The Democratic Primaries


Mar 13, 2017
If Tulsi Gabbard doesn't have a path to win, then that's because anyone without name recognition has to literally buy votes. Look at the Bloomberg scenario. I'm aware that everyone is ripping on him for spending so much money and losing, but those people are all missing the point. His money still bought a lot of votes.

Politicians getting free press is the equivalent of Bloomberg buying those votes. So the reality is, it's only fair when name recognition goes up against name recognition. Or money versus money. In that sense, of course, a candidate like Tulsi Gabbard cannot really compete. I think her best bet is to go back to her position in the house. But, maybe I'm just thinking that because it's what I would do. Like just hang around and stick it to them.


Mar 18, 2017
I think it’s funny how he winds them up...and I’m not overly fond of blond, blue eyed Pocahontas.
You think it is funny how he winds them up by being completely rude, unprofessional, and not relevant on any actual issue he opposes? You’re saying that you would basically support him for making fun of people for insignificant things on a public stage because you’re not that fond of them anyway? That is just absolutely pathetic to me.
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Mar 18, 2017
You say that knowing that Biden’s mind is pretty much gone.
well I’m not a supporter of Biden, but I was never a supporter of trump either. but in theory, would I support someone who unintentionally makes mistakes while speaking in public over someone who is completely rude and unprofessional on purpose?

yes I absolutely would and we live in a country where these might end up being our choices, so that might end up being what I do. i saw the video about him saying something about electing trump and I wouldn’t say his mind was gone either based on things like this.

I think it is either rude or ignorant to say that too. I have worked with patients who had all different kinds and stages dementia. I don’t think he is responding this way and if it is going in that direction, these things can literally take as many as 10 years or more from where he is, to get to a point where he would not be able to work independently in some way. Pushing himself cognitively is also good if that is what’s happening.

you can try posting more examples, but from what I have seen already, they show that more people are ignorant of what dementia looks like than anything else. It really just looks like trump supporters are just as rude and unprofessional as trump himself and making fun of someone for the sake of making fun of something.

Biden is obviously old, but he is not demonstrating in any way shape or form that he would be wandering around the White House looking for a lost marble and forgetting he was the president.


Mar 13, 2017
You think it is funny how he winds them up by being completely rude, unprofessional, and not relevant any actual issue he opposes? You’re saying that you would basically support him for making fun of people for insignificant things on a public stage you’re not that fond of them anyway? That is just absolutely pathetic to me.
You must be joking. Look at who his targets are. You’re defending the media, and the corrupt DC establishment. He never goes after anyone else. You really think those people deserve anything other than scorn and derision? Part of why a lot of people love Trump is that he says what the rest of us have been saying about the elite for years. But you’re worried about his being rude or unprofessional to them? Are you on their side?

Look at how the Democratic and media elite talk about Trump supporters, conservatives, and Christians. They call us deplorable, ignorant, rubes. You think they deserve respect for that? Why?


Mar 18, 2017
You must be joking. Look at who his targets are. You’re defending the media, and the corrupt DC establishment. He never goes after anyone else. You really think those people deserve anything other than scorn and derision? Part of why a lot of people love Trump is that he says what the rest of us have been saying about the elite for years. But you’re worried about his being rude or unprofessional to them? Are you on their side?

Look at how the Democratic and media elite talk about Trump supporters, conservatives, and Christians. They call us deplorable, ignorant, rubes. You think they deserve respect for that? Why?
so then you are saying that this is basically the basis of claiming that Biden has some early form of dementia?


Mar 18, 2017
You can say the media is not being honest without making fun of people for absolutely no real reason too. It’s not rocket science to say something like, “the media is not being honest about such and such, here’s how it happened...”.


Mar 16, 2017
You like trump because he conned you into thinking he shares those views and sense of disdain with you. He doesn’t. He is laughing all the way to the bank.


Mar 18, 2017
I don’t think any of these candidates are worthy of two terms is the problem or not the problem because their terms are in four year segments for a reason.

but especially concerning trump, I don’t think he is worthy of a second term. in 2016, i was actually a Rand Paul supporter who frequently said that media and politics were corrupt without using a horrible condition like dementia as a way of making fun of your opponent or the other stupid and childish comments he made about warren, but maybe people are right in some ways about trump supporters. They are somewhat ignorant and they chose a candidate who could play the part of a political wwf persona rather than someone who was calling out the establishment without this.

In 2016, I supported the right sometimes because the left was brutal and Hillary was awful. biden would definitely not be my first choice, but it is still a much different stage this year. If the right wants respect, they should stop with the childish and unintelligent comments. We have really wasted enough time politically in this country with empty words. It is more important to leave old things behind and say things that matter now. It is not 2016 anymore. Trump can’t try to win the same way he did then. I think he is going to lose a lot of swing votes. I guess I would call myself something of a swing vote and there is no way I would support anything to do with trump this year. I doubt I’m the only one too.


Mar 13, 2017
Who is professional? And what's that even mean anymore.

Just because someone can put on a good front doesn't mean we should trust them more. That's like one of the main reasons people are so uninformed. People should have to earn trust, not be given it because they have a sparkly career.


Mar 18, 2017
Being professional means behaving appropriately in a work environment and in consideration of the position that you hold. Being professional is the way we build trust in a work environment. Being professional is a different concept than being politically correct. They are not one in the same.


Mar 13, 2017
Being professional means behaving appropriately in a work environment and in consideration of the position that you hold. Being professional is the way we build trust in a work environment. Being professional is a different concept than being politically correct. They are not one in the same.
I think if you put a hidden camera on the average "professional" you would find out some of those people behave like clowns.

All the professionals I see have zero respect for anything. But yeah, they keep their image nice and clean. Nevermind the fact that they are total deadbeats.


Mar 13, 2017
You can try posting more examples, but from what I have seen already, they show that more people are ignorant of what dementia looks like than anything else. It really just looks like trump supporters are just as rude and unprofessional as trump himself and making fun of someone for the sake of making fun of something.
There are multiple compilations of him stuttering and losing his train of thought, at least a couple posted on this thread. I’m not sure how many more examples you think are necessary. Anyone watching these should have legitimate questions about his mental acuity.

This is not from a Trump supporter. Watch Biden and tell me he’s just fine.

And it wasn’t Trump supporters who started calling attention to his gaffes and apparent senility, but his own fellow Democrats, like Cory Booker, Tim Ryan and Julian Castro.



Mar 13, 2017
You can say the media is not being honest without making fun of people for absolutely no real reason too. It’s not rocket science to say something like, “the media is not being honest about such and such, here’s how it happened...”.
We are far past that. The media deserve zero respect. They should be mocked at every turn, until no one listens to them any longer. That used to be the consensus on this board. I’m not sure what happened to the people here, but so many take the elite view of things, it’s bizarre.


Mar 13, 2017
You like trump because he conned you into thinking he shares those views and sense of disdain with you. He doesn’t. He is laughing all the way to the bank.
How did Trump con me? I like almost everything he’s done. It’s his concrete actions that have won me over, not his words.


Mar 13, 2017
Being professional means behaving appropriately in a work environment and in consideration of the position that you hold. Being professional is the way we build trust in a work environment. Being professional is a different concept than being politically correct. They are not one in the same.
Right, because the media are SO professional.

The media and the Democrats don’t respect Trump or his supporters, but Trump and his supporters are supposed to respect them. Give me a break.


Mar 13, 2017
You think it is funny how he winds them up by being completely rude, unprofessional, and not relevant on any actual issue he opposes? You’re saying that you would basically support him for making fun of people for insignificant things on a public stage because you’re not that fond of them anyway? That is just absolutely pathetic to me.
It’s politics..they are all liars and scoundrels anyway and sometimes he does say what the common folk think about them. I don’t think it’s presidential but if it were he’d be letting them walk all over him.


Mar 13, 2017
Idk if I would say the media deserves zero respect. Like there's a few media personalities I can think of that actually seem like pretty good journalists. But they still have to follow orders.

I'm wondering what people think about Chris Matthews's situation. Apparently, he was forced to resign over allegations of misogyny. Now I don't care one way or the other. However, I found it especially strange how other media folks literally cried over his career-ending.

The whole thing just reeks of privilege. It's like, nobody owes your career a proper send-off. You are owed a paycheck for your work, and nothing more. I mean what are we children? Like wow, it's so sad nobody got Chris Matthews a cake before he left. We better all put some respect on his name quick (because that pays the bills).


Mar 27, 2017