BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
This is the comic book Tea recommended "Like A Butterfly"

It seems like its a drama genre and I kinda skimmed over the 1st chapter. Its about a grandpa wanting to do his dream at his age, he wants to try ballet.

But what strikes me is the title Like a Butterfly which reminds me of the Monarch Butterfly, used in MK Ultra Programming. I don't know if the comic contains any predictive programming as I only glossed over the 1st chapter.
But if anyone's interested to read it and analyze here is the link:

From the comic:

About Mk Ultra mind control:

Check out the channel:
May 24, 2018
May 24, 2018



Apr 30, 2018
This is the comic book Tea recommended "Like A Butterfly"

It seems like its a drama genre and I kinda skimmed over the 1st chapter. Its about a grandpa wanting to do his dream at his age, he wants to try ballet.

But what strikes me is the title Like a Butterfly which reminds me of the Monarch Butterfly, used in MK Ultra Programming. I don't know if the comic contains any predictive programming as I only glossed over the 1st chapter.
But if anyone's interested to read it and analyze here is the link:

From the comic:
View attachment 10838

About Mk Ultra mind control:

Check out the channel:
grandpa wants to try ballet ?? just- don't.. please


Dec 22, 2017


May 20, 2018
[Continuation Part IV]
this is a theory (Part 4 end).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

Movie snow piercer with the policy of the Illuminati

Snowpiercer, NWO, BTS , Springday



5. Artificial reduction

The most important task since the construction of the Snow Country Train and New World Order is to maintain this regime that has been sustained for 17 years. The greatest enemy threatening the Snow Country Train that runs on limited resources is just humanity. In order to adjust the number of people who increased to over-breeding (?), The leader rebelled with his secret co-worker, this rebellion removes 74% of the last person's final It is used effectively to achieve the goal.

Georgia Guidestones, which includes a plan for Illuminati population reduction (human genocide) also records "to keep the world population below 500 million to enable nature and sustainable coexistence" . Just like the Snow Country Train, unnecessary (troubling) surplus human beings for establishing and maintaining the New World Order are subjects of their reduction and deletion (genocide).

View attachment 10820
Georgia Guidestones including a plan for Illuminati population reduction (human genocide)

6. True

The Rebel Army's head Curtis who rebelled from the end and reached the forefront knows the remarkable fact that the rebellion he made from Wilford, the designer of the Snow Country Train, is what Wilford himself had planned . The fact that Wilford and Saint Gilliam that Curtis believed and obeyed in this way cooperated to regularly plan a rebellion in order to maintain the order and balance of the Snow Country Train, thereby reducing population I will know.

It seems that positive and false, good and evil, black and white seem to fight each other, but eventually the dialectical strategy of Illuminati, which ultimately uses both conflicts to derive a total (New World Order), appears well It is a scene.

The hero Curtis despairs of realizing that his rebellion was finally used to maintain the regime of the snowy country train.

Curtis of the Rebel Army who rebounded from the last part and reached the forefront, Wilford, the designer of the Snow Country Train and Curtis believed and followed the last Saint Gilliam, in order to maintain the order and balance of the Snow Country Train You will know that you are a companion who worked together on
View attachment 10824

View attachment 10823
View attachment 10822
Wilford, leader of the Snow Country Train and Saint Gilliam, the last part, are mutually contradictory people, but sincerely cooperate with each other secretly because of the big goal of maintaining the order and structure of the Snow Country Train.

7. Reckless attempt to get out of the system - Polar bear is a symbol of hope? Or is it a symbol of despair?

In the movie, another person who is out of the big theme of the movie called rebellion against the leader appears. It is a person named Namgun Min who was dressed as Song Gang-ho, but he designed a guard for the Snow Country Train. Unlike the hero Curtis who is trying to move forward from the last to the last car, he dreams to open the door of the train, the mouth of the train and go out to the outside world.
View attachment 10825

Unlike the hero trying to move forward towards the preceding vehicle, Nam Ngun Min, the designer of the security system of the Snow country train, is about to blow up the door opened for the future of the daughter who was born and raised in the Snow Country Train .

Namguun Min who confirmed how the glacier that led to extinction humanity at the end of the movie gradually melted successfully blows up the door opened to the outside. However, the avalanche will cause an avalanche, all the people in the train will die, and his young girl and black boy will survive. The polar bear that survived without giving up even in the harsh environment where people who came out of the train leaving the alpine snowy country wore snow.
View attachment 10826
A girl who survived alone with a child boy from a bombed snowy country train discovers the polar bear that survived in the glacier. It seems too harsh to say scenes giving hope.

To express this scene full of hope, this kind of environment opened to young people would look too cruel. Finally, in a movie giving a message that adapting to the Snow Country Train (New World Order) made by Illuminati, but staying in it is an unavoidable choice for survival, even though there is control, oppression and discrimination is there.

In an interview with magazine M, director Pon Juno said, "Not only Curtis, but also the audience" the Wilford's logic "(Illuminati system depicted on the Snowkok train, NWO recognized and it is surviving that staying in it I tried to make a movie with the thought that I wanted to be lost to his temptation by being persuaded by the logic that it was an unavoidable choice for it ".
View attachment 10827



スノーピアサーが公開された。これまでに発表された映画の作品性と興行性のすべてを認められたポン·ジュノ監督がハリウッドで世界市場を狙って作ったスノーピアサーSnow Piercerは、公開前から大きな話題を集めている。


結論から言えば、ハリウッドスターとCJエンターテイメントの資本が動員された今回のポン·ジュノ監督の映画スノーピアサーは、イルミナティの最終的な政策であるNew World Order建設の正当性と必然性を宣伝した映画ということができる。

徹底した階級社会である(NWOの象徴がピラミッドであることを覚えておくべき)New World Orderがどのような過程を経て作られ、維持され、また、このシステムを崩した時に訪れる不幸な運命について宣伝する一種のPredictive Programming *とすることができています。具体的に見てみよう。

* predictive programming(予測プログラム)は、このような事件が実際に発生した場合、これを簡単に、通常のこととして受け入れるように事前に観察者の脳の中にアイデアやコンセプトを植えつけて置く(マインドコントロール)技術を意味する。

-- スポイラー注意 --

1. 概要






2. ケミトレイル


3. 地球全体の危機からNew World Orderを建てる

氷河期の出現で生存が不可能になった人類に雪国列車を作ったウィルフォードが新しい救世主として登場する。完全自給システムを備えた雪国列車は最前部から最後尾まで徹底した階級社会で構成されている。このような雪国列車はピラミッドに象徴されるNew World Orderの縮図とすることができる。


雪国列車はピラミッドに象徴される徹底した階級社会であるNew World Orderの縮図とすることができる。

狭くて劣悪な後尾と比較して余裕で快適な最前部の姿 - イルミナティが夢見る世界(NWO)がまさにこのような階級社会である。

"Order Out of Chaos" - "混乱(危機)を介して新しい秩序(NWO)を作る"あるいは"混乱のための新しい秩序が作られる"は、イルミナティの政策が雪国列車でもそのまま反映されている。

映画 "コンテイジョン"と "ワールドウォーZ"は世界的に拡散した致命的な伝染病が、"ハンガーゲーム"では、核戦争による資源の不足が、映画"2012"では大地震が人類の危機を克服する新世界秩序(世界政府)を必要とするきっかけになったと表現している。同様に、映画雪国列車では、氷河期という危機が徹底した管理と階級社会で動く雪国列車を必要とするきっかけになったと表現している。

人為的か自然現象的であろうが世界的な混乱(災害)は、New World Order樹立のための必要条件と彼らは信じている。

"ORDO AB CHAO(Order Out of Chaos) - 混乱を介して新しい秩序を作る"は、イルミナティの戦略が込められたメイソン最高位33の紋章にもある。

列車の秩序を維持する責任を担った首相メイソン、私たちはしばしばフリーメーソンを略してメイソンと呼ぶという事実を知っていれば、将来イルミナティ(指導者)が構築するNew World Order(世界政府)にフリーメーソンと彼らが買収した秘密工作員、警察、兵士たちが世界政府の秩序(Order)の責任を負うことを推測することができる場面である。

4. "給水セクションを占領せよ" - 魚座(クリスチャン)時代の終焉と水瓶座(ニューエイジ)時代の開始を知らせる。




- 占星術で魚座は、過去2,000年間続いたキリスト教の時代を象徴する。私たちがよく知っている2012年12月21日はニューエイジの人たちにとって、2000年以上継続されてきた魚座(クリスチャン)の時代が終わり、水瓶座の時代(New Age、新しい時代)が訪ねてくるという重要な時期であった。


給水セクションを占めるために激しい戦いをする過程で、(オリンピックの聖火を連想させる) "トーチ"の助けを借りて勝利を収めるシーンは、人類に火(光)をもたらしたプロメテウス(ルシファー)の助けを借りて新しい時代(ニューエイジ、水瓶座の時代)を開くという象徴的な意味が込められているのだ。


雪国列車が長いトンネルに入って激しい戦いとなり、反乱軍に絶対的に不利になった瞬間奉送されたトーチ(プロメテウスの火)の助けにより、鎮圧軍を破り給水セクションを占める(水瓶座の時代に突入)という決定的な役割をトーチが果たしたことになる。プロメテウス(ルシファー)の助けを借りて新しい時代(New Age、水瓶座の時代)の開幕という象徴を詳細に描いたものである。

ニューヨークのロックフェラーセンターのプロメテウス像 - 人類に火をもたらしたと知られるプロメテウスは、"光の伝達者"として知られているルシファーを象徴する神話の中の人物である。

Zodiacから2012年(12月21日)は、2000年以上持続いた魚座(Age of Pisces)から水瓶座(Age of Aquarius)に変わる日を示している。

5. 人工削減

雪国列車とNew World Orderの建設以来、最も重要な課題は、17年の間持続されてきたこの体制を維持することである。限られた資源で動く雪国列車を脅かす最大の敵はまさに人類である。過剰繁殖(?)に増えた人々の人数を調整するために、指導者は、彼の秘密の協力者と一緒に反乱をあおって、この反乱は、最後尾の人々の74%除去する最終的な目標を成し遂げるのに効果的に使用されている。

イルミナティの人口削減(人類虐殺)の計画を含んでいるGeorgia Guidestonesも"自然と持続的な共存を可能にするために、世界の人口を5億人以下に維持する"という内容が記録されている。雪国列車と同じようにNew World Order樹立とその維持に不必要な(厄介な)余剰人間は彼らの削減と削除(虐殺)の対象である。

イルミナティの人口削減(人類虐殺)の計画を含んでいるGeorgia Guidestones

6. 正反合


正と偽、善と悪、黒と白が互いに戦うようですが、最終的には両方の対立を利用して合計(合、New World Order)を導き出すというイルミナティの弁証法的戦略がよく表れている場面である。




7. システムを抜け出そうとする無謀な試み – 北極グマは希望の象徴か?それとも絶望の象徴か?





このシーンを希望に満ちて表現するには、若い彼らに開かれたこのような環境はあまりにも残酷に見えるだろう。最後に、制御と抑圧と差別があっても、イルミナティが作った雪国列車(New World Order)に順応して、その中にとどまることが生存のためやむを得ない選択だというメッセージを与えている映画である。

magazine Mとのインタビューで、ポン·ジュノ監督も"カーティスだけでなく、観客も"ウィルフォードの論理"(雪国列車に描写されたイルミナティのシステム、NWOを認識し、その中にとどまることが生存のためにはやむを得ない選択だという論理)に説得されて、彼の誘惑に負けていってほしいという思いで映画を作った "ことを明らかにしている。

This site has more illuminati kpop articles you can just translate jpn.

View attachment 10828View attachment 10829


Doesn't these look familiar? IMG_20180626_193025.jpgoh nah. It's just a B*ts logo.. Nothing special .. :D...

Like are they kidding us? Look how much they're alike
images (16).jpeg


May 20, 2018
Thanks for sharing that. That's the conclusion I came to as well.

I'd like to add something to what Tracyana said here.

Lucifer/Satan whatever name you want to call him is the greatest deceiver mankind has ever known. He is deceiving everyone. The naive humans (you have to admit we are naive and easily trust), his naive, pathetic occult worshippers, and even his own race (demons/djinn/spirits).

To give you an example how he deceives his own race, during exorcisms after the demons were asked if they knew the existence of God and angels why do they not believe so they can be saved, the demons revealed that heaven was only for the children of Adam (humans) and not for their race. So since they believe they are doomed to hell forever, they'll do everything in their power to take down as many humans as they can.

He deceives his human worshipers as well. There was something the love for lucy person wrote in one their posts. He/she said your God is nothing but a failure because he/she saw horrible things being done to people and God didn't do anything. That's probably one of the lies he feeds his followers. You can do the most horrific things because God won't do anything. You are your own God and you won't be held accountable.

It's crazy how retarded that is. Blaming God for the horrible things that happen. God didn't make you do it. Do they really want God to intervene like he did in the past? He used to completely wipe out entire nations who disobeyed and spread corruption and evil in the world. It's a mercy from God he doesn't do that anymore.How about you stop murdering, raping, oppressing, destroying people and the environment.

Another lie he tells his followers is he's the source of knowledge. Is he intelligent? Yes, probably the most intelligent being. He was raised up by God and given great honor due to his knowledge and worship.... (Yes, he was a great worshiper of God). Is he knowledgeable? Yes, very.
Is he wise? No, absolutely not. You see, there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Let me share a good example I've heard from someone before about the difference between the two.Knowledge is having information/knowing something. For example, Fire is hot (Knowledge)----> Don't touch it (wisdom). If you know fire is hot but you still touch it, you may be knowledgeable but you have no wisdom. Wisdom is applying knowledge to benefit or protect yourself. With all his knowledge about God (how forgiving and loving he is), heaven and hell, he still chose to doom himself to hell (out of envy and hate for Adam & his children-in fact he's the first racist and hater). Adam disobeyed God when he ate from that tree. Lucifer/Satan disobeyed God too. Adam repented and God forgave him which saved him=Adam is wise. Lucifer/Satan didn't repent and instead chose to deceive humans so they can be doomed along with him=he's not wise.
Another example is the love for lucy person. He/she had knowledge about a lot of things like religion and scripture, yet refused to turn to God and repent. All that knowledge you have won't help you if you don't use it in the right way. It's like someone coming across this forum or thread, learning all about the occult and the reality of the world, then ignoring it and continue being a sheep.


Another lie he tells his followers is he's a friend of humanity when in reality he hates humans and see them as the main reason for his downfall from heaven. You see before Adam came along, things were great for him. He had an amazing position, life was wonderful. Then Adam was created and now a new creation was chosen for the Earth and took the spotlight. With everything he achieved, he had become arrogant and believed he was better than Adam, therefore he should have been chosen. This led him to disobey God's commands and got kicked down to Earth.

He's humanity's greatest enemy.
True that he's the great enemy..
And i also remember from love for lucy that she wasn't satisfied herself ..
She said it in her 2nd last post i think.. That no matter how much she tries.. The thing they worship is never satisfied with her..

And she herself also said that she has alter egos.. She isn't the same in all thr posts ... So maybe that was the reason she spilled about HER not being satisfied...
May 24, 2018

Disclaimer: this is a theory.

I decided to analyze and link some of B`T`z songs in their album l`y: taer to conspiracy theories that are out there right now. Lets start...

1. S!ngular!ty by Tea
- when this came out the people in twitter started trending the #S!ngularity and this got people buzzing and some were even scared... Why?
For example, this guy said:
I saw #S!ngularity trending with nearly 2 million tweets and thought "Oh my God. It's happening. The bots are all tweeting in unison on Twitter to signal the global regime change."
Then I clicked and it's just some K-Pop singer who released a new song called "Singularity."
Hey B`T`z Arm` - when I tweeted this earlier I did not know who Vee was and had not watched his new video. Honestly I was just relieved the s!ngularity wasn't happening. But I watched his new video and it is amazing. He is not just "some K-pop singer" - he is the real deal.
So what does singular!ty mean to AI/Computers?
Here's what it says:

Technological singularity
The technological singularity is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.

The technological singularity (also, simply, the singularity)[1] is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence (ASI) will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.[2] According to this hypothesis, an upgradable intelligent agent (such as a computer running software-based artificial general intelligence) would enter a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, with each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an intelligence explosion and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that would, qualitatively, far surpass all human intelligence. Stanislaw Ulam reports a discussion with John von Neumann "centered on the accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue".[3] Subsequent authors have echoed this viewpoint.[2][4] I. J. Good's "intelligence explosion" model predicts that a future superintelligence will trigger a singularity.[5] Emeritus professor of computer science at San Diego State University and science fiction author Vernor Vinge said in his 1993 essay The Coming Technological Singularity that this would signal the end of the human era, as the new superintelligence would continue to upgrade itself and would advance technologically at an incomprehensible rate
The singularity is that point in time when all the advances in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI), will lead to machines that are smarter than human beings. Kurzweil’s timetable for the singularity is consistent with other predictions,– notably those of Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son, who predicts that the dawn of super-intelligent machines will happen by 2047. But for Kurzweil, the process towards this singularity has already begun.
Kurzweil Claims That the Singularity Will Happen by 2045

The theory explained:
2. Glitch and Pluto 134340
The next b`t`z phenomenon that I will discuss is the 'glitch' or the 'glitch party' that happened and the song '134340 (PLUTO)'
So according to people the song is this:
TRACK FOUR: 134340
“134340 was a really unexpected song. The vibe of it was a new approach I think to BTS as well as the music industry. I felt like there were so many different genres incorporated in the song that it actually worked. Not only that but the meaning behind the song is also very touching. This is because they refer to Pluto which was deemed to no longer be a planet and just be known by the asteroid number, “134340”. They connected that to loving someone and longing for them but they’re not there. Throughout the song, the references in their lines all describe Pluto’s current state and somehow they connect it back to their goal of talking about loving someone from a distance. I feel like these kinds of songs are what stand out to me the most. They’ve done this in the past too, just like for Whalien 52. But all in all, I think it’s amazing how they can incorporate real-life things that are beyond them into their songs to convey such a deep meaning”. – Jenny, 18, USA轉-tear-a-track-by-track-analysis/
So, what I got is that Pluto is deemed to no longer be a planet and just be known by the asteroid number, “134340”. And also about the "glitch" that people noticed early this year,

What is the connection of pluto and the glitch?

The theory:
Is there really an outer space? Or are the other planets (eg. pluto) just mere fabrications by the government? There were glitches in N`ASA space videos that will challenge what you have known as truth. The theory is discussed here:

3. Predictive Programming
The next b`t`z phenomenon that I will discuss is the 'predictive programming. Some users speculate that but`z may have put some predictive programming in their cartoon characters b`t`2`1 as what is done in many cartoon shows for example, simpsons, family guy, tom and jerry etc...
This image is just very unsettling seeng the one eyed V`an character towering over the other characters as if controlling them and having a laser light like the one that erases people's memories in Men in Black.
Is this possible? What is Predictive programming?

The theory:
The video gives many examples of predictive programming embedded in media (shows/books etc. throughout years) and this is for the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers and the predictive programming that accompanied it:

4. Snowpiercer
The next b`t`z phenomenon is the movie Snowpiercer. Discussed previously that it was recommended by R`M the movie is heavily related to the illuminati agenda. This movie is also related to Spa~ng day and some users and fans have theorized that the song Spr!ng day is a tribute to the $ewol ferry tragedy.
Doesn't these look familiar? View attachment 10851oh nah. It's just a B*ts logo.. Nothing special .. :D...

Like are they kidding us? Look how much they're alike
View attachment 10852
The georgia guide stones look eerily similar to b`t`s` logo and this is significant because the guide stones have a plan for the `lluminati population reduction (human genocide). Which might be a part of the whole predictive programming and subliminal message of the elite.
(Thanks to @Hopeful nice catch btw.)
Since a previous post discussed the snow piercer movie. Here is a video detailing its relation to conspiracy theory.

Snowpiercer Theory Explained
What is the main theme? Order out of chaos and class system of slaves and ruling elite..,wn

5. The eye of horus, illuminati pyramid and celebrities selling soul to the baphomet
The next b`t`z phenomenon and conspiracy theory to be discussed is how there are many occult symbolism found in their mV's performances, clothes and why they do these occult signs.

Relevance and why do they do these signs?


5. The 'glass ceiling' and flat earth theory
The next b`t`z phenomenon and conspiracy theory to be discussed is the 'glass ceiling' and the flat earth theory. I think its important to keep an open mind the flat earth theory must be given a chance. In relation to b`t`z leader R`m has mentioned the 'glass ceiling' before:



*I recommend to watch their other videos its really informative


May 24, 2018
Doesn't these look familiar? View attachment 10851oh nah. It's just a B*ts logo.. Nothing special .. :D...

Like are they kidding us? Look how much they're alike
View attachment 10852
nice catch! :D
B`T`z logo looking like the georgia guidestone that show agenda for illuminati population reduction
those 2 really look alike
Nothing to see here o_O

First one is surely a baph0m3t
Last one is the all seeing eye...

And I'm amazed how Shameless they have become .. Putting such symbols in a run episode ...

Seriously it's hard to believe at first.. But then the truth sinks in slowly
I hope them becoming shameless doesn't mean the NWO is almost complete....:(
Last edited:


May 16, 2018
In their new album they have a song called "love maze" I looked for the lyrics and some parts are interesting (not sure if they are really talking about love)

Cuz I’ll be in love maze
Cuz I’ll be in love maze

Locked in a maze of choises
Tired from dead-end confusion
We were lost looking for an answer
Lost in the maze, in the darkness
(they mention darknes, saying they had to make a choice)

We may run and run this path endlessly
The countless false outcries
May tear us apart
It’s true baby
(not sure if they are talking to their love interest or about them and the choice they made)

We must only believe in us
Don’t let go of our hands
We must be together forever

Other people say
I’m the only fool if I do this
But I don’t wanna use my head
I don’t wanna calculate
Love ain’t a business
Rather like a fitness
I’ve never used my head to love
I know it’s gonna be cold like the winter
But I wanna tackle it ayy
If you push me I’ll fall, raise me up yeah
You don’t have to come even when I pull
Let them be them
Let us be us
Love is a maze damn
But you is amaze yeah
(let them be them, making a difference between themselves and the others maybe those who dont know?)

Take my ay ay hand, don’t let go
Lie ay ay in the maze
My ay ay never let me go
In love maze
Take my ay ay hand, don’t let go
My ay ay come closer
My ay ay we must never miss each other
In love maze

Let’s not listen no matter what others say
Just let’em talk No matter what they say
I become more confident the more they say
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah

Can’t you hear me, you gotta believe me
Baby just don’t give a damn
Promise, promise me

In a maze that’s blocked in all four directions, we’re at a dead end
We are walking in the abyss
The sliver of light over there
I hope that we are wandering towards the paradise
Keep in mind, sometimes lies will try to tear us apart
Hardships will try to trick us but
I focus on myself in those times
In darkness, we are enough
In an empty lie
If we are together, even this endless maze is a paradise
(mentioning paradise here saying there is a bright light at the end, but they are still in darkness but if they are together this darkness feels like paradise)

Take my ay ay hand, don’t let go
Lie ay ay in this maze
My ay ay never let me go
In love maze

What can we do, we came here through our formula
Yeah what can we do, we came to a head with that rule
This maze that we wander in
In the endless crossroads
This is one of our providences for each other
I always think that eternity is difficult
I want to do it, yeah let’s be eternal
Our mountain, our climb
Our axis of the world, our hearts
Travling towards the exit
The hands that hold each other become a map
(lol talking about the "formula" here, strange lyrics. Are they talking about their love interest or about themselves and what they did to get to this place? they also talk about being "eternal")

not sure what the lyrics are about. But I remember RM saying this song was one of his favorites so it's probably not a simple love song
Who is that “ AY AY “??


Jun 7, 2018
First one is surely a baph0m3t
Last one is the all seeing eye...

And I'm amazed how Shameless they have become .. Putting such symbols in a run episode ...

Seriously it's hard to believe at first.. But then the truth sinks in slowly
First one is surely a baph0m3t
Last one is the all seeing eye...

And I'm amazed how Shameless they have become .. Putting such symbols in a run episode ...

Seriously it's hard to believe at first.. But then the truth sinks in slowly
Watching this episode was very scary to me, when I know the meaning of symbols and numbers they use. such as the numbers 13 9 6, they also use the story of dorothy (waking up a girl from a dream or nightmare, i confuse ) . And the color of room they use to solved the game are red, blue, green.

It's hard to believe, but the truth always hurt like this.


May 20, 2018
nice catch! :D
B`T`z logo looking like the georgia guidestone that show agenda for illuminati population reduction
those 2 really look alike
Nothing to see here o_O
View attachment 10862

I hope them becoming shameless doesn't mean the NWO is almost complete....:(
I am very scared for our generations.. They are going to have a really hard time surviving ... Because RF1D chip is making its way to every house very soon... I am sad now