
The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
My tagline says it all, judge me with facts. It is true, I am not poor. But tell me this, why do you two and Mr. Psycic always gang up, get rude and name call? Are you two not capable of discussion or do you always have to results in silly insults? The reason I mention work is that some here seem to always be here and others have admitted to being unemployed. Money is not everything and it does not rule me but it makes life more tolerable. So, yeah, in real life, I have enough a pretty good job and invest into other things. Why does it always turn into personal attacks with you guys? That is the sign of not having enough confidence to argue points without losing it. I can assure you that what I say about myself is true and could care less what you think, so why not stick to discussion and not attacking me personally. It never fails that when I say I am going to work you two claim some sort of imagined victory and all kinds of little petty shots when I cannot respond. And you always avoid answering what is actually said or points made. I offered a concise list and you could not address any of it.
Sep 5, 2018
I don't feel like chopping the long post up in the quotes Zone so I will reply as best I can to certain ones inside in bold.

Umm, Trumps big nothing burger.

►Pull the United States out of the Iranian nuclear deal.

All this does is increase the chances of war and increase the likelihood of Iran actually developing a deadly weapon. This one of the only good foreign policy moves by Obama. Who does this benefit? The Saudi's ( and Israelis) who are responsible for spreading Sunni radicalism that is used to steal our rights.

►Stand up to NATO countries for not ponying up enough money to cover the organization’s expenses and their own defense costs.

To an extent I support this.

►Take on the news media and not back down, exposing bias and agenda-driven journalism intended to run him out of office.

It's all just entertainment. Trump only works with his base if he is seen as being attacked by the media. It actually plays well for him to seen bas their enemies or else he wouldn't be able to maintain outsider status.

►Put an intense focus on immigration, the importance of border security and the cost of illegal immigration, including U.S. citizens killed by the undocumented.
Complete fear mongering. You are more likely to be killed my a US citizen than an illegal as I have shown here and elsewhere on the boards. immigration keeps the us economy functioning not to mention it is a moral obligation to help those fleeing circumstance

►Target the ruthless Salvadoran street gang MS-13.
more fearmongering and 13 is a direct descendant from us backed death squads from the 80s associated with Elliot Abrams who is now involved in the Venezeula Affair

►Picking James Mattis as Defense secretary, Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations, John Kelly as White House chief of staff andKellyanne Conway as senior adviser.

mattis and Kelly think he is a moron, Nikki Haley is a war monger and Conway is a liar. even if they were good picks it will never make up for Sessions, Pompeo or Bloody Gina

►Begin a dialogue with North Korea about ending its nuclear weapons program.

good in theory but NK is not ending its program anytime soon

More: Trump is right: More than Facebook & Twitter, Google threatens democracy, online freedom

ok he is right

Lessons of Mount Rushmore presidents could help Trump redeem his presidency

Roaring economy isn't lifting Trump approval rating.

its roaring for privileged white guys like you Zone, not so much anybody else

►Focus attention on Rust Belt states and give respect to white working-class voters, overlooked by the elites on both coasts.

good strategy and HRC lost because she abandoned union voters and many swallowed his populist rhetoric on the subject but he has not helped them and in fact has hurt midwestern farmers with tariffs and steel workers!

►Challenge elitism and question what it means to be “elite.”

a guy who shits on gold toilets is the definition of elite

►Create millions of new jobs (the White House claims as many as3 million) and bring unemployment down to 3.9 percent, the lowest since 2000.
"In President Trump’s first 20 months in office, the U.S. has seen 3.8 million jobs added, a 482,000 difference to Obama’s 4.3 million jobs added in the same time frame." yes there has been steady job creation but wages remain stagnant, and again its less jobs than Obama in the same period of time.

►Focus national attention on the opiod crisis, including a look at doctors who overprescribe pain pills.
good in theory but Trump is making it worse

►Nominate impressive Supreme Court candidates Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
both awful people ( care about the 4th amendment or no?)

►Propose and help pass a tax cut and cut federal regulations.
tax cut made the elite much more elite at the expense of the social safety net while corpos just bought back their stock insteand of creating good jobs or giving reason
►Pull out of the Paris Agreement on climate change and defy global warming alarmists.
all your money wont be worth shit when we really feel the extent of the climate crisis

►Renegotiate unfair trade deals in search of better terms.
addresses superficial concerns only, changes very little from the original deals and the new NAFTA is virtually the same as what would have happened if the TPP had gone thru

Feel free to discuss any of the many things listed. I am not a major Trump fan but to continue to deny he has done nothing is beyond short-sighted. With such a slanted media which ignores facts and accomplishments, it is no wonder we have so many hate zombies.

Anyway I got bored and didn't feel like going on. Thanks Zone.
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Sep 5, 2018
My tagline says it all, judge me with facts. It is true, I am not poor. But tell me this, why do you two and Mr. Psycic always gang up, get rude and name call? Are you two not capable of discussion or do you always have to results in silly insults? The reason I mention work is that some here seem to always be here and others have admitted to being unemployed. Money is not everything and it does not rule me but it makes life more tolerable. So, yeah, in real life, I have enough a pretty good job and invest into other things. Why does it always turn into personal attacks with you guys? That is the sign of not having enough confidence to argue points without losing it. I can assure you that what I say about myself is true and could care less what you think, so why not stick to discussion and not attacking me personally. It never fails that when I say I am going to work you two claim some sort of imagined victory and all kinds of little petty shots when I cannot respond. And you always avoid answering what is actually said or points made. I offered a concise list and you could not address any of it.
Its pretty obvious that you respect people based on their level of "success" as defined in capitalist society. There's a lot of variables that go into why someone is "successful" but as long as you get yours right? That's a pretty elitist attitude. I'm not going to insult you but you are the problem.
Apr 12, 2017
My tagline says it all, judge me with facts. It is true, I am not poor. But tell me this, why do you two and Mr. Psycic always gang up, get rude and name call? Are you two not capable of discussion or do you always have to results in silly insults? The reason I mention work is that some here seem to always be here and others have admitted to being unemployed. Money is not everything and it does not rule me but it makes life more tolerable. So, yeah, in real life, I have enough a pretty good job and invest into other things. Why does it always turn into personal attacks with you guys? That is the sign of not having enough confidence to argue points without losing it. I can assure you that what I say about myself is true and could care less what you think, so why not stick to discussion and not attacking me personally. It never fails that when I say I am going to work you two claim some sort of imagined victory and all kinds of little petty shots when I cannot respond. And you always avoid answering what is actually said or points made. I offered a concise list and you could not address any of it.
FFS please don't lump me in with those guys (no offense Tempest and Awoken, I'm sure you understand) I only called out your ridiculousness, I did not personally attack you, so by lumping me I will just assume you are playing the victim again in order to avoid discussion. The other two can't seem to avoid resorting to ad hominem, like, ever, so I do understand your frustration.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
You really think this guy has money like he says? Something tells me its like almost every other claim he makes here.... outlandish and unprovable.
Well at least I am not a past poster posting as someone else who has been banned before.
Its pretty obvious that you respect people based on their level of "success" as defined in capitalist society. There's a lot of variables that go into why someone is "successful" but as long as you get yours right? That's a pretty elitist attitude. I'm not going to insult you but you are the problem.
Really? You read all that into it? I busted my tail for what I have and do not judge anyone, Respect is another thing and I think some want social handouts for sitting at home.
FFS please don't lump me in with those guys (no offense Tempest and Awoken, I'm sure you understand) I only called out your ridiculousness, I did not personally attack you, so by lumping me I will just assume you are playing the victim again in order to avoid discussion. The other two can't seem to avoid resorting to ad hominem, like, ever, so I do understand your frustration.
I have said I am at work three times. Do you want me to quit and discuss or can any of you be patient? And I would not want to be lumped in with them either:) Victim no, asking people to adhere to posting rules, yes. Is that wrong?
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Sep 5, 2018
Really? You read all that into it? I busted my tail for what I have and do not judge anyone, Respect is another thing and I think some want social handouts for sitting at home.
No I got it from your interactions here over the last couple of years. No one says you didn't work hard but you obviously have acess to things that many do not, and you think climbing the ladder is what matters in life. The real parasites aren't people who get social hand-outs its fat cats whose job is to check a dividend or hedge fund envelope and go to board meetings.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
It happens when you are the owner. I live 10 miles from work. Weren't you the one who said his parents drank a lot and that you did not have a job but lived with them, got banned after an attitude and then came back? If not, sorry but your demeanor is much like his in that in some ways you sound defeated and or not willing to work but so hard. That is okay, but to admonish others who've got a different ethic is petty.

And surely FHM you can see why I am grumpy.
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The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
maybe time for a breather? You seem grumpy.
You would be grumpy too if Temp and Asleep followed you in every thread. Oh wait ... LOL
words on a screen can easily be ignored ya know
Not when you are simply trying to have a conversation in a conversation forum.

I mention I am going to work and cannot continue conversations and riff and raff fall all over themselves to out-post each other taking shots when they know I am not there. It is really quite pathetic when people are so emptional they can't control themselves.
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Sep 5, 2018
You would be grumpy too if Temp and Asleep followed you in every thread. Oh wait ... LOL

Not when you are simply trying to have a conversation in a conversation forum.

I mention I am going to work and cannot continue conversations and riff and raff fall all over themselves to out-post each other taking shots when they know I am not there. It is really quite pathetic when people are so emptional they can't control themselves.

You complained about people not addressing your points about Trump, I did and tried to be as respectful as I can towards you but I got crickets.


Jan 22, 2018

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
I suppose I need to say for the FOURTH time that I am at work and do not have time to address lengthy posts. Did you miss that?

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Wish I had a burger stall.

No I wasn't the one.

You ain't sold anything yet?
What exactly is your malfunction? The people you do not get along with you belittle and look stupid doing so. Seek your GED if you have them in the UK and we will catch back up. I find those who hurl petty insults are not that intelligent and incapable of multitasking or seeing the big picture. You know the can't see the forest for the tree's bit.
...but he keeps checking his phone for short posts
The computer actually in the office backdrop. See my ability to multitask comment. You can throw your bullshit out all day but it will not stick and makes you seem petty, ignorant and OBSESSED. b Where I post you follow. Where anyone disagrees with me, you like their posts. Get out of my life lane and get one of your own You are punk.

I did actually
So, you want me to ignore work and respond, right now?
Sep 5, 2018
What exactly7 is your malfunction? The people you do not get along with you belittle and look stupid doing so. Seek your GED if you have them in the UK and we will catch back up. I find those who hurl petty insults are not that intelligent and incapable of multitasking or seeing the big picture. You know the can't see the forest for the tree's bit.

The computer actually in the office backdrop. See my ability to multitask comment. You can throw your bullshit out all day but it will not stick and makes you seem petty, ignorant and OBSESSED. b Where I post you follow. Where anyone disagrees with me, you like their posts. Get out of my life lane and get one of your own

So, you want me to ignore work and respond, right now?
No I said I missed it. Respond later but damn dude you’ve responded to enough threads since you’ve been at work. Have a good rest of your shift or whatever.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
No I said I missed it. Respond later but damn dude you’ve responded to enough threads since you’ve been at work. Have a good rest of your shift or whatever.
No I said I missed it. Respond later but damn dude you’ve responded to enough threads since you’ve been at work. Have a good rest of your shift or whatever.
One thread actually and just one-liners to bat away one-liners of the hate twins. I see you most recently saw their true colors as well when they disagree with you. Now that you have come a long ways and atoned for past mess my suggestion is to stay away from them for they will turn on you on a dime,.All they bathe in is negativity.