Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati


Jul 27, 2017
In response to the Salem video. I wonder if Tituba was either rebellious for her time or maybe mass hysteria really tried her. She seems to be the start of the whole witch thing


Apr 6, 2018
He has a sale today in Paris at Drouot and in this sale, here are five tapestries: These five tapestries represent different and symbolic things:

Sans titre-1.jpg
This tapestry shows, both the blood river (left). Physical symbol and the spiritual river, it's stars, soul, spirit (right). She is the milky way. Both are represented by a snake.

Sans titre-1.jpg
This tapestry speaks of the position of Venus, in relation to the sun (the bull). The river on the left is the river, a starry river. Venus is also in the sun and the moon. In this case, the moon hides the sun. This allows Venus to shine in the sky.

Sans titre-1.jpg
The sun feeds the plants, while the moon regulates the water, creating the tides. On the right the stars are aligned, on the left they are the roots, monster that the water also nourishes the roots.

Sans titre-1.jpg
The two plants, the two trees, the two sides of the tree, the kabbalistic tree. The leaves is that of the sun. The roots are those of the moon.

Sans titre-1.jpg
The sun mask the other stars. The sun on the right, in eclipse, the star of Venus, the church, revealing these three stars. Wheat, symbolizing the sun, the flame(s).
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Apr 6, 2018
Un reportage, extrêmement intéressant sur François Mitterrand: Ils montrent, les différentes constructions Franc-Maçonne, ou simple référence du culte Egyptien: Par contre la vidéo est exclusivement en Français:
A report, extremely interesting about François Mitterrand: They show, the different constructions Freemasonry, or simple reference of the Egyptian worship: By cons the video is exclusively in French:

Pour compléter, voici un article Français: "Sur le culte d'Isis à Paris".
To complete, where to look, if you do not understand French, here is an article, written in French: On the cult of Isis in Paris:
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Apr 6, 2018
Lien Français, présentant la liste des "bienfaits" des pierres, des bracelets à boulles:
French link, presenting the list of "benefits" of stones, ball bracelets:


Apr 6, 2018
Lien Français: Pour éviter tous les livres Franc-Maçon: Voici une bibliothèque Franc-Maçonne:
French link: To avoid all Freemason books: Here is a Freemason library:


Apr 6, 2018
Description of the ticket of 1 on an article on the Covide-19 link and the number 33 of Freemasonry:
The New World Order Is In Your Pocket
Why, even the very dollar bills that are in your pocket right now at this moment bear the signature of the Freemasonry and Illuminati cabal that put them there. Have you ever stopped to wonder what all those signs and symbols refer to?


The bills may say “In God We Trust”, but the many arcane symbols that swirl around it let you know that it’s not the God of the bible they are referring to.
1). Novus Ordo Seclorum: A Latin phrase which means “a new order of the ages” is born. Literally, it is calling for a New World Order. –

2). Annuit Coeptis: A Latin phrase which means “he has favored our undertakings”. –

3). The Egyptian Pyramid: One of the great Illuminati symbols, the triangle, representing the ancient wisdom of Egypt. In the bible, Egypt is always a type of the unsaved world rebelling against God.

4). The All-Seeing Eye Of Horus: Horus was worshipped in the ancient world as a god of protection, and was often depicted as a falcon swooping in to catch it’s prey. Horus was the child of Isis and Osiris conceived through witchcraft in Egyptian mythology. The symbol of America – the swooping Bald Eagle – was patterned after falcon of Horus. The All-seeing-Eye is taken from the left eye, the “moon” or “sound” eye of Horus. Horus is a detestable pagan god, the son of Osiris and Isis. There is much pagan Egyptian mythology in the roots of Masonry and Mormonism. So why is it on our dollar bill?

5). 13 Levels: The pyramid has 13 steps, or levels leading up to the capstone. In the bible, 13 is the number for rebellion. America was created when our founding fathers rebelled against King George.

6). MDCCLXXI: These Roman numerals refer to founding of the Illuminati as an organization on May 1, 1776. This is not a reference to our Independence Day of July 4th, 1776.

7). 13 Stars: Again, the biblical number for rebellion – 13 – forms the basis of the Great Seal. The number 13 is all over the dollar bill.

8). E Pluribus Unum: Another Latin phrase which means “from many, one”. You will note that this phrase contains exactly 13 letters. Amazing coincidence.

9). A Spiders Web: When you look at the background pattern of the dollar bill, you will clearly see that it is a spider’s web. The spider and the spider web in ancient cultures represented death, treachery and conquest. You are now reading this article on the World Wide WEB…are you not?

10). Olive Leaves and Berries: You will note that the eagle is holding 13 olives leaves with 13 olive berries. The olive leaf is a sign of peace, but the eagle’s claws are closed to represent that these things are being taken away, and not being offered.


Apr 6, 2018
Article on the movement of the hand in the position of silence:

For those who follow KPop articles, in the clip Coup d'etat by G Dragon. The young boy, with a red glove right hand (giving hand) tight on the heart, (then later zoom on the hand, with the tight red glove of G Dragon, having grown up) in front of a stone grave. Note that the tomb (wooden?) And used for a ritual of death and rebirth.


Apr 6, 2018
Définition de mon dictionnaire, cette fois-ci sur le bain, une partie de la signification de l'utilisation de la baignoire dans les clips:
Definition from my dictionary, this time about the bath, part of the meaning of using the bathtub in the clips:
Et voici la définition des vautours, qui peut aussi accompagné le symbolisme de la baignoire:
And here is the definition of vultures, which can also accompany the symbolism of the bathtub:


Apr 6, 2018
In a video, from an excerpt (without sound, with a musical addition) of Supernatural, when Jack goes to a church, playing the angel, being manipulated by an angel, who wants to repopulate paradise:
The person who posted the extract, marked, (also having marked in some videos or it was someone else):
Has not stopped scoring, abilities developed by Illuminati magicians, showing in Supernatural (note that some may be fake, but others, either I have seen it marked other part, or verified):
Here is his comment:
'I now rapidly become like jack kline from supernatural
I now am like a Nephilim as depicted in supernatural
I now have all of the same abilities as a Nephilim depicted in supernatural
I now rapidly gain mid tier nigh omnipotence
I am a extremely powerful entity
I I now now hold unimaginable power
My power is so great I can create more angels
I am now able to effortlessly defeat and kill arch angels
I now have the same spiritual wings as jack kline as depicted in supernatural
I can show my spiritual wing through astral projection
I can show my wings through astral projection with thought and will alone
I can teleport anywhere in the universe with my wings
When I teleport I vanish with a sound of flapping wings
I can teleport anywhere at will
I can now astral project at will
I can now project my consciousness anywhere in the universe instantly at will
I can now banish anything to anywhere I want said being to go just by a thought and will
I now have biokinesis
My biokinesis is so powerful I can hurt even the most powerful beings at will
My biokinesis is so powerful I can change someone at will
My biokinesis is so powerful I can change physical appearance at will
I have supernatural perception
I can see the true form of powerful enitys with out any harmful effects
I now have clairsentience
I am able to feel alternate realities
I can track any being across the universe
I now have the power of conversion
I am now able to forage human souls into angels
I can turn humans into angels at will
I now have conjuration
I can conjure anything I say into existence by thought and will
I now have electrokinesis
I can manipulate electricity at a extreme degree
I can cause mass power outages
I can effect vending machine streetlamps and more
I can use electrokinesis by thought and will
I now have healing
I can heal any injury in a matter of seconds no matter how severe
I can heal anyone with just a thought
I now have localization
I can now track any human or entity across the universe
I now can preform molecular combustion
I can turn even the strongest beings and entity’s into dust at will
I have photokinesis
I can emit a yellow light
I can now create portals to alternate realitys
I can now grant powers to others
I can grant incredible power to other beings and entity’s by will
I now have super strength
I can now over power powerful entity’s and beings with brute strength
I now have power negation
I can now render powerful beings and entity’s powerless by thought and will
I now have pyrokinesis
I can now burn the even the most powerful beings and entity’s to ashes by thought and will
I now have themokinesis
I can now generate such amazing amounts of heat I can turn powerful beings and entity’s to dust at will
I can now warp reality
I can warp reality to an extreme extent changing the world and even my environment to my desires
I can even create things out of thin air with reality warping
I can warp reality at will
I can now resurrect anyone and anything including powerful beings and entity’s with just a thought
I can turn a human being into a pile of salt
I now have terrakinesis
I can cause the earth to shake at will
I now have telekinesis
I can now move objects with my mind or cause violent shockwave that can harm powerful beings and entity’s
I can now crush objects and powerful beings entity’s
I can now use telekinesis with just a though and will
I now have telepathy
I can call out to beings people and entity’s even in the most remote places and have a conversation with just a thought or will
I now have sedation
I can put a person to sleep with just a touch at will
I now have precognition
I can now see the present and the future at will
I now have mind control
I can now make people do things against there wil by telling them what to do or say just by thought or will
I now have the ability of apporting
I can now teleport anyone or anything to or away from me by thought or will
I now have super stamina I do not need food water oxygen or sleep to live
I now have unlimited stamina
I never tire
I now can conceal my power I can hide from anyone and anything In the supernatural world
I can conceal my power at will
I am now immortal I cannot die age decay
I stay young for eternity
I now have nigh invulnerability I cam immune to being killed by any human weapon and almost all supernatural weapon
I now have immunity to weapons objects and sigils that can harm angels
I now have regeneration
I can regenerate from any wound no matter how grievous in mere seconds
I now have nigh omniscience I am full knowledge past present and future
I know everything that was is and shall be
I now can cast spells
My omniscience allows me to have unlimited knowledge on spell craft
I can make my eyes glow gold at will or thought
I can glow a divine yellow light at will or thought

this is basically it all i added was a minibooster thats powerful af so enjoy'


Apr 6, 2018
Voici une vidéo Japonaise (la traduction Française marche, donc normalement, l'anglaise marche), que Youtube m'a suggéré, et qui est très intéressante, sur la Franc-Maçonnerie Anglaise:
Here is a Japanese video (the French translation works, so normally the English one works), which Youtube suggested to me, and which is very interesting, on English Freemasonry:

D'autres infos sur les loges d'Angleterres, venant d'un vrai livre Franc-Maçons, sont disponibles sur mon blog:
Other information on the Angleterres lodges, coming from a real Freemasons book, is available on my blog:


Apr 6, 2018


Apr 6, 2018
Here is an article on Scientology, in this case, I recommend the comment written below, the article and the commentary, as the comments of the forums are in French: The comment refers to recruitment:

Mon père est scientologue depuis que ma mère l'a quitté il y a 24 ans. Ils l'ont eu par son travail, une femme qui était responsable d'une formation je crois (genre le très populaire team builing ). Depuis, il essaie (de moins en moins) de me "convertir".
J'ai eu le droit au parcours en "interne" (autant dire qu'il m'a piégée parce que jamais je n'aurai consciemment accepté de mettre les pieds dans le CC (Celebrity Center) ). Mon père a d'abord chargé ma belle mère de me parler du bien fondé de la scientologie, puis ils m'ont remise entre les mains d'un recruteur. Il m'a montré la vidéo durant laquelle je me suis focalisée sur TOUT ce qu'ils voudraient m'entendre dire pour pouvoir le détourner lors de la conversation. Après la vidéo, il m'a fait visiter des lieux, façon "on est cool ici", tout en essayant de me sonder. Durant cette conversation, il m'a dit qu'ils souhaitaient approcher les gens d'influence quelque soit leur domaine, et que comme j'ai fait des études, que je serais dans le monde artistique, mon profil les intéressait, un peu comme s'ils me recrutaient pour un poste finalement.
Ensuite a commencé la partie la plus difficile, une sorte d'entretien où effectivement ils posent des questions plutôt gênantes, et autant le dire, pas moyen d'en éluder une seule, ils insistent. Mais ayant potassé mon sujet, j'ai réussi a mener la conversation où je le voulais. J'ai par exemple joué sur ma série mania en mettant sur le tapis le fait que j'apprenais pas mal l'anglais ainsi. Evidemment je savais qu'il me demanderai ce que je regardais et que quand je répondrais "Veronica Mars" il mettrait en avant le fait que l'acteur qui joue Logan est un fervent scientologue, et ben ça n'a pas raté (le scientologue comme tout être humain, a une part de prévisibilité). Manipuler un manipulateur a quelque chose de "plaisant". Pendant plusieurs heures il a essayé de trouver mes failles, de titiller des blessures potentielles, et il a chercher à me lire, en vain. A la fin de la session, il a fini par dire (et j'en suis très fière mais, vraiment) "Tu n'a pas besoin de nous, au mieux je peux te proposer tel livre pour t'aider à apprendre mieux". Livre que j'ai refusé en lui disant que e préfère faire les choses par moi même. Résultat, quand mon père et moi sommes partis, nous avons croisé le petit jeune homme qui m'a tendu un questionnaire de plus de 100 questions avec un air clairement frustré "je te donne ça quand même, si tu as le temps".
Depuis ce jour, je ne peux pas dire que j'ai la paix avec mon père parce qu'il ne lâchera jamais vraiment. Je vis chez lui sous un masque permanent (il travaille avec son équipe à la maison dans une boite de scientologie). Résultat à cause de la scientologie, mon père ne me connait pas vraiment, et je resterai certainement son plus gros échec.
Heureusement que ma maman m'avait "préparée", même si elle m'a laissé le relais quand j'ai été en age de comprendre et que j'ai préparé mes armes seules, elle a posé les bases de ma défense.
Quoi qu'il en soit, je sais que certains de mes amis me disent parfois qu'ils aimeraient tester le rendez vous "pour voir" mais je le déconseille au maximum, même si c'est juste "pour voir", les scientologues sont vraiment forts pour vous pousser dans vos retranchement, pour vous faire parler, et honnêtement en com', ils gèrent. Si VRAIMENT la curiosité l'emporte, préparez vous bien psychologiquement, et préparez vous des réponses fortes, n'hésitez pas a jouer un rôle, et ne les laisser pas entrer dans votre tête.
(oh! et ne croyez pas que dire que vous êtes fauché(e)s suffira, ils vous répondront qu'ils pourront bien sûr vous aider (à vous endetter pour le reste de votre vie) ).
My father has been a Scientologist since my mother left him 24 years ago. They got it through her work, a woman who was responsible for training I believe (like the very popular team builing). Since then, he tries (less and less) to "convert" me.
I had the right to the "internal" course (as much to say that it trapped me because I would never have consciously accepted to set foot in the CC (Celebrity Center)). My father first instructed my mother-in-law to tell me about the merits of Scientology, then they handed me over to a recruiter. He showed me the video in which I focused on EVERYTHING they wanted to hear me say so that they could hijack him during the conversation. After the video, he showed me around places, like "we're cool here", while trying to probe me. During this conversation, he told me that they wanted to approach people of influence whatever their field, and that as I studied, that I would be in the artistic world, my profile interested them, a bit like if they recruited me for a position in the end.
Then began the most difficult part, a kind of interview where indeed they ask rather embarrassing questions, and in other words, no way to avoid a single one, they insist. But having studied my subject, I managed to lead the conversation where I wanted. For example, I played on my mania series by highlighting the fact that I was learning a lot of English as well. Obviously I knew he would ask me what I was watching and that when I answered "Veronica Mars" he would highlight the fact that the actor who plays Logan is a fervent Scientologist, and well it did not fail (the Scientologist like any human being, has an element of predictability). There is something "pleasant" about handling a manipulator. For several hours he tried to find my loopholes, to titillate potential injuries, and he tried to read me, to no avail. At the end of the session, he ended up saying (and I'm very proud of it, but really) "You don't need us, at best I can offer you such and such a book to help you learn better" . Book that I refused, telling him that I prefer to do things by myself. As a result, when my father and I left, we passed the little young man who handed me a questionnaire of more than 100 questions with a clearly frustrated look "I'll give you that anyway, if you have the time".
Since that day, I can't say I have peace with my father because he will never really let go. I live at his place under a permanent mask (he works with his team at home in a Scientology firm). Result because of Scientology, my father does not really know me, and I will certainly remain his biggest failure.
Fortunately, my mom had "prepared" me, even if she let me take over when I was old enough to understand and I prepared my weapons alone, she laid the foundations of my defense.
Anyway, I know some of my friends sometimes tell me that they would like to test the "to see" date but I strongly recommend against it, even if it's just "to see", Scientologists are really good at pushing you into your entrenchments, at making you talk, and honestly in com ', they manage. If curiosity REALLY wins, prepare yourself well psychologically, and prepare yourself for strong responses, don't hesitate to play a role, and don't let them get into your head.
(oh! and don't think just saying you're broke will be enough, they'll say they can of course help you (get into debt for the rest of your life)).


Apr 6, 2018
10 des différents sefirots, qui sont lié à une partie du corps, et différents caractères de l'Homme:
10 different sefirots, which are linked to a part of the body, and different human characters:

Autre vidéo, proposé par Youtube, je souligne pour le chiffre 11:
Another video, proposed by Youtube, I underline for the number 11:
"La croyance et la conscience de Dieu est un 11.":
"Belief and awareness of God is an 11.":