BTS discussion thread


Apr 23, 2019
There's an example in that article.
First the standardised 440hz song.(official)

Now,the 432hz song

Find the difference yourself.:)
I actually never heard of it! Sounds extremely interesting. but I wont make it listening to 2 versions of the same boring coldplay song lol

This is even scarier :confused: because none of it is ok. It's not a great time to be a parent or kid nowdays. If I were a parent I would not let my child spend time on the internet or listen to the pop music of today. You can't say this is better because the other option is very bad. They are all bad. And isn't that the reason they are talked about this much on this forum? I translated an article written about them here before. Just like your reaction they said parents preferred their children to listen to those guys because their culture etc was more "respectful" etc than the singers from the west. But this is just fooling yourself. Those entertainers are in the same boat, and have an open agenda. This is how conservative families or regular families are so easily fooled.

Instead of letting your kid into this money grubber, pro lgbt shipl0ve "cult" to learn how to socialize etc. Just saying maybe taking after school classes, doing sports etc could be a way better and healthier decision for a child.

The music people do use waves to affect our brain. So I wouldn't recommend to anybody to listen to music for hours. This might sound crazy but I rarely listen to music anymore. When I was a teenager I couldn't do without music. When I look at it now, it's almost like some kind of addiction. I see teenagers and adults alike listening to music nonstop even when they are walking on the streets. This stuff is so tiring, and why are your mood so depending on music? When a song is stuck on your head its not because its a great song its because they know what kind of sounds and rythm, right sound waves will do this trick.

I never said bts are good, I am on this thread aren't I.. I mean to me other things are even worse.
I am thinking a lot how to shelter my kids in the future. I cannot hide TV and music from them and I dont want to alienate them from their peers. I will just teach them to pay attention and be smart and mindful and hope it helps. We all been teenagers, music is integral part of adolescence.. I of course am mortified by how unsocial everyone are and how grateful I am we didn't have smart phones when I was growing up so meeting friends was an actual activity.
Today I monitor the cartoons shes watching and the kids world is just as f*cked up.this is for another thread obviously but all those kids shows have really terrifying messages.. my little pony, PJ masks.. everything! It's really a scary time to raise kids and I haven't even started about how kids nowadays are exposed to predators everywhere. ugh :(


May 21, 2019
This is even scarier :confused: because none of it is ok. It's not a great time to be a parent or kid nowdays. If I were a parent I would not let my child spend time on the internet or listen to the pop music of today. You can't say this is better because the other option is very bad. They are all bad. And isn't that the reason they are talked about this much on this forum? I translated an article written about them here before. Just like your reaction they said parents preferred their children to listen to those guys because their culture etc was more "respectful" etc than the singers from the west. But this is just fooling yourself. Those entertainers are in the same boat, and have an open agenda. This is how conservative families or regular families are so easily fooled.

Instead of letting your kid into this money grubber, pro lgbt shipl0ve "cult" to learn how to socialize etc. Just saying maybe taking after school classes, doing sports etc could be a way better and healthier decision for a child.

The music people do use waves to affect our brain. So I wouldn't recommend to anybody to listen to music for hours. This might sound crazy but I rarely listen to music anymore. When I was a teenager I couldn't do without music. When I look at it now, it's almost like some kind of addiction. I see teenagers and adults alike listening to music nonstop even when they are walking on the streets. This stuff is so tiring, and why are your mood so depending on music? When a song is stuck on your head its not because its a great song its because they know what kind of sounds and rythm, right sound waves will do this trick.

Unless you home school and keep your kid home all the time, it really is impossible to keep them away from stuff like this. They will be exposed to it at friend's home or even at school if friends have smartphones. You can minimize it, but you can't stop it.

A couple years back my daughter suddenly decided that she was gay. And the not long after, she decided that she was transgender. It was completely out of the blue and she had shown no signs before that she was attracted to girls (she had always had crushes on boys) and wasn't even what you'd consider a tomboy. But, it turns out that her best friend since kindergarten (and our next door neighbor) had just come out as a pansexual gender fluid lesbian (who only dates boys). And no, I'm not kidding. That is exactly how she identified -- including the only dates boys part. It made her wildly popular at school -- which is why I think my daughter was influenced by that. At the time, I didn't even know what pansexual meant. I had to look it up.

I made the mistake of thinking that, because I knew that they were a devout Jewish family, they would have restrictions on computers and TV similar to ours. Turns out that wasn't the case at all. After that, she was no longer allowed to hang out there and, fortunately, they ended up having a falling out anyway and haven't spoken to each other since. Once that friendship ended, so did her interest in being either gay or transgender. But that was a nightmare. We've been through lots of counseling and, ultimately, what has worked best for us is supervision and letting some things slide while being firm about others. But, maybe our daughter is just difficult. We don't have any of these issues with our son.


Apr 23, 2019
Unless you home school and keep your kid home all the time, it really is impossible to keep them away from stuff like this. They will be exposed to it at friend's home or even at school if friends have smartphones. You can minimize it, but you can't stop it.

A couple years back my daughter suddenly decided that she was gay. And the not long after, she decided that she was transgender. It was completely out of the blue and she had shown no signs before that she was attracted to girls (she had always had crushes on boys) and wasn't even what you'd consider a tomboy. But, it turns out that her best friend since kindergarten (and our next door neighbor) had just come out as a pansexual gender fluid lesbian (who only dates boys). And no, I'm not kidding. That is exactly how she identified -- including the only dates boys part. It made her wildly popular at school -- which is why I think my daughter was influenced by that. At the time, I didn't even know what pansexual meant. I had to look it up.

I made the mistake of thinking that, because I knew that they were a devout Jewish family, they would have restrictions on computers and TV similar to ours. Turns out that wasn't the case at all. After that, she was no longer allowed to hang out there and, fortunately, they ended up having a falling out anyway and haven't spoken to each other since. Once that friendship ended, so did her interest in being either gay or transgender. But that was a nightmare. We've been through lots of counseling and, ultimately, what has worked best for us is supervision and letting some things slide while being firm about others. But, maybe our daughter is just difficult. We don't have any of these issues with our son.
Oh my God. Peer pressure is so scary. I wish only the best for you both. it sounds like you've been through a lot.

Btw, religion has nothing to do with it and not all Jews are orthodox and strict.. just like not all Christians are.
I despise how now all kids have to be genderfluid-pansexual-nonbinary-refertothemselvesasthey.. if you are indeed gay, that's another thing.. being straight is simply not cool anymore. You must be at least bisexual. btw, a lot of bts female fans identify as bisexual and have long distance relationships with other female fans (from what I observed on instagram and twitter). I wonder if they "became " bisexual prior to discovering bts or it's the environment they promote that helped them to "find their true self".


Jun 7, 2019
Oh my God. Peer pressure is so scary. I wish only the best for you both. it sounds like you've been through a lot.

Btw, religion has nothing to do with it and not all Jews are orthodox and strict.. just like not all Christians are.
I despise how now all kids have to be genderfluid-pansexual-nonbinary-refertothemselvesasthey.. if you are indeed gay, that's another thing.. being straight is simply not cool anymore. You must be at least bisexual. btw, a lot of bts female fans identify as bisexual and have long distance relationships with other female fans (from what I observed on instagram and twitter). I wonder if they "became " bisexual prior to discovering bts or it's the environment they promote that helped them to "find their true self".
I honestly have no idea why people are claiming what gender they decide they are when if they already have a penis, they're male. If they have a vagina, they're female. They are pushing the lgbtq community TOO far at this point. Parents are leading their children astray, every child I see that's been pushed to become transgender or something is under some demonic influence. God allows me to see that. Now I'm not one of those to say "EW OMG THATS A TRANSGENDER PERSON GET THEM OUT OF HERE-" but I just pray they find God. Though if they're parents sign their own children also for the illuminati or stuff like this, 98% chance they will grow in it, and won't have a chance to repent. This is why I'm glad my parents love me enough to not even dare let me be under satanic influence.

Sometimes I feel as though people in the lgbtq community feel guilty because they're convicted by God of their sins. Have you noticed they KEEP CONSTANTLY telling themselves and others what genders they decide they are, and who they're going to date? They're under a SPIRITUAL WAR with God convicting them, and satan telling them "Rebel against God, it's fine. He didn't put you in the right body anyway"


Dec 14, 2018
This is even scarier :confused: because none of it is ok. It's not a great time to be a parent or kid nowdays. If I were a parent I would not let my child spend time on the internet or listen to the pop music of today. You can't say this is better because the other option is very bad. They are all bad. And isn't that the reason they are talked about this much on this forum? I translated an article written about them here before. Just like your reaction they said parents preferred their children to listen to those guys because their culture etc was more "respectful" etc than the singers from the west. But this is just fooling yourself. Those entertainers are in the same boat, and have an open agenda. This is how conservative families or regular families are so easily fooled.

Instead of letting your kid into this money hungry "cult" to learn how to socialize etc. Just saying maybe taking after school classes, doing sports etc could be a way better and healthier decision for a child.

The music people do use waves to affect our brain. So I wouldn't recommend to anybody to listen to music for hours. This might sound crazy but I rarely listen to music anymore. When I was a teenager I couldn't do without music. When I look at it now, it's almost like some kind of addiction. I see teenagers and adults alike listening to music nonstop even when they are walking on the streets. This stuff is so tiring, and why are your mood so depending on music? When a song is stuck on your head its not because its a great song its because they know what kind of sounds and rythm, right sound waves will do this trick.

I personally think BTS and their fandom are scarier than the likes of Cardi B. At least Cardi B recieves tons of criticism and hate by the general public and many get exposed to the negatives of the image she is pushing. Fans aren’t obsessed with her, they just find her entertaining or like the beats of her song. They don’t spend insane amounts of time and money on her. Growing up i listened to rap music, some of which had explicit lyrics, don’t think it affected me much as I didn’t fully grasp the meaning back then. Retrospectively I realize wow I can’t believe we would listen to this song when I was in 5th grade in gym class.

However being obsessed with a celebrity/ group is much more dangerous, because that influence is on a whole different level. BTS, their company and the fandom all feel like a cult and tbh use cult like methods to keep fans obsessed. Just the fact that no one gets to criticize them is a huge red flag, they are treated as some sort of saints whose sanctity can’t be tainted. That is a very dangerous mindset. They can swiftly push whatever agenda they want and have been extremely successful at it too. Slut agenda is less dagerous than the gender queer agenda, but that is just my humble opinion. The effect it has on the individual and society is more severe.

I don’t think their music is anything special, I can’t relate with people feeling it has a hypnotic effects. It sounds like regular pop with to me some rapping and gets old real quick. The beats aren’t unique to my ears. It is as @Deadlylady writes, mainstream pop music is mostly computer generated nowadays and does affect the addiction centers in the brain using certain algorithms. It is actually scientifically proven that purely objectively the quality and uniqueness of mainstream pop has been on the decline, especially in recent years. While it gets the listener hooked after a few listens like a drug, the effect tends to die out quickly, there will be no longetivity. So this is when quantity takes over quality, the need to produce new songs all the time, regardless of recycled and non-unique they are. That is also one of the reasons why most pop acts have a very shirt shelf life.

But some fans can’t stop and find themselves liking everything they do, because they have become obsessed with them as people, immediately they take a liking to things related to them, music included. This is what I mean by cult like marketing strategies.


Apr 23, 2019
I personally think BTS and their fandom are scarier than the likes of Cardi B. At least Cardi B recieves tons of criticism and hate by the general public and many get exposed to the negatives of the image she is pushing. Fans aren’t obsessed with her, they just find her entertaining or like the beats of her song. They don’t spend insane amounts of time and money on her. Growing up i listened to rap music, some of which had explicit lyrics, don’t think it affected me much as I didn’t fully grasp the meaning back then. Retrospectively I realize wow I can’t believe we would listen to this song when I was in 5th grade in gym class.

However being obsessed with a celebrity/ group is much more dangerous, because that influence is on a whole different level. BTS, their company and the fandom all feel like a cult and tbh use cult like methods to keep fans obsessed. Just the fact that no one gets to criticize them is a huge red flag, they are treated as some sort of saints whose sanctity can’t be tainted. That is a very dangerous mindset. They can swiftly push whatever agenda they want and have been extremely successful at it too. Slut agenda is less dagerous than the gender queer agenda, but that is just my humble opinion. The effect it has on the individual and society is more severe.

I don’t think their music is anything special, I can’t relate with people feeling it has a hypnotic effects. It sounds like regular pop with to me some rapping and gets old real quick. The beats aren’t unique to my ears. It is as @Deadlylady writes, mainstream pop music is mostly computer generated nowadays and does affect the addiction centers in the brain using certain algorithms. It is actually scientifically proven that purely objectively the quality and uniqueness of mainstream pop has been on the decline, especially in recent years. While it gets the listener hooked after a few listens like a drug, the effect tends to die out quickly, there will be no longetivity. So this is when quantity takes over quality, the need to produce new songs all the time, regardless of recycled and non-unique they are. That is also one of the reasons why most pop acts have a very shirt shelf life.

But some fans can’t stop and find themselves liking everything they do, because they have become obsessed with them as people, immediately they take a liking to things related to them, music included. This is what I mean by cult like marketing strategies.
I agree with you yes. Even the name itself, army, is alarming. They are a unified army, working as one to fulfill all kind of ridiculous actions like streaming songs , trending hashtags, buy merch.. like their idols care about your hashtags.. and yes, the most troubling aspect is the monetization of their fandom, I dont know if it's a common kpop practice? But everything costs money and the more stuff you own the more you are appreciated among other armys.. and since most of the fans are young or in college this burden falls on their poor parents...

We all grew up on music full of bad messages, watched TV shows and movies filled with agenda .. looking back I am amazed how it didnt stand out as it was, just like now, hidden in plain sight . I also can't believe the lyrics we used to hear as young kids..
and we came out fine, most of us. Today the agendas are more prominent and I feel the masses are being dumbed down all the time by shallow content so the future doesn't look bright.


Jun 7, 2018
I don't know if I mentioned this but while being a 'army' lord I'm getting the shivers

I don't exactly remember when I became interested in BTS the thing is I never wanted to get involved with Kpop bands ever I was so against becoming a fan of any celebrity.

The first song I actually listened to was dope but I didnt pay any attention to the song when it came out, though when I heard the DNA whistle that's when it all happened honestly I don't remember much after that.

After being broken from such a 'spell' I dont know if this is just me but when you look into someone eyes you see there soul? There pictures just seen lifeless after I just looked at it I almost cried a bit and I though maybe everyone looks like that in pictures but I honestly

They just dont seem as happy as I thought they were I feel so stupid how did I not notice before? (T⌓T)
My friend,i was exactly like you. I remember hearing that whistle and the next thing i remember,i had this stupid grin on my face,my face almost touching to computer screen and listened half the song without hearing or understanding or remembering a damn thing... That song has something,and i still have some craving like feelings on that song. Not the other songs, but only DNA!
Bu the way,i am back people :) and i will start reading from where i left,which is like 800+ pages :D


Dec 1, 2018
Unless you home school and keep your kid home all the time, it really is impossible to keep them away from stuff like this. They will be exposed to it at friend's home or even at school if friends have smartphones. You can minimize it, but you can't stop it.

A couple years back my daughter suddenly decided that she was gay. And the not long after, she decided that she was transgender. It was completely out of the blue and she had shown no signs before that she was attracted to girls (she had always had crushes on boys) and wasn't even what you'd consider a tomboy. But, it turns out that her best friend since kindergarten (and our next door neighbor) had just come out as a pansexual gender fluid lesbian (who only dates boys). And no, I'm not kidding. That is exactly how she identified -- including the only dates boys part. It made her wildly popular at school -- which is why I think my daughter was influenced by that. At the time, I didn't even know what pansexual meant. I had to look it up.

I made the mistake of thinking that, because I knew that they were a devout Jewish family, they would have restrictions on computers and TV similar to ours. Turns out that wasn't the case at all. After that, she was no longer allowed to hang out there and, fortunately, they ended up having a falling out anyway and haven't spoken to each other since. Once that friendship ended, so did her interest in being either gay or transgender. But that was a nightmare. We've been through lots of counseling and, ultimately, what has worked best for us is supervision and letting some things slide while being firm about others. But, maybe our daughter is just difficult. We don't have any of these issues with our son.
Wow that's a scary story. I would never thougth in my life that stuff like that would happen 5-10 years ago. So they made this stuff trendy among kids. Pansexual is just a term to mess up your mind about genders. Seems like home schooling is a great choice. We are living in the end times for sure. But children deciding stuff like that is not normal, I bet this is because of the media, music, films etc. Your son being ok but your girl being deceived by this stuff only shows that girls are more emotional, so they are more prone to be fooled by this stuff.

Believe it or not this lgbt craze is not spread all over the world at least not in my country yet. But they are trying a little by little. My country is a hard rock about this issue. In my culture lgbt people are not accepted. They cannot marry. But if they decide to live this lifestyle they do it in private like it should be. Exposing lgbt to children should be banned all around the world no matter what. I can't believe nobody has stood against this stuff in america or the uk? Or did they? I don't follow much of what is going on in the world.
I agree with you yes. Even the name itself, army, is alarming. They are a unified army, working as one to fulfill all kind of ridiculous actions like streaming songs , trending hashtags, buy merch.. like their idols care about your hashtags.. and yes, the most troubling aspect is the monetization of their fandom, I dont know if it's a common kpop practice? But everything costs money and the more stuff you own the more you are appreciated among other armys.. and since most of the fans are young or in college this burden falls on their poor parents...

We all grew up on music full of bad messages, watched TV shows and movies filled with agenda .. looking back I am amazed how it didnt stand out as it was, just like now, hidden in plain sight . I also can't believe the lyrics we used to hear as young kids..
and we came out fine, most of us. Today the agendas are more prominent and I feel the masses are being dumbed down all the time by shallow content so the future doesn't look bright.
They are an army of zombies if you ask me.


Ekran Alıntısı.JPG
Mar 23, 2019
How do you know if a music is in 440htz? Ill only listen to classical and old christian music lol
There's a book titled Music Intelligence and Personality, take a look.


May 21, 2019
Oh my God. Peer pressure is so scary. I wish only the best for you both. it sounds like you've been through a lot.

Btw, religion has nothing to do with it and not all Jews are orthodox and strict.. just like not all Christians are.
I despise how now all kids have to be genderfluid-pansexual-nonbinary-refertothemselvesasthey.. if you are indeed gay, that's another thing.. being straight is simply not cool anymore. You must be at least bisexual. btw, a lot of bts female fans identify as bisexual and have long distance relationships with other female fans (from what I observed on instagram and twitter). I wonder if they "became " bisexual prior to discovering bts or it's the environment they promote that helped them to "find their true self".
That was an error on my part. I made assumptions about how much filtering of content they would do based upon the notion that someone who is devout would care more about that stuff. The fault in that is entirely on me. I should have asked about it instead of just assuming. Our values seemed pretty much aligned (except when it came to the media stuff, obviously) and they are nice people so I didn't ask what their policies were. I should have done that. My neighbors across the street are very strict Christians who homeschool and the dad is a dentist so they also don't allow any candy. I always asked if certain shows or movies or snacks were okay before I let their kids watch/eat something. I think even if you think something is no big deal, the parents should get to say if it is okay or not. It is surprising how many parents don't even consider that they might need parent's approval for something.

There has been an academic at Brown recently who was looking into the drastic and sudden rise of transgenderism in kids (especially girls) and she has stated that there appears to be social contagion factor. She called it "rapid-onset gender dysphoria". Of course, that study was pulled after outcry about it. So, no one is free to look at the possibility that this type of glorifying transgenderism may be causing kids to become confused. And the recent push for confirming treatment (and the effort to halt any other types of treatment like therapy or watchful waiting) is going to lead to a lot of kids growing up to be men and women who find themselves (once past the suggestible ages of puberty) with permanent disfiguration and likely sterilization. It is just a sad thing all around.

As for bi-sexuality, it is seen as cool -- just look at Halsey, BTS's "girl". She makes out with a girl in a video, but she sure seems to choose only men for relationships. Or Katie Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" song. I don't even believe that bi-sexuality is a real thing. Unless they are just narcissists who think that sex is only about their pleasure and it doesn't matter who gives it to them as long as they get what they want.


Sep 28, 2018
Unless you home school and keep your kid home all the time, it really is impossible to keep them away from stuff like this. They will be exposed to it at friend's home or even at school if friends have smartphones. You can minimize it, but you can't stop it.

A couple years back my daughter suddenly decided that she was gay. And the not long after, she decided that she was transgender. It was completely out of the blue and she had shown no signs before that she was attracted to girls (she had always had crushes on boys) and wasn't even what you'd consider a tomboy. But, it turns out that her best friend since kindergarten (and our next door neighbor) had just come out as a pansexual gender fluid lesbian (who only dates boys). And no, I'm not kidding. That is exactly how she identified -- including the only dates boys part. It made her wildly popular at school -- which is why I think my daughter was influenced by that. At the time, I didn't even know what pansexual meant. I had to look it up.

I made the mistake of thinking that, because I knew that they were a devout Jewish family, they would have restrictions on computers and TV similar to ours. Turns out that wasn't the case at all. After that, she was no longer allowed to hang out there and, fortunately, they ended up having a falling out anyway and haven't spoken to each other since. Once that friendship ended, so did her interest in being either gay or transgender. But that was a nightmare. We've been through lots of counseling and, ultimately, what has worked best for us is supervision and letting some things slide while being firm about others. But, maybe our daughter is just difficult. We don't have any of these issues with our son.
what you say its a good example of how this LGBT agenda affectes teens people exist? yes of course
But including gay and transgender characters in every TV show, every movie, every music video etc....has an effect and it becomes "trendy"....and teens only want to fit in with the "cool" crowd so heterosexuality is a big NO for them

like others said Cardi B promotes her sexual agenda too....but everyone knows she is dumb and they just make fun of her....with BTS is different because they are seen as an "example" and as some positive role models that help you "love yourself" is a group that promotes suicide helping you love yourself is a big mistery to me but....whatever
Last edited:


May 21, 2019
I've been wondering if all the "scandal" talk and alluding to spats behind the scenes might just be part of the script for the next album. Aren't they supposed to be continuing the Jungian theme with "Ego" and "Shadow"? Their image is so carefully controlled that I can't really believe we are getting true glimpses of behind the scenes stuff.

I just feel like we are going to see them address something like we are both genders in one body or sexual fluidity is what happens when the persona/ego/shadow align or some other kind of nonsense. We know they plan stuff out meticulously. And there is no way that they are ramping up the possible "boy love" angle and all the rainbow stuff for no reason. Either someone really is gay and they are coming out soon or they are going to come up with something about everyone being a little bit gay. There has to be an ultimate goal with that.

And the more I think about it, if you take young boys and keep them in isolation for years away from their families and prevent them from having relationships with girls -- don't you think they are pretty starved for affection and maybe that is what drives them to possible relationships with each other rather than a truly innate attraction? They may be a family, but they are a super dysfunctional one. In all honesty, what they are doing to these boys (I say boys, because mentally that is what they still are) seems more like a Nazi science experiment than the entertainment business. For instance, what would happen if, in the dystopian future, children were taken from families and raised by the state? I'm guessing BTS is giving us a pretty good glimpse as to what kind of personalities would develop from that. And it isn't a good thing.


Sep 28, 2018
As for bi-sexuality, it is seen as cool -- just look at Halsey, BTS's "girl". She makes out with a girl in a video, but she sure seems to choose only men for relationships. Or Katie Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" song. I don't even believe that bi-sexuality is a real thing. Unless they are just narcissists who think that sex is only about their pleasure and it doesn't matter who gives it to them as long as they get what they want.
talking about Halsey

she must like very feminine men then....this gets pushed everyday all over social media...always the same


May 21, 2019
talking about Halsey

she must like very feminine men then....this gets pushed everyday all over social media...always the same
So, what is she saying? She is a transgender dude and he is a transgender woman? Or is she saying that she is the boss in that relationship? As equals, would it even matter which one was called boyfriend and which one was called girlfriend? Like most things that come out of Halsey's mouth -- this makes NO sense. She's always identified as a woman. Her last song was all about female empowerment, wasn't it? And, you know, for a "boyfriend" she sure loves to put her boobs on display when she is performing. This world makes no sense to me anymore.


Dec 1, 2018
That was an error on my part. I made assumptions about how much filtering of content they would do based upon the notion that someone who is devout would care more about that stuff. The fault in that is entirely on me. I should have asked about it instead of just assuming. Our values seemed pretty much aligned (except when it came to the media stuff, obviously) and they are nice people so I didn't ask what their policies were. I should have done that. My neighbors across the street are very strict Christians who homeschool and the dad is a dentist so they also don't allow any candy. I always asked if certain shows or movies or snacks were okay before I let their kids watch/eat something. I think even if you think something is no big deal, the parents should get to say if it is okay or not. It is surprising how many parents don't even consider that they might need parent's approval for something.

There has been an academic at Brown recently who was looking into the drastic and sudden rise of transgenderism in kids (especially girls) and she has stated that there appears to be social contagion factor. She called it "rapid-onset gender dysphoria". Of course, that study was pulled after outcry about it. So, no one is free to look at the possibility that this type of glorifying transgenderism may be causing kids to become confused. And the recent push for confirming treatment (and the effort to halt any other types of treatment like therapy or watchful waiting) is going to lead to a lot of kids growing up to be men and women who find themselves (once past the suggestible ages of puberty) with permanent disfiguration and likely sterilization. It is just a sad thing all around.

As for bi-sexuality, it is seen as cool -- just look at Halsey, BTS's "girl". She makes out with a girl in a video, but she sure seems to choose only men for relationships. Or Katie Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" song. I don't even believe that bi-sexuality is a real thing. Unless they are just narcissists who think that sex is only about their pleasure and it doesn't matter who gives it to them as long as they get what they want.
It looks like for actors and entertainers nowdays to be able to advance in their careers, do bigger things they have to come out as bi, gay etc. I think its just to make "the people" happy and push the agenda. They do eveything for money and fame anyways so acting like that is not a big issue. And guys were already putting on women clothes in movies ways before. I remember dave chapelle talking about this stuff way before. During one movie shooting they told him to wear woman clothes and he refused. Later he quit hollyweird altogether.



Dec 14, 2018
I've been wondering if all the "scandal" talk and alluding to spats behind the scenes might just be part of the script for the next album. Aren't they supposed to be continuing the Jungian theme with "Ego" and "Shadow"? Their image is so carefully controlled that I can't really believe we are getting true glimpses of behind the scenes stuff.

I just feel like we are going to see them address something like we are both genders in one body or sexual fluidity is what happens when the persona/ego/shadow align or some other kind of nonsense. We know they plan stuff out meticulously. And there is no way that they are ramping up the possible "boy love" angle and all the rainbow stuff for no reason. Either someone really is gay and they are coming out soon or they are going to come up with something about everyone being a little bit gay. There has to be an ultimate goal with that.

And the more I think about it, if you take young boys and keep them in isolation for years away from their families and prevent them from having relationships with girls -- don't you think they are pretty starved for affection and maybe that is what drives them to possible relationships with each other rather than a truly innate attraction? They may be a family, but they are a super dysfunctional one. In all honesty, what they are doing to these boys (I say boys, because mentally that is what they still are) seems more like a Nazi science experiment than the entertainment business. For instance, what would happen if, in the dystopian future, children were taken from families and raised by the state? I'm guessing BTS is giving us a pretty good glimpse as to what kind of personalities would develop from that. And it isn't a good thing.
Ok i live in a very lgbt friendly country, i even have had openly gay teachers in high school. I can tell you that I know (not friends with) at least 20 lgbt people. I had/have a classmate, a girl whom I got know pretty well because we were in the same group one term. We got along relatively well. When I first got to know her she was a typical girly girl and even had a boyfriend. Over time she became more and more of a social justice warrior and started to cut her hair short dying it purple, blue and green colors (typical ) and started dating girls. Her closest friend was this gay guy in the class (of 150 people). So i thought oh great now she is a lesbian. Even worse, I was shook when she told me she is dating one of my previous classmates from high school. I had no idea that girl too was lesbian (was very smart, artistic and normal). While she was telling me all of this she said she is tired of dating and hooking up with guys and wants a woman for something serious. I guess i looked shocked because she went on to explain that she is bisexual. That made me realize that she is indeed is bisexual but seems to prefer women for serious relationhips, because she ended up dating my ex classmate for a good 2 years. Have no idea if they are still togther. She really wanted to be friends with me and was super nice, and constantly invited me to hangout, I came up with an excuse every time, but wanted to stay on friendly terms because we were in the same group and it was a critical for me to show good team work for grades. After the fifth invitation I said I would go to her goodbye lunch out of courtesy. While there she had some other friends over most were normal folks. But there was also this gay couple two dudes who looked like twinks. Then started showing some PDA, nothing serious just typical couple stuff, and I kinda felt grossed out. I knew gay people but it is another thing when you see them acting sexual/lovey dovey in front of you. Thank god they were not two hairy ass men because then I would have puked. I excused myself and left early. Needless to say I am glad I did not attend her other events and cut contact as soon as that term was over.

Side note: When I say BTS maknae line are gay not bisexual, I have real life experience with these things (unfortunately). The expression of bisexuality in men and women is quite different though.
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Jan 16, 2018
The entire industry is lumped together, but I tend to think the Kore@n industry/kpop is worst. Why? Because it's presented in a such a way that seems innocent on the surface: "clean" lyrics all the while in the performances and music videos they're much more suggestive. It comes off as being harmless and pure but it's actually just as bad.


Sep 28, 2018
The entire industry is lumped together, but I tend to think the Kore@n industry/kpop is worst. Why? Because it's presented in a such a way that seems innocent on the surface: "clean" lyrics all the while in the performances and music videos they're much more suggestive. It comes off as being harmless and pure but it's actually just as bad.
Very true...and what most confuses me about kpop is the love they have for "cute" stuff
They love when girls and boys act like kids and they feel atraction for see the group Twice? they literally act like children....and thats why they are so popular with korean men

This is a big reason why Jimin is the most popular in Korea too, he likes to act like a child and fangirls love it....this type of things are very popular in Japan too.....Its something about their culture that makes me very disturbed

BTS promotes this too as you see them here telling Jimin to sleep on a crib....but he is 25 years old



Dec 14, 2018
The only time I had to witness the lgbt+ action was in school when I walked in on my classmates,two guys making out during lunchbreak,in the classroom.Needless to say,I was shocked.That was the first time I realised that lgbt+ agenda is closer than I imagined.One of those guys was the crush for almost all the girls in the year,including my best friend.I never took a liking for him.Maybe,my gaydar was strong.I tried to tell my friend what I saw but,she said that I was mistaken.And the next day,I ran into the guys in action,again,this time at some other place.They remained oblivious to my presence.I didn't tell anyone this time as everyone already chose to believe that he is straight. The girls kept fawning over him until the last day of the school,much to my amusement.:D
Anyway,recently heard that the guy got engaged in college,to a girl and the news brought back that memory.Guess,he is a bi.

Sorry,for derailing the thread a bit.I just wanted to add my experience with lgbt+ people.

I,too think that bt5 is more on lgbt+ side than on straight side.And in busan,where they went to perform yesterday or today,the authorities lit five important landmarks in purple.It seems purple is not only associated with tea but also the whole bt5.And in lgbt+ parlance,purple represents bi ,because purple is a mix of pink(girl) and blue(boy).Just saying.
Or a closet case. Either way poor his wife, he will continue doing this behind her back, because if you enjoy these things with men a woman won’t suffice for you. In fact the woman might be there for traditional family to shut your parents up while you keep having secret rendevouz with men. Honestly gay men >> bisexual men. At least it is clear what team the are on.
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Jan 16, 2018
And the more I think about it, if you take young boys and keep them in isolation for years away from their families and prevent them from having relationships with girls -- don't you think they are pretty starved for affection and maybe that is what drives them to possible relationships with each other rather than a truly innate attraction? .

Believe me when I say I literally thought about this just the other day and forgot to bring it up here during the discussion of shipping. I honestly believe this is the case, especially with the maknae line. They may very well not be "gay" in the sense we know it as. But they think they are because of limited access and having started out so young. If they're living together, spending majority of their time together, it's like being in prison. And well...we all know what goes on in prison if inmates aren't allowed conjugal visits. Don't get me wrong, now, I think they have access to whatever may be their preference. At the same time, they may have a propensity to lean more towards same sex if that's what they are used to.

Just saying.