BTS discussion thread


Jun 1, 2018
I saw some peope here acusing Taehyung of murdering his grandmother. And you probably think Jin also murdered his grandma. And you also tell everyone that Jimin and Taehyung are pedophiles. Please tell me who started these rumours? On what platform? Because only on VC forum I heard these things. So of course I believe some of you started this.
You seems like an immature teenager right now. Please state your disagreement maturely. I saw people in here are very open minded. If you have any opposition opinion, state them in a good way. It is also hard for me to accept the pedoph!les rumour but I tried to ignore it because I had no better opinion.

You hate people in this thread accusing your oppas, but you did the same way by accusing that someone in this thread started those rumours. Not a good move, friend. No.

Have I said previously, that you seems an immature fans? Oh I did.
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Feb 23, 2018
I saw some peope here acusing Taehyung of murdering his grandmother. And you probably think Jin also murdered his grandma. And you also tell everyone that Jimin and Taehyung are pedophiles. Please tell me who started these rumours? On what platform? Because only on VC forum I heard these things. So of course I believe some of you started this.
LMAO, yeah, right now going to find out WHO that person is to bring it to you, oh great punisher. Calm down your army a*s and go away from this forum. Guys, wedon't need to be that polite with such a trolld,let girl do whatever she wants, she can send it to bigh*t or to Pope, whatever. Don't delete your posts because of 13 yr old who has such an obsession
May 24, 2018
Have you read the name of the thread? This is what written in first post: "DISCLAIMER: all the topics and theories discussed here are pure speculation. The information should NOT be taken as facts" It is illuminati bts thread, we able discuss everything we want, we do not claim it is 100% true. If you cant accept it, go
LMAO, yeah, right now going to find out WHO that person is to bring it to you, oh great punisher. Calm down your army a*s and go away from this forum. Guys, wedon't need to be that polite with such a trolld,let girl do whatever she wants, she can send it to bigh*t or to Pope, whatever. Don't delete your posts because of 13 yr old who has such an obsession
I'm done talking to them:))
I love your savageness but facts!

A present for u v sign jayk (
he is !lluminaughty here and they made him cute like that with the filters the deception)

First of all these are assumptions that we are looking into not once have any of us said that they definitely did something
Unfortunately in the illuminati things happen and people are sacrificed for money and power it’s horrible and insane
I do understand that it may be far fetched but Bighit are not exactly a top company if you cared for the boys you would see the drastic change they’ve been through and how they’ve deteriorated in many ways
Absolutely correct!
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Mar 24, 2018
I saw some peope here acusing Taehyung of murdering his grandmother. And you probably think Jin also murdered his grandma. And you also tell everyone that Jimin and Taehyung are pedophiles. Please tell me who started these rumours? On what platform? Because only on VC forum I heard these things. So of course I believe some of you started this.
Actually the user said that they “believe” that Taes grandma May have been a sacrifice for the illuminati Please explain how that is defaming anyone we weren’t talking about V actually killing her but the elite sacrificing her as a theory because that’s what satanists do I personally don’t think V would have wanted that to happen but he’s a puppet and had to listen to the orders to receive fame for his group so your talk and chitchat about how we are accusing him aren’t correct


Apr 8, 2018
/!\ all of this is just a theory /!\

the untold truth lyrics just seems like a love song to s@tan.. or b*ang p#.. wow
confession: sometimes I find myself listening to it just because of kook's voice. even though he happened to give up his soul for fame or whatever, I can't deny that this man can sing. I am ashamed lol


Apr 8, 2018
Actually the user said that they “believe” that Taes grandma May have been a sacrifice for the illuminati Please explain how that is defaming anyone we weren’t talking about V actually killing her but the elite sacrificing her as a theory because that’s what satanists do I personally don’t think V would have wanted that to happen but he’s a puppet and head to listen to the orders to receive fame for his group so your talk and chitchat about how we are accusing him aren’t correct
Just consider that person cancelled
May 24, 2018
/!\ all of this is just a theory /!\

the untold truth lyrics just seems like a love song to s@tan.. or b*ang p#.. wow
I haven't listened to it much but liked it when I 1st listened to it. It features Steve A0ki and he did that m1c dr0p where there was that big entity behind in the Jap. version. So I am thinking this might be something as well... There is no MV but I see in the lyrics:

Very sad opening lines (loneliness, thorns and what does he mean by "hung" himself in the sand castle like literally? Or another meaning? Hm.)
Full of loneliness
This garden is bloomed
Full of thorns
I hung myself in this sand castle
Who do they want here? An entity? The fans? It seems they choose to wear a mask...And why do they think their ugly? Hiding something ugly within? Hm...
You know that I can’t
Show you ME
Give you ME
I can’t show you a run-down part of myself
I wear a mask again and go to see you

But I still want you
But I know
I can never do that
I must hide
Because I am ugly

And I'll just skip to
And I still want you
But I still want you
But I still want you
And I still want you
Who do they still want? the Pan man? Hm...

It might be an ode to pan man or to their fans. They wear a mask, don't like that mask but need it from the pan man to please the fans. And to keep going in their trailblazing success story.:rolleyes:
May 24, 2018
Here is an ad B*t*2*1
with big one eye Van with horn (b/w duality)
I did an analysis and saw h0b1's shirt and I guess it would be buried because of the intruder so I'm just posting it here again~
The latin saying "Tarde venientibus ossa"
On the clothes is written that "Tarde venientibus ossa is the only share of those who are behind bones".
After the world (NWO) that the Illuminati is making,
we are telling the message that those who participate late will be injured.

'Those who participate late will be injured' what does this message mean from the 1lluminati?

And as the Japanese site said
服の上には"Tarde venientibus ossa 遅れる者の分け前は骨だけだ"と書かれている。イルミナティが作っていく世界(NWO)の後、遅れて参加する者には損害が大きいというメッセージを伝えている。

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Feb 23, 2018
confession: sometimes I find myself listening to it just because of kook's voice. even though he happened to give up his soul for fame or whatever, I can't deny that this man can sing. I am ashamed lol
I dont't think you should be ashamed of it, he has really beautiful voice. I rarely like men vocalists that much, but he is blessed. I rarely listen to bts, but some of his covers are very nice :3333

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
I think this person is into the occult and has inside knowledge. Does anyone know how to decode that? Be careful though since they have an agenda and likely want to deceive us.

"93 is the Gematric value of the name of Aiwass (username) (OIVZ), the Angel of the New Æon, the entity who, through his wife Rose Kelly, gave Aleister Crowley (Love for lucy said she follows his teachings) the Book of the Law in April of 1904.
93 is the number of Magick itself, and this number is one of True Will, Universal Love, and True Power."
The troll or whoever this person is wants us to focus on these: - ars goetia - necronomicon
We will find the answers there.
The troll also mentions Abraxas and says that bts worship him. He or she write there's a connection between Kookie and something called ouroborus and something about an astrum argenteum.
There's a connection between bts and astaroth.
She or he wrote Jin is indeed a moonchild and will be a blood sacrifice. He was born into a masonic family.
At the end the troll write Tae has a devil and he talked about it in singularity. Singularity is all about being evil. The person says she/he always dreams of him and see him suffer. In her or his dream TaeTae always sings "save me" while crying.
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May 24, 2018
Disclaimer: this is a theory.
So, before I posted about jh0pe's pyramid illuminati shirt that has a skeleton inside a pyramid and I am guessing they maybe a part of the skull and bones.

The latin saying:
On the clothes is written that "Tarde venientibus ossa"
Means is the only "share of those who are behind bones".
After the world (NWO) that the Illuminati is making, the illuminati are telling the message that those who participate late will be injured.
What resonates here is "those who participate late will be injured"? What does this mean? Those who oppose/don't join them will be in danger?

So this is his shirt when they 1st went to LA for AHL back in 2014 i think:


And I see an article and I translated it from Japanese that gdrag0n has worn a similar one
3 3.03.16 PM.jpg
Here is the article written back in 2013:

Illuminati fashion advertised by G Drag0n

The picture below shows the scene of the infinite challenge of October 26 th leaving. G-DRAGON, also known as a fashion icon, is dressed in Illuminati's representative and iconic pyramids and eyes wearing eyes.
With this kind of program, G - DRAGON has talked about making all the clothes that singers wear on the stage directly at the company (YG entertainment). Illuminati is mobilizing the large planning company and the singers belonging here, and advertising the symbol of the Illuminati as a fashion item.
A fashion item is the tool that can advertise the symbol of the Illuminati most rapidly to the public and make it clearly stamped.


The eyes to see pyramids and all things inscribed in a dollar currency. New World Order The vision for the establishment is the symbol of the Illuminati best expressed.
On the clothes is written that "Tarde venientibus ossa is the only share of those who are behind bones". After the world (NWO) that the Illuminati is making, we are telling the message that those who participate late will be injured

In July last year another representative idol group 2ne1 of YG announces new songs and introduces clothes with decorated eyes to see all things as fashion items.

A singer Utahime from after school announces a new song, and wearing a prismatic pyramid's clothing shows the sign of 666 by hand.adadas.jpg

The representative Illuminati singer Jay - Z in the United States sells various symbols and phrases of the Illuminati on clothing of the apparel company Rocawear which he founded.

Original Article





1ドル貨幣にも刻まれたピラミッドと万物を見る目。New World Order樹立のためのビジョンが最もよく表現されたイルミナティのシンボルです。

服の上には"Tarde venientibus ossa 遅れる者の分け前は骨だけだ"と書かれている。イルミナティが作っていく世界(NWO)の後、遅れて参加する者には損害が大きいというメッセージを伝えている。



米国の代表的なイルミナティ歌手Jay - Zは、自分が設立したアパレル会社Rocawearの服に様々なイルミナティのシンボルとフレーズを刻み入れて販売している。
I suggest you guys go to this blog and go to the kpop tag they have about 24 illuminati articles (in Japanese) you can use translator:
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May 24, 2018
The troll or whoever this person is want us to focus on these: - ars goetia - necronomicon
We will find the answers there.
The troll also mention Abraxas and says that bts worship them. He or she write there's a connection between Kookie and something called ouroborus and something about an astrum argenteum.
There's a connection between bts and astaroth.
She or he wrote Jin is indeed a moonchild and will be a blood sacrifice. He was born into a masonic family.
At the end the troll write Tae has a devil and he talked about it in singularity. Singularity is all about being evil. The person says she always dreams of him and see him suffer. In her or his dream TaeTae always sings "save me" while crying.
Thanks for the explanation :)


Jun 11, 2018
The troll or whoever this person is want us to focus on these: - ars goetia - necronomicon
We will find the answers there.
The troll also mention Abraxas and says that bts worship them. He or she write there's a connection between Kookie and something called ouroborus and something about an astrum argenteum.
There's a connection between bts and astaroth.
She or he wrote Jin is indeed a moonchild and will be a blood sacrifice. He was born into a masonic family.
At the end the troll write Tae has a devil and he talked about it in singularity. Singularity is all about being evil. The person says she always dreams of him and see him suffer. In her or his dream TaeTae always sings "save me" while crying.
i found this : for ouroboros and for ars goetia i found this (umm wtf ) :
necronomicon (0_0) :
astaroth :
Astrum argentum :∴A∴ , (what the actual fck) ;1529954885451.png ????????????????
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May 18, 2018
I doubt discussing them on the forum will ruin their life lol We're not that powerful, the only thing we able to do is trigger such an idiots like u
You know, you (those who started these rumours) really are horrible people, without any kindness in you, ready to destroy other people life with false allegations and slander. And I read Vigilant citizens articles for many years; l didn't know anything about Bts till 2 months ago when I obswrved alot of activity about them on forum. I was curious and I googled them. They are not my oppas, maybe yours? But to accuse somebody of such serous things is cruel. And based on rumours you don't even have a source of? Shame on you!
I am sorry that these theories about the guys made you upset. It is hard to believe that they could do wicked things bcuz they appear to be decent and funny ppl. I know because sometimes I wish it wasnt true but the entertainment system is evil and corrupt. If they were not wicked, they wouldnt be famous. You should know that because i am confused. You said that you have read VC articles for many yrs but are aghast at these allegations? Why do you assume that these boys are the exception? Do you only believe it happens in the Americas and Europe but not in SK? I am curious.