but what is trumps presidency doing that is so bad? alot of the stuff i see is good, like the abortion stuff.
oh my bad, I misunderstood your question.
all presidencies serve elite agendas, none more so than Trump
1. tax breaks for billionaires - leads to collapse of economy just like Bush jr.
2. increase in military spending
3. Unparralleld subservience to Israel
4. Pushing regime change agendas in Iran, Venezuela, continuation of wars in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan
5. more Goldman Sachs allumni and billionaires in his cabinet than any previous president
6. Increased police state and the furthering of a push towards totalitarianism and outright dictatorship
7. Intentional increase of division amongst the public. Divide and Conquer strategy
8. pushing fascist propaganda of enemies within and outside of the state
9. Ushering in an age of "fake news" where he can just lie about anything and it will be believed because it counters MSM narratives.
the abortion stuff is all a part of the "culture wars" that either side of the dialectic play towards their supporters, where they pretend to be "the good guys"