hinges upon something more than that ... wall painting, if that's what it is? Or is that it?
Mar 17, 2017
Sure they do..they did it.
Well maybe you're right

Zec 11
5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty:

The land was mostly could be their land.
Thats how it works with the pope/western Europe, but not the necessarily the rest of the world.

I already know.
I disagree

You’re delusional. That’s not going to happen.
Lol at thinking the pope/western europe was just gonna take all that land and keep it forever. To its rightful owners it goes...

What is fair? The people that happened to aren’t alive there is no one to give back to. Just because you are descended from someone doesn’t mean you deserve their stuff. And if they didn’t own it’s not their stuff anyway.
Lisa:"Just because you descend from someone doesnt mean you deserve their stuff"

If I actually took your view serious:
"Hear that Bill gates Jr? Just because your son descends from you doesnt mean he deserves the wealth you earned"

Lisa: "And if they didnt own it anymore its not their stuff anyway"

If I actually took your view serious:
"Hear that Bill Gates? If someone takes your wealth from you, that means your son doesnt deserve the wealth you earned. Even though they took it thru theft, since they were successful, your son doesnt deserve it"

Thankfully the Most High is just and fair. I await you restoring me to whats mine Lisa ;)
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Mar 17, 2017
And your theory of the black indigenous in the Americas hinges upon something more than that ... wall painting, if that's what it is? Or is that it?
Umm no thats just one thing. But the question is why does that painting exist if black people were brought to the Americas from Africa on slaveships in 1619? Doesnt that show black people (or someone drawing black people) in area they should not have been at that time?


Mar 27, 2017
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Mar 16, 2017
You are. First, this is your quadrillionth straw man. Second, the black crime problem in the US is a lot bigger than the cop problem. Take care of the black crime problem first and the cop problem will probably disappear. Your strategy is, no, target the cop problem first and hope the black crime problem will disappear by whatever measures are expected, from defunding cops to abolishing them completely. This is irrational and counterproductive.

Edit: Sorry, I've gotten the impression you don't believe there is a black crime problem. My bad. lol
You’ve Apparantly gotten a lot of impressions out of the thin blue air :rolleyes:

1) cops aren’t only violent towards black people so I fail to see how “getting rid of the black crime problem” is going to make a dent in police violence

2) one problem is criminals the other problem is criminals with badges And immunity (state sanctioned vigilantes and rogues) - we will have to agree to disagree about what is the bigger problem

3) police departments can be reformed with a stroke of a pen, how long and how much money do you think it takes to reform the societal level issues that lead to criminality? Where’s the political will to do so? (Nonexistant because our politicians make money off for private prisons And prison slave labor if you were wondering) - reduce the military and police budget and we might actually have the money to reduce criminality. But probably not... they rely on it, they profit from it, and if they wanted it gone it would already be so.

4) I never said or suggested abolishing the police. Another one of those out of thin air arguments.. I will remind people again I am a person not a cartoon character

Aside: how much taxpayer money does it cost to send three cop cars with six cops on a routine traffic stop for a broken taillight? Whatever happened to fiscal responsibility? Why are the budgets for police and military ever expanding without question while the budgets for schooling and social service cut year after year? How is that going to realistically cut the crime rate? And why is everyone under the impression that america as a whole is a crime ridden cesspool like Gotham? On every metric other than homicide we are comparable to other wealthy western countries.
Apr 13, 2017
Umm no thats just one thing. But the question is why does that painting exist if black people were brought to the Americas from Africa on slaveships in 1619? Doesnt that show black people (or someone drawing black people) in area they should not have been at that time?
Who painted it?
Apr 13, 2017
You’ve Apparantly gotten a lot of impressions out of the thin blue air :rolleyes:

1) cops aren’t only violent towards black people so I fail to see how “getting rid of the black crime problem” is going to make a dent in police violence

2) one problem is criminals the other problem is criminals with badges And immunity (state sanctioned vigilantes and rogues) - we will have to agree to disagree about what is the bigger problem

3) police departments can be reformed with a stroke of a pen, how long and how much money do you think it takes to reform the societal level issues that lead to criminality? Where’s the political will to do so? (Nonexistant because our politicians make money off for private prisons And prison slave labor if you were wondering) - reduce the military and police budget and we might actually have the money to reduce criminality. But probably not... they rely on it, they profit from it, and if they wanted it gone it would already be so.

4) I never said or suggested abolishing the police. Another one of those out of thin air arguments.. I will remind people again I am a person not a cartoon character
Never said you said or suggested to abolish the police. I said "whatever the expectations from defunding to abolishing", which you've supported throughout this thread.

That said, one problem is criminals with badges, the much more giant, pressing and deadly (especially for blacks) problem is black crime. If that doesn't register, there's no point in continuing this.