Wear Your Face Mask And Savor Your CO2 Breath
When wearing face masks, especially for an extended period or during higher-than-normal physical activity, some people will experience symptoms like rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, dizziness, muscular weakness, emotional upsets and fatigue.
When a healthy person wears a face mask, they continuously re-rebreathe a portion of the CO2 that comes out of their lungs. Of course, there are many different types of masks that vary in such CO2 concentration, but the principal remains the same.
Breathing air that is too rich in CO2 has its own negative health effects!
Humans breathe in air that is approximately 20.95% oxygen, 78.09% nitrogen, 0.93% argon, and
0.04% (400 ppm) of carbon dioxide. Upon exhaling your breath contains approximately
3.8% CO2.
When CO2 enters the lung, is dissolves in water, forming carbonic acid which makes the blood more acidic, lowering blood pH. At the same time, excessive CO2 concentrations leaves less oxygen to be absorbed. Other aspects of body chemistry are affected as well.
When wearing face masks, especially for an extended period or during higher-than-normal physical activity, some people will experience symptoms like rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, dizziness, muscular weakness, emotional upsets and fatigue.
If you want to attempt to sort this out when faced with such a challenge, create a little card like this to show to the store manager or anyone else who demands that you wear a face mask.