Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Oct 14, 2018
I think it has to do with bestiality, transhumanism agenda,human animal hybrids,human robot hybrids,mark of the know that kind of thing.......that is why there seems to be glorification of these human animal hybrids in movies,cartoons,animes,manga tv series.....well,you get the idea.......
first,saying that they are equal,then idolizing them......there are people who married their dogs and ahem.....all sort of depravitites are glorified and debauchery is encouraged to please their God....that is part of their agenda......and before you know it,people start accepting these animals and wanting to be like them....there is a video where a boy calls himself a wolf.....there are prosthetics and accessories that give you horns....devil's?well,they are goats' and buffaloes' aren't they?....and people meddling their ears to look like that of bats or something.....there are those who do cosmetic procedures to look like a crocodile(yes, those people are also there)......and maybe,people would want to have a hybrid of man and know,the concept of chimera..... and aren't demons usually depicted as a kind of these animal human hybrids with humans sporting horns,weird eyes,claws,hooves and sharp teeth......maybe,they are preparing easy vessels for the demons,if you believe that sort of thing.(this concept is kind of depicted in some cartoon or movie,can't remember where)
A lot of people go over the edge with thier pets. Loving your pets isn't bad , I think it's only bad when you start to idolize them and love them so much that you basicly glorify then and spend all your time on them. Just like Abraham with his son it's not bad to love your son, but when you go over the edge and idolize them then that's bad. Just love God with all your heart and put him first amen.


Jun 11, 2018
Just found this....
What the actual fudge ???
(I knew abt the card game before but it's coicendence with all these events i got chills )(sorry for going off track but i didn't know where else to post this X)
(Btw found some more wierd ones too )


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Jun 11, 2018
It's not a coincidence ^^. We (as in most of us) don't actually have free will
Agreed X0
(Though we have this one : to keep our souls or sold our souls
I feel like this is the only free will we have )
Btw my question : do you know how to protect yourself from beta programmed people ? (I had a more in depth question i wanted to ask in dm but i'mma ask it here then )

Also who remembers the differents meaning when they change hair colors ( i remember blonde is being reprogrammed and pink is bsk )
Or should i ask in the Bt$ thread then ?


Jun 11, 2018
Yes....I've already seen them a while ago......pretty accurate,aren't they?
People have been saying that there is also a card that shows 'yellow vest revolution of paris' ......the card shows a lot of people in a procession,wearing strikingly similar yellow vests and there isn't a leader....just like the real movement in Paris where it is spread all over the country with no centralised leadership(from what I could gather from the media)......anyway,these people believe that this revolution is carefully orchestrated by the secret societies to bring about an upheaval in europe(people from other countries of europe also seemed to have started similar protests)
Really ???
I'm french so i know abt the things/protests going on
I knew it had a link with the elites but not this far being connected with the card game
I was talking to my mom abt prepping for ww3 and said we have a bit more time but i'm starting to worry time is much shorter than i think it will be

Also hold on imma check this


Dec 15, 2018
Just found this....
What the actual fudge ???
(I knew abt the card game before but it's coicendence with all these events i got chills )(sorry for going off track but i didn't know where else to post this X)
(Btw found some more wierd ones too )
Je suis française aussi ^^
Well while I read about gilets jaunes being staged and WW3 being a thing I didn't connect the both of them. It's really scary .. ..
Same subject different example: evry celebrity in Hollywood seems to DISLIKE Trump. So yes Trump and Macron are really deep into NWO we have yet to see what's gonna happen


Dec 24, 2018
!k0n released an mv 'i'm ok' on jan 7th

The name itself is a red herring.....firstly the symbol for i'm ok will be the 666 hand sign......and the phrase itself is something used by those going through terrible experiences to convince themselves and others of their well being as in depression or in case of occult,it might be said by those undergoing programming(mind control)........the mv is too dark to see clearly in the thumbnail(symbol of lucy),car accident(many car scenes are being shown in new mvs of many groups........predictive programming?),tv/computer screens(mind control),masonic pillars and masonic hall, ladder(ascension),being on top of the pile of chairs(being on top of the world?),checkered clothes,black and white imagery(duality), red-blue colour scheme,running through a tunnel towards a door(monarch programming),one eye symbolism,throne,vow of silence,falling into nothing(mind control and losing core personality...seen in movie 'get out'),hourglass,parachute(substitute of wings as in wings of icarus?),black cube made of speakers,i think(symbol of saturn),kneeling,fire wheel,burning blue roses,tunnel(reminds of princess diana),car explosion(really reminds of princess diana),surrounded by wrappers(indicating the dispensability? or perhaps that they are simply a packaged product?)....that plastic also looks like trash....does that mean that they are nothing but trash? suits as in mourning or their acceptance.....they are seen walking at the end....symbolising their acceptance into the fold(if not already)....also the road imagery is a symbol of the deal with the devil......they must be wearing some symbolic jewelry too,but couldn't recognise them.

Anyway,this group seems to have turned a new leaf or got promoted into next level.


Dec 24, 2018
I love iKON...I followed them but I can't deny the fact that this is not the same iKON that I knew. They have Christian members and they prayed every performance (During WIN & MM). Kim Hanbin for sometime was very suspicious. I noticed the "vow of silence" pose almost everytime. Their performance, you can see members doing the illuminati pose (vow of silence, baphomet, one eye) Almost all members are doing it now. Their last 3 comebacks were wholesome at least? But this "I'm OK" is too dark. I didn't even listen to the song or watch the MV. I feel scared for them. What happened to the iKON that we knew before? Is the same iKON that the children of Korean loved?
I'm so disappointed.. Why they turned to the dark side. Well, I don't know where to start. I think it all started with B.I. iKON TV- wanting to "open his third eye" everybody seemed like they just took it as a joke. (I posted the link before). Nihilism tattoo, supporting Nietzsche (who's an anti christ, etc). The "Like father like son, like master like man" tattoo ( who's his master?). I was suspecting him, but denied -coz I love B.I and iKON. But it's TRUE, they turned into the dark side. If you see members like Jinhwan- frequently changes his hair colors, Yunyeong- he's not that bubbly and happy as before. Bobby, used the baphomet sign often, BI, Dongyuk, wearing the "onyx ring", Junhoe- who wore the "salvation" shirt during the PiKonic day- the shirt was an inverted cross with the image. Chanwoo poses a "V" and a one eye sign, too.
You can look at their demeanor and eyes - it says it all. I also noticed that their song has a "melancholic" theme, depression and death.
B.I's "vibe" during their guesting in one of the shows in Vietnam was so dark. He wore the red and black glasses. I had goosebumps watching him.
During ISAC, he participated in archery. He was wearing a yellow wig, skirt and Angel's wings..Its so weird and his fans thought it cute and funny.


Jun 11, 2018
Je suis française aussi ^^
Well while I read about gilets jaunes being staged and WW3 being a thing I didn't connect the both of them. It's really scary .. ..
Same subject different example: evry celebrity in Hollywood seems to DISLIKE Trump. So yes Trump and Macron are really deep into NWO we have yet to see what's gonna happen
Contente de voir des francaises (ou francais on ne sait jamais ) eveiller
Ca fait plaisir a voir :D
They are very very deep in it that's for sure !!!!
I remember the 1st time i saw Macron i was like : he looks evil,a psychopath,manipulative
(He has the same mimics as my own father who didn't do pretty things to me and my bro )(it's like i instantly knew the time was slipping more and more away and faster than ever )
Trump : i rather not say my opinion on the subject XD
Not wonder every celebrities in HllyWo0d hates him
They are all puppets after all (being controlled or masters,etc...) so when they see him they know they have to take orders from higher ups (they must feel disgusted XD )
Anyway i'll stop my opinion here before it derails the thread further (and also being bashed for it )(already had the experiences lol)


Dec 15, 2018
Contente de voir des francaises (ou francais on ne sait jamais ) eveiller
Ca fait plaisir a voir :D
They are very very deep in it that's for sure !!!!
I remember the 1st time i saw Macron i was like : he looks evil,a psychopath,manipulative
(He has the same mimics as my own father who didn't do pretty things to me and my bro )(it's like i instantly knew the time was slipping more and more away and faster than ever )
Trump : i rather not say my opinion on the subject XD
Not wonder every celebrities in HllyWo0d hates him
They are all puppets after all (being controlled or masters,etc...) so when they see him they know they have to take orders from higher ups (they must feel disgusted XD )
Anyway i'll stop my opinion here before it derails the thread further (and also being bashed for it )(already had the experiences lol)
Oh really? I should find another forum to talk about what u wanna talk about them cause if you know kpop is evil then why stay in it? Why keep on talking about the same things over and over?


Apr 6, 2018
Annonce prochaine article: Je vais sens doute prendre beaucoup de temps…:
Je suis entrain de lire un livre fait par des Franc-Maçons initiatiques. Je vais faire un résumer comme si c'était l'auteur qui l'avait écrit: Ce livre est extrêmement intéressant au niveaux symbolismes, la création de la vrai Franc-Maçonnerie (Franc-Maçonnerie Initiatique, la Franc-Maçonnerie qui vient de l'ancienne Egypte) et pleins d'autre chose… Comme la création des lodges sous la direction de Franc-Maçonnerie Anglaise née au XVIIIe s. (Qui ce dit être l'origine de la Franc-Maçonnerie).
Puis je vais s'en doute enchainer en montrant les symboles, certains rituels, écrits ou lien quel conque avec la Franc-Maçonnerie initiatiques.

Announcement next article: I will probably take a lot of time ...:
I'm reading a book made by initiatory Freemasons. I will summarize as if it were the author who wrote it: This book is extremely interesting symbolism levels, the creation of true Freemasonry (Freemasonry Initiatic, Freemasonry that comes from ancient Egypt) and full of other things … Like the creation of lodges under the direction of Freemasonry English born in the eighteenth century. (Which is said to be the origin of Freemasonry).
Then I'll be sure to chained by showing the symbols, certain rituals, writings or link that conque with Freemasonry initiatic.


Dec 15, 2018
Annonce prochaine article: Je vais sens doute prendre beaucoup de temps…:
Je suis entrain de lire un livre fait par des Franc-Maçons initiatiques. Je vais faire un résumer comme si c'était l'auteur qui l'avait écrit: Ce livre est extrêmement intéressant au niveaux symbolismes, la création de la vrai Franc-Maçonnerie (Franc-Maçonnerie Initiatique, la Franc-Maçonnerie qui vient de l'ancienne Egypte) et pleins d'autre chose… Comme la création des lodges sous la direction de Franc-Maçonnerie Anglaise née au XVIIIe s. (Qui ce dit être l'origine de la Franc-Maçonnerie).
Puis je vais s'en doute enchainer en montrant les symboles, certains rituels, écrits ou lien quel conque avec la Franc-Maçonnerie initiatiques.

Announcement next article: I will probably take a lot of time ...:
I'm reading a book made by initiatory Freemasons. I will summarize as if it were the author who wrote it: This book is extremely interesting symbolism levels, the creation of true Freemasonry (Freemasonry Initiatic, Freemasonry that comes from ancient Egypt) and full of other things … Like the creation of lodges under the direction of Freemasonry English born in the eighteenth century. (Which is said to be the origin of Freemasonry).
Then I'll be sure to chained by showing the symbols, certain rituals, writings or link that conque with Freemasonry initiatic.
Je vais suivre. Est-ce que la franc maçonnerie équivaut les ILLUMINATI? Pourquoi les séparer alors qu'ils servent tous les 2 le même but?


Jun 12, 2018
Je vais suivre. Est-ce que la franc maçonnerie équivaut les ILLUMINATI? Pourquoi les séparer alors qu'ils servent tous les 2 le même but?
Différents intérêt peut-être ? Malgré que l'origine est semblable. On entend plus souvent le terme "francs maçons" dans la politique et les médias et "illuminati" dans tout ce qui est de l'industrie du divertissement


Apr 6, 2018
Je vais suivre. Est-ce que la franc maçonnerie équivaut les ILLUMINATI? Pourquoi les séparer alors qu'ils servent tous les 2 le même but?
La Franc-Maçonnerie est en soit c'est complètement fracturer. Il faut savoir que la Franc-Maçonnerie de base est la Franc-Maçonnerie Initiatique qui vient de l'Egypte ancienne, venant des ouvriers qui construisaient les pyramides. Qui architectes, ouvriers, scribes… Qui était aussi très tourner sur qu'on définit sur l'utilisation:
- De façon scientifique: L'utilisation de l'énergie qui compose l'univers.
- De façon religieuse: La prière
- De façon
occulte: Les

La Franc-Maçonnerie comme a dit [LEFT][B][SIZE=16px][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=rgb(131, 0, 0)]ariadial[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] le terme désigne plus tôt le terme politique. Dans le livre il ce pleins que la Franc-Maçonnerie est devenu matérialiste.
Pour ce que j'en sais: Le nom Illuminati un professeur
(je me rappelle plus de son nom)
a voulu créer sa propre "organisation/secte". Le nom a finalement été détourner et utiliser pour toutes organisations allant dans la voit qu'on connais actuellement. Mais a aussi percer avec les cartes Illuminatis (dont j'ai aussi oublier le nom) a faite. Dans le livre il dit que le mot Franc-Maçon ne voulant plus rien dire, il faudrait changer de nom (une des solution qu'il propose).


Dec 15, 2018
La Franc-Maçonnerie est en soit c'est complètement fracturer. Il faut savoir que la Franc-Maçonnerie de base est la Franc-Maçonnerie Initiatique qui vient de l'Egypte ancienne, venant des ouvriers qui construisaient les pyramides. Qui architectes, ouvriers, scribes… Qui était aussi très tourner sur qu'on définit sur l'utilisation:
- De façon scientifique: L'utilisation de l'énergie qui compose l'univers.
- De façon religieuse: La prière
- De façon
occulte: Les

La Franc-Maçonnerie comme a dit [LEFT][B][SIZE=16px][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=rgb(131, 0, 0)]ariadial[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] le terme désigne plus tôt le terme politique. Dans le livre il ce pleins que la Franc-Maçonnerie est devenu matérialiste.
Pour ce que j'en sais: Le nom Illuminati un professeur
(je me rappelle plus de son nom)
a voulu créer sa propre "organisation/secte". Le nom a finalement été détourner et utiliser pour toutes organisations allant dans la voit qu'on connais actuellement. Mais a aussi percer avec les cartes Illuminatis (dont j'ai aussi oublier le nom) a faite. Dans le livre il dit que le mot Franc-Maçon ne voulant plus rien dire, il faudrait changer de nom (une des solution qu'il propose).
So basically each one of them are 'secret societies' lead by a few individuals but they are wrongly called the illuminati even if that's not their name? We mistake them for one another but we re not that wrong at the end. Just like beyonc who says she's not in the illuminati, maybe she's not lying it just has another name.
Waiting for your review on the book! :)