The Democratic Primaries


Mar 18, 2017
the main thing I’m looking at this election is does trump deserve a second term. I don’t think he does on his own merit besides the fact that he is a crude person and no one is doing him any favors in this discussion. Trump may have had potential to be elected. He was. The question for this election is does he deserve a second term.

I don’t see anyone else being a two term candidate either, but in my opinion, they are all in the same position trump was in four years ago. They have the same potential trump had to be elected especially since trump has done nothing to warrant getting a second term as president.


Mar 18, 2017
Biden hasn’t won yet either. I would prefer sanders over Biden too. We will have to see how it goes.


Mar 13, 2017
the main thing I’m looking at this election is does trump deserve a second term. I don’t think he does on his own merit besides the fact that he is a crude person and no one is doing him any favors in this discussion. Trump may have had potential to be elected. He was. The question for this election is does he deserve a second term.

I don’t see anyone else being a two term candidate either, but in my opinion, they are all in the same position trump was in four years ago. They have the same potential trump had to be elected especially since trump has done nothing to warrant getting a second term as president.
Trump will win ...he’s making America great again and people like that... the crowds at his rallies bear this out.
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Mar 16, 2017
The economy is free falling. We are facing a pandemic we don’t have the money or resources to fight. But yes, making America “great again” - sure


Mar 18, 2017
Trump will win ...he’s making America great again and people like that... the crowds at his rallies bear this out.
trump has done nothing to earn a second term. he may not have lost support from people who have supported him from the beginning. I didn’t ever support him, but I am more on the conservative/moderate side as far as politics go, and I was open to being wrong in the beginning.

trump has wasted four years and that is enough to lose the swing vote. You can choose to be blind to the group that was on the fence last election, but everything isn’t liberal or conservative in this country and if trump loses the swing vote, he will lose the election. There is a strong possibility this will happen and it is something that won’t be included in the polls. The polls will only show the liberal versus conservative divide.

your comment pretty much reiterates why he shouldn’t be re-elected quite frankly. there is nothing substantial you can provide that would clarify why trump should win a second term. What you are saying is basically a slogan that is no different than saying “they’re magically delicious.” But somehow, you still think that you are following a candidate that is anti establishment even though the only thing you’re capable of doing to defend him is parrot a slogan.

This slogan is completely meaningless to me four years later too. It is true that I haven’t seen a whole lot of change for the worst in four years, but that is because I haven’t seen a lot of change at all. There is not one thing I can identify that trump did to make America great again. the only thing that I do know that he did while president is have many little twitter wars along the way like an overgrown spoiled child.

yes trump was president and maybe the world didn’t come to an end, but you would need to provide a much more intelligent response to get me to believe he should be re-elected. Your support isn’t going to make or break him either. The swing vote will.


Mar 18, 2017
You must be joking. Look at who his targets are. You’re defending the media, and the corrupt DC establishment. He never goes after anyone else. You really think those people deserve anything other than scorn and derision? Part of why a lot of people love Trump is that he says what the rest of us have been saying about the elite for years. But you’re worried about his being rude or unprofessional to them? Are you on their side?

Look at how the Democratic and media elite talk about Trump supporters, conservatives, and Christians. They call us deplorable, ignorant, rubes. You think they deserve respect for that? Why?
I don’t know, there is something to be said for what supporting trump says about you as a Christian. There are a lot of excuses you have to make for trump from a Christian perspective. Too many in my opinion.


Mar 13, 2017
The fake part of the economy is free-falling might be a more accurate statement.

I'm sure most experts will chalk it up to panic. I only watch one stock though, and of course, it tanked with everything else. But I've seen it way lower before.

The real question with the coronavirus is when does it blow over? I was hearing some optimistic reports a few days ago, but it's mostly doom and gloom atm. It seems like plenty of people are perfectly fine with turning the virus into a political grenade, and I can't even begin to explain how trashy that is.


Mar 13, 2017
trump has done nothing to earn a second term. he may not have lost support from people who have supported him from the beginning. I didn’t ever support him, but I am more on the conservative/moderate side as far as politics go, and I was open to being wrong in the beginning.

trump has wasted four years and that is enough to lose the swing vote. You can choose to be blind to the group that was on the fence last election, but everything isn’t liberal or conservative in this country and if trump loses the swing vote, he will lose the election. There is a strong possibility this will happen and it is something that won’t be included in the polls. The polls will only show the liberal versus conservative divide.

your comment pretty much reiterates why he shouldn’t be re-elected quite frankly. there is nothing substantial you can provide that would clarify why trump should win a second term. What you are saying is basically a slogan that is no different than saying “they’re magically delicious.” But somehow, you still think that you are following a candidate that is anti establishment even though the only thing you’re capable of doing to defend him is parrot a slogan.

This slogan is completely meaningless to me four years later too. It is true that I haven’t seen a whole lot of change for the worst in four years, but that is because I haven’t seen a lot of change at all. There is not one thing I can identify that trump did to make America great again. the only thing that I do know that he did while president is have many little twitter wars along the way like an overgrown spoiled child.

yes trump was president and maybe the world didn’t come to an end, but you would need to provide a much more intelligent response to get me to believe he should be re-elected. Your support isn’t going to make or break him either. The swing vote will.
I’m not just repeating a slogan...obviously people at his rallies do believe that he has been making America great again or they wouldn’t be supporting him...not in such big numbers anyway.
I think that in all candidates you have to overlook something...they are all fallible and I guess it depends what you can live with in a candidate and how well they cater to your bias.

I’m not trying to get him re-elected..I was just giving my opinion on why I think he will win..he says he wants to make America great again and that really appeals to a lot of people who still like/love their country.


Mar 13, 2017
I don’t know, there is something to be said for what supporting trump says about you as a Christian. There are a lot of excuses you have to make for trump from a Christian perspective. Too many in my opinion.
Is there any Christian candidate? Then you are stuck with who there is aren’t you?


Mar 18, 2017
Right, because the media are SO professional.

The media and the Democrats don’t respect Trump or his supporters, but Trump and his supporters are supposed to respect them. Give me a break.
getting a little emotional are we? So just so we’re clear, since you can’t make an argument that trump is professional, which would help persuade a voter like me to rethink my position, you have decided to try to make it out that the unprofessionalism of the demon rats is equal to trump so they should basically cancel each other out.

therefore, I maintain my conclusion that trump does not deserve a second a second term. it is a reality like you are highlighting that cause people to swing.


Mar 18, 2017
There are multiple compilations of him stuttering and losing his train of thought, at least a couple posted on this thread. I’m not sure how many more examples you think are necessary. Anyone watching these should have legitimate questions about his mental acuity.

This is not from a Trump supporter. Watch Biden and tell me he’s just fine.

And it wasn’t Trump supporters who started calling attention to his gaffes and apparent senility, but his own fellow Democrats, like Cory Booker, Tim Ryan and Julian Castro.

nope that doesn’t sound like dementia. That sounds like he has a stutter like UAC pointed out for one.

The clips are strung back to back without any context and were not taken all during one speech. If someone slips once during a 45 minute speech, it is definitely not dementia for two.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he is rusty on many things considering he has been more of a celebrity politician for around 12 years rather than someone finishing law school at this point. It may be a reason to lose some points, but is not evidence of dementia in any way for three.

and finally, I survived eight years of George bush jr. who has 90% more video clips of similar moments on YouTube. People just said bush was dumb because he was too young to have dementia. Therefore, there is no reason to associate video clip compilations that are similar, with dementia.

dementia presents in different forms and mood swings are a common early sign of dementia. so what an observer will see is a person behaving very different than people would expect. When Biden starts yelling at someone or acting out of character in some noticeable way, let me know. From what I can see, he is still able to play the same part that he has played since he ran for president in 2008.


Mar 18, 2017
I think if you put a hidden camera on the average "professional" you would find out some of those people behave like clowns.

All the professionals I see have zero respect for anything. But yeah, they keep their image nice and clean. Nevermind the fact that they are total deadbeats.
you don’t see yourself as a professional? Professionalism applies to anyone with a job. Being a president is a job.


Mar 16, 2017
The fake part of the economy is free-falling might be a more accurate statement.

I'm sure most experts will chalk it up to panic. I only watch one stock though, and of course, it tanked with everything else. But I've seen it way lower before.

The real question with the coronavirus is when does it blow over? I was hearing some optimistic reports a few days ago, but it's mostly doom and gloom atm. It seems like plenty of people are perfectly fine with turning the virus into a political grenade, and I can't even begin to explain how trashy that is.
Yes the fake part. I agree. I’ve been saying for years it isn’t an indication of anything other than how well rich people are doing. But trump and his supporters used the soaring market as evidence that the economy is GREAT. So.. what now?

I’m actually happy I’m broke right now. Cuz I’m not losing any money unlike many many of my relatives that I can’t even imagine how much they’ve lost..


Mar 18, 2017
I’m not just repeating a slogan...obviously people at his rallies do believe that he has been making America great again or they wouldn’t be supporting him...not in such big numbers anyway.
I think that in all candidates you have to overlook something...they are all fallible and I guess it depends what you can live with in a candidate and how well they cater to your bias.

I’m not trying to get him re-elected..I was just giving my opinion on why I think he will win..he says he wants to make America great again and that really appeals to a lot of people who still like/love their country.
well I’m going to repeat that whether or not trump has lost support from the same group that supported him in 2016 does not matter at all. The swing vote wasn’t buying make America great again paraphernalia to begin with and the fact that you don’t have an example of how he has made America great in just one way after four years is enough to create a swing in the other direction.

their all scoundrels anyway right? That’s what the swing vote is going to be thinking when they are voting for the next one making new promises that no one can prove they aren’t capable of delivering because they have never been given the opportunity. With trump thats not the case. He is a president who has very little to show for his four years in office.

maybe he shouldn’t have spent so much time on Twitter.


Mar 13, 2017
I don’t know, there is something to be said for what supporting trump says about you as a Christian. There are a lot of excuses you have to make for trump from a Christian perspective. Too many in my opinion.
I make no excuses for Trump, and I’m not sure whether you understand that he’s the president of the most powerful nation on earth in the 21st century, or if you think he’s supposed to be a pastor or something. Obviously, he’s done things that no good Christian should do, but try and name one president or presidential candidate who’s lived up to Christian ideals. There’s not a single one. The Christian purity test doesn’t matter — or shouldn’t — because Trump’s faith and his private life are not what affects any of us. It’s his actions as president that are what’s important, and seeing as he’s pro-life, pro-religious freedom, and pro-America, I’m happy to have him in the White House. Are there any specific presidential actions you take offence to, as a Christian, or were you actually expecting him to be perfect?


Mar 18, 2017
I make no excuses for Trump, and I’m not sure whether you understand that he’s the president of the most powerful nation on earth in the 21st century, or if you think he’s supposed to be a pastor or something. Obviously, he’s done things that no good Christian should do, but try and name one president or presidential candidate who’s lived up to Christian ideals. There’s not a single one. The Christian purity test doesn’t matter — or shouldn’t — because Trump’s faith and his private life are not what affects any of us. It’s his actions as president that are what’s important, and seeing as he’s pro-life, pro-religious freedom, and pro-America, I’m happy to have him in the White House. Are there any specific presidential actions you take offence to, as a Christian, or were you actually expecting him to be perfect?
the only thing you do is make excuses for him that lead to demonstrating such clear bias that it is hard to take anything you say seriously. I don’t expect anyone to be perfect, but have you read our constitution? I expect a president to have been capable of contributing to its creation in a meaningful way. Trump is not that candidate, but the problem is that people wanted the wwf persona more than they wanted a president.

there have been other candidates that wouldn’t require so many excuses. They were ignored, and the Christian vote is significant and could have made a substantial impact towards another candidate. So again, it says a lot about people who claim to be Christian that ignored other candidates only to have to excuse many things trump has said and done. The tongue is a fire that corrupts the whole body James 3:6, but it’s okay if you convince yourself there was no other choice. There was always a choice, people chose trump over other candidates that wouldn’t have required so many excuses. So there is something to be said about what supporting trump says about you as a Christian.


Mar 13, 2017
getting a little emotional are we? So just so we’re clear, since you can’t make an argument that trump is professional, which would help persuade a voter like me to rethink my position, you have decided to try to make it out that the unprofessionalism of the demon rats is equal to trump so they should basically cancel each other out.

therefore, I maintain my conclusion that trump does not deserve a second a second term. it is a reality like you are highlighting that cause people to swing.
You’re the one clutching your pearls here, over how mean Trump is being to Democrats and the media.

I’m not saying that Trump’s actions and the Democratic/media complex’s actions cancel each other out, but Trump is not generally rude. He’s rude to specific targets. While Democrats and the media are insulting all Trump supporters and conservatives by calling them stupid and racist, Trump has never once generalized about Democratic voters, or gone after anyone who didn’t first attack him. He mocks, quite rightly, the lying, partisan media, and the hateful, useless and dishonest Democrats. Clearly, it’s a message that resounds, but if you feel better defending the elite, that’s your right, I guess.