Islamophobia/Anti Muslim rhetoric

Mar 24, 2018
Sister @ShiningCarat14 you are a young person so you may not understand the tactics of phobes.
Essentially you are wasting your time trying to explain or reason with those who do not want to be reasoned with.
These people come from societies that have bullied and terrorized so many people on earth. They have wiped out the aboriginals of 3 continents and have brought on wars in Muslims lands through the usage of lies and propaganda.
They are guilty 100% of being the biggest terrorists on earth.yet in their minds they are the victims and are the biggest fearmongers besides being the biggest warmongers.
They are in no way like the Prince of Peace Prophet Jesus peace be upon him. They are not peace makers nor are they meek.
One tactic they use is to provoke other groups by voicing heinous views in the hopes of getting a reaction .Really childish tactics.
Best to ignore them and not engage. Maybe pray for them:)

JazakaAllah sister, I realised that when talking to people about Islam. When you are close minded and have a stubborn mindset you choose to become blind to the opposition
Jul 20, 2019
The phrase “Islamophobia” makes absolutely NO sense, and was made up to attempt to make free living Westerners like Americans and Europeans feel “guilty” about having (quite realistic) “issues” with Muslims, their “religion” (which is really an ideology) called “Islam,” and their anti-Western, pro-Sharia Law, extremely sexist, and homophobic beliefs. I am a very open minded woman, but my belief system which I live by is essentially “live as you choose to, but hurt no one.” (Unless they try and hurt ME or my loved ones). Believers of Islam hate all “infidels” (non-followers/believers of THEIR “religion” and lifestyle. That, to me, is WRONG. No one has the right to tell another human being how they “should” live, who they “should” have an intimate relationship with, and that if you happen to be born female that you are automatically INFERIOR to your male counterparts!! Westerners who are “cool with” Muslims, and their hateful beliefs (We can thank ex Muslim sympathasizer and president Barack Hussein Obama for lying to us all, and tell us Islam is a “religion of peace,” which is an outright lie)! Bullshit!
Mar 24, 2018
China is planning to change parts of the Quran and bible - think they forgot that Allah (swt) is the greatest planner

Uighur stories are coming out frequently and the disgusting attacks that have been inflicted on these people is horrific - this isn’t even Islamophobia this is anti Muslim and inhumane genocide


Mar 18, 2017
Not too long ago, I was watching an interview of a leader of a Lebanese nationalist party who reiterated his stance that he wanted the Syrians gone from Lebanon. I couldn’t help but wonder, that he is only a moment removed from their plight. I realized that it isn’t something that is often brought up on or off the board (hardly on here anyway), that some of these stable countries have elements that are wary of refugees changing the political or social balance of their countries. It is often asked and maps are furnished showing a miniscule number of ME refugees/immigrants being taken in by their neighbors and the rest moving on to the West. It should be rightly considered that some are choosing to move westward because: their neighbors don’t want them and that their destabilization is also a given.
I'm just saying that it's not such a widespread phenomenon that we need to be living in fear. Also we should question whose agenda such fear actually serves.

"A small group of inter-connected foundations, think tanks, pundits, and bloggers is behind the 10-year-old campaign to promote fear of Islam and Muslims in the U.S., according to a major investigative report released August 26 by the Washington-based Center for American Progress (CAP).

The 130-page report, ‘Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America’, identifies seven foundations that have quietly provided a total of more than 42 million dollars to key individuals and organisations that have spearheaded the nation-wide effort between 2001 and 2009.

They include funders that have long been associated with the extreme right in the U.S., as well as several Jewish family foundations that have supported right-wing and settler groups in Israel.

The network also includes what the report calls "misinformation experts" – including Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy (CSP), Daniel Pipes of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum (MEF), Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, and Robert Spencer of Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) – who are often tapped by television news networks and right-wing radio talk shows to comment on Islam and the threat it allegedly poses to U.S. national security."

The usual suspects: Gaffney and Pipes. I saw this interview of Pipes, posted on the website of his foundation and I couldn’t believe his duplicity.
Robert Wistrich wrote in 2004 that contemporary European antisemitism "has risen spectacularly in those societies like France, Britain, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Sweden, where Muslim communities have grown most rapidly in recent years." What steps, if any, can be taken to stop this trend?

The easiest step is to keep Islamists from entering these countries, something I have worked on in the American context. Much harder is to assert control over the separate Muslim societies with their partial no-go zones, Islamic schools, courts, and commerce, and their illegal activities from FGM to drug-trafficking. This control must be established not just for Jews but for Western civilization.

Daniel Pipe’s father was in attendance at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference where the ideology of modern day terrorism was conceived. The Islamic terrorists and their fathers weren’t listed as in attendance. His own beliefs aren’t removed from his father’s and that ideology birthed the very things he apparently lives to fight against, which is duplicitous of him but who cares? These are experts that end up on the news networks to remind you and me how bad and problematic things are their “expert opinion” is disseminated everywhere, this board not excluded.

More Gaffney and Pipes, the real faces and names behind the rhetoric.

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Jan 29, 2018
What are you worried about specifically? You need to educate yourself about Muslims and their true belief system and hatred regarding Western civilization. They believe in Sharia Law, and extremely anti-American ideology. Muslims are being “targeted” for several very serious reasons! They are a true threat to our free society; did you conveniently forget about what they accomplished on 9/11?! It’s not being “racist” to be concerned and against the hateful “religion” of Islam. It is not a “religion of peace.” The Quran allows Muslims to lie, and they loathe “infidels” (non believers of Islam) like yourself (??) and (I). Their sexist beliefs repulse me. It sounds like you need to spend some serious time on google and educate yourself about these people! Wake up!
YOU should educate YOURSELF about Muslims, Islam and the difference between the two before issuing blanket statements :)


Jan 29, 2018
Maybe part of the reason they forced the muslim women to take the new husbands is because of the female shortage that China still has due to the one child policy? Where many girl babies were aborted or abandoned to orphanages for a boy.
Or perhaps they are just secular sickos who dont mind shattering families in order to continue their hybrid scam of communism/capitalism?


Mar 13, 2017
Or perhaps they are just secular sickos who dont mind shattering families in order to continue their hybrid scam of communism/capitalism?
I don’t think the communists are past doing any horrible thing to keep power, honestly. It just seemed to me that they do have a woman shortage now and perhaps that was a way to help counteract it in their minds?


Jan 29, 2018
Muslims don’t seem to understand that we can get a picture of your book through watching how muslims operate. To really sell people on islam being actually all could come out condemning the actions of the terroristic ones...but that never happens to which one must conclude that all muslims don’t mind the terror that the ‘few’ come up with. Which then makes a person wonder what really is being taught in that book of yours.
You are watching the compromised practitioners instead of the pristine source. Its not fair when people blame Judaism or Christianity for the failings of its practitioners, and the same applies for Islam.


Mar 13, 2017
You are watching the compromised practitioners instead of the pristine source. Its not fair when people blame Judaism or Christianity for the failings of its practitioners, and the same applies for Islam.
Where’s the real muslims condemning the fakers then?


Mar 13, 2017
I can start by clearly stating what I stand for. People may not agree with my positions, but I am a Muslim and I feel my comments speak for themselves here.
So who better to educate? Doesn’t mean you will be believed.


Jan 29, 2018
Where’s the real muslims condemning the fakers then?
I dont say whos real and whos fake.... They could be an actual Muslim, they just dont want to follow the rules. Well, wheres the Christians and Jews doing the same thing you are inquiring to me about Lisa? I cant speak for any other Muslims, I just speak and stand for myself. Its a lonely island lol


Jan 29, 2018
Muslims should know all about how that stuff works...don’t they take other people’s wives for themselves too? Idk if a muslims should complain about it then?
You dont know a lot Lisa.... that never seems to stop you from spilling your word salads all over this site tho :)