BTS discussion thread


Jun 1, 2018
Guys this is irrelevant but I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for allowing me to feel comfortable and present my ideas I’m a really shy and insecure person but here I feel that even though someone won’t agree with me they will always discuss with me respectfully
You are all so intelligent and you have helped my obsession with Kpop I’m so grateful that God sent me here because I don’t know where I’d be if I didny find this thread my life was going downhill and coming here woke me up
I am probably the youngest here lol and I don’t have much beneficial inputs but you are so inviting and I don’t feel pressured at all I’m sorry I will work harder to post more relevant things
We don’t share the same religious beliefs were different races and from different countries but we all share one thing our worry for the world as the illuminati is destroying it
Sorry for this I’m emotional right now as @the world is a stage was a good friend of mine and I will miss her so much it made me think of how glad I am that I found this forum
Thank you and God bless you all
I rarely praised people in my life but let me say this, "You are a kind, polite and sweet person". I thought you are a good girl and being loved and raised so well by your parents.


Jun 1, 2018
Okay guys I will leave this thread for a while. I need some time for myself and I have to finish my next book (I'm an author), the deadline is soon and my publisher is annoying me already.
I've deleted some of my postings because there are strange people here who keep writing me.
Anyway, be blessed and take care.
You will be missed! Good luck with your life.


Feb 23, 2018
yes i've heard that too... rich girls in my country fly all the way to seoul to buy hundreds of BTS albums so they can attend the fansign. they later sell the albums back here at a higher price, and fly back to seoul to repurchase even more. there's this one "sUcCesSfuL" army from my country who was recognized by namj0on because she went to the fansign several times in a row.
Oh my!! What a success lol what a waste of time, these girls really has nothing to do?!
May 24, 2018
Disclaimer: this is just a theory

Speaking of names,
It got me thinking about h0b1's role as being the "sunshine" this might be a reach and got me thinking of the sun god in the Illumi`nati..And how they value the sun (Ra, Helios, Apollo (all sun gods)...)

Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky god who was usually depicted as a falcon, most likely a lanner or peregrine falcon.[9] His right eye was associated with the sun god, Ra. The eye symbol represents the marking around the eye of the falcon, including the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the eye. The mirror image, or left eye, sometimes represented the moon and the god Djehuti (Thoth).[10]
Yeah you got it... most of the symbols relate to the sun or transhumanism, and the sun deities are represented by Apollo, the destroyer in Rev. 9:11. Some people get confused because some of the symbols have more than one meaning... one to the porch mason or outsider, and another for those who have the "final secret"... The "G" in the masonic crest is a perfect example, as is the "star of David" which uses Hebrew letters D and V to spell David, but it also represents a powerful hex or curse to occultists. Others get so obsessed with the symbols they throw out any substance with it, or only see the counterfeit, or see occult symbols in their carpet stains - a great example of which would be Jordon Maxwell, who does it to absurdity. This all goes back to the Nachash (deceiver) in the garden, who questioned God's word. He said 'did God really say'.... Adam had all the things Satan promised him beforehand, but the lure of "secret knowledge" lead him from what God had already given him freely (immortality, knowledge). This is where we are now... Yeshua made a path for all to have eternal life freely, but the 'ha Satan' (meaning adversary) has gotten many to say 'did God really say that'.... so they refuse it and follow the path to destruction. These people wear the symbol of the destroyer on their bodies ( a mark) to seal who they follow. 13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Math 7:13
On 1lluminat symbolism:
Black cube, saturn
V signs


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Feb 23, 2018
Yes I have read an article about it a long time ago. At first I thought the fans are insane to spend so much money just to get 1 minute to talk to their idol but then I thought they are the fansite master actually? Because I saw there are so many "high spec camera that I do not even know exist before" at fansign. At first I bewildered and thought, "Oh man. This is a fansign or press conference?!"

Maybe there are 2 or more regular fans (not fansite master) that would spend 9K money on their idol but I just think they are from rich family, or willingly to save 9K like the one you read, but the number are not many. I do not know. I just think this possibility because I barely heard their song at public place when travelling to Korea last month. At first I thought "Oh maybe because they have not released the Te@r album so the public did not play their song often and only play a newest song from other groups?" But then I noticed the L0v3 sc3n@r!o by ic0n is played so often even though has been released months ago. Even I saw a kid sang and dance proudly in front of his dad at Myeong-dong when the song is played. I feel a little bit upset back then because could not hear BteeS song as often as I imagined at public. I thought I will hear their song every where in there because they are so famous right now. Eventually I decided to enter a VT cosmetics store because only their songs that are played in there obviously *facepalm

What I try to say is, what if the fans hype BteeS so much at media and made it looks like the whole Korea is crazy with them but in reality, the hardcore fans is not as much as we imagine. Yes there are many hardcore fans, but not as much as we imagine. The people who went to fansign, airport, music performance, streaming ceaselessly are the same hardcore fans but the regular fans could not care that much to spend the 9K money and only care to went to their concert because you know, their only school life already drain their energy everyday.
I kind of agree with you. But I really think bts Is a western product. They have big fanbase in Korea, but I think most of insane fans are outside their country. They are insanely popular in Japan. And if they would be more successful in Kr than in other countries they wouldn't have so many tours. So the main public in USA and other asian countries. Since I haven't seen many black or white girls at fansigns maby it is asian girls from other countries and just rich Korean girls


Apr 30, 2018
There are People around the world begging for money to feed their dying children yet these fans find it appropriate enough to spend money on so many albums and we’re talking a lot of money This ideology sickens me Their priorities are all wrong lots of these fans care more about the artists than themselves that’s really loving yourself isnt it I’m in awe really am
They tweet a lot
180630 @BTS_twt Jungkook’s Tweet

What are you doing

Trans cr; Denise @ bts-trans

View attachment 11329

well, it was mesmerizing before the working out the hips part :) here are some tips for Jamal. you know,just in casehi.JPG
May 24, 2018
Disclaimer: this is just a theory
j1n & jamal play VR
VR and NWO
A lot of the corporate media is all on board with promoting VR and they tell you that VR will help many people and it can be used to teach, educate, and entertain. But the number one use of VR will be to program control and brainwash the masses even further into the NWO. VR might become almost indistinguishable from reality.
Most people now are living in a state of controlled reality and VR will take it to an even higher level.
If you have cable television cut the cable now! Unplug your self from the mind control of the corporate media and the fake alternative media!
Do not buy your kids VR headsets and don’t even buy one for your self. It will save you from wasting lots of time and money. You also do not want to support this attack on reality from the NWO.
VR will only intensify the harm that is being done right now by video games.
They also have VR
that will pollute minds with more destructive degeneracy.
There might be some good things that can be done with VR but for the most part it will be garbage mind control and conditioning.
Videos on VR and NWO

Please check out some of these other articles relating to VR and other technologies being used by the NWO.
The smart car deception
The coming IOT nightmare
Why the internet of things is bad for humanity
Smart homes the next assault on humanity
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Feb 23, 2018
I think I will attend BTS's concert in London on 10th of Octomber because I have already spent my money on that ticket. This happened before finding out they did so many terrible things.
So if you want me to notice something please tell me. I stay next to the scene but not very close.
Bring a poster "Get out of satanism" lol But if talking seriously, just protect yourself, they will suck your energy like a vamires, so pray before concert I don't think u will notice smth special it is just a concert


Jun 27, 2018
So I was reading the FL lyrics and Im so shocked at how blatant the mk symbolism is: "I erase myself, try to become your doll" "Even I dont really know myself". Of course the mv is just full of animal prints and they turned into marionettes in the choreo aswell. This is so disgusting :( I hope you guys are not listening to that horrible song.



Jun 20, 2018
Okay guys I will leave this thread for a while. I need some time for myself and I have to finish my next book (I'm an author), the deadline is soon and my publisher is annoying me already.
I've deleted some of my postings because there are strange people here who keep writing me.
Anyway, be blessed and take care.
i'm gonna miss reading your posts, good luck with your book and everything! :)


Jun 1, 2018
I kind of agree with you. But I really think bts Is a western product. They have big fanbase in Korea, but I think most of insane fans are outside their country. They are insanely popular in Japan. And if they would be more successful in Kr than in other countries they wouldn't have so many tours. So the main public in USA and other asian countries. Since I haven't seen many black or white girls at fansigns maby it is asian girls from other countries and just rich Korean girls
I agree with you, they are huge in Japan now as well as other countries. But in Korea they are not “everywhere”. LOL maybe I expected to much back then, thought will found girls talk about them in subway or street, but no. I just saw people watch drama or naver news through their phone, even teenager busy with their date or something else.

Maybe the fans in Korea is not so open regarding their idol group? Like they will feel shame if showing that they are an ArMyyy or Ex0-L in public? Idk lol.
May 24, 2018
Bring a poster "Get out of satanism" lol But if talking seriously, just protect yourself, they will suck your energy like a vamires, so pray before concert I don't think u will notice smth special it is just a concert
Poster seems to be a good idea :D
Jk fans would probably eat you alive if you talk about illuminato to the members faces


Jun 20, 2018
Disclaimer: this is just a theory
View attachment 11337

Speaking of names,
It got me thinking about h0b1's role as being the "sunshine" this might be a reach and got me thinking of the sun god in the Illumi`nati..And how they value the sun (Ra, Helios, Apollo (all sun gods)...)

On 1lluminat symbolism:
Black cube, saturn
V signs
i immediately thought about "sunshine" jh0pe when i watched the video about vatican that you shared earlier. jh0pe even admitted that he's actually a very serious person in real life and not as warm and bubbly as his on-cam persona but people keep calling him sunshine as if they're worshipping the sun god :confused: Screenshot_20180701-001132_1.jpgScreenshot_20180701-000252_1.jpg


Jun 20, 2018
I kind of agree with you. But I really think bts Is a western product. They have big fanbase in Korea, but I think most of insane fans are outside their country. They are insanely popular in Japan. And if they would be more successful in Kr than in other countries they wouldn't have so many tours. So the main public in USA and other asian countries. Since I haven't seen many black or white girls at fansigns maby it is asian girls from other countries and just rich Korean girls
I agree with you, they are huge in Japan now as well as other countries. But in Korea they are not “everywhere”. LOL maybe I expected to much back then, thought will found girls talk about them in subway or street, but no. I just saw people watch drama or naver news through their phone, even teenager busy with their date or something else.

Maybe the fans in Korea is not so open regarding their idol group? Like they will feel shame if showing that they are an ArMyyy or Ex0-L in public? Idk lol.
yeah BT$ are designed to gain worldwide recognition, but not so much in korea. of course there are crazy k-arm¥s but BT$ are not as famous and influential as bi9bang there. and probably the reason why korean fans aren't as hardcore as international fans is because koreans know shit behind the entertainment industry so they're not as easily brainwashed as international fans.


Dec 23, 2017
Speaking of which has anyone seen this video, a documentary exposing Hallyu wave anyway

Go to 0 : 51

Siwon says “Within five years a pop icon will rise out of Asia to ultimate superstardom in the USA and the rest of the world”

2012 + 5 = 2017

That’s when bts really started blowing up in the US


That’s the year when they all of a sudden changed their logo which is similar to that creepy Hollywood agency building 72B18C67-E6F6-482F-AC5F-C70920FAA5D7.jpegB1768704-B20A-4287-B4FD-057898E57996.jpeg

“BigHit Entertainment, BTS’ agency, told Korean media that the new door-inspired logo and branding "symbolizes youth who don’t settle for their current reality and instead open the door and go forward to achieve growth,"



Some see a coincidence but I see a conspiracy

And siwon is obviously an illuminati puppet himself he obviously knows what he’s talking about

Creepy how everything in kpop is scripted
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Jun 20, 2018
Hello, I looked this thread a few times and got some question. So most of active users are christians? Was here some muslim, buddhism, hinduism, pagan etc. review? I'm also curious about their opinion.
I saw you talking about illuminati using crosses, triangles, cubes, the Sun/Moon/Star symbols, masks, cloaks, different animal/insect references (goat, bird, butterfly, bee) - but it's not like illuminati invented all of this, right? Illuminati, other modern religions/cults just use prehistoric nature/animalistic/cosmogonic symbols - in good or bad ways. Like some bad men in WWII used the Sun symbol in negative way - they completely tarnished this beautiful paganish symbol.
So my point is - butterfly is not always illuminati, goat is not always Baphoment, artistic use of paganish/prehistoric/world culture symbols are not Satanism.
BTS helped so many people, ex-fans - admit that they brought you at least small joy in your darkest moments.
Of course you can believe whatever you want - but I'm as northen pagan don't see evil in BTS. We also use triangles (three parts of soul), each region has its own totemic animals like wolves, eagles, buttrfy is a symbol of long awaited summer for us, we give sacrifice (bread/milk) to the Sun (our main holiday), fire, water.
You see - I'm ARMY, whom they saved from self-harm and I know many depressed fans who smile looking at their cute videos.
If you look for evil - you can find it everywhere, even in your own dark side (each person has it), but don't claim please that boys are Satan puppets or whatever without looking from perspective of many different religions.
Also why do you believe illuminati are that powerful if they allow all exposing content exist?
hello. i'm a muslim and there are some other muslim users here, if you want to know about their opinions please read the entire thread.
illuminati and symbolisms aside, i'll just try to explain my point of view as a muslim. in islam, the idea of idolatry / worshipping anyone or anything besides God is called "shirk" and considered as one of the biggest sins one could commit. the meaning of the word "idol" itself is an image or object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed together with admiration, adoration, and devotion. and who do we refer to "idol" these days? it's no other than the kpop stars and the people in entertainment industry in general. people especially women worship and devote their life for these idols. this brings us to the subject of “the greatest of all trials that mankind would experience from the time of Adam to the Last Day” i.e. the fitnah (trials) of Dajjal / false Messiah / Anti-Christ. it was in connection with that attack of Dajjal that the Prophet warned that “the last people to come out to Dajjal would be women, and that a man would have to return to his home and tie down his wife, sister and daughter to protect them from being seduced by Dajjal.” it is clear that Prophet Muhammad anticipated, in the above prophecy, the modern revolution that has deceptively misled and corrupted so many women in the modern age.
as someone who was once neck-deep into the kpop world, especially with BT$, i truly understand your feeling towards them. i'm not gonna lie, i did feel the same way too. they're good looking, talented, funny, and they made me feel like they were always there for me. there were days where i felt happy just by looking at them, watching their videos, listening to their songs. but there were some moments where if i didn't watch their videos i would feel very sad, uneasy, and anxious, so i went back to them, i streamed their songs and videos all day all night, i was neglecting my family, my friends, and most importantly my religion. my addiction towards them has turned my life into something worse than how it used to be. my turning point was the moment i discovered this thread, i am so thankful God has led me to find this thread and everyone inside it. the process of accepting the truth and letting them go is really hard and slow, and i know that not everyone is willing to take this bitter pill down their throat. and maybe it's true that not every triangle refers to illuminati, not every butterfly refers to mind control, not everything refers to any other thing, but the signs they're showing in their music videos and lyrics are way too much to be dismissed as mere concept, at least from our point of view. we never guaranteed that everything we discussed here is true, it's only a theory and we could be wrong. none of us here are trying to convince anyone about anything, it's a matter of choice and you have all the rights to believe in the other way around. if you feel like they saved you from self harm, good for you, but learn to not rely on anyone to save yourself besides God.
Mar 24, 2018
hello. i'm a muslim and there are some other muslim users here, if you want to know about their opinions please read the entire thread.
illuminati and symbolisms aside, i'll just try to explain my point of view as a muslim. in islam, the idea of idolatry / worshipping anyone or anything besides God is called "shirk" and considered as one of the biggest sins one could commit. the meaning of the word "idol" itself is an image or object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed together with admiration, adoration, and devotion. and who do we refer to "idol" these days? it's no other than the kpop stars and the people in entertainment industry in general. people especially women worship and devote their life for these idols. this brings us to the subject of “the greatest of all trials that mankind would experience from the time of Adam to the Last Day” i.e. the fitnah (trials) of Dajjal / false Messiah / Anti-Christ. it was in connection with that attack of Dajjal that the Prophet warned that “the last people to come out to Dajjal would be women, and that a man would have to return to his home and tie down his wife, sister and daughter to protect them from being seduced by Dajjal.” it is clear that Prophet Muhammad anticipated, in the above prophecy, the modern revolution that has deceptively misled and corrupted so many women in the modern age.
as someone who was once neck-deep into the kpop world, especially with BT$, i truly understand your feeling towards them. i'm not gonna lie, i did feel the same way too. they're good looking, talented, funny, and they made me feel like they were always there for me. there were days where i felt happy just by looking at them, watching their videos, listening to their songs. but there were some moments where if i didn't watch their videos i would feel very sad, uneasy, and anxious, so i went back to them, i streamed their songs and videos all day all night, i was neglecting my family, my friends, and most importantly my religion. my addiction towards them has turned my life into something worse than how it used to be. my turning point was the moment i discovered this thread, i am so thankful God has led me to find this thread and everyone inside it. the process of accepting the truth and letting them go is really hard and slow, and i know that not everyone is willing to take this bitter pill down their throat. and maybe it's true that not every triangle refers to illuminati, not every butterfly refers to mind control, not everything refers to any other thing, but the signs they're showing in their music videos and lyrics are way too much to be dismissed as mere concept, at least from our point of view. we never guaranteed that everything we discussed here is true, it's only a theory and we could be wrong. none of us here are trying to convince anyone about anything, it's a matter of choice and you have all the rights to believe in the other way around. if you feel like they saved you from self harm, good for you, but learn to not rely on anyone to save yourself besides God.
I was waiting for someone to post an Islamic perspective as I am not that clever to do so
I 100% agree with you In the time of The Prophet Muhammad (saw) the people would believe in these idols and would worship them and that’s why the word idol being used to refer to these artists shocked me as Ik the history of them and I do believe that hold a certain agenda
To the following users query I want to add that we believe that the end times are very near and the coming of the Dajjal (one eyed beast is near) I don’t know if you remember the ARMY video BTS shared at their recent muster it was the ARMY bomb and BTS were the ARMYs hero it was a skit At the end N@mjn had a flute (I think) and he was playing it well Muslims believe that when the Dajjal comes he will play music which will attract music lovers and that’s why it’s a sin to listen to music if you look at BTS songs especially at Pied Piper you see that it’s drawing fans in and they explicitly admit that they’re hypnotising these fans just like the dajjal will do All these subliminal messages they have in their songs are training and weakining the brain so that it gets used and is easily lured in the future
@nad I’m glad you’re ok but my story is the opposite I don’t want to get into much detail about my personal life but listening to BTS made me so depressed I would cry and get horrific thoughts that would make me feel like such an evil person my faith was rock bottom and I felt like I was giving in to Satan I was so close but God saved me by giving me the opportunity to see this thread if they were really good why did I feel like this
I was a diehard fan but accepting the truth had changed my life for the better i don’t want to imagine what would have happened to me if I didn’t find it
About the crosses and masks no everything isn’t related to the illuminati but they are taken by them to create concepts just like an artist gets inspiration from nature
Also I understand that this isn’t a religious thread I wouldn’t have replied but The poster linked to Bangtan
Mar 24, 2018
There are many addictive things in the world.
For example if you can't control yourself you can grow bad addict over smallest innocent things like food, rest, cleaning, songs. Even small habits can grow to full obsessive-compulsive disorder like washing your hands 100 times a hour.
My point is - we all should learn to control our own inner evil/dark side and don't blame our addiction to artists.
About end times - my people believe that end times will be when the Earth and nature will be dead. It can be after nuclear war, climate change - sadly it can be human made. From my pesonal point of view - sadly we human should blame yourself for pollution of environment while being only fast guests on the old Earth and political /cultural misunderstanding. I believe we human are guilty ourselves.
I see that you have your own beliefs and so could go on for hours debating how we’re both right without actually believing eachother I respect your opinion but I’d like to clarify a few things
So you believe everything should be controlled and I partially agree with you in Islam there are two ways in which we sin our nafs which is our own thoughts which we lose control over similar to what you’re talking about Another one is Shaytaan who gives us these thoughts and sets fire to our nafs entertaining it my obsession with BTS was way different to OCD and now you may say how do you know that well I suffered from OCD too and I have a very close family member who has severe OCD at the moment Having OCD never made me feel evil or want to go into the dark side or do unimaginable things it caused me to stress over the fact that i was dirty so I think these things are very different it never affected my religion at all now Ik that I was obsessed and it’s maybe why I was feeling like this but my friend who is a casual fan is having disturbing visions about them this isn’t all a coincidence it can’t be
Also in Islam there are many signs which were mentioned My the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) The signs of Qiyaamah they talked about how near the time of the dajjal there would be buildings that were very tall, people will go dancing clubbing and drinking alcohol would be common people won’t have respects for their parents etc now Ik that you’ll say that some of these things have been happening for a long time but it is so much worse now
Idk much about your beliefs and it isn’t my place to say that you shouldn’t believe in them Thank you for being respectful I really appreciate that
Also what do you think about the boys change throughout the years they aren’t as happy lately and it could be because they’re tired or other factors but they are also wearing controversial clothing and seem empty What do you think of Bighit