George Floyd/Protests/Peace/Riots/Chaos


Mar 18, 2017
Whether it is Soros or not, it looks like once the dust settles on all this, there is going to be more reason to "officially" roll out Pre-crime. Which is what TPTB have wanted all along. It helps to get up to speed on the entities directly benefiting from this...such as the software makers.

Pre-Crime: Has Minority Report-style Policing Become a Reality?
Video at link
Mar 15, 2019
You have a country with incredibly high crime rates. Now you're talking about making things even harder for the police. So the crime will get even more out of control. Later, the necessary excuse for martial law was found. This is the plan. This was also in the Illuminati Card Games I shared before. If you are not working for it, you should see this.
Whether it is Soros or not, it looks like once the dust settles on all this, there is going to be more reason to "officially" roll out Pre-crime. Which is what TPTB have wanted all along. It helps to get up to speed on the entities directly benefiting from this...such as the software makers.

Pre-Crime: Has Minority Report-style Policing Become a Reality?
Video at link
As I said, they want crime rates to rise even higher. This includes what terrorist organizations such as blm and antifa do.


Mar 13, 2017
You have a country with incredibly high crime rates. Now you're talking about making things even harder for the police. So the crime will get even more out of control. Later, the necessary excuse for martial law was found. This is the plan. This was also in the Illuminati Card Games I shared before. If you are not working for it, you should see this.
That's awfully guilt trippy.

You know what's missing from the cops sob story you posted. There's no tales of heroism, no tales of going beyond the call of duty. Its literally just poor me, feel guilty.

I would wager the reason tales of heroism aren't there is because those types of cops are like 1 out of 1000. Most of them are like frat boys who never left the scummy basement, they just want to bang whores and shoot shit.


Mar 16, 2017
You have a country with incredibly high crime rates. Now you're talking about making things even harder for the police. So the crime will get even more out of control. Later, the necessary excuse for martial law was found. This is the plan. This was also in the Illuminati Card Games I shared before. If you are not working for it, you should see this.

Our crime rate other than homicide is comparable to the rest of the western world, not higher. The idea that we have an extremely high crime rate is fed to you for a reason. Only homicide is significantly higher... and I wonder why that may be, huh?


Mar 13, 2017
That at first it was "we werent around" but when the situation turned to the country is still around who got fat off the free labor/land they got then crickets.. Thats what I expected though...
You’re delusional like usual. Its been many years since the black slaves..and the country had to rebuild in the south where the slaves were without them...
Mar 15, 2019
If your “tradition” and “values” involves the state killing unarmed people with bare minimum provocation if any (including a large amount of people experiencing a mental health crisis) then yeah... tear it down.

You guys are throwing a temper tantrum because of people asking cops to stop murdering and brutalizing people and be accountable for their actions. Grow up.
The right of the police to shoot an armed criminal, or to shoot the criminal who resisted and fled (a fleeing criminal is a threat to the public), is something that has not been questioned for years. But now suddenly, these are called murders. And "defund police". Three months ago, we have forgotten all we know about viruses and immunity. Like this. Like "year zero" in Marxism. There is a global amnesia problem.
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Mar 13, 2017
I thought the rioters were the toddlers..throwing their fits to get their way...

As for the police..what a thankless job they have with all this..who could blame them for not wanting to continue it?
One side wants accountability for the other. And one side wants to keep doing whatever they want. So who's the toddler again?

I heard there was a whole swat team in Florida that resigned. I've also heard of a few other random resignations. But beyond that no cops are quitting. There's nowhere for them to go. They haven't learned any real skills, and no other employer in the whole world will give them free reign.


Mar 18, 2017
This includes what terrorist organizations such as blm and antifa do.
I saw a title to an article asking that since Trump designated the aforementioned groups as terror groups, why hasn't he arrested their funders? He can't claim that he doesn't know who bankrolls those groups, now can he? Going by the history of how Iran is treated (dubbed the biggest sponsor of terrorism), is it not right to ask what Trump will do to antifa's "deep pockets"? Ofcourse we all know he isn't going to do anything, let alone move in that direction.


Mar 13, 2017
One side wants accountability for the other. And one side wants to keep doing whatever they want. So who's the toddler again?

I heard there was a whole swat team in Florida that resigned. I've also heard of a few other random resignations. But beyond that no cops are quitting. There's nowhere for them to go. They haven't learned any real skills, and no other employer in the whole world will give them free reign.
The toddlers are the ones throwing their hissy fits to get others to change their minds...that would be the rioters. They make a mess they don’t have to clean up and walk away from all in the name of protesting.

I don’t blame them..people are calling for cops to be held personally liable for everything they do..that‘s going to be a tough one and maybe not worth the risk for them?

Sure, they’ve learned things on their jobs and they aren’t immune to schooling to change jobs are they?


Mar 13, 2017
I saw a title to an article asking that since Trump designated the aforementioned groups as terror groups, why hasn't he arrested their funders? He can't claim that he doesn't know who bankrolls those groups, now can he? Going by the history of how Iran is treated (dubbed the biggest sponsor of terrorism), is it not right to ask what Trump will do to antifa's "deep pockets"? Ofcourse we all know he isn't going to do anything, let alone move in that direction.
How can he...everything he does is fought to the death on..he’d better have all the evidence he needs to prove anything and the msm would fight against him to the death. I‘m not one of those that thinks we can get rid of corruption in government...and maybe he doesn’t really believe it can be done either?


Mar 13, 2017
this was really sad to watch, hats off to him for having the courage to preach and i noticed he spoke in tongues at one point bless him, this makes me sad. but i know plenty off people whod love to live there, mainly 20 year olds, all indoctrinated.
Do you know what tongue he spoke in?


Mar 13, 2017
The toddlers are the ones throwing their hissy fits to get others to change their minds...that would be the rioters. They make a mess they don’t have to clean up and walk away from all in the name of protesting.

I don’t blame them..people are calling for cops to be held personally liable for everything they do..that‘s going to be a tough one and maybe not worth the risk for them?

Sure, they’ve learned things on their jobs and they aren’t immune to schooling to change jobs are they?
Was the Boston Tea Party a hissy fit?
Apr 13, 2017
One side wants accountability for the other.
That's rich. How about taking responsibility for one's own community's dysfunctional behaviour before externalising the problem onto others? The lack of accountability is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of BLM and consorts.


Mar 13, 2017
no? i think it was a heavnly language, a gift of the spirit?
Aren’t some people supposed to understand when you talk in tongues? It’s not supposed to be a heavenly language that no one understands is it?