BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
Same here he’s definitely a sub handler I remember when they had that English after school club interview and Jimin wanted to be the MC but Namjoon was all like “it’s my turn to talk Jimin cuz I’m the MC I have the right to control you”

At 4:17

Like I know that can be taken outta of context but damn Namjoon is just so arrogant and controlling I wouldn’t be surprised whatsoever
Wow I didn’t even knew about that. If he ain’t a handler he’s such a diva...
And i quote:
It's my time to talk Jamal, cuz Im the mc.. I have the right to control You
And Jamal just CLOSE YOUR MOUTH and follow my lead, 'kay?
Interesting choice of word there for our one eye fellow: CONTROL.. MK Ultra Anyone?
and I just imagine him doing an evil laugh like in those cartoon shows going and here's Dr. evil:
"I have the right to control you" BWHAHAHAAHA
And the way he pulls Jamal here and jamal being docile again:
Also the words at the screen "I am watching you"
But I watch further and
Jamal be puttin` on the shade on the one eye fellow
Jamal said:
"He isn't a visual and has no charms. Can only speak english"
disclaimer: this is just a theory. aight'
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May 24, 2018
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May 24, 2018
I'm watching the latest Run that came out today and I must say they sure do like reading things upside down/backwards. Is that so common?
As the love for Lucy said they sure do like and practice “backwards thinking”.... somewhat I find of funny but I shouldn’t cuz of the other meaning of basing a backwards thinker is you are living like in the past? But it makes sense if the ideas and agenda the promote are old and from the ancients in Egypt etc..
Backward thinkers are more traditional than their forward thinking counterparts.
And interesting I found this article while searching backwards thinking:
This New Study Shows That People Who 'Think Backwards' Are More ...Successful

An excerpt:
Your boss just messaged you saying she wants to talk tomorrow morning about the big idea you pitched at the weekly meeting.
Great. Right?
If you're like most people, your brain will start firing on all cylinders at this point, formulating a plan of what you're going to say, what materials or supporting research you can bring, and how you're going to present yourself in the best, more professional way possible.
But, how should you make this plan?
Should you start with the first step and work towards your meeting? Or should you think backwards from the result and find where your future and present meet up?
It might seem like an arbitrary question, but according to new research from the Korea University Business School, how you choose to plan your path to success can have a major impact on the outcome.
Backward planning leads to higher levels of success
The researchers ran a series of studies asking participants to plan for an important event or goal, like the meeting with their boss or launching their new company. In one study, they asked students to create a study plan for a final exam in either chronological or reverse order.
After the exam, they compared the students' results against their planning method and found those who planned backwards performed better than those who planned forward.
Backward planning keeps the final goal always in sight
The researchers attributed these results to the fact that when we're told to start at our goal, it makes it feel more attainable and closer to coming true.
They also found that people perceived they had a clearer set of steps to hitting their goal when planning backwards and felt more confident in the choices they were making.
That is, because they know where they want to end up and where they are now, they were essentially 'filling in the blanks' rather than facing a wide array of options of how to get from their current position to their end goal.
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Jun 11, 2018
I agree with what u said. And v’an as a caretaker and vehicle seems to imply his Illuminati split persona as he has ability to split his mind and it becomes 2 horns.
And here they are drawing the characters (it could be staged I agree maybe they had prompts on what to draw or influenced in the behinds the scenes we don’t see on cam)

More episode on YT
Before leaving i saw this (the 2nd video ) and i just wanted to point out a few things (maybe i'm reaching a bit ) :
Sug@ clothing representing sku!! and b0nes ?
Jh0pe was drawing a bu!!erfly as his first drawing (mk ultra ?)
Jamal doing v sign (and this is may be a stretch but he was drawing chimchom ch@racter with the same face but differents expressions so maybe @lter eg0s ?!? Idk smh maybe i'm insane XF )
On this note i'm gone bye guys ;D
May 24, 2018
I said that about his accent.

He took his phone out during the Festa dinner too, lol.
The Run 52nd episode (and hell, the Festa too) were a bore. It was so boring watching them trying to escape that room, I lost my attention span. The only thing I caught was the numbers they were given as the clue. I didn't notice everything else. I was trying to make a connection to the Dorothy room and can't believe I didn't catch the Wizard of Oz relation.
What is he doing on his phone?
Reading this thread?
Watching occult?
Contacting the peedee handlers? Idek And I haven’t watched the run.. I feel like what they talk about is empty stuff pure fluff and that’s what I felt when I watched Jamal’s vl1ve which got over a billion hearts.. the things they do are pure distraction imho. Well maybe that’s the basis of entertainment always was distraction and no substance...
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May 24, 2018
Guys this sh*t sounds far fetched but I tried using my clairvoyant ability after shutting it out for a long time again. Head hurts like hell. Straight to the point:

-saw dark shadows in a circle f*cking dancing or some sh*t with vibrant violet/purple and red colors all over in the center.
-Also saw a serpent. Specifically "ouroboros" the snake that literally eats it's own a**
- sounds weird, but circular rainbows.
-Saw the color red, deep as blood color in center. And violet misty backdrop.
-Blonde Ta_e with thick and slimy black substance covering his whole face. Eyes were yellow. The whole background was red and black.
- Red and black outline of Jay_K.
- I felt like I was also encountering some sort of blockage idk, like I couldn't push further to see more. Something was fogging me.
- I called out to Jay_k and I saw him running. Idk. Definitely not from me but from something. And him following someone hand in hand. There was a sense of danger..idk. My head hurts. Imma stop. My whole body hurts.

Take all this with a grain of salt please.
Interesting you have this vision about snakes as one of the conspiracy theories is that
“reptilian theory”
. I said it may sound far fetched but I gave it a chance and they have some pretty solid evidence and arguments. Because what if we’ve all been fed a lie and what we’ve been told through school was mixed with bs? What if the dinosaurs weren’t all wipe out? A person made a conjecture that if dinosaurs didn’t go extinct they would be more intelligent and advanced by now... maybe they mutated/evolved... this guy watch:
Also jayk running from someone? Hmm makes me think of the title of their show “run” and their song “run” also who is he walking with and where are they going... hm..
And the theme of red/black which the elite love
And b`t`z also in red/black c0ca c0la ads doing 6 sign, one eye, and literal wearing devil horns
I guess this is how the illuminati hang out on their spare time with the horns
He looks like an incubus...

Thanks for the info. You’re a trooper. Take care of yourself and don’t push it if it’s gonna hurt you...

Disclaimer: this is a theory. aight`
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May 24, 2018
Wow, where's their parents?! This is beyond disturbing.

They're so brainwashed and obsessed that they've considered pulling some Jeffrey Dahmer sh*t. :eek:

View attachment 10951
The last one comment is definitely some Jeffrey dahmer sh1t. That is what unhealthy over the top obsession can lead to. That person needs to walk away. The devil seems to be lurking in their minds...but it makes me think how they thought it was marketing? Hm... and which member are they obsessed with? This is danger if it gets outta hand.
But seriously that person needs to stop and get help...their last comment is just like what psychopath dahmer did
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May 24, 2018
Before leaving i saw this (the 2nd video ) and i just wanted to point out a few things (maybe i'm reaching a bit ) :
Sug@ clothing representing sku!! and b0nes ?
Jh0pe was drawing a bu!!erfly as his first drawing (mk ultra ?)
Jamal doing v sign (and this is may be a stretch but he was drawing chimchom ch@racter with the same face but differents expressions so maybe @lter eg0s ?!? Idk smh maybe i'm insane XF )
On this note i'm gone bye guys ;D
You're definitely not insane there is something sinister at the underbelly and good catch that shirt is definitely looks like the skull and bones
And Jamal did the v sign yes,
Haven't watched the whole thing so i didn't se hob1 but butterfly is mk ultra



About skull and bones:
Skull and Bones's membership developed a reputation in association with the "power elite".
[10] Regarding the qualifications for membership, Lanny Davis wrote in the 1968 Yale yearbook:

If the society had a good year, this is what the "ideal" group will consist of: a football captain; a Chairman of the Yale Daily News; a conspicuous radical; a Whiffenpoof; a swimming captain; a notorious drunk with a 94 average; a film-maker; a political columnist; a religious group leader; a Chairman of the Lit; a foreigner; a ladies' man with two motorcycles; an ex-service man; a negro, if there are enough to go around; a guy nobody else in the group had heard of, ever ...

— Lanny Davis, quoted by Alexandra Robbins

Yale became coeducational in 1969, yet Skull and Bones remained fully male until 1992. The Bones class of 1971's attempt to tap women for membership was opposed by Bones alumni, who dubbed them the "bad club" and quashed their attempt.
Judith Ann Schiff, Chief Research Archivist at the Yale University Library, has written: "The names of its members weren't kept secret‍—‌that was an innovation of the 1970s‍—‌but its meetings and practices were."[18]

Among prominent alumni are former President and Chief Justice William Howard Taft (a founder's son); former Presidents and father and son George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush; Supreme Court Justices Morrison R. Waite and Potter Stewart;[19] James Jesus Angleton, "mother of the Central Intelligence Agency"; Henry Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War (1940-1945); U.S. Secretary of Defense (1951-1953) Robert A. Lovett, William B. Washburn, Governor of Massachusetts; and Henry Luce, founder and publisher of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated magazines
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May 20, 2018
About v’an horns:
And if he “splits” into 2 horns, v’ans horns are black white duality this is compelling wow.....all illuminati and mk ultra symbology down to the “splitting of the mind”- because he splits at the head and black and white- Good/bad, XO eyes meaning one eye, a machine/robot (a system)—- an AI; artificial intelligence and the Illuminati have angenda for s!ngularity- world domination through robots and people will have a hard time finding jobs because of it—jobless slaves
True true..

And remember one of theri performances that was shared here many pages back.. In which all the 7 had individual performances of mere seconds and then at the end j00n comes down like he's a fallen angel or something .. I can't remember the name of the performance.. It was kind of hologramic..
They literally showed robots in that performance.. Big robots.. If you remember


May 20, 2018
Wow, where's their parents?! This is beyond disturbing.

They're so brainwashed and obsessed that they've considered pulling some Jeffrey Dahmer sh*t. :eek:

View attachment 10951
Umm... What's going on with such people's minds...
And being a life sciences student.. I can't help but think.. What will that person do with the body. Once rigor mortis and decomposition strucks it...

GOD pls help them and guide them to the right path...
May 24, 2018
Be careful of David Icke.. He promotes the idea of planet X which I think is one of the false/misleading "conspiracy theories" that the CIA had developed.

"In 2002, I asked Don Croft to give me his opinion about Zeta Talk and the prediction of the impending passage of Planet X in 2003. Don said that "cbswork", an ex-Illuminati trained psychic (more properly called an Illuminati 'oracle') said that Zeta Talk was a NASA/CIA disinformation operation. He indicated that Nancy, the lady who uploads the info at Zeta Talk was under mind control.

Personally, I always felt that Nancy was an honest and sincere person. She very much believes, I assume, that the information she is posting at Zeta Talk is accurate (and much of it is, as I've already stated, with the glaring exception of the non arrival of Nibiru in 2003-not a small matter), but people under mind control do not possess their own mind and can be manipulated by others (human and alien). If she is under mind control, then she is unaware of it; as people who are put under mind control have no conscious way of knowing they are victims of mind control. (interesting too) Nancy's story is probably far more complicated than any of us know. I won't judge or condemn her. I always found her to be sincere and motivated to help humanity. However, I have less kindly opinions of Johnny-come-lately usurpers who have attempted to co-opt the Planet X story from Nancy Lieder and set themselves up as 'foremost' authorities on the subject. These pretenders include Mark Hazlewood and Jim McCanney among others.";04.shtml
^This page has a lot of interesting information. I recommend reading

This is just my opinion, but I think the reptilian theory is the same case.
Ohhh, thanks for sharing. Idk hear about this planet X probably the whole outer space is a hoax
And this conspiracy channel I like says outer space is just a lie by the government, interesting about "space bubble" it seems they are doing this stuff with help from CGI and doing it underwater:
The rabbit hole is really deep and full of all sorts of conspiracy theories
And if flat earth were true, then it supports what is said in the Bible and the world not being heliocentric but geocentric (this is their argument). This is not from Icke but a different conspiracy theorist channel:
And I thought it was weird when Icke said that 'murder' was kinda 'ok' if it was the will of the person or something. I was like what? Did I hear that right?o_O
Icke has some interesting points but i don't think everything he says will be correct/truth as in the conspiracy theory realm and I'll consider but not fully believe everything and just weigh it out...maybe he is an agent of disinformation
Idek who to trust anymore cuz the gov. has these disinformation ploys
Yes, I agree its possible icke maybe a government plant to do false info.
Maybe thats why he is still working after 30+~ years in the field?
But he seems to oppose royals and world leaders and he has some interesting things to say about the gnostic archons (seems like these ones are the aliens)
I'll read that link thanks again
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May 20, 2018
Guys this sh*t sounds far fetched but I tried using my clairvoyant ability after shutting it out for a long time again. Head hurts like hell. Straight to the point:

-saw dark shadows in a circle f*cking dancing or some sh*t with vibrant violet/purple and red colors all over in the center.
-Also saw a serpent. Specifically "ouroboros" the snake that literally eats it's own a**
- sounds weird, but circular rainbows.
-Saw the color red, deep as blood color in center. And violet misty backdrop.
-Blonde Ta_e with thick and slimy black substance covering his whole face. Eyes were yellow. The whole background was red and black.
- Red and black outline of Jay_K.
- I felt like I was also encountering some sort of blockage idk, like I couldn't push further to see more. Something was fogging me.
- I called out to Jay_k and I saw him running. Idk. Definitely not from me but from something. And him following someone hand in hand. There was a sense of danger..idk. My head hurts. Imma stop. My whole body hurts.

Take all this with a grain of salt please.
Does only a few people have this ability? How did you vision them? Is it like a dream eyes closed or eyes opened?
Can anyone have that ability ?

And didn't u see jh0pe?
May 24, 2018
Umm... What's going on with such people's minds...
And being a life sciences student.. I can't help but think.. What will that person do with the body. Once rigor mortis and decomposition strucks it...

GOD pls help them and guide them to the right path...
What that person commented really reminded me of how Dammer stored his victims
May 24, 2018
True true..

And remember one of theri performances that was shared here many pages back.. In which all the 7 had individual performances of mere seconds and then at the end j00n comes down like he's a fallen angel or something .. I can't remember the name of the performance.. It was kind of hologramic..
They literally showed robots in that performance.. Big robots.. If you remember
Is this the one?
I haven't seen all their performances so idk if that the right vid.
And if they are pushing these hologram perf.
Seems like the transhumanism agenda with robots replacing humans or AI merging with humans.
very sketchy.


May 26, 2018
The last one comment is definitely some Jeffrey dahmer sh1t. That is what unhealthy over the top obsession can lead to. That person needs to walk away. The devil seems to be lurking in their minds...but it makes me think how they thought it was marketing? Hm... and which member are they obsessed with? This is danger if it gets outta hand.
But seriously that person needs to stop and get help...their last comment is just like what psychopath dahmer did
Not to discredit this thread's effort in exposing that there's more to this band's success with all those symbolisms, but let's not forget that marketing is a truly, extremely powerful tool. It's basically a sophisticated word of "mass brainwashing".

While marketing's main goal is to get people to be aware of the things a certain company is selling and eventually make sales, it also changes the intended consumers' thought patterns as well. Else, how would you then decide to pick or prefer one brand over the other, even though they are the same product? Have you ever think about why you are driven to like B*T*S while you don't even like Kpop/Korean culture in general? It's all about their marketing strategy.

There's a branch of marketing called neuromarketing and I'm sure BH is also using it. I suggest to read more on this topic. I've attached a couple links below:
May 24, 2018
Not to discredit this thread's effort in exposing that there's more to this band's success with all those symbolisms, but let's not forget that marketing is a truly, extremely powerful tool. It's basically a sophisticated word of "mass brainwashing".

While marketing's main goal is to get people to be aware of the things they're selling and eventually make sales, it also changes the intended consumers' thought patterns as well. Else, how would you then decide to pick or prefer one brand over the other, even though they are the same product? Have you ever think about why you are driven to like B*T*S while you don't even like Kpop/Korean culture in general? It's all about their marketing strategy.

There's a branch of marketing called neuromarketing and I'm sure BH is also using it. I suggest to read more on this topic. I've attached a couple links below:
Thanks for sharing :) Now I have a lot of readings ahead of me :cool:
I agree with how marketing is a "mass brainwashing tool"
But I wonder how the brainwashed fan came to that conclusion? Like what triggered the realization? Idek...
But it seems that if some are faced with this dilemma of the bt`z being "fake" to them and only like fans for money it seems some have a violent and deadly thought processes going through them
Very chilling.
May 24, 2018
I wouldn't be surprised if he really was an agent who tells some truth but mixes it with lies that lead to nothing and just confuse people. He's probably right about many things and because of that he has the power to introduce disinformation and many people will then believe him. :confused:
Who would you say or recommend a conspiracy theorist that is not an agent of disinformation? Im interested to see their ideas. If you don't mind sharing..
This is all new to me
This rabbit hole gets confusing
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