"Soy Boys", "Toxic Masculinity" - what does it even mean to be a "Real Man"?


Jan 29, 2018
Obviously I haven't watched enough porn cos I didn't know there is someone with that name! No, my rhino is called that cos he's armour plated and tough on the outside, squishy like a marshmallow on the inside ☺
Hey, he could have been nicknamed after THIS guy eh?


Mar 13, 2017
This thread has gotten ultra stereotypical. Now I don't really know if I expect VC to be better than that or not. I suppose I already know not to hold people to many standards of depth.

We don't know jack shit about someone from their posts on the internet. Nor do we really know anyone by recalling whatever gossipy crap is in our head at any given moment.

The only thing that is real is universal truths. Like where I said women flock to winners. And I don't think it's just about procreation. In essence, I'm reiterating my disagreement with Freud. Clearly, human behavior and motivations are more than sex driven. If that wasn't true than soy boys wouldn't be a thing.

These specific men have clearly given up on their sex drives. So it's not the corporation's fault and it's not Hollywoods fault. It's their fault! Being wanted takes constant effort. Mainly because there is so much competition out there. If you don't constantly work on yourself than girls won't stay interested.


Mar 13, 2017
If you dont wish for people to reply to your posts, you shouldnt post contentions in a shared dialog format. If you wish to submit articles, the site may accept them, but there would still be spaces for site members and viewers to leave comments on them.
She was being condescending and belittling towards me, she did not want to converse with me or consider the points I was making... she just wanted to insult me and tell me I was wrong because I'm not old enough to understand anything apparently. I did not want to continue replying to her or hearing from her if she was going to talk to me in that way.


Mar 13, 2017
I fell out of my chair when watching Iron Fist on Netflix, which has a gay actor playing the lead role
Is he even gay? I'm pretty sure he is not gay even though he has played characters that are. What does it matter anyway? The character isn't even gay either.
while ignoring the fact that he is a white male playing the part which would have worked better with an Asian
In the comics Danny Rand is white... so if they made him asian for the show, it would not be accurate.
And he stops to say the PC thing. "Hey, is this okay?"
So now it's too PC to have consensual sex?


Mar 16, 2017
Damn girl...! You certainly have tried quite a bit!

Go to a local dive-bar at 5:30 pm, particularly one with an ethnic name. There you will meet a plethora of men no one in their right minds would ever call a 'soyboy'. Are they handsome? No, probably not. Do they have a kindly disposition? I wouldn't count on it. Will they be polite and respectful? Pretty doubtful. But they're real men!

Are we still talking about 'soyboys'? The heavily bearded unboxers and such? You seem to have roamed on to trans/effeminate men.... who typically don't sport big bushy beards.

Naw, I mean, you do you. I'd suggest though, and pardon if this seems crass, that if you've gone through 50+ dicks and not a one of them belonged to a 'real man' to your mind, perhaps you've terribly unrealistic expectations; have maybe deified your father to the extent that no one can measure up, and anyone who fails too isn't a 'real man' to your mind.
For once you have some interesting point, grieves. However;

1. I said I've dated 50, I didntsay I slept with them. A few perhaps but certanly I havent had that many men in a sexual way. One can date and afer a while you know the person well enough to know you're not a fit. :D

2. I've had my party phase and been to all the bars, its the same kind of guys everywhere. As I've said, there are ony soy boys around, I know my hometown very well.

3. My father? LoL, he's a soy GENERAL! :D If you meant my grandfather nah.. If that was the case, I'd give up and settle for a soy boy but I cant spend my life with another woman more feminine than me.

I HAVE met a couple of americans who were far from soy boys though, I must say. One of them was a rich middle aged man with a big gut and one eye to the left and the other to the right. He told me "I mean, I'm not a bad looking guy, really.." While his gut poked me and his eyes couldnt decided where to aim. I couldnt go for that one. The other was a bit younger than me, a nurse in the military, we were supposed to talk about the elite and he would tell me what he knew about it since his time in the military. Instead he brought me to a hotel room wehere he had sex with me against my wishes. But hey, at least they werent soy boys. :D


Mar 16, 2017
She was being condescending and belittling towards me, she did not want to converse with me or consider the points I was making... she just wanted to insult me and tell me I was wrong because I'm not old enough to understand anything apparently. I did not want to continue replying to her or hearing from her if she was going to talk to me in that way.
Actually I wasnt but since we're on the topic, you have been nothing but sarcastic and belittling ME ever since I started on here so its kind funny how you would complain on someone you thought were treating you like you treat others. Seems like life wants to teach you about karma. :D


Mar 13, 2017
Actually I wasnt but since we're on the topic, you have been nothing but sarcastic and belittling ME ever since I started on here so its kind funny how you would complain on someone you thought were treating you like you treat others. Seems like life wants to teach you about karma. :D
I rarely even talk to you on the forums, we have had very few conversations and I have not been rude to you. You were the one who randomly replied to me in a condescending way, I simply asked you to leave me alone.


Mar 16, 2017
I rarely even talk to you on the forums, we have had very few conversations and I have not been rude to you. You were the one who randomly replied to me in a condescending way, I simply asked you to leave me alone.
And that is rude and condescending, like you believe you are better than me, which you arent. Get off your high horse gurl or I'll smack it in the ass! :cool:


Mar 16, 2017
Are you serious right now? Your idea of a real man is a rapist and it's okay cause he wasn't a "soyboy"?
Sorry, I cant reply to you because you dont want me to so now I'm busy crying my eyes out. :D


Mar 16, 2017
How was I being rude? Not once did I ever claim that I was better. You accused me of being rude and I told you I have not been. How about you just drop this conversation?

Good choice lets drop it and I'll reply to you.

I followed him to his room bc I was under the impression we were going to discuss the elites ways. Thats didnt happen, instead he pressured and nagged and was on me about having sex and I was sick and lacked the energy to leave plus I really wanted him to be a nice guy so I stayed. The sex happened and reporting whatever this was to swedish police is no use, a r*pe gets "case closed" within a few weeks, even with witnesses. One girl was in the paper bc she had 5 witnesses to her r*pe yet the police closed the case and didnt even bother calling the witnesses. So raping in sweden is legal I guess. Same thing with all other crime, the police claims to be so busy they now dont even have time to investigate all the murders thats been going on. So I guess its legal to murder aswell. They actually went into the papers saying "Crimes against women and children go first. Gangmurders wont be investigated" Understandable but they dont really investigate any murders anymore and the criminals knows this and keeps going. (I can link you articles if you want to but theyre in swedish)

In fact the crimes we've had since the massive immigration COULD be bc they've seen how relaxed our police force is and thought "Well I guess its okay then!" and went ahead and well..they werent wrong. Ofc this is only a theory of mine but its a damn good one. Swedish police have sucked as far as I can remember. For example: Once a few former buddies of mine was climbing into my apartment late at night. I knew what they were capable of so I called the police. 5 hours later they were gone and I called the police back "You dont have to come, they've left now". Thats swedish police for ya. A victim has NOONE on its sidewhile the perpetrator is protected by the system.


Mar 13, 2017
I followed him to his room bc I was under the impression we were going to discuss the elites ways. Thats didnt happen, instead he pressured and nagged and was on me about having sex and I was sick and lacked the energy to leave plus I really wanted him to be a nice guy so I stayed. The sex happened and reporting whatever this was to swedish police is no use, a r*pe gets "case closed" within a few weeks, even with witnesses.
Ok but since he's a rapist, why do you use him as an example of a "real man"?


Mar 16, 2017
Ok but since he's a rapist, why do you use him as an example of a "real man"?
Well 1. I'm not sure what that was, maybe a r*pe, maybe not but he wasnt a whimp like the guys around here are. He was more manly and believe me, our soy boys can r*pe to. Whimpy as they are they still dont care about the womans will. I've had several soy boys stalk me for years. Also a sign of that they probably have a hard time getting a new woman.


Mar 16, 2017
wow!... not cool
with a statement like that?.. sounds like someone is either drunk,... or they've just had too much to drink,...or both
or, they live inside a mens' prison.
So stalking an ex for several years seem like a normal thing to do for you or did I misunderstand you? Besides, having too much to drink and being drunk is the same thing last time I checked. :D
May 14, 2017
Freddy Mercury might have banged dudes and been flamboyant as hell, but dude was totally a "real man" and gave zero fucks about anyone thought of him.

WRONG! Only the original Star Trek is soy free and showed real men as role models
Malt liquor can counter soy exposure and overbearing, manhating, single mothers.
Malt liquor? I bet you're the sort of guy that forgets to say 'no homo' when you give your mates an HJ. Straight whiskey or you're gay. Objectively. (Absurd posts gets absurd replies.)


Apr 4, 2017
Malt liquor? I bet you're the sort of guy that forgets to say 'no homo' when you give your mates an HJ. Straight whiskey or you're gay. Objectively. (Absurd posts gets absurd replies.)
Straight whiskey? Any power bottom could do straight whiskey!! EVERCLEAR! ONLY EVERCLEAR! MAGA!

Actually I was just fuckin with you all. I have no clue what causes the Soy boys, but if I was to make a guess it would be a combination of chemical, and the near constant hate for white males that has permeated Western Culture since the 1960's.


Mar 16, 2017
Straight whiskey? Any power bottom could do straight whiskey!! EVERCLEAR! ONLY EVERCLEAR! MAGA!

Actually I was just fuckin with you all. I have no clue what causes the Soy boys, but if I was to make a guess it would be a combination of chemical, and the near constant hate for white males that has permeated Western Culture since the 1960's.
SHOENICE! My god, havent sen him in ages!

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Is he even gay? I'm pretty sure he is not gay even though he has played characters that are. What does it matter anyway? The character isn't even gay either.

In the comics Danny Rand is white... so if they made him asian for the show, it would not be accurate.

So now it's too PC to have consensual sex?
Again, consensual sex can be had without a spoken word. Imagine asking your partner if they want you to telegraph every move and ask permission for each one during intimate times. If they say no, then it means no, but until then one does not need to whip out a contract. BTW, no works both ways. So are we in this PC culture to expect women to ask as well and be hypersensitive to a man's vanity? I do not want you looking at that tat during sex for it makes me uncomfortable and thinks you like it more than me. Yeah, crazy weird stuff like that should never be the norm. Nobody is talking caveman r*pe here nor doing something with someone who does not like or want it. It takes two to tango and thankfully, the vast percentage of sex is still quite consentual ..

Accuracy? Okay, so Iron Fist is white in the comic. The new Spiderman animated series has a black spidey. Jimmy Olson on Supergirl is now black. Heimdal in Thor is now a Nordic black man??? Kingpin in Netflix's Daredevil is black not some fat white dude like in the comics. So is making Rand Asian a stretch? Heck, Netflix caught hell because of it. I am a-okay with race changes and black hero's, but the aforementioned kills your accuracy argument with concern to Ironfist and is it not about time for an Asian hero?

But back to the point, Fist was the wimpiest superhero of all time, and as has been said, horribly cast. And the scene was well-calculated PC culture. It is not like I am the only one who saw it and laughed at how over the top it was. So, now for Devils Advocate...
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