BTS discussion thread


Jun 11, 2018
ok wtf i'm shook in my country (France) there is something called Espaces d'Abraxas (literally meaning abraxas space) :1529955317714.png apparently they filmed hunger games there and other stuff ?!?!? (neo grec inspiration what a surprise smh pillars and stuff) (it also said a lost illusion on urban utopia )
guys tell me what you think ?
(am i going too far or this is kinda wierd ?)
May 24, 2018
Disclaimer: this is a theory (Part 1).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, f(X), Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

RedLight - NWO of f (x) is an imminent warning (advertisement)

1. Snow piercer, PSY, and f (x)

a. Snow piercer
(Just note this movie relates to BTS Spring Day and was recommended by RM to watch)


According to Pon Juno's movie "Snow Piercer" which is the theme of the vision to the New World (New World Order), people on the backward vehicle that revolutionized to win the water supply section of the engine invaded the top car We encounter a mercenary unit wearing a mask with an ax with the water supply vehicle most important for the survival of the train in the middle in front of it. In this scene, before the battle with the Revolutionary Army, scenes where people wearing masks cut open the flesh of the big fish and paint it in the ax holding the blood in hand.

At the moment when the battle between the two who were competing with each other entered a long tunnel, the revolutionary army won the battle of bloodshed, with the torch sent from the backward vehicle, at the moment when it became absolutely disadvantageous to the revolutionary army , The revolutionary army who won the water supply section goes through a ceremony to wash out the body with blood in its water.
As the crusader troops refrain from fighting with the revolutionary army, they cut open the fish's belly and fill the ax with its blood.
An anti-government force suppressed the suppression force, dominating the water supply section and washing away the bloody body.

In astrology (Zodiac) Pisces symbolize the Christian era that lasted 2,000 years. On December 21, 2012, we know well, the days of the Pisces (Christian) who lasted more than 2,000 years ended, and the day of the Aquarius (New Age, a new era) is an important day for New Age Met.

In the movie, the crusade arm with an ax with an ax symbolically depicts that the Christian era symbolized by Pisces ended the ceremonial scene of carving out the fish's belly and painting its blood ing. And after the victory of this fight, the revolutionary army occupying the water supply section, the scene where the bloody body washes away here is a symbolic representation that a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius) was started .

Also, in the process of fierce fighting to rob the water supply section, the scenes of winning with the help of "torch" (reminiscent of the Olympic torch) are Prometheus (Lucifer) who brought fire (light) to humanity, With the help of the symbolic meaning of opening a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius) is included.
Prometheus statue of the New York Rockefeller Center - Prometheus, known to have brought fire to mankind, is a person in the myth that symbolizes Lucifer, known as the "transmitter of light".

b. PSYのHangover

Looking at the recently announced PSY 's Hangover' s album publicity poster, PSY is drawn with Snoop Dog waving a bottle of liquor in front of a sign called Hangover. The English word Hangover has the meaning "to be carried over" besides the meaning of "hangover".
PSY is shaking a liquor bottle reminiscent of a water bottle, with the feeling that I want you to have the age of the Aquarius (Hangover) late than I expected (New Age) to come soon.

The appearance that PSY rocking a liquor bottle reminds Aquarius.

c. RedLight of f (x)

Below is the first scene of RedLight which means warning. An emergency phone rings, a crystal with makeup on only one eye with a check pattern shows a scene where a book reminiscent of the Bible will burn. This is also a scene showing that the Christian era symbolized by the Bible has ended and a new world (New World Order, New Age) symbolized by the eyes of Providence has arrived
Crystals that burned a book (the Bible?) Appear as hairdressing like a Hindu woman, the Christian era is over, the New Age (origin of New Age is exactly the origin of Hindu in India There is a symbolic expression to show that the era of?

[to be continued]
[Part I]
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Dec 23, 2017
I was going through hitman’s old tweet and I noticed he said this in the beginning of 2016

The all famous stars wars quote “may the force be with you”

Unmasking Star Wars Hidden Messages

"May the Force be with you" is a variation on the Christian phrase "May the Lord be with you." Occultist take pleasure in removing any reference to Jesus and even greater pleasure when people are deceived to participate in their abominations. This is exactly what happens in Star Wars with the word "Lord" changing to "Force."

The occult "May the Force be with you" was a common witchcraft greeting before George Lucas made Star Wars. Today, because of Star Wars, this witchcraft greeting is used far more often.

Christian author Pastor David J. Meyer, once a practicing witch, explains the true meaning of "May the Force be with you." He wrote: "When real witches have sabats and esbats and meet as a coven, they greet each other by saying "Blessed be," and when they part, they say "The Force be with you." Both sides of this "Force" are Satan. It is not a good side of the force that overcomes the bad side of the force, but rather it’s the blood of Jesus Christ that destroys both sides of the Force

I mean think about it bts concepts really started getting dark in 2016 with a lot of references to the devil and a lot of occult symbolism I don’t think this is a coincidence tbh it’s like hitman was giving a hint

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
I saw some peope here acusing Taehyung of murdering his grandmother. And you probably think Jin also murdered his grandma. And you also tell everyone that Jimin and Taehyung are pedophiles. Please tell me who started these rumours? On what platform? Because only on VC forum I heard these things. So of course I believe some of you started this.
Show us where we accuse Tae & Jin of murdering anyone? I believe you took what was said and twisted it, to fit your narrative of murder.
May 24, 2018
[Continuation Part II]
Disclaimer: this is a theory (Part 2).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, f(X), Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

RedLight - NWO of f (x) is an imminent warning (advertisement)

Crystal that burned a book appeared with a hair double chain accessory symbolizing New Age attached to her hair. It is understood that the cross of the forehead is not a general cross, but the central Celtic cross (symbol of the sun god worship).

2. New World Order

Illuminati 's long - awaited world for Lucifer (Satan) The world New World Order (World Government) is the world dominated by Huslus which is the incarnation of Lucifer and Illuminati who serves this Horus. (*We see a lot of these one eye in BTS as previous posts give evidence)
As can be seen from the pyramid which is one of their representative symbols, the country is made up of a thorough class society, and when the NWO is completed, the common man called Sheeple (people who receive the same livestock treatment as the sheep) , A chip is transplanted into the body, and will begin to live like a slave who receives thorough control.

Through interlocking chips (berry chips, RFID chips), a perfectly controlled society that controls, monitors and manipulates every single person's movements is the figure of New World Order they dream of.

It is NWO of the world of Big Brother, a chip is embedded in the body (brain), and it is connected with a computer and shows the masses who were subject to monitoring, control and navigation.

Techniques for inserting chips into the body and controlling and steering them through the computer have already come to completion.

3. New World Order Establishment Strategy
In RedLight of f (x), their New World Order establishment strategy of "Ordo Ab Chao - to create a new order through confusion" is well portrayed. The scenes reminiscent of destruction and war, the appearance of members appearing in the figure of a soldier, and the lyrics of Caterpillar (infinite orbit) reminiscent of tanks, will be completed in what way the world they dream of will go through I guess.
ordo ab chao (order out of chaos) - Creating a new order (NWO) through confusion (destruction) is their unchanging strategy.

"Ay Ay It's a Red Light Light I do not know what's wrong with this ... Ay Ay It's a Red Light Light Listen carefully to someone's voice Red Light ... Ay Wait a minute Jungle's According to the rules of the inside, weak people are eaten, pushed forward Yeah pushed out and stepped on ... if everything sinks in front of the caterpillar it lights Red Light "

Sagittal lyrics warn (propagate) through war and ruin that the Christian era is over and the world (New World Order) dominated by Illuminati serving Lucifer is approaching.


Original Article

f(x) のRedLight - NWOが迫っている警告(宣伝)である。

1. スノーピアサー、PSY、そしてf(x)

a. スノーピアサー

新世界(New World Order)へのビジョンをテーマにしたポン·ジュノ監督の映画「スノーピアサー」によると、エンジンの給水セクションを制覇するために革命を起こした後方車両の人々が、先頭車両に侵攻していき、その途中にある列車の生存に最も重要な給水車両を前にして、斧を持って覆面をかぶった傭兵部隊と遭遇する。この場面で、革命軍と一戦を経る前に、覆面をかぶった人々が、大きな魚の腹を切り開き、その血を手に持っていた斧に塗り込む場面が登場する。

お互いに張り合っていた両者の戦闘が、長いトンネルに入ると、革命軍に絶対的に不利になってしまう瞬間、 後方車両から送られたトーチによって革命軍が勝利を収め、流血の戦いに勝利し、給水セクションを獲得した革命軍は、その水で血が付いた体を洗い流す儀式を経る。



占星術(Zodiac)で魚座は、過去2,000年間続いたキリスト教の時代を象徴する。私たちがよく知っている2012年12月21日は、2,000年以上続いた魚座(キリスト教)の時代が終わり、水瓶座の時代(New Age、新しい時代)が訪れるニューエイジャーにとって重要な日であった。


また、 給水セクションを奪うため、激しい戦闘を繰り広げる過程で、(オリンピックの聖火を連想させる)「トーチ」の助けを借りて勝利をおさめるシーンは、人類に火(光)をもたらしたプロメテウス(ルシファー)の助けを借りて、新しい時代(ニューエイジ、水瓶座の時代)を開くという象徴的な意味が込められている。

ニューヨークロックフェラーセンターのプロメテウス像 - 人類に火をもたらしたと知られているプロメテウスは、「光の伝達者」として知られているルシファーを象徴する神話の中の人物である。

b. PSYのHangover

最近発表されたPSYのHangoverのアルバムの宣伝ポスターを見ると、PSYがスヌープドックと一緒に、Hangoverという看板の前で酒のボトルを振る姿が描かれている。 Hangoverという英語の単語には、「二日酔い」という意味の他に「持ち越される」という意味がある。

思ったよりも遅れている(Hangover)水瓶座の時代(New Age)が早く到来して欲しいと祈る気持ちで、PSYが水瓶を連想させる酒ボトルを振っている。


c. f(x)のRedLight

以下は、警告を意味するRedLightの最初のシーンである。緊急の電話が鳴り、チェック柄で片目だけに化粧をしたクリスタルが、聖書を連想させる本が燃えるシーンを見せる。これも、聖書が象徴しているキリスト教の時代が終わり、プロビデンスの目で象徴される新しい世界(New World Order、New Age)が到来したことを示す場面である。



2. New World Order

ルシファー(サタン)に仕えるイルミナティが待望する世界New World Order(世界政府)は、ルシファーの化身であるホルスと、このホルスに仕えるイルミナティが支配する世界だ。


コンピューターと連動したチップ(ベリーチップ、RFIDチップ)を通して、人の一挙手一投足を制御、監視、操縦する完璧な統制社会が、彼らが夢見るNew World Orderの姿なのである。



3. New World Order樹立戦略

f(x)のRedLightの中で、「Ordo Ab Chao - 混乱(破壊)を通して新たな秩序(New Order)を造り出す」という彼らのNew World Order樹立戦略がよく描写されている。破壊と戦争を連想させる場面と、軍人の姿で登場するメンバーの姿、そして戦車を連想させるキャタピラ(無限軌道)という歌詞は、将来、彼らが夢見る世の中が、どのような過程を経て完成されるのかを推測している。

ordo ab chao(order out of chaos) - 混乱(破壊)を通して新たな秩序(NWO)を造り出すというのが彼らの変わらない戦略である。

「Ay Ay It's a Red Light Light これが今の状況 何が間違っているのかもわからない... Ay Ay It's a Red Light Light 警告する誰かの声をよく聞いて Red Light... Ay Wait a minute ジャングルの中のルールに従って、弱い者は食われ。前に押し出される Yeah 押し出されて 気が付けば踏みつけられ...キャタピラの前で全てが沈んだとき 灯る Red Light 」

扇動的な歌詞が、戦争と破滅を通じて、キリスト教の時代が終わり、ルシファーに仕えるイルミナティが支配する世界(New World Order)が近づいていることを警告(宣伝)している。

1. イルミナティの政策を込めた映画スノーピアサー 
2. PSY、レディー·ガガ、教皇と8.15光復節
3. f(x)のティーザー写真のコンセプトは、数字13とプロビデンスの目

Recommend to watch Belko Experiment
People have microchip in their brain w/c can detonate

[to be continued]
[Part II end]
Part III Snowpiercer
Last edited:
May 24, 2018
[Continuation Part III]
this is a theory (Part 3).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

Movie snow piercer with the policy of the Illuminati
Snowpiercer, NWO, BTS , Springday

The snow piercer was released. Snow Piercer, a snow piercer, directed by Pon Juno, aiming at world markets in Hollywood, which was recognized for all of the film's work and entertainment so far announced, gathered a big topic from before the launch There.

Although I showed record results on the first public day of 410,000 people, reviews among people who saw the movie are still very divided. Some people made negative evaluations from the difficulty of contents and cruelty, others have made a rating that movie messages and details are like Pon Juno's director.

In conclusion, Hollywood star and CJ entertainment capital was mobilized This time Pon Juno's movie snow piercer promoted the legitimacy and inevitability of Illuminati's final policy New World Order construction It can be called a movie.

It is a thorough class society (remember that the symbol of NWO is a pyramid) What process is created and maintained by the New World Order, and about the unfortunate fate that you visit when you break this system It can be a kind of Predictive Programming * to advertise. Let's see concretely.

* predictive programming (forecasting program) will plant ideas and concepts in the observer's brain beforehand so as to accept this as an ordinary matter easily when such an event actually occurs Mind control) technology.

- Spoiler Caution -

1. Overview

The following is the content to introduce the movie snow piercer on the official website.
New Glacier period, and snow country 17 years
Last survival area of humanity - Snow Country train -
Earth where everything froze in extreme weather. A train carrying people who survived runs all the way through the track. The scene where cold and hungry people are riding like the slums in the last tail, and the scene where the people chosen are in luxurious rooms while enjoying alcohol and drugs at the top. The world in the train is by no means equal.

In the 17th year when the train started running, young leader Curtis in the rear of the train caused a riot that had been prepared for many years. Curtis who runs to the forefront where Wilford is holding up absolute power to take over the engine which is the heart of the train, let the rear vehicle release, and finally release the entire train Curtis and the rear people. Unexpected circumstances await them before ...

2. Chemitreile

Human beings in crisis due to global warming sprinkle large quantities of chemical substances using airplanes while waiting to lower the temperature of the earth. However, the ice age came throughout the planet to unexpected side effects on this, eventually all the living things disappear. In the movie it was extremely exaggerated, but climate manipulation using the chemitreile is happening now.

3. Build New World Order from global crisis

Wilford who made a snowy country train for mankind who became impossible to survive with the advent of the ice ages appears as a new savior. The Snow Country Train equipped with a fully self-contained system consists of a thorough class society from the forefront to the last tail. Such a snowy country train can be a microcosm of the New World Order symbolized by the pyramid.
The crisis of the arrival of the ice age will emerge as the savior of the snowy country train designer Wilford to save humanity. Horus (antichrist) waiting for the Illuminati will also appear in the form of a savior who will save humanity in the crisis of the whole planet.

The snowy country train can be a microcosm of the New World Order which is a thorough class society symbolized by the pyramid.


A forefront figure that is affordable and comfortable compared to the narrow and bad tail - the world where the Illuminati dreams (NWO) is exactly such a class society.

"Order Out of Chaos" - "Make New Order (NWO) Through Crisis" or "Create a New Order for Confusion" is reflected in the policies of the Illuminati as it is on the Snowkok train There.

Film "Conteion" and "World War Z" are worldwide spreading fatal epidemic diseases, "hanger games" lack of resources due to nuclear war, movie "2012" large earthquake crisis humanity It is said that it became a trigger to need the New World Order (world government) to overcome. Likewise, the movie Snowkok train expresses that the crisis of the Ice Age has become a trigger to require a thorough management and a snowy country train moving in a class society.

They are believed to be necessary conditions for the establishment of New World Order, whether artificial or natural phenomena or global disarray (disaster).

"ORDO AB CHAO (Order Out of Chaos) - Making a New Order through Confusion" is also in the emblem of Mason highest 33 with Illuminati strategy.


Prime Minister Mason who was responsible for maintaining the order of the train, knowing the fact that we often abbreviate Mason as abbreviated Freemason, will be given the New World Order (World Government) that the Illuminati (leader) will build in the future It is a scene where Freemasonry and secret agents, police and soldiers they acquired can assume responsibility for the order of the world government.

4. "Capture the water supply section" - to inform the end of the Pisces (Christian) era and the beginning of the Aquarius (New Age) era.

Curtis, who moved forward towards the water supply section, fought with fellows with axes wearing masks to occupy the most important water supply section for the survival of the train. A few days ago, scenes where men wearing a mask cut off the fish's belly and painted the ax with their blood appeared.

At the moment when the battle between the two who were competing with each other entered a long tunnel and became absolutely disadvantageous to the rebel army, the consecrated torch plays a decisive role for the rebel army to grab the winner.

The rebel army who won in a fierce battle with these and occupied the water supply section goes through a ceremony to wash away the bloody body with this water.

- Pisces in astrology symbolize the Christian era that lasted 2,000 years. On December 21, 2012 we are familiar with December 21, 2012, for the New Age people, the era of Pisces (Christian), which has been continued for more than 2000 years, has ended and the era of Aquarius (New Age, a new era) It was an important time to visit.

It can be seen as a symbol of the Christian era that the era of Christianity told the end that the crusade arm with the ax in the movie goes through the ritual of cutting the fish's belly and painting blood. The scene where the rebel army occupying the water supply section washes the body with blood here can be a symbol of the start of a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius).

In the process of fierce battle to occupy the water supply section, the scenes winning with the help of "torch" (reminiscent of the Olympic torch) helped Prometheus (Lucifer) who brought fire (light) to mankind The symbolic meaning of borrowing a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius) is put in it.
People mobilized to suppress the rebel army trying to deprive the water supply section paint the blood on the ax with the fish palm cut. It is a scene that symbolizes the end of Pisces' era (era before Christianity).

A snowy country train enters a long tunnel and enters a fierce battle, and by the help of a torch dedicated to the moment when it became absolutely disadvantageous to the rebel armion (Prometheus fire), it breaks the suppression force and occupies the water supply section (In the age of Aquarius It is a torch has played a decisive role of rushing in. With the help of Prometheus (Lucifer) I drew in detail the symbol of the opening of a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius).

From Zodiac 2012 (December 21) shows the day that changes from Pisces (Age of Pisces) that lasted more than 2000 for Aquarium (Age of Aquarius).

[to be continued]
[Part III end]
Part IV last ch​
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May 24, 2018
[Continuation Part IV]
this is a theory (Part 4 end).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

Movie snow piercer with the policy of the Illuminati
Snowpiercer, NWO, BTS , Springday

5. Artificial reduction

The most important task since the construction of the Snow Country Train and New World Order is to maintain this regime that has been sustained for 17 years. The greatest enemy threatening the Snow Country Train that runs on limited resources is just humanity. In order to adjust the number of people who increased to over-breeding (?), The leader rebelled with his secret co-worker, this rebellion removes 74% of the last person's final It is used effectively to achieve the goal.

Georgia Guidestones, which includes a plan for Illuminati population reduction (human genocide) also records "to keep the world population below 500 million to enable nature and sustainable coexistence" . Just like the Snow Country Train, unnecessary (troubling) surplus human beings for establishing and maintaining the New World Order are subjects of their reduction and deletion (genocide).

Georgia Guidestones including a plan for Illuminati population reduction (human genocide)

6. True

The Rebel Army's head Curtis who rebelled from the end and reached the forefront knows the remarkable fact that the rebellion he made from Wilford, the designer of the Snow Country Train, is what Wilford himself had planned . The fact that Wilford and Saint Gilliam that Curtis believed and obeyed in this way cooperated to regularly plan a rebellion in order to maintain the order and balance of the Snow Country Train, thereby reducing population I will know.

It seems that positive and false, good and evil, black and white seem to fight each other, but eventually the dialectical strategy of Illuminati, which ultimately uses both conflicts to derive a total (New World Order), appears well It is a scene.

The hero Curtis despairs of realizing that his rebellion was finally used to maintain the regime of the snowy country train.

Curtis of the Rebel Army who rebounded from the last part and reached the forefront, Wilford, the designer of the Snow Country Train and Curtis believed and followed the last Saint Gilliam, in order to maintain the order and balance of the Snow Country Train You will know that you are a companion who worked together on

Wilford, leader of the Snow Country Train and Saint Gilliam, the last part, are mutually contradictory people, but sincerely cooperate with each other secretly because of the big goal of maintaining the order and structure of the Snow Country Train.

7. Reckless attempt to get out of the system - Polar bear is a symbol of hope? Or is it a symbol of despair?

In the movie, another person who is out of the big theme of the movie called rebellion against the leader appears. It is a person named Namgun Min who was dressed as Song Gang-ho, but he designed a guard for the Snow Country Train. Unlike the hero Curtis who is trying to move forward from the last to the last car, he dreams to open the door of the train, the mouth of the train and go out to the outside world.

Unlike the hero trying to move forward towards the preceding vehicle, Nam Ngun Min, the designer of the security system of the Snow country train, is about to blow up the door opened for the future of the daughter who was born and raised in the Snow Country Train .

Namguun Min who confirmed how the glacier that led to extinction humanity at the end of the movie gradually melted successfully blows up the door opened to the outside. However, the avalanche will cause an avalanche, all the people in the train will die, and his young girl and black boy will survive. The polar bear that survived without giving up even in the harsh environment where people who came out of the train leaving the alpine snowy country wore snow.
A girl who survived alone with a child boy from a bombed snowy country train discovers the polar bear that survived in the glacier. It seems too harsh to say scenes giving hope.

To express this scene full of hope, this kind of environment opened to young people would look too cruel. Finally, in a movie giving a message that adapting to the Snow Country Train (New World Order) made by Illuminati, but staying in it is an unavoidable choice for survival, even though there is control, oppression and discrimination is there.

In an interview with magazine M, director Pon Juno said, "Not only Curtis, but also the audience" the Wilford's logic "(Illuminati system depicted on the Snowkok train, NWO recognized and it is surviving that staying in it I tried to make a movie with the thought that I wanted to be lost to his temptation by being persuaded by the logic that it was an unavoidable choice for it ".



スノーピアサーが公開された。これまでに発表された映画の作品性と興行性のすべてを認められたポン·ジュノ監督がハリウッドで世界市場を狙って作ったスノーピアサーSnow Piercerは、公開前から大きな話題を集めている。


結論から言えば、ハリウッドスターとCJエンターテイメントの資本が動員された今回のポン·ジュノ監督の映画スノーピアサーは、イルミナティの最終的な政策であるNew World Order建設の正当性と必然性を宣伝した映画ということができる。

徹底した階級社会である(NWOの象徴がピラミッドであることを覚えておくべき)New World Orderがどのような過程を経て作られ、維持され、また、このシステムを崩した時に訪れる不幸な運命について宣伝する一種のPredictive Programming *とすることができています。具体的に見てみよう。

* predictive programming(予測プログラム)は、このような事件が実際に発生した場合、これを簡単に、通常のこととして受け入れるように事前に観察者の脳の中にアイデアやコンセプトを植えつけて置く(マインドコントロール)技術を意味する。

-- スポイラー注意 --

1. 概要






2. ケミトレイル


3. 地球全体の危機からNew World Orderを建てる

氷河期の出現で生存が不可能になった人類に雪国列車を作ったウィルフォードが新しい救世主として登場する。完全自給システムを備えた雪国列車は最前部から最後尾まで徹底した階級社会で構成されている。このような雪国列車はピラミッドに象徴されるNew World Orderの縮図とすることができる。


雪国列車はピラミッドに象徴される徹底した階級社会であるNew World Orderの縮図とすることができる。

狭くて劣悪な後尾と比較して余裕で快適な最前部の姿 - イルミナティが夢見る世界(NWO)がまさにこのような階級社会である。

"Order Out of Chaos" - "混乱(危機)を介して新しい秩序(NWO)を作る"あるいは"混乱のための新しい秩序が作られる"は、イルミナティの政策が雪国列車でもそのまま反映されている。

映画 "コンテイジョン"と "ワールドウォーZ"は世界的に拡散した致命的な伝染病が、"ハンガーゲーム"では、核戦争による資源の不足が、映画"2012"では大地震が人類の危機を克服する新世界秩序(世界政府)を必要とするきっかけになったと表現している。同様に、映画雪国列車では、氷河期という危機が徹底した管理と階級社会で動く雪国列車を必要とするきっかけになったと表現している。

人為的か自然現象的であろうが世界的な混乱(災害)は、New World Order樹立のための必要条件と彼らは信じている。

"ORDO AB CHAO(Order Out of Chaos) - 混乱を介して新しい秩序を作る"は、イルミナティの戦略が込められたメイソン最高位33の紋章にもある。

列車の秩序を維持する責任を担った首相メイソン、私たちはしばしばフリーメーソンを略してメイソンと呼ぶという事実を知っていれば、将来イルミナティ(指導者)が構築するNew World Order(世界政府)にフリーメーソンと彼らが買収した秘密工作員、警察、兵士たちが世界政府の秩序(Order)の責任を負うことを推測することができる場面である。

4. "給水セクションを占領せよ" - 魚座(クリスチャン)時代の終焉と水瓶座(ニューエイジ)時代の開始を知らせる。




- 占星術で魚座は、過去2,000年間続いたキリスト教の時代を象徴する。私たちがよく知っている2012年12月21日はニューエイジの人たちにとって、2000年以上継続されてきた魚座(クリスチャン)の時代が終わり、水瓶座の時代(New Age、新しい時代)が訪ねてくるという重要な時期であった。


給水セクションを占めるために激しい戦いをする過程で、(オリンピックの聖火を連想させる) "トーチ"の助けを借りて勝利を収めるシーンは、人類に火(光)をもたらしたプロメテウス(ルシファー)の助けを借りて新しい時代(ニューエイジ、水瓶座の時代)を開くという象徴的な意味が込められているのだ。


雪国列車が長いトンネルに入って激しい戦いとなり、反乱軍に絶対的に不利になった瞬間奉送されたトーチ(プロメテウスの火)の助けにより、鎮圧軍を破り給水セクションを占める(水瓶座の時代に突入)という決定的な役割をトーチが果たしたことになる。プロメテウス(ルシファー)の助けを借りて新しい時代(New Age、水瓶座の時代)の開幕という象徴を詳細に描いたものである。

ニューヨークのロックフェラーセンターのプロメテウス像 - 人類に火をもたらしたと知られるプロメテウスは、"光の伝達者"として知られているルシファーを象徴する神話の中の人物である。

Zodiacから2012年(12月21日)は、2000年以上持続いた魚座(Age of Pisces)から水瓶座(Age of Aquarius)に変わる日を示している。

5. 人工削減

雪国列車とNew World Orderの建設以来、最も重要な課題は、17年の間持続されてきたこの体制を維持することである。限られた資源で動く雪国列車を脅かす最大の敵はまさに人類である。過剰繁殖(?)に増えた人々の人数を調整するために、指導者は、彼の秘密の協力者と一緒に反乱をあおって、この反乱は、最後尾の人々の74%除去する最終的な目標を成し遂げるのに効果的に使用されている。

イルミナティの人口削減(人類虐殺)の計画を含んでいるGeorgia Guidestonesも"自然と持続的な共存を可能にするために、世界の人口を5億人以下に維持する"という内容が記録されている。雪国列車と同じようにNew World Order樹立とその維持に不必要な(厄介な)余剰人間は彼らの削減と削除(虐殺)の対象である。

イルミナティの人口削減(人類虐殺)の計画を含んでいるGeorgia Guidestones

6. 正反合


正と偽、善と悪、黒と白が互いに戦うようですが、最終的には両方の対立を利用して合計(合、New World Order)を導き出すというイルミナティの弁証法的戦略がよく表れている場面である。




7. システムを抜け出そうとする無謀な試み – 北極グマは希望の象徴か?それとも絶望の象徴か?





このシーンを希望に満ちて表現するには、若い彼らに開かれたこのような環境はあまりにも残酷に見えるだろう。最後に、制御と抑圧と差別があっても、イルミナティが作った雪国列車(New World Order)に順応して、その中にとどまることが生存のためやむを得ない選択だというメッセージを与えている映画である。

magazine Mとのインタビューで、ポン·ジュノ監督も"カーティスだけでなく、観客も"ウィルフォードの論理"(雪国列車に描写されたイルミナティのシステム、NWOを認識し、その中にとどまることが生存のためにはやむを得ない選択だという論理)に説得されて、彼の誘惑に負けていってほしいという思いで映画を作った "ことを明らかにしている。

This site has more illuminati kpop articles you can just translate jpn.




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Jun 20, 2018
Hello everyone.

Wow so much has happened. Have a lot to catch up on.

But first...

I saw some peope here acusing Taehyung of murdering his grandmother. And you probably think Jin also murdered his grandma. And you also tell everyone that Jimin and Taehyung are pedophiles. Please tell me who started these rumours? On what platform? Because only on VC forum I heard these things. So of course I believe some of you started this.
I'm sorry but how did you come to that conclusion?

I don't think you've read the thread because if you had, you would know nobody accused the boys of murder. This thread is about the occult and the connection BTS may have with the occult due to all the hints and symbolism in everything they do. Many times it had been mentioned that the boys may be victims themselves and probably weren't aware of the extent of the consequences of desiring fame and fortune.
In fact there was someone who claimed to be part of the occult a couple of days back who confessed the reason they were exposing them was they killed his/her brother, so they wanted revenge.

There is a disclaimer in the first page.

(Maybe removing Illuminati from the title of the thread was a bad idea :confused:)

I suggest you read the thread carefully...there is a lot of useful info on the occult and it will help you understand where the speculations/theories are coming from.
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Jun 20, 2018
Konnichi wa everyone! I am a long time lurker and felt the need to come out of the cyber corner to introduce myself. I am a somewhat timid person. Just to give you an example, when I first started to play WoW several years ago, I was so darn shy that when a NPC talked to me, I ran off really scared and sweating not realizing that it was not a real person. *facepalm*

Anyway, I have never been into k-pop with the exception of Sad promise remix from Davichi and Ashily with the BoF "lucky." I didn't care for the rest of the BOF soundtrack because it was too poppy for me. I listened mostly indie music like Adult Child and Nell (they made a video "Good Night" where I learned that most SK prefer k-pop over k-indie) and some music from Anime such as Ikimono Gakari and some other j-indie/rock.

The first time I heard about the guys was from a VC article about BS&T on the heavy symbolism in their video. After reading the article, I didn't care for them until I read an article last year that the guys were coming to the States. I was curious and watched them perform in Ellen and that Kimmel guy. I was drawn into their choreography since I love to dance and the music from Mic Drop wasn't too poppy. It took me a while to get into DNA since I would only listen to Mic Drop.

Then, I started to watch RUN episodes and I was completely hooked due to their "personalities." I found myself listening to their music most of the time even DNA. I don't consider myself ARMY but I couldn't get enough of laughing at their antics and dancing up a storm. I had completely forgotten that VC did an article on BS&T so when I saw that video, I thought, Wait a min! That looks so familiar!" I went to look for the article but it was gone. I know some users here mentioned that they tried to look for it but it was deleted.

I learned a lot about how the Kpop industry works and it saddens me that it has a perfect illusion about being rich and famous. I wonder if j*hope regrets coming back and now he is trapped. About r*m, i know some ppl mentioned that he was such a nice person and smiling at his fans. That is the thing about satanists. Roger Morneau had stated how he was invited to a Satanic church and expected people to be all goth. To his amazement, the satanists were clean cut people that were lawyers, doctors, business people, judges, etc. Satanists people also tends to be "nice" ppl that cares about the world. Look at Gates and other billionaires. Some ppl praise him for donating $$$ to help mankind and respect him not realizing that there is a sinister reason why he is doing it. EG. Polio vaccines in India and other countries. R*m and others are putting up a facade of being nice people.

Just wanted to mention that I find it odd that Tae lost so much weight in a short amt of time. I recall in a video that he stated that he was happy that he had gained weight. I remember thinking it was strange since mgmt monitor their diet. Then, Hopeful mentioned that the bandages could be due to lipo. So, could it be perhaps a method of torture by allowing him to eat a lot and then force him into starving and getting a lipo? If that is true, how wicked! The other members must know about it and were prob keeping an eye on him in case he fainted or something. He is prob drinking water because the painkillers are making him thirsty? That is pretty sad. Sorry for the long post.

Welcome! Thanks for sharing your thoughts esp about the part on satanists. Their mic drop performance on Ellen was how I got introduced to them as well.

About the weight loss, have you guys noticed it's not only V but the others too. They all look very skinny.

I wanted to share something I heard from someone which is being skinny/thin and delicate was a feminine trait (as we all know) and how transgender women work hard at staying thin to create a feminine shape and look better as a woman. Now I'm not saying the boys are trans of course not. ( I did that before another confused person accuses us again). To get to my point...Some of the members mentioned how the boys seem to look feminine at times and the purpose/agenda behind this. Now although hair style, clothes/accessories and make up play a huge part in making them look feminine, they need to be very thin as well to achieve that look.
This might be another reason why they might be forced to look the way they do.


Jun 11, 2018
[Continuation Part II]
Disclaimer: this is a theory (Part 2).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, f(X), Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

RedLight - NWO of f (x) is an imminent warning (advertisement)


Crystal that burned a book appeared with a hair double chain accessory symbolizing New Age attached to her hair. It is understood that the cross of the forehead is not a general cross, but the central Celtic cross (symbol of the sun god worship).
View attachment 10799View attachment 10800

2. New World Order

Illuminati 's long - awaited world for Lucifer (Satan) The world New World Order (World Government) is the world dominated by Huslus which is the incarnation of Lucifer and Illuminati who serves this Horus. (*We see a lot of these one eye in BTS as previous posts give evidence)
View attachment 10801
As can be seen from the pyramid which is one of their representative symbols, the country is made up of a thorough class society, and when the NWO is completed, the common man called Sheeple (people who receive the same livestock treatment as the sheep) , A chip is transplanted into the body, and will begin to live like a slave who receives thorough control.

Through interlocking chips (berry chips, RFID chips), a perfectly controlled society that controls, monitors and manipulates every single person's movements is the figure of New World Order they dream of.
View attachment 10802View attachment 10803
View attachment 10804

View attachment 10806
It is NWO of the world of Big Brother, a chip is embedded in the body (brain), and it is connected with a computer and shows the masses who were subject to monitoring, control and navigation.

View attachment 10807
Techniques for inserting chips into the body and controlling and steering them through the computer have already come to completion.

3. New World Order Establishment Strategy
In RedLight of f (x), their New World Order establishment strategy of "Ordo Ab Chao - to create a new order through confusion" is well portrayed. The scenes reminiscent of destruction and war, the appearance of members appearing in the figure of a soldier, and the lyrics of Caterpillar (infinite orbit) reminiscent of tanks, will be completed in what way the world they dream of will go through I guess.
View attachment 10808
View attachment 10809
ordo ab chao (order out of chaos) - Creating a new order (NWO) through confusion (destruction) is their unchanging strategy.

"Ay Ay It's a Red Light Light I do not know what's wrong with this ... Ay Ay It's a Red Light Light Listen carefully to someone's voice Red Light ... Ay Wait a minute Jungle's According to the rules of the inside, weak people are eaten, pushed forward Yeah pushed out and stepped on ... if everything sinks in front of the caterpillar it lights Red Light "

Sagittal lyrics warn (propagate) through war and ruin that the Christian era is over and the world (New World Order) dominated by Illuminati serving Lucifer is approaching.


Original Article

f(x) のRedLight - NWOが迫っている警告(宣伝)である。

1. スノーピアサー、PSY、そしてf(x)

a. スノーピアサー

新世界(New World Order)へのビジョンをテーマにしたポン·ジュノ監督の映画「スノーピアサー」によると、エンジンの給水セクションを制覇するために革命を起こした後方車両の人々が、先頭車両に侵攻していき、その途中にある列車の生存に最も重要な給水車両を前にして、斧を持って覆面をかぶった傭兵部隊と遭遇する。この場面で、革命軍と一戦を経る前に、覆面をかぶった人々が、大きな魚の腹を切り開き、その血を手に持っていた斧に塗り込む場面が登場する。

お互いに張り合っていた両者の戦闘が、長いトンネルに入ると、革命軍に絶対的に不利になってしまう瞬間、 後方車両から送られたトーチによって革命軍が勝利を収め、流血の戦いに勝利し、給水セクションを獲得した革命軍は、その水で血が付いた体を洗い流す儀式を経る。



占星術(Zodiac)で魚座は、過去2,000年間続いたキリスト教の時代を象徴する。私たちがよく知っている2012年12月21日は、2,000年以上続いた魚座(キリスト教)の時代が終わり、水瓶座の時代(New Age、新しい時代)が訪れるニューエイジャーにとって重要な日であった。


また、 給水セクションを奪うため、激しい戦闘を繰り広げる過程で、(オリンピックの聖火を連想させる)「トーチ」の助けを借りて勝利をおさめるシーンは、人類に火(光)をもたらしたプロメテウス(ルシファー)の助けを借りて、新しい時代(ニューエイジ、水瓶座の時代)を開くという象徴的な意味が込められている。

ニューヨークロックフェラーセンターのプロメテウス像 - 人類に火をもたらしたと知られているプロメテウスは、「光の伝達者」として知られているルシファーを象徴する神話の中の人物である。

b. PSYのHangover

最近発表されたPSYのHangoverのアルバムの宣伝ポスターを見ると、PSYがスヌープドックと一緒に、Hangoverという看板の前で酒のボトルを振る姿が描かれている。 Hangoverという英語の単語には、「二日酔い」という意味の他に「持ち越される」という意味がある。

思ったよりも遅れている(Hangover)水瓶座の時代(New Age)が早く到来して欲しいと祈る気持ちで、PSYが水瓶を連想させる酒ボトルを振っている。


c. f(x)のRedLight

以下は、警告を意味するRedLightの最初のシーンである。緊急の電話が鳴り、チェック柄で片目だけに化粧をしたクリスタルが、聖書を連想させる本が燃えるシーンを見せる。これも、聖書が象徴しているキリスト教の時代が終わり、プロビデンスの目で象徴される新しい世界(New World Order、New Age)が到来したことを示す場面である。



2. New World Order

ルシファー(サタン)に仕えるイルミナティが待望する世界New World Order(世界政府)は、ルシファーの化身であるホルスと、このホルスに仕えるイルミナティが支配する世界だ。


コンピューターと連動したチップ(ベリーチップ、RFIDチップ)を通して、人の一挙手一投足を制御、監視、操縦する完璧な統制社会が、彼らが夢見るNew World Orderの姿なのである。



3. New World Order樹立戦略

f(x)のRedLightの中で、「Ordo Ab Chao - 混乱(破壊)を通して新たな秩序(New Order)を造り出す」という彼らのNew World Order樹立戦略がよく描写されている。破壊と戦争を連想させる場面と、軍人の姿で登場するメンバーの姿、そして戦車を連想させるキャタピラ(無限軌道)という歌詞は、将来、彼らが夢見る世の中が、どのような過程を経て完成されるのかを推測している。

ordo ab chao(order out of chaos) - 混乱(破壊)を通して新たな秩序(NWO)を造り出すというのが彼らの変わらない戦略である。

「Ay Ay It's a Red Light Light これが今の状況 何が間違っているのかもわからない... Ay Ay It's a Red Light Light 警告する誰かの声をよく聞いて Red Light... Ay Wait a minute ジャングルの中のルールに従って、弱い者は食われ。前に押し出される Yeah 押し出されて 気が付けば踏みつけられ...キャタピラの前で全てが沈んだとき 灯る Red Light 」

扇動的な歌詞が、戦争と破滅を通じて、キリスト教の時代が終わり、ルシファーに仕えるイルミナティが支配する世界(New World Order)が近づいていることを警告(宣伝)している。

1. イルミナティの政策を込めた映画スノーピアサー 
2. PSY、レディー·ガガ、教皇と8.15光復節
3. f(x)のティーザー写真のコンセプトは、数字13とプロビデンスの目

Recommend to watch Belko Experiment
People have microchip in their brain w/c can detonate

[to be continued]

[Part II end]

Part III Snowpiercer
Wtf ?!?!?!?!


Jun 11, 2018
[Continuation Part IV]
this is a theory (Part 4 end).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

Movie snow piercer with the policy of the Illuminati

Snowpiercer, NWO, BTS , Springday



5. Artificial reduction

The most important task since the construction of the Snow Country Train and New World Order is to maintain this regime that has been sustained for 17 years. The greatest enemy threatening the Snow Country Train that runs on limited resources is just humanity. In order to adjust the number of people who increased to over-breeding (?), The leader rebelled with his secret co-worker, this rebellion removes 74% of the last person's final It is used effectively to achieve the goal.

Georgia Guidestones, which includes a plan for Illuminati population reduction (human genocide) also records "to keep the world population below 500 million to enable nature and sustainable coexistence" . Just like the Snow Country Train, unnecessary (troubling) surplus human beings for establishing and maintaining the New World Order are subjects of their reduction and deletion (genocide).

View attachment 10820
Georgia Guidestones including a plan for Illuminati population reduction (human genocide)

6. True

The Rebel Army's head Curtis who rebelled from the end and reached the forefront knows the remarkable fact that the rebellion he made from Wilford, the designer of the Snow Country Train, is what Wilford himself had planned . The fact that Wilford and Saint Gilliam that Curtis believed and obeyed in this way cooperated to regularly plan a rebellion in order to maintain the order and balance of the Snow Country Train, thereby reducing population I will know.

It seems that positive and false, good and evil, black and white seem to fight each other, but eventually the dialectical strategy of Illuminati, which ultimately uses both conflicts to derive a total (New World Order), appears well It is a scene.

The hero Curtis despairs of realizing that his rebellion was finally used to maintain the regime of the snowy country train.

Curtis of the Rebel Army who rebounded from the last part and reached the forefront, Wilford, the designer of the Snow Country Train and Curtis believed and followed the last Saint Gilliam, in order to maintain the order and balance of the Snow Country Train You will know that you are a companion who worked together on
View attachment 10824

View attachment 10823
View attachment 10822
Wilford, leader of the Snow Country Train and Saint Gilliam, the last part, are mutually contradictory people, but sincerely cooperate with each other secretly because of the big goal of maintaining the order and structure of the Snow Country Train.

7. Reckless attempt to get out of the system - Polar bear is a symbol of hope? Or is it a symbol of despair?

In the movie, another person who is out of the big theme of the movie called rebellion against the leader appears. It is a person named Namgun Min who was dressed as Song Gang-ho, but he designed a guard for the Snow Country Train. Unlike the hero Curtis who is trying to move forward from the last to the last car, he dreams to open the door of the train, the mouth of the train and go out to the outside world.
View attachment 10825

Unlike the hero trying to move forward towards the preceding vehicle, Nam Ngun Min, the designer of the security system of the Snow country train, is about to blow up the door opened for the future of the daughter who was born and raised in the Snow Country Train .

Namguun Min who confirmed how the glacier that led to extinction humanity at the end of the movie gradually melted successfully blows up the door opened to the outside. However, the avalanche will cause an avalanche, all the people in the train will die, and his young girl and black boy will survive. The polar bear that survived without giving up even in the harsh environment where people who came out of the train leaving the alpine snowy country wore snow.
View attachment 10826
A girl who survived alone with a child boy from a bombed snowy country train discovers the polar bear that survived in the glacier. It seems too harsh to say scenes giving hope.

To express this scene full of hope, this kind of environment opened to young people would look too cruel. Finally, in a movie giving a message that adapting to the Snow Country Train (New World Order) made by Illuminati, but staying in it is an unavoidable choice for survival, even though there is control, oppression and discrimination is there.

In an interview with magazine M, director Pon Juno said, "Not only Curtis, but also the audience" the Wilford's logic "(Illuminati system depicted on the Snowkok train, NWO recognized and it is surviving that staying in it I tried to make a movie with the thought that I wanted to be lost to his temptation by being persuaded by the logic that it was an unavoidable choice for it ".
View attachment 10827



スノーピアサーが公開された。これまでに発表された映画の作品性と興行性のすべてを認められたポン·ジュノ監督がハリウッドで世界市場を狙って作ったスノーピアサーSnow Piercerは、公開前から大きな話題を集めている。


結論から言えば、ハリウッドスターとCJエンターテイメントの資本が動員された今回のポン·ジュノ監督の映画スノーピアサーは、イルミナティの最終的な政策であるNew World Order建設の正当性と必然性を宣伝した映画ということができる。

徹底した階級社会である(NWOの象徴がピラミッドであることを覚えておくべき)New World Orderがどのような過程を経て作られ、維持され、また、このシステムを崩した時に訪れる不幸な運命について宣伝する一種のPredictive Programming *とすることができています。具体的に見てみよう。

* predictive programming(予測プログラム)は、このような事件が実際に発生した場合、これを簡単に、通常のこととして受け入れるように事前に観察者の脳の中にアイデアやコンセプトを植えつけて置く(マインドコントロール)技術を意味する。

-- スポイラー注意 --

1. 概要






2. ケミトレイル


3. 地球全体の危機からNew World Orderを建てる

氷河期の出現で生存が不可能になった人類に雪国列車を作ったウィルフォードが新しい救世主として登場する。完全自給システムを備えた雪国列車は最前部から最後尾まで徹底した階級社会で構成されている。このような雪国列車はピラミッドに象徴されるNew World Orderの縮図とすることができる。


雪国列車はピラミッドに象徴される徹底した階級社会であるNew World Orderの縮図とすることができる。

狭くて劣悪な後尾と比較して余裕で快適な最前部の姿 - イルミナティが夢見る世界(NWO)がまさにこのような階級社会である。

"Order Out of Chaos" - "混乱(危機)を介して新しい秩序(NWO)を作る"あるいは"混乱のための新しい秩序が作られる"は、イルミナティの政策が雪国列車でもそのまま反映されている。

映画 "コンテイジョン"と "ワールドウォーZ"は世界的に拡散した致命的な伝染病が、"ハンガーゲーム"では、核戦争による資源の不足が、映画"2012"では大地震が人類の危機を克服する新世界秩序(世界政府)を必要とするきっかけになったと表現している。同様に、映画雪国列車では、氷河期という危機が徹底した管理と階級社会で動く雪国列車を必要とするきっかけになったと表現している。

人為的か自然現象的であろうが世界的な混乱(災害)は、New World Order樹立のための必要条件と彼らは信じている。

"ORDO AB CHAO(Order Out of Chaos) - 混乱を介して新しい秩序を作る"は、イルミナティの戦略が込められたメイソン最高位33の紋章にもある。

列車の秩序を維持する責任を担った首相メイソン、私たちはしばしばフリーメーソンを略してメイソンと呼ぶという事実を知っていれば、将来イルミナティ(指導者)が構築するNew World Order(世界政府)にフリーメーソンと彼らが買収した秘密工作員、警察、兵士たちが世界政府の秩序(Order)の責任を負うことを推測することができる場面である。

4. "給水セクションを占領せよ" - 魚座(クリスチャン)時代の終焉と水瓶座(ニューエイジ)時代の開始を知らせる。




- 占星術で魚座は、過去2,000年間続いたキリスト教の時代を象徴する。私たちがよく知っている2012年12月21日はニューエイジの人たちにとって、2000年以上継続されてきた魚座(クリスチャン)の時代が終わり、水瓶座の時代(New Age、新しい時代)が訪ねてくるという重要な時期であった。


給水セクションを占めるために激しい戦いをする過程で、(オリンピックの聖火を連想させる) "トーチ"の助けを借りて勝利を収めるシーンは、人類に火(光)をもたらしたプロメテウス(ルシファー)の助けを借りて新しい時代(ニューエイジ、水瓶座の時代)を開くという象徴的な意味が込められているのだ。


雪国列車が長いトンネルに入って激しい戦いとなり、反乱軍に絶対的に不利になった瞬間奉送されたトーチ(プロメテウスの火)の助けにより、鎮圧軍を破り給水セクションを占める(水瓶座の時代に突入)という決定的な役割をトーチが果たしたことになる。プロメテウス(ルシファー)の助けを借りて新しい時代(New Age、水瓶座の時代)の開幕という象徴を詳細に描いたものである。

ニューヨークのロックフェラーセンターのプロメテウス像 - 人類に火をもたらしたと知られるプロメテウスは、"光の伝達者"として知られているルシファーを象徴する神話の中の人物である。

Zodiacから2012年(12月21日)は、2000年以上持続いた魚座(Age of Pisces)から水瓶座(Age of Aquarius)に変わる日を示している。

5. 人工削減

雪国列車とNew World Orderの建設以来、最も重要な課題は、17年の間持続されてきたこの体制を維持することである。限られた資源で動く雪国列車を脅かす最大の敵はまさに人類である。過剰繁殖(?)に増えた人々の人数を調整するために、指導者は、彼の秘密の協力者と一緒に反乱をあおって、この反乱は、最後尾の人々の74%除去する最終的な目標を成し遂げるのに効果的に使用されている。

イルミナティの人口削減(人類虐殺)の計画を含んでいるGeorgia Guidestonesも"自然と持続的な共存を可能にするために、世界の人口を5億人以下に維持する"という内容が記録されている。雪国列車と同じようにNew World Order樹立とその維持に不必要な(厄介な)余剰人間は彼らの削減と削除(虐殺)の対象である。

イルミナティの人口削減(人類虐殺)の計画を含んでいるGeorgia Guidestones

6. 正反合


正と偽、善と悪、黒と白が互いに戦うようですが、最終的には両方の対立を利用して合計(合、New World Order)を導き出すというイルミナティの弁証法的戦略がよく表れている場面である。




7. システムを抜け出そうとする無謀な試み – 北極グマは希望の象徴か?それとも絶望の象徴か?





このシーンを希望に満ちて表現するには、若い彼らに開かれたこのような環境はあまりにも残酷に見えるだろう。最後に、制御と抑圧と差別があっても、イルミナティが作った雪国列車(New World Order)に順応して、その中にとどまることが生存のためやむを得ない選択だというメッセージを与えている映画である。

magazine Mとのインタビューで、ポン·ジュノ監督も"カーティスだけでなく、観客も"ウィルフォードの論理"(雪国列車に描写されたイルミナティのシステム、NWOを認識し、その中にとどまることが生存のためにはやむを得ない選択だという論理)に説得されて、彼の誘惑に負けていってほしいという思いで映画を作った "ことを明らかにしている。

This site has more illuminati kpop articles you can just translate jpn.

View attachment 10828View attachment 10829


Thanks now i don't want live in this world anymore smh :/
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Jan 16, 2018
Disclaimer: this is a theory (Part 1).

Title: New World Order (NWO) BT$, f(X), Snowpiercer (movie)


So I found this article and I translated it from Japanese and its a mix of a bunch BTS was not mentioned in the article because it was written in 2014 but I will relate it to bT$ because they mentioned the movie Snowpiercer as an inspiration for their MV Spring Day

RedLight - NWO of f (x) is an imminent warning (advertisement)


1. Snow piercer, PSY, and f (x)

a. Snow piercer
(Just note this movie relates to BTS Spring Day and was recommended by RM to watch)

View attachment 10789

According to Pon Juno's movie "Snow Piercer" which is the theme of the vision to the New World (New World Order), people on the backward vehicle that revolutionized to win the water supply section of the engine invaded the top car We encounter a mercenary unit wearing a mask with an ax with the water supply vehicle most important for the survival of the train in the middle in front of it. In this scene, before the battle with the Revolutionary Army, scenes where people wearing masks cut open the flesh of the big fish and paint it in the ax holding the blood in hand.

At the moment when the battle between the two who were competing with each other entered a long tunnel, the revolutionary army won the battle of bloodshed, with the torch sent from the backward vehicle, at the moment when it became absolutely disadvantageous to the revolutionary army , The revolutionary army who won the water supply section goes through a ceremony to wash out the body with blood in its water.
View attachment 10790
As the crusader troops refrain from fighting with the revolutionary army, they cut open the fish's belly and fill the ax with its blood.
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An anti-government force suppressed the suppression force, dominating the water supply section and washing away the bloody body.

In astrology (Zodiac) Pisces symbolize the Christian era that lasted 2,000 years. On December 21, 2012, we know well, the days of the Pisces (Christian) who lasted more than 2,000 years ended, and the day of the Aquarius (New Age, a new era) is an important day for New Age Met.

In the movie, the crusade arm with an ax with an ax symbolically depicts that the Christian era symbolized by Pisces ended the ceremonial scene of carving out the fish's belly and painting its blood ing. And after the victory of this fight, the revolutionary army occupying the water supply section, the scene where the bloody body washes away here is a symbolic representation that a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius) was started .

Also, in the process of fierce fighting to rob the water supply section, the scenes of winning with the help of "torch" (reminiscent of the Olympic torch) are Prometheus (Lucifer) who brought fire (light) to humanity, With the help of the symbolic meaning of opening a new era (New Age, Age of Aquarius) is included.
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View attachment 10793
Prometheus statue of the New York Rockefeller Center - Prometheus, known to have brought fire to mankind, is a person in the myth that symbolizes Lucifer, known as the "transmitter of light".
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b. PSYのHangover
View attachment 10795

Looking at the recently announced PSY 's Hangover' s album publicity poster, PSY is drawn with Snoop Dog waving a bottle of liquor in front of a sign called Hangover. The English word Hangover has the meaning "to be carried over" besides the meaning of "hangover".
PSY is shaking a liquor bottle reminiscent of a water bottle, with the feeling that I want you to have the age of the Aquarius (Hangover) late than I expected (New Age) to come soon.

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The appearance that PSY rocking a liquor bottle reminds Aquarius.

c. RedLight of f (x)

Below is the first scene of RedLight which means warning. An emergency phone rings, a crystal with makeup on only one eye with a check pattern shows a scene where a book reminiscent of the Bible will burn. This is also a scene showing that the Christian era symbolized by the Bible has ended and a new world (New World Order, New Age) symbolized by the eyes of Providence has arrived
View attachment 10797
View attachment 10798
Crystals that burned a book (the Bible?) Appear as hairdressing like a Hindu woman, the Christian era is over, the New Age (origin of New Age is exactly the origin of Hindu in India There is a symbolic expression to show that the era of?

[to be continued]

[Part I]

I saw Snowpiercer. Very strange movie that leaves you with a sunken feeling thanks to the inconclusive ending. I didn't like it.