The Democratic Primaries


Nov 30, 2017
Thats not realistic. Every serious, workable model for future trends is clear in that we need more affordable housing.
Rent controls have never worked. There will be shortages and/or the places to live will be chit. The problem is there is too much demand for housing because we have too many people. That's why you mass immigration leftists make no sense. You hurt the middle and lower classes and benefit the wealthy just because "diversity is our greatest strength!"


Nov 30, 2017
Good article from Ann Coulter:

The Democrats’ sudden discovery of 77-year-old éminence grise Joe Biden has the electric feeling of Republicans settling on George H.W. Bush in 1992. (The Iowa Republican Party actually canceled the caucuses that year so as not to embarrass President Bush.)

It’s Democrats convincing themselves in 2004 that John Kerry was the “safe” choice.

Proposed Biden campaign slogan: OK, I Guess He’ll Do.

This is good news for Trump. Bernie Sanders is his greatest nightmare.

True, the media, the donors, and the Democratic Party are convinced that Sanders is a sure loser — just as, four years ago, Fox News, the donors, and the Republican Party knew that Trump was a sure loser.

What made both Trump and Sanders unique in their respective primaries was their voluble opposition to Wall Street, war, and immigration. I’m beginning to suspect that Americans hate Wall Street, hate war, and hate mass, low-wage immigration.

I take no position on these preferences. I am simply stating facts.

Recall that, in 2016, Trump and Sanders were the only presidential candidates opposed to the mass importation of low-wage workers immiserating our working class.

Sadly, they both moved left on the issue at about the same time: Bernie when he went from being a Socialist to a Democrat, and Trump when he went from the campaign to the White House.

On war, Sanders is certainly consistent. Good war, bad war, necessary war, stupid war — he’s against ’em all!

As he recently tweeted about Trump’s assassination of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, raising the prospect of war with Iran: “I was right about Vietnam. I was right about Iraq. I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran. I apologize to no one.”

At this moment in time, 20 years into a war without end in Afghanistan — unless Trump really does end it in the fourth year of his presidency — with foreign policy experts constantly demanding military intervention against some faraway tribe, Sanders’ anti-war sentiments are a balm to the country’s weary soul.

Four years ago, Bernie probably beat Hillary Clinton — minus the finagling of the Democratic National Committee — by slogging her for her Iraq War vote.

Also, four years ago, Trump destroyed Jeb! Bush during a debate in the most pro-military state in the union, South Carolina, by calling the Iraq War a “big, fat mistake” and saying Jeb!’s brother had “lied” us into it.

The media heralded this as another Trump gaffe, “his riskiest departure from the party line,” as Fortune magazine put it. A week later, Trump swept the South Carolina primary, walking away with all 50 delegates.

Trump bragged so much about his opposition to the Iraq War that media “fact-checkers” worked overtime to prove that he was an Iraq War supporter. I think they were wrong and Trump was right, but the point is: Both Trump (the candidate) and the media knew that the anti-war position was wildly popular with voters.

Then Trump became president, and the only people working overtime on his war stance became his own voters, constantly on edge that he’s about to start a war with Syria or Iran.

Sanders has also shown remarkable consistency in his contempt for Wall Street. (There’s a reason poor Mike Bloomberg was running.)

To great acclaim, Sanders says things like, “The billionaire class is scared and they should be scared.” He vows to break up banks and impose a wealth tax. “We’re prepared to be their worst nightmare,” he says.

Similarly, back when he was running, Trump alone among Republicans kept harping about the absurd carried interest tax break that allows hedge fund managers (and private equity and venture capital managers) to pay a tax rate of 20 percent on their income, rather than the 39.6 percent the rest of us pay.

Trump complained endlessly about the loophole, saying, “the hedge fund guys are getting away with murder.” He said some of these people “are making a tremendous amount of money and paying virtually no tax, and I think it’s unfair.”

Clueless as ever, a shocked New York Times reported: “Defying Republican political gravity, after his heresy of proposing a tax increase, Mr. Trump’s popularity among Republicans rose.”

The sad ending to this story is that then Trump became president and hired half of Goldman Sachs. More Goldman Sachs employees work in the Trump administration than worked for Presidents Obama and Bush combined.

Gary Cohn, one of these patriotic, salt-of-the-earth Goldman guys, told Trump not to eliminate the carried interest loophole, so he didn’t.

And Warren Buffett continues to pay a lower tax rate than his secretary.

Maybe a Fidel-admiring revolutionary was never the best champion of even the most popular ideas — just as a vulgar reality TV star wasn’t. Maybe Bernie is dead. But the universal popularity of hating Wall Street, war, and immigration will never die.

It could be that a “safe” choice is all the Democrats need. But I think Trump just dodged a bullet.


The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Even minorities are sketch when socialism is mentioned. People seem to overlook that immigrants want to come here with the country just as it is now and has been in the past. Blacks are not exactly keen to hints of socialism as well. Isn't it funny how it is down to three pretty old white men? But while Trump gets knocked about, more and more people are willing to overlook his bluster when they see what he will be running against. The Dems had a long time to find a viable candidate but in the end, the old guard took over. And the old guard dictated who the past two candidates would be. America, on the whole, is not ready for even a hint of socialism for it would mean epic change. The Dems caved into the radical left in the party early on which was their mistake for all the candidates moved towards the left. When you actually look at some policy, there is not that much difference in Bernie and Biden.


Nov 30, 2017
Sanders has always struggled with minorities..idk why. It boggles me tbh
Blacks usually go with the establishment picks. And the free healthcare/college stuff doesn't resonate. They care about stuff being put in racial terms, they care about black issues, what are you going to do for black people (not all people,) something like free college mostly benefits non blacks. They don't really want to hear about a working/lower class revolution. Blacks have the highest "race is a important to my identity" percentage of any group.


Nov 30, 2017
Even minorities are sketch when socialism is mentioned. People seem to overlook that immigrants want to come here with the country just as it is now and has been in the past. Blacks are not exactly keen to hints of socialism as well. Isn't it funny how it is down to three pretty old white men? But while Trump gets knocked about, more and more people are willing to overlook his bluster when they see what he will be running against. The Dems had a long time to find a viable candidate but in the end, the old guard took over. And the old guard dictated who the past two candidates would be. America, on the whole, is not ready for even a hint of socialism for it would mean epic change. The Dems caved into the radical left in the party early on which was their mistake for all the candidates moved towards the left. When you actually look at some policy, there is not that much difference in Bernie and Biden.
Socialism stuff is overblown. FDR was pretty damn popular.


Mar 16, 2017
Even minorities are sketch when socialism is mentioned. People seem to overlook that immigrants want to come here with the country just as it is now and has been in the past. Blacks are not exactly keen to hints of socialism as well. Isn't it funny how it is down to three pretty old white men? But while Trump gets knocked about, more and more people are willing to overlook his bluster when they see what he will be running against. The Dems had a long time to find a viable candidate but in the end, the old guard took over. And the old guard dictated who the past two candidates would be. America, on the whole, is not ready for even a hint of socialism for it would mean epic change. The Dems caved into the radical left in the party early on which was their mistake for all the candidates moved towards the left. When you actually look at some policy, there is not that much difference in Bernie and Biden.
Please stop with the red scare bullshit

There’s nothing socialistic/communistic about using our tax dollars to take care of the needs of the people in this country. Nothing. When he starts proposing state ownership of business get back to me.

Uneducated people will gobble up this line of bullshit from the media that’s sole purpose is in protecting the elites pocketbooks. And then there’s the upper middle with the “I got mine” attitude who are too lazy to run the numbers themselves and see they save money. Fear mongering and stupidity.

Anderson Cooper is a fucking Vanderbilt for chrissakes.


Mar 16, 2017
She didn’t endorse anyone yet.. I mean can people give her a second to breathe?

My guess is Biden will tap klobuchar for vp
They are ideologically similar, she picks up those Midwest states and she already endorsed him

Be kinda hard to tap a progressive when you’ve been droning on for months how they will destroy the country

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Emotional. Look, red scare or not, people are not ready for Bernie. It seems you think people are more educated than they are and or, perhaps they feel they know enough not to vote Bernie. The fix is in, again. And FWIW, you mention lazy and those are the ones wanting handouts, so Bernie should have fit them to a T. He was defending Castro Jess and he died in that sword. People have been trying to get out of Cuba, not get in. I gotta go to work.


Nov 30, 2017
Emotional. Look, red scare or not, people are not ready for Bernie. It seems you think people are more educated than they are and or, perhaps they feel they know enough not to vote Bernie. The fix is in, again. And FWIW, you mention lazy and those are the ones wanting handouts, so Bernie should have fit them to a T. He was defending Castro Jess and he died in that sword. People have been trying to get out of Cuba, not get in. I gotta go to work.
No one cares about Castro, except Cubans who are Republicans anyway. Biden going to get to work on handouts for credit card companies instead lol.


Mar 16, 2017
Please stop calling me emotional. It’s grating. I’m no more emotional then anyone else - I’m simply posting my response and opinions. Just like everyone else. As one of the only constant female posters on this board I find the “emotional” crap you constantly toss my way to be quite telling.

I just made a point of saying people were uneducated. Exit polls have pretty much shown people with more education voting for warren or sanders consistently. I’m aware the majority of the country are not very well educated, generally and even more so when it comes to politics. It’s embaressing.

And I mentioned lazy in the context of wealthier people who complain about their health care costs but won’t take five seconds to run the math and see what Medicaid for all will cost them compared to what they are already paying. They hear tax and that’s it for them.. mind you unless you make like 250,000 a year you’d be saving money even with a tax. That’s lazy and an irrational response. I spoke to an upper middle class relative last weekend who pays 25k for health insurance. They make less than 100,000 - sitting there saying the costs are insane etc and something needs to be done but when you bring up M4A they yell “taxes! Communists” - it’s confusing and aggravating.


Jan 29, 2018
Rent controls have never worked. There will be shortages and/or the places to live will be chit. The problem is there is too much demand for housing because we have too many people. That's why you mass immigration leftists make no sense. You hurt the middle and lower classes and benefit the wealthy just because "diversity is our greatest strength!"
I was typing about more affordable housing which creates jobs and provides people decent places to live with realistic pricing. I never said anything about "mass immigration" and Im clearly not a "leftist"..... you seem quite passionate about certain topics, it would be nice if you invested the energy into researching them and reading peoples actual words here instead of posting from your alternate reality.


Mar 16, 2017
Yeah no.. there is a big difference between the government using tax money we already spend to create federal programs to benefit the people of this country - and making basic needs part of that instead of the for profit system - and full on socialism where there is no private industry at all.

You already benefit from these things where you live @Thunderian


Jan 29, 2018
Oh my... how to unpack this?

You seem exceptionally hostile towards warren and I kinda wonder why? Her platform is near identical to sanders. She’s been fighting for decades for the same things as sanders. She’s anti war just like sanders and tulsi. They have been friends and colleagues for years and apparantly sanders has no ill will towards her at all.. see the statement he released today showing support for her (he didn’t make statements about any one else who’s dropped out).

I’m open to listening to what your complaints against her are. I just don’t see it. I’ve been following her for a very long time. In no way would I see this as a capitulation.. she wasn’t trying to tank his campaign anymore then tulsi or anyone else is trying to tank his campaign. She was running her own. She had every reason to do so.

If anything this would be uniting the progressive wing and quite likely getting more women on board with sanders who have been pretty turned off by some of his followers behavior (I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a turn off for me - it is). It would fill in his weakness - he lacks details and plans for his vision, she has them in spades. They are a good team. They balance each other.

I’m also fine with him picking tulsi. I would not be fine with him picking some establishment goon to try to woo the neoliberals. Short of that he has my vote.. in a swing state.
Warrens failings have been numerous and well documented.
Shes just not honest for starters, which is a non-starter for me.
Second, she flip flops so much its difficult to tell where she actually stands. Her big talk with little results efforts toward Wall St. reform (which is supposed to be her big issue) is beyond disappointing but her unhinged accusations of Sanders sexism and the pitiful "hot mike" set up moments clarified exactly whom she is.
Shes too weak to handle the position anyway, but if Sanders chooses her over Gabbard after that, hes garbage. Tulsi had the keys to the DNC kingdom and she turned them down to support whats right and part of that was backing Sanders in 2016, which she has continued to do while he flirts with a Warren VP pick and leaves Tulsi hanging as shes smeared and blacked out by the media.