I haven't watched the whole MV, just browse through it and one can tell even from the start that it is packed with Illuminati satanic symbolism. I am just beginning to decipher all this Illuminati symbolism so I can recognize it and avoid affecting me. I know for sure that the Cube aka Saturn's cube which MV opens with is the most stronger Illuminati symbol. In the occult symbolism Saturn aka Satan - Devil in the Christian Religion, aka Set - the Egyptian God of Evil, Children Devourer, and it is associated with evil, mankind's restrictions and death. It implies also that the world we live in is a matrix, a fake reality, and that we are trapped in space and time inside a cube by the Saturn matrix control system. Saturn occult is symbolized by a black cube. It can be found everywhere in corporate logos, in the entertainment industry. The world’s ruling elite pay homage to and the worship of the Saturn cube. There is a saying: "If you haven’t seen it, then your eyes haven’t been opened."
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And those cubes appear throughout all the MV, boys inside cubic rooms, filmed from above.
00:12 they are scanned by those rays of light implying maybe for when we'll have the RFID chip implanted inside us?
01:33 Allusion to transhumanism...Even the voice is robotic and modified.
As for the song itself, in my humble opinion, it is horrible. About the choreography, no comment...