BTS discussion thread


Jan 16, 2018
Trolls and naysayers showing up nearly every day now. I suspect it's gonna happen more frequently.

I think when we spot them we shouldn't respond to anything they say. The more you ignore them, the less likely they will stay.


Jun 11, 2018
Btw you guys i made a test today :
I didn't listen to music for a week (except for Ghibli but those are just instrumentals there is no lyrics )
-Listened to Gone too Soon (RIP Michael :()
Then i listened twice to Pavarotti song (you know vinceroooooo X))
And i had no problem at all
Then i listened to a violin cover+the song in the background aka save me B+s and then i started to get dizzy and got a beginning of headache (barely have headaches usually) so i think you guys are right when you said they probably magicians cause like wtf ?!?!?


Jun 24, 2018
Hi guys I’ve been a lurker for the past few days & have been trying to catch up but just to let you guys know there’s a difference between satanists and luciferians. Lucifierians are the people who actually worship Lucifer and do sacrifices/rituals. Meanwhile Satanists are more like Atheists however the high ranking officials of the Church Of Satan are more connected to Luciferians. Also while some celebrities do not directly take part in sacrificing their beloved they still play a part and WILL have to keep sacrificing to ensure their success.


Jun 12, 2018
Hi guys I’ve been a lurker for the past few days & have been trying to catch up but just to let you guys know there’s a difference between satanists and luciferians. Lucifierians are the people who actually worship Lucifer and do sacrifices/rituals. Meanwhile Satanists are more like Atheists however the high ranking officials of the Church Of Satan are more connected to Luciferians. Also while some celebrities do not directly take part in sacrificing their beloved they still play a part and WILL have to keep sacrificing to ensure their success.
Thank you for the explaination and welcome :)


May 18, 2018
ok wtf i'm shook in my country (France) there is something called Espaces d'Abraxas (literally meaning abraxas space) :View attachment 10788 apparently they filmed hunger games there and other stuff ?!?!? (neo grec inspiration what a surprise smh pillars and stuff) (it also said a lost illusion on urban utopia )
guys tell me what you think ?
(am i going too far or this is kinda wierd ?)
Woooow. I didnt know such bldg existed! I dont think u are going too far bcuz most blgs in this world always have a occult name and inspiration.


May 18, 2018
Disclaimer: this is a theory (Part 1).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, f(X), Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

RedLight - NWO of f (x) is an imminent warning (advertisement)

1. Snow piercer, PSY, and f (x)

a. Snow piercer
(Just note this movie relates to BTS Spring Day and was recommended by RM to watch)

View attachment 10789

According to Pon Juno's movie "Snow Piercer" which is the theme of the vision to the New World (New World Order), people on the backward vehicle that revolutionized to win the water supply section of the engine invaded the top car We encounter a mercenary unit wearing a mask with an ax with the water supply vehicle most important for the survival of the train in the middle in front of it. In this scene, before the battle with the Revolutionary Army, scenes where people wearing masks cut open the flesh of the big fish and paint it in the ax holding the blood in hand.

At the moment when the battle between the two who were competing with each other entered a long tunnel, the revolutionary army won the battle of bloodshed, with the torch sent from the backward vehicle, at the moment when it became absolutely disadvantageous to the revolutionary army , The revolutionary army who won the water supply section goes through a ceremony to wash out the body with blood in its water.
View attachment 10790
As the crusader troops refrain from fighting with the revolutionary army, they cut open the fish's belly and fill the ax with its blood.
View attachment 10791
An anti-government force suppressed the suppression force, dominating the water supply section and washing away the bloody body.

In astrology (Zodiac) Pisces symbolize the Christian era that lasted 2,000 years. On December 21, 2012, we know well, the days of the Pisces (Christian) who lasted more than 2,000 years ended, and the day of the Aquarius (New Age, a new era) is an important day for New Age Met.

In the movie, the crusade arm with an ax with an ax symbolically depicts that the Christian era symbolized by Pisces ended the ceremonial scene of carving out the fish's belly and painting its blood ing. And after the victory of this fight, the revolutionary army occupying the water supply section, the scene where the bloody body washes away here is a symbolic representation that a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius) was started .

Also, in the process of fierce fighting to rob the water supply section, the scenes of winning with the help of "torch" (reminiscent of the Olympic torch) are Prometheus (Lucifer) who brought fire (light) to humanity, With the help of the symbolic meaning of opening a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius) is included.
View attachment 10792
View attachment 10793
Prometheus statue of the New York Rockefeller Center - Prometheus, known to have brought fire to mankind, is a person in the myth that symbolizes Lucifer, known as the "transmitter of light".
View attachment 10794

b. PSYのHangover
View attachment 10795

Looking at the recently announced PSY 's Hangover' s album publicity poster, PSY is drawn with Snoop Dog waving a bottle of liquor in front of a sign called Hangover. The English word Hangover has the meaning "to be carried over" besides the meaning of "hangover".
PSY is shaking a liquor bottle reminiscent of a water bottle, with the feeling that I want you to have the age of the Aquarius (Hangover) late than I expected (New Age) to come soon.

View attachment 10796
The appearance that PSY rocking a liquor bottle reminds Aquarius.

c. RedLight of f (x)

Below is the first scene of RedLight which means warning. An emergency phone rings, a crystal with makeup on only one eye with a check pattern shows a scene where a book reminiscent of the Bible will burn. This is also a scene showing that the Christian era symbolized by the Bible has ended and a new world (New World Order, New Age) symbolized by the eyes of Providence has arrived
View attachment 10797
View attachment 10798
Crystals that burned a book (the Bible?) Appear as hairdressing like a Hindu woman, the Christian era is over, the New Age (origin of New Age is exactly the origin of Hindu in India There is a symbolic expression to show that the era of?

[to be continued]
[Part I]
I saw the movie a few yrs ago and i knew it was related to NWO while watchin it. It was a good movie but it also left me depressed and angry how the elitists are such horrible ppl.


May 18, 2018
Welcome! Thanks for sharing your thoughts esp about the part on satanists. Their mic drop performance on Ellen was how I got introduced to them as well.

About the weight loss, have you guys noticed it's not only V but the others too. They all look very skinny.

I wanted to share something I heard from someone which is being skinny/thin and delicate was a feminine trait (as we all know) and how transgender women work hard at staying thin to create a feminine shape and look better as a woman. Now I'm not saying the boys are trans of course not. ( I did that before another confused person accuses us again). To get to my point...Some of the members mentioned how the boys seem to look feminine at times and the purpose/agenda behind this. Now although hair style, clothes/accessories and make up play a huge part in making them look feminine, they need to be very thin as well to achieve that look.
This might be another reason why they might be forced to look the way they do.
Since i am not familiar with kpop other than BTS, is the feminine look for the guys also applies to the other kpop boy bands? I know i saw a pic of psy wearing heels and was it fishnet pantyhose? I was dismayed bcuz it was disturbing to see that. *my eyeeeees!!!*


Jan 16, 2018
Since i am not familiar with kpop other than BTS, is the feminine look for the guys also applies to the other kpop boy bands? I know i saw a pic of psy wearing heels and was it fishnet pantyhose? I was dismayed bcuz it was disturbing to see that. *my eyeeeees!!!*
Oh, absolutely! And some of them have performed dressed as women, or are made to do female group dances, crossdress. It's a gag for comedic purposes in Korean entertainment for whatever reason. You should see Ren from Nu'est. Prettiest Kpop male singer I've ever seen. He used to be quite the gender-bender!

(I'm not the poster you quoted, sorry.)


May 18, 2018
Oh, absolutely! And some of them have performed dressed as women, or are made to do female group dances, crossdress. It's a gag for comedic purposes in Korean entertainment for whatever reason. You should see Ren from Nu'est. Prettiest Kpop male singer I've ever seen. He used to be quite the gender-bender!

(I'm not the poster you quoted, sorry.)
Omg!!! I googled it and you were not kidding about him being the prettiest kpop male singer. If i had seen that pic where he was wearing a black dress and long brown hair, i would've thought he was a woman. How disturbing. Lol
May 24, 2018
Thanks now i don't want live in this world anymore smh :/
Don’t be disheartened this is just part of gaining more knowledges the elite had hidden this and this must be said. Take a break if it overwhelms you. And it is an article made in Japan so they also see the signs. Even people come from different parts they see the madness in the world.
May 24, 2018
Hi guys I’ve been a lurker for the past few days & have been trying to catch up but just to let you guys know there’s a difference between satanists and luciferians. Lucifierians are the people who actually worship Lucifer and do sacrifices/rituals. Meanwhile Satanists are more like Atheists however the high ranking officials of the Church Of Satan are more connected to Luciferians. Also while some celebrities do not directly take part in sacrificing their beloved they still play a part and WILL have to keep sacrificing to ensure their success.
Thanks for clarifying. I thought they were just the same with a different name! Hope you share more of your insight
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May 24, 2018
Hello there,
With respect; I must disagree. An atheist has no belief in any entity. Satanists are not 'more like atheists'; they see Satan as their deity; the clue is in the name: Satanist.
Best wishes to you and to all folk.
Hello~ thanks for your input. I’m a bit confused, so if one of the members said they are atheist then could they still be part of the occult who are said to be satanists or luciferIan?
Because one of the members has said they are atheist and they do the occult signs for one eye Horus and Illuminati/nwo
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May 24, 2018
I feel like Jin is the only one I could trust in the group. He doesn’t seem to be shady at all. And the stories about him are consistent.
They all seem nice at face value and I liked j1n as well he is funny i thought and I respect your insight but for me,
After knowing these things, I am skeptical of putting any attachments on them. They all seem nice and when I see them I have a cognitive dissonance moment where like, this can’t be... they all seem like nice well mannered dudes but what it is there’s a camera at play so they wouldn’t act that way in cam and off cam and I can’t confirm because I haven’t seen them off cam and don’t know them personally. But what we can observe is the signs they put out. Not just the hands etc. But what they wear and what’s in the mvs, what things they recommend. About J1n after seeing him in the one eye nirvana, and doing the signs, wearing clothes with the star etc. I can’t say I trust him either. If I were to trust anyone minimally I would say Jayk just cuz he seems to be the youngest and I respect that he has black belt in taekwondo and that must take discipline so he must not be easily influenced by pressure but also he could be the most indoctrinated since he joined the ent. biz early.and he said in the show he is the mix of the other 6 members, he basically grew up with them/ the company after from parents I presume from their living and working arrangements. And Even though I want to trust jamal cuz I like the way he dances and he is charming/has this persona that catches some people (to me can’t deny) the skeptical me thinks it’s just seems he’s really good at hiding his emotions and weaknesses and wearing a mask like sugar, the leader, h0b1 so I don’t give my trust even if a part of me is charmed. And vee I can’t read him seems to give some signs and as we mentioned in the past about what we observe a lot even of his drawing of the pyramid. But yeah wouldn’t put my eggs in any basket.
Tldr; I’ve been lied to a lot even from the people I know irl and I don’t trust that easily. So I wouldn’t trust people idk easily. Especially celebrities now that I’m more aware of some of the elite agenda
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May 20, 2018
The troll or whoever this person is want us to focus on these: - ars goetia - necronomicon
We will find the answers there.
The troll also mention Abraxas and says that bts worship him. He or she write there's a connection between Kookie and something called ouroborus and something about an astrum argenteum.
There's a connection between bts and astaroth.
She or he wrote Jin is indeed a moonchild and will be a blood sacrifice. He was born into a masonic family.
At the end the troll write Tae has a devil and he talked about it in singularity. Singularity is all about being evil. The person says she/he always dreams of him and see him suffer. In her or his dream TaeTae always sings "save me" while crying.
Okay.. This is hella scary...
These words are so difficult
Astrum argenteum
I have to look in their details to get a little idea what these actually are..

I am astonished to see.. How smart these people are to use numbers and express the things the through numbers..
This must take a lot of practice maybe?
I can't work on two tabs at one time :D. Let alone multitasking ..

But writing backwards and also with numbers .. Pheww.. Must be hard or must the person be having a sharp brain...

Thank God we have you @the world is a stage and @Bae Yeon Hee and all others which help us to understand a bit about these thing of which i never knew before ...


May 20, 2018
Difference between s4t4nism and Luc1fer1an1sm.. (fr33 mas0n4ry) .. According to what i found to be understandable ...

S4t4nism is a religion, or anti-religion technically speaking. The modern idea of the movement that Satanism has evolved into, post Anton Levay, is however ridiculously far removed from just worshiping the devil. Especially in contrast to what the movement styles itself as.

Luc1fer1an1sm is not a religion, but is a Fraternity of like-minded men, that is quite independent of religion. Membership also does not require you to be of, or change to, a specific religion. Rather, it stimulates and advises members to keep practicing their respective religions daily. The motive being to help good men become great men, and in general make the world a better place. The topic of religion is taboo in Masonic Circles as it divides men, rather than unite them.
May 24, 2018
Hi there, I mean if they say they are atheist then they are saying that they have no belief beyond the here and now in anything. However; if you have noticed a pattern of repetitive occult symbolism that you do not believe is done unwittingly or is so overt and prolific that you consider it to be beyond unwitting and feel that it's a deliberate conscious use then it's something that you would have to weigh up and decide what seemed likely. I did have a friend who had a tattoo of the eye of horus and when I mentioned it as a symbol of the occult he was genuinely baffled; he was into mythology and legend hence his reason for the tattoo. As I said; one off symbology or even for example kids throwing up the 666 hand signs or the devil horns unwittingly just thinking its a 'cool' thing copying their music idols is one thing; you seem intelligent and articulate; I'd say keep an eye on them and you'll figure it out. Interesting if (and of course it's just if at this moment) the person is a Satanist that they would say they're an atheist though; I wonder what their motivation might be? You must forgive me; I'm very new to this site and I don't know what demographic interacts here; KS it a mixture of all belief systems? Kind regards to you and to all folk.
Thanks I appreciate the elaborate answer. There seems to be a mixture of belief systems here as people come from all over. Even some people who identify as part of the Thelema have dropped by in the thread. Will be watching becaus it is the leader of their group who said he is atheist and it seems not to be a coincidence that he does the one eye of Horus many times and plus the fact that he is the entertainment biz. But idk about the beliefs of others that’s why he is just the one that stood out to me. It also confused me if he said he is atheist then he doesn’t believe in a higher entity but this could just be him saying he is atheist idk what he is irl. Kind regards to you as well.
May 24, 2018
Difference between s4t4nism and Luc1fer1an1sm.. (fr33 mas0n4ry) .. According to what i found to be understandable ...

S4t4nism is a religion, or anti-religion technically speaking. The modern idea of the movement that Satanism has evolved into, post Anton Levay, is however ridiculously far removed from just worshiping the devil. Especially in contrast to what the movement styles itself as.

Luc1fer1an1sm is not a religion, but is a Fraternity of like-minded men, that is quite independent of religion. Membership also does not require you to be of, or change to, a specific religion. Rather, it stimulates and advises members to keep practicing their respective religions daily. The motive being to help good men become great men, and in general make the world a better place. The topic of religion is taboo in Masonic Circles as it divides men, rather than unite them.
Thank you. Idk who would the atheists support more in terms of one of the members being one and if these 2 things are different
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Dec 22, 2017
I posted this pic in the old thread but I will share it again:

This is the source:

and the article about it:

"A few days ago, CéCi magazine announced that they would release a special photo spread of BT-S in honor of the publication’s 20th anniversary. The preview pictures looked great, but the costs for the magazine were unreasonable, and adding onto that the costs for shipping … suffice to say I was thankful when the first pictures of the shoot started appearing on the internet. Well, I was at first.

Then I decided to open up the pictures to their full size. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I enlarged R-M‘s solo shot and was suddenly confronted with a hat that clearly bears the insignia of the SS (the swastika, eagle, and apparently even the skull below them). SS stands for Schutzstaffel(Protection Squadron), a paramilitary organization which played an essential part in bringing Adolf Hitler to power in 1933. Additionally, the SS was responsible for running the concentration camps all over Europe"

I don't know if this is a brand of clothing or what, but why give him this hat for a picture? and R-M is a smart dude, he really doesn't know what that symbol represents?