BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
Just looked at the first link you gave and ummm look at $noop D0g hand sign doesn't it look familiar ?
Only Sug@ does it so i wonder if it has to do with higher mas0nic degr33 symb0l!sm or the sku!! And B0nes perhaps ?
(Ps : for the lost noodle can you explain what a sub handler is ?)
Maybe this would help:
His hand sign I thought before it was a gang sign but idk it might be a masonic sign...

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Here you go the link for the video (RUN) (Look at 3:10-3:19 it looks like we see an alter of Jamal perhaps ?)
You can analyze it if you want :)
Cause like the theory that was presented ^ (previous post ) is so good
I feel my theories are so dumb compared to y'all
(That theory is mind blowing btw )

Ps : Jamal looking androgynous ?
I like your theories.
May 24, 2018
Last edited:


Jun 3, 2018
No, "this user" is saying that this forum was created to discuss and share ideas about a very specific topic. No one here bashes anyone or even says hateful things about BT$, these are all just THEORIES, once again. Obviously everyone has the right to share their opinion but I don't see the point of coming to a thread just to derail it.
""No one here bashes anyone or even says hateful things about BT$, these are all just THEORIES""
Well, you guys claim you don't say hateful things about BTS, but just make "innocent and cute" THEORIES about grandmas being sacrifice or BTS satanists or whatever. Lol.


Jun 11, 2018
Ok if y'all are still up for my maze runner and b+s theories i'll just let you know it's gonna take me a little bit of time (i'll do it in 4 parts i think ) cause i have to rewiev again the characters from the series + a correlation with mvs of the boys and lyrics and what their position could be if you respect the order of the movie,the storyline,etc...
Also i have to do personal things so idk when i'll post it
But let me know if you want me to post this theory or if it just sounds dumb XD

Disclaimer : this a disclaimer for a theory just like the movie Snowpiercer none of this should be take as facts or proof ~


May 20, 2018
T@T@ is a planet hmmmmm..........
View attachment 11867 the pyramid with one eye not hiding anymore are they
T@t@ wearing a mask hmm that reminds me of something
View attachment 11868

View attachment 11869
T@t@ is a planet bought to Earth by V@nnn We know this is the handler but don’t know who takes the role yet
He now has to find members to make a Superstar group
Member profiles coming soon or if someone wants to talk about them feel free im so tired lol and it’s late now
Looks like tata is looking into a mirror at his face..
Same like Rm looked at himself in FL


May 20, 2018

(It’s really long sorry lol )


View attachment 11855


The symbol of 'Shh' or 'Be quiet' is a reference to the silence programming of MK Ultra. The slaves are programmed to never speak of what they know. This is also a reference to keeping quiet about the Illuminati's secrets. When someone takes an oath to sell their soul, they also take an oath of silence.

View attachment 11856


“Why I think Namjoon is a sub handler”

View attachment 11857

1. Remember when Namjoon wore a Nazi uniform? Nazi soldiers played a big role in CIA secretive project MK Ultra namely soldier Josef Mengele, who was well known for his torture experiments. His methods researched, what maximum amount of pain a human was able to bear, and what minimum amount of love he needed.The goal was to find out, how one could make an individual do things, he would never do by his free will – so as to create a perfectly obedient slave. This whole photoshoot is filled with mk ultra symbolism tbh :

2. Animal prints aka beta kitten programming

3. Rainbow colors, Rainbows were used in wizard of oz programming, where slaves were told to “dissociate and go over the rainbow”

View attachment 11858

1. The Freemason spiral

2. Lighting bolt on the ear - subtly hinting at electroshock

The Micky mouse ears - micky mouse programming was used on children, they are also used nowadays to evoke child alters in within the slaves

This is my own opinion and theory but I think he chose to have “BTS” on the doll almost as if to say “They are his dolls/puppets”

anyway moving on...



View attachment 11859

1. In singularity Tae is wearing the earring “Loved” but whats Interesting is the 8 pointed star

2. Its called the star of Ishtar which can be seen in eyes wide shut (which we know bts were inspired by with fake love) anyway the star represents sexuality and fertility, used to symbolize sexual rituals which the film is based on but in this case with tae it symbolizes sexual abuse trauma to dissociate the mind

3. The color of rainbows are used throughout the film to presents yet again “wizard of oz programming” aka “dissociate and go over the rainbow” no coincidence how tae’s earring is multicolored with the colors of the rainbow

1. And then there’s the obvious alter personas but also the masks have been placed in a way that represents the monarch butterfly



View attachment 11862

1. Jin takes the red pill, which symbolizes being a slave. BTS are known to reference a lot to the matrix. The famous quote, “there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes”

2. Festa party promo with a rabbit holding the book itself. Also white rabbits are very important as they are a trigger for mk ultra.

3. Hobi’s Daydream screams mk ultra symbolism with the alter persona, him going through “a little door” which Alice goes through as well. Also his lyrics even has the words “Like the hole alice fell in like the road that leads to hogwarts”

4. House of cards lyrics references to alice in wonderland programming

“As time passes
It just becomes more ruined
No way no way it’s collapsing again”

Sounds like the process of shattering the mind

Namjoon posted these series of images on twitter, With mirrors, referencing to Alice In Wonderland Programming “going through the looking glass” And the term “curioser and curioser” is a line said by Alice



View attachment 11863

1. Singularity is just full of mk ultra references lol. We see the yellow brick, monarch slaves are taught to follow the yellow brick. No matter what fearful things lie ahead, the Monarch slave must follow the Yellow Brick Road which is set out before them by their master.

2. BTS promo pics are similar to the poppy field in wizard of Oz

View attachment 11864

1. Not only does it respresent Freemason spiral but also the cyclic storm, the cyclic storm is the what triggers Dorothy to dissociate in the first place

2. Smeraldo means emerald in Italian, there has been a theory circulating it being a reference to the emerald city in wizard of oz

View attachment 11865

1. Take note that cards are used a lot in alice in wonderland, not a coincidence that bts used a butterfly

2. In namjoon’s reflection there was a scene where rainbow colors flowed all over his arms, a moment later fragments of glass are shown

3. Hobi going through the door like just like alice

4. Bunny ears referencing to the alice in wonderland programming. According to Monarch mind-control researcher Fritz Springmeier, the white rabbit plays an important role in mind-control programming. The White Rabbit is able to switch between all the different personalities programmed into Monarch slaves.



View attachment 11866

1. Keys have been known to represent ones true persona/ psyche. We know that jungkook was the last one to get initiated right? Meaning that beforehand he wasn’t fully a slave to the industry, he probably had lukewarm feelings. I honestly think that one of the members, gave him the key almost as if to say you get to make the decision yourself.

2. So he does, he takes the key which unlocks to a room with the robes, and puts it on. Mk ultra based movies often center around an innocent girl who unlocks a portal to the “magical world” eg Coraline. In this case the magical world is the occult world

3. Anyway then we see jungkook joining his members. Many suspect that the box that they are under represents the keybox so does that mean that the members become the key themselves, placed inside the box like a present, waiting to be gifted to a handler, to be “programmed”

Jungkook obviously is no longer holding the key, so does that mean he lost his true persona? Now that he has become a “key” figuratively, the only person who has access to his psyche is the handler. Whomever it is

This is just my theory lol but when you think about how jungkook suddenly changed his hair after years of the same mundane Brown, black hair, and dyes it a magnetic pink...hmm

Silence programming

Mickey Mouse programming

Alice in wonderland programming

Wizard of oz programming
This is such an awesome post ..
Thanks for sharing..
And the links at the end.. They are very good.. Everything fits ..


May 20, 2018
Here you go the link for the video (RUN) (Look at 3:10-3:19 it looks like we see an alter of Jamal perhaps ?)
You can analyze it if you want :)
Cause like the theory that was presented ^ (previous post ) is so good
I feel my theories are so dumb compared to y'all
(That theory is mind blowing btw )

Ps : Jamal looking androgynous ?
He is a really angry person i heard.. Maybe that was his anger or something ..

And yes in stage with all the makeups he's always looks androgynous


May 26, 2018
Look At the V's here
the A doesn't have a strikethrough looks like an upside down V like this \/ /\ /\/ (van)
And the N looks like 2 inverted Vs connected like this
View attachment 11879
Even though I'm currently at work this V@n thing is bothering me.
The V and A without middle horizontal bar seems like a symbolism of "as above so below".

\/ /\ /\/ (van)
Reminds me of the Hebrew word 'Vav':

And in relations to V@n being black and white (duality), here's what it could mean:

I'm still researching on more connections, but if you're interested to read more here's the reference I used for this post.


May 20, 2018
I watched the new run episode
Here's what I noticed:
They played some guessing/prediction game
At the background look at Tea looks out of it
View attachment 11608
Here is tea again looks out of it//zoned out
View attachment 11609
Talk about "sacrifice"
View attachment 11610
Took a polaroid photo and cover one eye
View attachment 11611
The house has butterfly paintings
View attachment 11612
One eyed girl painting and butterfly paintings
View attachment 11613
Here are 3 butterfly paintings better seen:
View attachment 11614
Hope - SOLOMON..

why in the world they needed to add Solomon with h0bi's name..

The Seal of Solomon (or Ring ofSolomon is the signet ring attributed to King Solomon in medieval Jewish tradition, and in Islamic and Western occultism. It was often depicted in either a pentagram or hexagram shape; the latter also known as theStar of David in Jewish tradition.

This ring variously gave Solomon the power to command demons, jinn (genie), or to speak with animals. Due to the proverbial wisdom of Solomon, his signet ring, or its supposed design, came to be seen as an amulet or talisman, or a symbol or character in medieval and Renaissance-era magic, occultism and alchemy.
images (14).jpegimages (15).jpegunnamed.png
Dec 26, 2017
Oh J*i*n. :( He and J*K shared my bias when I still stanned them. I always got the feeling he was kind of on the fringe of all this stuff, like he wasn't as actively involved. The man has a beautiful voice though, I have to admit.

Don't worry about it, it's normal. I might be one of the oldest here at 20, but I also struggled to get over them when I first started having my suspicions -I quit their music/vids cold turkey but I still found myself missing their personalities almost like I knew them personally. Which was weird, thinking back now. Being part of the fandom can be intoxicating, especially if you've made friends through it like I did. I think a lot of us here have had strong attachments to some of the members and some might still. The important thing is just being aware and AWAKE. :)
I am 27 and I feel I am the oldest and I am still attached to Kpop, I stopped listening to it, but I still weirdly attached to them, like thinking about them, the only thing I do now is watching their photos, if I listen again to MV, I become obsessed, so I cut if off, I feel I am really old for Kpop, like I should get over it


May 20, 2018

(It’s really long sorry lol )


View attachment 11855


The symbol of 'Shh' or 'Be quiet' is a reference to the silence programming of MK Ultra. The slaves are programmed to never speak of what they know. This is also a reference to keeping quiet about the Illuminati's secrets. When someone takes an oath to sell their soul, they also take an oath of silence.

View attachment 11856


“Why I think Namjoon is a sub handler”

View attachment 11857

1. Remember when Namjoon wore a Nazi uniform? Nazi soldiers played a big role in CIA secretive project MK Ultra namely soldier Josef Mengele, who was well known for his torture experiments. His methods researched, what maximum amount of pain a human was able to bear, and what minimum amount of love he needed.The goal was to find out, how one could make an individual do things, he would never do by his free will – so as to create a perfectly obedient slave. This whole photoshoot is filled with mk ultra symbolism tbh :

2. Animal prints aka beta kitten programming

3. Rainbow colors, Rainbows were used in wizard of oz programming, where slaves were told to “dissociate and go over the rainbow”

View attachment 11858

1. The Freemason spiral

2. Lighting bolt on the ear - subtly hinting at electroshock

The Micky mouse ears - micky mouse programming was used on children, they are also used nowadays to evoke child alters in within the slaves

This is my own opinion and theory but I think he chose to have “BTS” on the doll almost as if to say “They are his dolls/puppets”

anyway moving on...



View attachment 11859

1. In singularity Tae is wearing the earring “Loved” but whats Interesting is the 8 pointed star

2. Its called the star of Ishtar which can be seen in eyes wide shut (which we know bts were inspired by with fake love) anyway the star represents sexuality and fertility, used to symbolize sexual rituals which the film is based on but in this case with tae it symbolizes sexual abuse trauma to dissociate the mind

3. The color of rainbows are used throughout the film to presents yet again “wizard of oz programming” aka “dissociate and go over the rainbow” no coincidence how tae’s earring is multicolored with the colors of the rainbow

1. And then there’s the obvious alter personas but also the masks have been placed in a way that represents the monarch butterfly



View attachment 11862

1. Jin takes the red pill, which symbolizes being a slave. BTS are known to reference a lot to the matrix. The famous quote, “there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes”

2. Festa party promo with a rabbit holding the book itself. Also white rabbits are very important as they are a trigger for mk ultra.

3. Hobi’s Daydream screams mk ultra symbolism with the alter persona, him going through “a little door” which Alice goes through as well. Also his lyrics even has the words “Like the hole alice fell in like the road that leads to hogwarts”

4. House of cards lyrics references to alice in wonderland programming

“As time passes
It just becomes more ruined
No way no way it’s collapsing again”

Sounds like the process of shattering the mind

Namjoon posted these series of images on twitter, With mirrors, referencing to Alice In Wonderland Programming “going through the looking glass” And the term “curioser and curioser” is a line said by Alice



View attachment 11863

1. Singularity is just full of mk ultra references lol. We see the yellow brick, monarch slaves are taught to follow the yellow brick. No matter what fearful things lie ahead, the Monarch slave must follow the Yellow Brick Road which is set out before them by their master.

2. BTS promo pics are similar to the poppy field in wizard of Oz

View attachment 11864

1. Not only does it respresent Freemason spiral but also the cyclic storm, the cyclic storm is the what triggers Dorothy to dissociate in the first place

2. Smeraldo means emerald in Italian, there has been a theory circulating it being a reference to the emerald city in wizard of oz

View attachment 11865

1. Take note that cards are used a lot in alice in wonderland, not a coincidence that bts used a butterfly

2. In namjoon’s reflection there was a scene where rainbow colors flowed all over his arms, a moment later fragments of glass are shown

3. Hobi going through the door like just like alice

4. Bunny ears referencing to the alice in wonderland programming. According to Monarch mind-control researcher Fritz Springmeier, the white rabbit plays an important role in mind-control programming. The White Rabbit is able to switch between all the different personalities programmed into Monarch slaves.



View attachment 11866

1. Keys have been known to represent ones true persona/ psyche. We know that jungkook was the last one to get initiated right? Meaning that beforehand he wasn’t fully a slave to the industry, he probably had lukewarm feelings. I honestly think that one of the members, gave him the key almost as if to say you get to make the decision yourself.

2. So he does, he takes the key which unlocks to a room with the robes, and puts it on. Mk ultra based movies often center around an innocent girl who unlocks a portal to the “magical world” eg Coraline. In this case the magical world is the occult world

3. Anyway then we see jungkook joining his members. Many suspect that the box that they are under represents the keybox so does that mean that the members become the key themselves, placed inside the box like a present, waiting to be gifted to a handler, to be “programmed”

Jungkook obviously is no longer holding the key, so does that mean he lost his true persona? Now that he has become a “key” figuratively, the only person who has access to his psyche is the handler. Whomever it is

This is just my theory lol but when you think about how jungkook suddenly changed his hair after years of the same mundane Brown, black hair, and dyes it a magnetic pink...hmm

Silence programming

Mickey Mouse programming

Alice in wonderland programming

Wizard of oz programming
images (16).jpeg
Star of ishtar and seal of solomon do have some striking resemblances..

And i love how RM's carpet makes a triange into that hallway thing towards the

WELCo_OME mat...

:D.. I nailed the word on the mat

Anyways they being living in a luxurious dorm doesn't look too luxurious at all.. Or maybe it's Rm who ruined his room making it all dark and eerie


May 20, 2018
I am 27 and I feel I am the oldest and I am still attached to Kpop, I stopped listening to it, but I still weirdly attached to them, like thinking about them, the only thing I do now is watching their photos, if I listen again to MV, I become obsessed, so I cut if off, I feel I am really old for Kpop, like I should get over it
Nah.. You're never too old for anything .. If you think that way.. Your body will give you a tough time..
And 27 isn't old :D..
It's a good age to enjoy and understand everything along the way... Without geting brainwashed like teenagers ...


Jun 20, 2018
has anyone here noticed the way they placed their pictures here?

i tried to connect the members based on the sequence of fan chant "kim namj0on - kim se0kj1n - min y0ongi - jung h0se0k - park jamal - kim ta3hyun9 - je0n jungk0ok" and it forms a geometric shape like this. doesn't it look similar with aleister crowley's unicursal hexagram? but instead of putting a five-petaled flower on the center, they put army bomb on it.

aren't j1n and ta3 supposed to be the ones who were "born into it"? the way they posed like this as if they're doing a ritual to worship / summon something really creeps me out.
(this might seem to be far-fetched and maybe they just randomly did this out of boredom but i just can't dismiss it as a "coincidence" because it's impossible to get a geometric shape like that if the pictures aren't deliberately placed that way...)

Dec 26, 2017
""No one here bashes anyone or even says hateful things about BT$, these are all just THEORIES""
Well, you guys claim you don't say hateful things about BTS, but just make "innocent and cute" THEORIES about grandmas being sacrifice or BTS satanists or whatever. Lol.
The truth should be said, doesn't matter whether its cute or not, or appealing or not


May 20, 2018
Even though I'm currently at work this V@n thing is bothering me.
The V and A without middle horizontal bar seems like a symbolism of "as above so below".


Reminds me of the Hebrew word 'Vav':

And in relations to V@n being black and white (duality), here's what it could mean:

I'm still researching on more connections, but if you're interested to read more here's the reference I used for this post.
Okay so.. Vav = 6..
images (18).jpegimages (2).pngimages (1).png

And did you guys know.. VAV is also a south Korean boy band.. Whom i have never heard of before :D


May 20, 2018
has anyone here noticed the way they placed their pictures here?

i tried to connect the members based on the sequence of fan chant "kim namj0on - kim se0kj1n - min y0ongi - jung h0se0k - park jamal - kim ta3hyun9 - je0n jungk0ok" and it forms a geometric shape like this. doesn't it look similar with aleister crowley's unicursal hexagram? but instead of putting a five-petaled flower on the center, they put army bomb on it.

aren't j1n and ta3 supposed to be the ones who were "born into it"? the way they posed like this as if they're doing a ritual to worship / summon something really creeps me out.
(this might seem to be far-fetched and maybe they just randomly did this out of boredom but i just can't dismiss it as a "coincidence" because it's impossible to get a geometric shape like that if the pictures aren't deliberately placed that way...)

I don't know why i can't see the picture .. I am refreshing to see it...