BTS discussion thread


Feb 23, 2018
By the way, can somebody explain me the poin of women in freemasonry? The satanism and being freemason is all about the power, what the point of women join it if even there they can get only 5 degree and still on lower positions and are slaves to men? I thought people equal in evil but it is not. The stupidest desition ever to join smth for being powerful but still be so low in their hierarchy.
May 24, 2018
Thanks :)
I defintely think it is a hint. Plus it's strange how the boys are being compared to the Beatles given the way John Lennon died (shot by a disturbed fan, allegedly) with the death threats for JimJim and Hob.i, that photo pack thing where he members had targets surrounding them like they were standing in front of a shooting range, the prediction for Ta3 . . . I'll be waiting to see how this turns out.
And Lennon's shooter had that book catcher in the Rye,
another recommended book by one eye fellow
and the book was thought to be a trigger for an MK Ultra alter, specifically,
see this link if you're intested
This is all ominous considering what the end game for the elite is :(
May 24, 2018
Very interesting but also very ominous, you're right. I just can't believe they're so obvious though. IT'S ALL RIGHT THERE!!! How are people not noticing this stuff?? They must think little of their fans, knowing they go through online fan theories that ARMYs spend hours and hours putting together, yet they still add in all this blatant references/symbolism. I wonder what J00n thinks of our theories if they see this thread? Lol. Holla at us 1EyeGuy, tell us what you think. :)
Some things cannot be unseen honestly. o_O
I think the fans (most of them) don't look into subliminals or believe it cuz that's what I did think too. I thought it was all bogus. Also, same with hypnotism. But now I realize they still use this stuff and it has never stopped maybe people just forgot or did'nt bother looking into it. And maybe it became more worse (with the HD definition television and stuff the subconscious is being attacked more definitely)
And to the one eye fellow I have to say his one eye fly story is just made me:D:D:D

it's one of the shittiest books ever tbh
the repetition of the characters thought process... and nothing really happens
other than some older married guy he knows does hit on him in his house with his wife asleep. so i'd bet that would trigger ppl.
I read it before and didnt make sense
maybe they put trigger words like using Alice in Wonderland and Wizard of Oz books
Different books, different types of programs, different trigger words, different alters....?
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Jun 4, 2018
Look I also found this...idk
I am sorry but this is just someone's perception with no evidence. The Cross is not related to that old symbol.
Here is what it means in the ancient Orthodox Christian religion:
"The cross is the symbol of growth, representing the Lord's death and resurrection. The index from which begins as "the sign of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:30), the cross shows the path of the follow-up of Christ (imitatio Christi).

Cross - Old cosmic symbol, but also a tool of supplication
The cross is an ancient cosmic symbol (long before the appearance of Christianity) representing the sun and the harmony of opposites. The intersection of its arms symbolized the center of the universe. The four arms indicated the four cardinal points. The "Cross" comes from the Latin word crux. The terms stauros (in Greek) and crux (Latin) mean only the vertical (crux simplex) wooden column, on which many condemned to death were crucified.

Cross - Christian symbol of salvation
Christianity has transformed the cross from a torture instrument, the death-bearing torture, into a sacred, life-giving object. Worshiping the sacrifice and the Lord's Resurrection, Christians have made the analogy between the shape of the cross and the prayer position with their extended arms, and the ancient symbol of the sun's victory over the forces of darkness has become a sign of salvation and victory in Christ, the Sun of Righteousness."
May 24, 2018
I am sorry but this is just someone's perception with no evidence. The Cross is not related to that old symbol.
Here is what it means in the ancient Orthodox Christian religion:
"The cross is the symbol of growth, representing the Lord's death and resurrection. The index from which begins as "the sign of the Son of Man" (Matthew 24:30), the cross shows the path of the follow-up of Christ (imitatio Christi).

Cross - Old cosmic symbol, but also a tool of supplication
The cross is an ancient cosmic symbol (long before the appearance of Christianity) representing the sun and the harmony of opposites. The intersection of its arms symbolized the center of the universe. The four arms indicated the four cardinal points. The "Cross" comes from the Latin word crux. The terms stauros (in Greek) and crux (Latin) mean only the vertical (crux simplex) wooden column, on which many condemned to death were crucified.

Cross - Christian symbol of salvation
Christianity has transformed the cross from a torture instrument, the death-bearing torture, into a sacred, life-giving object. Worshiping the sacrifice and the Lord's Resurrection, Christians have made the analogy between the shape of the cross and the prayer position with their extended arms, and the ancient symbol of the sun's victory over the forces of darkness has become a sign of salvation and victory in Christ, the Sun of Righteousness."

View attachment 11833
Thanks for clarifying.:)..
I agree those are just from google images so anybody could have made it.
Definitely not high level source in terms of sources..

But can't deny tptb tend to invert sacred//religious symbols to fit their agenda like the inverted cross... the swastika etc..


Jun 7, 2018
This thread is moving so fast and the boys hasnt even make a comeback yet. I've read theories@rumours from armys on Twitter that the boys gonna make a comeback on 17th august and then continue with the world tour just a week after. Or maybe a collab/repackage instead. Idk. Well, we'll see if it's true. If it is, it would be hard to keep up. Lol.

Have any of you watch a behind the scene of blood sweat n tears mv making. I haven't watch it yet, but I've came across a fan made video on the part where apparently it was Suga who was supposed to cover Jin's eye amd not Tae. They have to retake the scene couple of times since Suga's height makes it awkward n Jin burst out laughing every time. So they changed it to Tae.

So does that means whoever the mastermind is has a plot line but changes has been made to suit the situation or the changes itself is part of the plot too? Maybe they're telling the stories but not necessarily the exact characters since in the end it was indeed one of them.

Does this make Suga is the actual mastermind? I remember love for lucy said that he is the 1st class magician and rm and tae is one too but doesn't mention the 1st class part. Tae is born in it. And Suga is evil evil evil more than namjoon.

Lastly, a huge applause for all of you . Thank you for all your contribution n share of thoughts n theories. I'm sorry I couldn't give as much since I'm not nearly as good as any of you guys. ❤


Jun 4, 2018
This thread is moving so fast and the boys hasnt even make a comeback yet. I've read theories@rumours from armys on Twitter that the boys gonna make a comeback on 17th august and then continue with the world tour just a week after. Or maybe a collab/repackage instead. Idk. Well, we'll see if it's true. If it is, it would be hard to keep up. Lol.

Have any of you watch a behind the scene of blood sweat n tears mv making. I haven't watch it yet, but I've came across a fan made video on the part where apparently it was Suga who was supposed to cover Jin's eye amd not Tae. They have to retake the scene couple of times since Suga's height makes it awkward n Jin burst out laughing every time. So they changed it to Tae.

So does that means whoever the mastermind is has a plot line but changes has been made to suit the situation or the changes itself is part of the plot too? Maybe they're telling the stories but not necessarily the exact characters since in the end it was indeed one of them.

Does this make Suga is the actual mastermind? I remember love for lucy said that he is the 1st class magician and rm and tae is one too but doesn't mention the 1st class part. Tae is born in it. And Suga is evil evil evil more than namjoon.

Lastly, a huge applause for all of you . Thank you for all your contribution n share of thoughts n theories. I'm sorry I couldn't give as much since I'm not nearly as good as any of you guys. ❤
Another comeback??? But THEY ARE HUMANS NOT ROBOTS!?!?! They never get a break?? Why do always Namjoon says.. after each comeback.. "we are already working for the next comeback" lol. Sometimes I just hope it's just a lie in order to make a good image bc otherwise.. satanic or not.. programmed or not.. this is human abuse.. this is so wrong!


Jun 4, 2018
Excuse me, but why don't you attend our classes first, before you judge and demonise us? Some Christians r*pe children. Does that mean all Christians r*pe children?

"How would your life be different if…You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day…You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey."
I am sorry if your purpose here is not bad;; but it;s normal to get a little scared and confused as your religion;s principles are opposing Christianity's very much.
Here is an article about Crowley;
Aleister Crowley: the man who wanted to be the Antichrist
History has cursed this character with the label "the most evil man ever to live" ... but we could say he blessed him if we think of his notoriety in life, especially postum, when he becomes synonymous with refusal to comply with constraining norms and conventions, with luciferic revolt and unbridled passions to the extreme. Undoubtedly is his multifaceted personality and always open to the most bizarre experiences.
Aleister Crowley was an occultist, mystic, and magician, but he had accomplishments in many other areas including poetry, mountaineering, or chess. Originally a member of the Occult Society, Her Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, he developed his own system based on the spiritual encounter with his angel guard Aiwass in Egypt in 1904. He would have given him a Book of the Law that Crowley developed in the religion called Thelema, also founding an esoteric society, Ordo Templis Orientis. His demonization is not a consequence of expressing unequivocally a satanism, but of denying Christian doctrine. And, in fact, he wanted the evil image ... he called himself the Beast term found in the Apocalypse of St. John .

Crowley's great controversy, which will attract the apparition of Antichrist, derives not from purpose but from method. The method it proposes is the study and practice of magic (magick in archaic writing), defined as the art of provoking a change in accordance with the will. Culture is nothing but an evolution of magic experiments, and magic is the essence of knowledge. It is not an art practiced by anyone, the magician has a solitary destiny and reaches the truth by exploiting and subliming his own energies. "
May 24, 2018
[Disclaimer: the following is once again, pure speculation and a collection of observation. Do not take this as fact.]
@KingOfTheRock I borrowed ur disclaimer thanks:D

I just had a recollection of the movie Snowpiercer again (recommended by 1 eye fly guy)
This shows how art depicts life.
I recognized that if you see the Train aka "the world" is divided into Coaches/ Carriages aka the "hierarchal system" and if you see at the very end of the train where the "elite" reside you see the alcohol, drugs, partying, abundance and what do you also see?
*The elite parties which have people doing the six magick/ oooorgee like in Eyes Wide Shut....
A still from the party
What the elite do// behind closed doors while the poor suffer ... this is I think the magick fly boi be giving hints with his recommends...
They live we sleep...
I also recommend this movie:
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Jun 12, 2018
This person is just a hypocrite. Actually it is we are bad cs we do not respect their choices to r*pe children and do sacrifices. These occult lovers people with no any logical responses can't even defend their own statements and views without lying and blaming others in rejection look at evil things with open mind.
Seems he/she has a little break between reading satanic books and raping childreen so he came here to threat a person who doesn't want to be a part of his/her super free and intellectual cult anymore :C
Yeah very contradictiry and can't even defend themselves so that's that. No one on this thread would believe there's actually something good about being an occultist (especially belonging to a society created by Crawley, he was a freemason himself) so this person is losing their time. You're right, they should go back to do whatever disturbing they do in there...


Jun 4, 2018
With all due respect, Christians aren't better than him. This article contains a great deal of hypocrisy and a number of untruths. But of course you believe everything the mainstream media writes.

Sure, Crowley did some questionable things, but Christianity isn't without guilt. Your religion has a lot of blood on its hands.

- As soon as Christianity was legal (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.

- in the era of witch hunting (1484-1750) according to modern scholars several hundred thousand (about 80% female) burned at the stake or hanged.

Protestantism had no problem with the witch-burning, and continued the butchery of innocents long after the Reformation. For example, the "Kimg James Bible" comes from one of these murderers. Luther, Calvin and Wesley supported the killing, just as they opposed science.

- 1572 In France about 20,000 Huguenots were killed on command of pope Pius V. Until 17th century 200,000 flee.

- 17th century: Catholics sack the city of Magdeburg/Germany: roughly 30,000 Protestants were slain. "In a single church fifty women were found beheaded," reported poet Friedrich Schiller, "and infants still sucking the breasts of their lifeless mothers."

- Already in the 4th and 5th centuries synagogues were burned by Christians. Number of Jews slain unknown.

- First Crusade: Thousands of Jews slaughtered 1096, maybe 12.000 total. Places: Worms 5/18/1096, Mainz 5/27/1096 (1100 persons), Cologne, Neuss, Altenahr, Wevelinghoven, Xanten, Moers, Dortmund, Kerpen, Trier, Metz, Regensburg, Prag and others (All locations Germany except Metz/France, Prag/Czech)

The Church started killing unbelievers as early as the 4th century. The killing (often with torture) of heretics, church splinter groups, dissenters, atheists, agnostics, deists, pagans, infidels and unbelievers was supported by almost all mainstream Christian theology for over a thousand years, starting with the intolerant St. Augustine (died 430 AD).

Not to mention the slavery and killings in Africa and America.
The list goes on and on.

@the world is a stage do you really want to be part of this nonsense? I know you have an opinion on this, since you're an Omnist. :)
[I'm sorry to make this thread a discuss about religions but I will stop starting with this post.]
You only talked about Catholic and Protestant Churches. Do you know ab The Great Schism? It happened in 1054 and then The unitary Christian Church started firstly dividing into the Catholic Church(the ones that wanted to change the rules) and Orthodox Church( the ones who wanted to keep the christian tradition undefiled). From the Catholic Church there have been many other divisions, a well-known one being the Protestantism. So if you want you can attack all the fake "christian" religions, but the roots of Christianity are kept by the Orthodox Church that never let a little drop of blood fall in its history.
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Jun 12, 2018
With all due respect, Christians aren't better than him. This article contains a great deal of hypocrisy and a number of untruths. But of course you believe everything the mainstream media writes.

Sure, Crowley did some questionable things, but Christianity isn't without guilt. Your religion has a lot of blood on its hands.

- As soon as Christianity was legal (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.

- in the era of witch hunting (1484-1750) according to modern scholars several hundred thousand (about 80% female) burned at the stake or hanged.

Protestantism had no problem with the witch-burning, and continued the butchery of innocents long after the Reformation. For example, the "Kimg James Bible" comes from one of these murderers. Luther, Calvin and Wesley supported the killing, just as they opposed science.

- 1572 In France about 20,000 Huguenots were killed on command of pope Pius V. Until 17th century 200,000 flee.

- 17th century: Catholics sack the city of Magdeburg/Germany: roughly 30,000 Protestants were slain. "In a single church fifty women were found beheaded," reported poet Friedrich Schiller, "and infants still sucking the breasts of their lifeless mothers."

- Already in the 4th and 5th centuries synagogues were burned by Christians. Number of Jews slain unknown.

- First Crusade: Thousands of Jews slaughtered 1096, maybe 12.000 total. Places: Worms 5/18/1096, Mainz 5/27/1096 (1100 persons), Cologne, Neuss, Altenahr, Wevelinghoven, Xanten, Moers, Dortmund, Kerpen, Trier, Metz, Regensburg, Prag and others (All locations Germany except Metz/France, Prag/Czech)

The Church started killing unbelievers as early as the 4th century. The killing (often with torture) of heretics, church splinter groups, dissenters, atheists, agnostics, deists, pagans, infidels and unbelievers was supported by almost all mainstream Christian theology for over a thousand years, starting with the intolerant St. Augustine (died 430 AD).

Not to mention the slavery and killings in Africa and America.
The list goes on and on.

@the world is a stage do you really want to be part of this nonsense? I know you have an opinion on this, since you're an Omnist. :)
I loooove how you're blaming everything on the pope and catholic church when every pope in history was/is a jesuit and takes their command straight from satan himself. Everyone part of a secret society knows that. I'm sure you do too. And if you don't, well...
May 24, 2018
[Disclaimer: the following is once again, pure speculation and a collection of observation. Do not take this as fact.]
The "bomb"
The subliminal is better seen when you see the colors especially the red combined with the black...
The handle
The circular shape with the prominent red light at the top

The shapes fit in...
If you put two and two together what do you get?

The 2 bombs side by side to see...
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May 24, 2018
No problemo, feel free to use it. :)
Nice catch! Man, R*M is lowkey exposing their business. Or maybe he thinks with his superior IQ that us mere mortals are too stupid to catch these little "coincidences". :rolleyes: I just figured out another theory about Sug@ and his predictions but I feel like I'm posting way too much I don't want to spam the thread lol.
Thanks!! :D:D I love your analysis keep `em coming:);)
Totally feel like one eye fellow is like that but most of all i think b4ng the boss is pulling all these strings bey0nd the sc``enes
The elite just love to give these tiny crumbs here and there...just to put it in peoples faces :rolleyes:
And ofc they love to put these inappropriate subliminals in there *cough* like dD`sney *cough*


Jun 11, 2018
Very interesting but also very ominous, you're right. I just can't believe they're so obvious though. IT'S ALL RIGHT THERE!!! How are people not noticing this stuff?? They must think little of their fans, knowing they go through online fan theories that ARMYs spend hours and hours putting together, yet they still add in all this blatant references/symbolism. I wonder what J00n thinks of our theories if they see this thread? Lol. Holla at us 1EyeGuy, tell us what you think. :)
It would be interesting to know indeed XD

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
By the way, can somebody explain me the poin of women in freemasonry? The satanism and being freemason is all about the power, what the point of women join it if even there they can get only 5 degree and still on lower positions and are slaves to men? I thought people equal in evil but it is not. The stupidest desition ever to join smth for being powerful but still be so low in their hierarchy.
The majority of Eastern Stars are family and close friends of masons, they join to be part of it. Eastern Stars only have 5 degrees but a 5th degree Eastern Star is like a 22nd degree mason.


Jun 3, 2018
To answer your question. One thing I learned while in the occult, was that you can put the truth in plain sight and the majority of people will never see it because they are brainwashed into thinking it's normal and for those who do see it and expose it , they label them extreme, crazy etc. So that when the aware people expose it, the brainwashed ones will dismiss it. While in the occult we were taught to follow certain yt channels, groups etc and basically troll them. And yt currently is going after truther channels. Some of the major real truther channels receive death threats and tons of harassment in an attempt to curb them. One of these days, the elite will eventually ban truthers from speaking. It will be a slow process. It's started with yt and now the whole fake news thing. The elite own control msm which is the real fake news. They've been busted so many times staging stuff and using crisis actors.
Thank you for reply. So I guess your exposing work is getting more and more dangerous as time goes?
I guess you guys missed me. Decided to reply/post my another questions before my work.
1. Well, so you guys tie together elites & "satanism". But as I see from my daily news there are many types of elites - like each big player country has own elites. I dont think the same elites rule all big countries - I can tell since I live in one of those. So which one do you accuse in illuminati? What if one elites is in political conflict with another elites? So occult against occult? Confusing, right? (Note - I dont wanna mention exact countries because of my own reasons)
2. How do muslim users of this thread look at the Moon/Star considered as illuminati? One big muslim country's flag is literally The Moon & Star. So you accuse them in illuminati? I'm confused.
3. So when I said that obsession over artists is losing control over your inner evil side, one user told me that there are inner evils and "outside" influence (as far as I understood from this person point that BTS are guilty for making fans obsessed). We talked about OCD.
But for example I have bulimia - it's eating disorder. Should I blame food for me becoming addicted? But other people eat healthily and don't get badly influenced. Or it's still my own evils/personal bad experience? (note - if you have bulimia you can obsess even over fruits and veggies, it's not always junk food). What do you think about it?
BTS (food) are guilty or you are guilty yourself mostly? And shouldn't blame BTS and call their fanbase brainwashed?
The world is gonna change, it's always changing with time because all our life is movement. Of course BTS are neither angels, nor demons, they are humans with good and bad days, but I see light in them as POC, I felt fresh air when I found them and made small history together with them. I hope BTS will help this world to move forward, that's why I'm gonna help them.
And you - with telling that grandmas are sacrifice and lowkey waiting for member's death - do u think you sound saint? And that's why I came here to add my point. Despite you being experienced with ex-occult - it seems like you guys are reaching.