George Floyd/Protests/Peace/Riots/Chaos


Mar 16, 2017
That's rich. How about taking responsibility for one's own community's dysfunctional behaviour before externalising the problem onto others? The lack of accountability is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of BLM and consorts.
Issue 1) cops killing and brutalizing civilians and acting like judge jury and executioner

issue 2) criminality among civilians an certain communities

Stop conflating the two. Unless you can prove cops are only killing violent criminals. You can’t. They’re not.

did you ever think if they placed a fraction of the police and military budget into services in these communities crimes would go down? First and foremost by creating decent job opportunities?


Mar 13, 2017
Did they burn down everything around them and steal from businesses around them..or were they making a point?
The Boston Tea Party caused like 1.7 million dollars worth of damage. Moreover it was a riot, and not much different than what we are seeing today.

The people who took part in the Boston Tea party weren't even being targeted for death either. They were just being robbed.
Apr 13, 2017
Issue 1) cops killing and brutalizing civilians and acting like judge jury and executioner

issue 2) criminality among civilians an certain communities

Stop conflating the two. Unless you can prove cops are only killing violent criminals. You can’t. They’re not.

did you ever think if they placed a fraction of the police and military budget into services in these communities crimes would go down? First and foremost by creating decent job opportunities?
You're being irrational.


Mar 4, 2020
[re speaking in tongues]- Maybe this could be for a different thread? Just a thought.
Firstly, nobody know exactly what 'speaking in tongues' means; some people think it means jabbering wildly and loudly like apes, and others think it simply means quietly mumbling to yourself in prayer.
Either way, Paul politely advised people not to do it-
"Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone understand what you're saying, you'll be speaking into air" (1 Cor 14:9)

The bottom line is that it puts outsiders off Jesus, so in that respect its satanic-
Paul said- "If the whole church speaks in tongues, won't a newcomer think you're out of your minds? (1 Cor 14:24)


Mar 13, 2017
I believe speaking in tongues is a gift of the spirit, I take it u dont? no problem.
Sure, but if no one can understand what the person speaking in tongues is it really speaking in tongues? I thought that if you speak in tongues there is supposed to be someone who can interpret it? I could be wrong that not what you thought?
Mar 17, 2017
You’re delusional
I think its more delusional to believe that under directions of the pope (a luciferian) Europeans could come to the Americas (and elsewhere) and conquer all the land, displace/torture/enslave/murder the inhabitants that were here and move on like nothing happened.


Mar 13, 2017
The Boston Tea Party caused like 1.7 million dollars worth of damage. Moreover it was a riot, and not much different than what we are seeing today.

The people who took part in the Boston Tea party weren't even being targeted for death either. They were just being robbed.
It was a riot? How?

That evening, a group of 30 to 130 men, some dressed in the Mohawk warrior disguises, boarded the three vessels and, over the course of three hours, dumped all 342 chests of tea into the water.

How does that even compare to the looting of businesses in multiple cities across the US and in some cities like London? Or the violence and setting things on fire over one man’s death compared to be unfairly taxed without representation?

And the man in question was breaking the law by passing a fake bill..and on drugs..he was not the squeaky clean, virtuous soul that the media has tried to say that he the man had a rap sheet. We can also say that if he had paid with a real $20, they would have given him change and he would have walked home that day. So how are these two things equal comparisons?


Mar 13, 2017
I think its more delusional to believe that under directions of the pope (a luciferian) Europeans could come to the Americas (and elsewhere) and conquer all the land, displace/torture/enslave/murder the inhabitants that were here and move on like nothing happened.
I thought the Europeans that left Europe were looking for better lives and put their own lives on the line to do it? They weren’t guaranteed making it across the Atlantic or of having any way to make a living in the New World. They took a chance to come to America. I don’t think they came here thinking they were going to conquer anyone...but to make a new life for themselves. can’t change history but move forward. Pay restitution that happened it but past to other people is ridiculous and serves nothing. It doesn’t end the pain of the people that were slaves and really the only thing that did help them was to be set free so they can live a free life..the only thing that in prisons blacks now is the slavery of their minds to live in a past that their ancestors were freed from.


Mar 4, 2020
I think its more delusional to believe that under directions of the pope (a luciferian) Europeans could come to the Americas (and elsewhere) and conquer all the land, displace/torture/enslave/murder the inhabitants that were here and move on like nothing happened.
As a matter of interest, what American tribe's land are you living on mate? If you feel sorry for them you can always give it back.. :p



Mar 13, 2017
It was a riot? How?

That evening, a group of 30 to 130 men, some dressed in the Mohawk warrior disguises, boarded the three vessels and, over the course of three hours, dumped all 342 chests of tea into the water.

How does that even compare to the looting of businesses in multiple cities across the US and in some cities like London? Or the violence and setting things on fire over one man’s death compared to be unfairly taxed without representation?

And the man in question was breaking the law by passing a fake bill..and on drugs..he was not the squeaky clean, virtuous soul that the media has tried to say that he the man had a rap sheet. We can also say that if he had paid with a real $20, they would have given him change and he would have walked home that day. So how are these two things equal comparisons?
A riot means disturbing the peace. And the Boston Tea party certainly accomplished that.

The only difference between then and now is the Boston Tea Party knew their oppressors. BLM doesn't. BLM doesn't know which white person or which business is an ally or not. So the destruction was random.

The heart of the matter here is bigger than George Floyd (may he rest in peace). Furthermore you using his alleged crime as a scapegoat is very transparent. You have a warped and 1 sided sense of justice.


Mar 13, 2017
A riot means disturbing the peace. And the Boston Tea party certainly accomplished that.

The only difference between then and now is the Boston Tea Party knew their oppressors. BLM doesn't. BLM doesn't know which white person or which business is an ally or not. So the destruction was random.

The heart of the matter here is bigger than George Floyd (may he rest in peace). Furthermore you using his alleged crime as a scapegoat is very transparent. You have a warped and 1 sided sense of justice.
It only disturbed the British government and the British east India tea company. It didn’t bother the other businesses around that or the ship the tea was on or the ships around it.

The BLM is a political party that invites people to riot and loot others hurting local businesses with black owners as much as white owned businesses. It feeds off the mob where the tea party had one agenda and that was met without rioting or looting the world around them.

I’m not using his crime as anything. The police were only called because a crime had occurred..they weren’t bothering him before that.
Apr 13, 2017
Your going to have to explain how asking that cops don’t kill Or brutalize people who Aren’t posing a direct threat to them is irrational. Or stop gaslighting me.
Ask black people to stop killing and brutalizing people, then I'll listen to the cop question.
Mar 17, 2017
I thought the Europeans that left Europe were looking for better lives and put their own lives on the line to do it?
Thats the narrative they fed you to make you feel better about what they did.
They weren’t guaranteed making it across the Atlantic or of having any way to make a living in the New World. They took a chance to come to America. I don’t think they came here thinking they were going to conquer anyone...but to make a new life for themselves.
Since they were brought here, they absolutely knew the way. Do you think those black guys wearing colorful clothing in some of George Washington pictures were slaves huh? can’t change history but move forward. Pay restitution that happened it but past to other people is ridiculous and serves nothing. It doesn’t end the pain of the people that were slaves and really the only thing that did help them was to be set free so they can live a free life..the only thing that in prisons blacks now is the slavery of their minds to live in a past that their ancestors were freed from.
Its not about paying anything. Its about restoring ownership to its rightful owners. They know they're holding things that belong to black people. You dont because to them you're goyim. But those at the top know. And anyone can know if they simply look at history as told THEN and not now...

So whats going to happen is a restoration of the things that the pope/western Europe took when they came over here. That means land, resources, titles, names, writings, cultures etc... All going back. And fair is fair. They came and took it and they know Someone is on the to take it back. As was the plan all along...


Jul 27, 2017
Idk anymore. Civil unrest is crazy now.
This has transcended beyond George Floyd. This is decades worth of pent up frustration by lower class and black communities.

I think we need a proper leader whose voice can make an impact. Clearly Trump is not the guy.

We absolutely need someone.
Who can interrupt the media for however long minutes. Get people to calm down and encourage citizens to help each other. Easier said than done,
but we are divided. The quarantine measures made people get used to that idea


Mar 13, 2017
Thats the narrative they fed you to make you feel better about what they did.
No that was the narrative. They didn’t think they did anything wrong by coming to a land that was mostly unoccupied anyway..:rolleyes:

Since they were brought here, they absolutely knew the way. Do you think those black guys wearing colorful clothing in some of George Washington pictures were slaves huh?
I’m not sure what this reply has to do with what I was saying about the pilgrims coming to America?

Its not about paying anything. Its about restoring ownership to its rightful owners.
So we give the American Indians the land they were living on when we came here? It wasn’t all the land we still keep that or does it matter anymore?

So whats going to happen is a restoration of the things that the pope/western Europe took when they came over here. That means land, resources, titles, names, writings, cultures etc... All going back. And fair is fair. They came and took it and they know Someone is on the to take it back. As was the plan all along...
Right...that’s stupid. There is no one alive that it can go back to.