BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
/!\ all of this is just a theory /!\

You're welcome here, everyone is :D
Nobody want to silence you :)
We are against silence :)
And yes it's horrible, that's why we hope and said a thousand times "I hope it's false"
Agreed. And Facts.
We don't want anything to have to be true here but we don't want to be in denial. We will discuss and analyze if it will lead to the truth.
The harsh fact is there is an evil cabal. And there is a thing called Predictive programming, MK Ultra / Project Monarch, Satanic Ritual Abuse, El1te
P*edophile Rings
(politics and ent. you name it the elite have it), Bl00d Sacrifices, Occult, etc....

The truth doesn't stop becoming the truth simply because you don't want to hear it.

May 24, 2018
People are making theories based on a rumor, one that this thread did not start. I personally don't think they are ***** and I haven't read all the posts but haven't seen anyone accusing them of that, and as for the s@crifice thing, no one accused tae, they accused the el!te. we are satanists?
I am so done now we are "the satanists".... When we want to fight the very thing that is brainwashing us > the elite and its puppets

We are living in a mad house.
I repeat,
We are living in a mad house.


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Feb 14, 2018
Lol everytime I leave and come back there's a new troll derailing the thread.

I don't know if it's bored people seeking this thread out for the purpose of trolling or if they're past posters creating new accounts.

This thread isn't the one to be lurking in if you get defensive about any thing that doesn't praise the boys. If you want a place that worships them and paints them as perfect little angels that can do no wrong, keep to twitter.

I think some have found it by whomever has shared this link on Youtube, etc in the purpose of trying to educate brainwashed ARMYs. It was a genuine sentiment but since then, we've seemed to have constant issues and legit posts have been lost along the way. It was a much more pleasant atmosphere when it was first started with the small group of regular posters but now it's been flooded with trolls, spam, etc. I'm grateful for the new posters who have been contributing though don't get me wrong :)

This would be much easier if we had a moderator. It's one of the biggest issues with this site imo.
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Apr 25, 2018
If I remember correctly, we've seen symbolism of most members d#ing or smth bad happening to them if it's an mv or comic style.
W and J1n in the mv's
Hobe and Cook in this Bt2one pic
And the threads aganst Chim
IDK about $ugar and R_m ?

Maybe they want to confuse us or it's hinting to things like t0rt0re going on behind the scenes?

My theory is that bigh1t is aware of our speculations and that there are a few people who know about sacr1f1ces in the industry and the foreshadowing that they like to make years before anything happens. If something really does happen to a member and we connect the dots, and link it to all the evidence and foreshadowing to that one specific member, it would make sense and maybe people will get suspicous. But if they put all the members into such symbolism, the evidence would be seen as only a small picture out of thousands of these "concepts".


Feb 23, 2018
Let's see. To be considered a murderer and a p***phile? Defamation of character?
Have you read the name of the thread? This is what written in first post: "DISCLAIMER: all the topics and theories discussed here are pure speculation. The information should NOT be taken as facts" It is illuminati bts thread, we able discuss everything we want, we do not claim it is 100% true. If you cant accept it, go


Feb 23, 2018
Can't believe you want to silence me when I try to tell you what you do here is horrible. You don't even know these boys, you never saw them irl, you don't know anything about them. Who told you Jimin and Taehyung are pedophiles? Where come the rumour? Do you know how reliable is the person who started the rumour? Do you believe anything you hear on internet? How dare you say Taehyung murdered his grandma? Are you crazy? To start this rumour you must be evil, you must be de real satanist, not these boys.
Yeah, and you know them in real life for sure. Idk who is more indane here : people who discuss their satanic mvs or people who make threads discussing how precious they are because the can walk...


Dec 22, 2017
Lol everytime I leave and come back there's a new troll derailing the thread.

I don't know if it's bored people seeking this thread out for the purpose of trolling or if they're past posters creating new accounts.

This thread isn't the one to be lurking in if you get defensive about any thing that doesn't praise the boys. If you want a place that worships them and paints them as perfect little angels that can do no wrong, keep to twitter.

I think some have found it by whomever has shared this link on Youtube, etc in the purpose of trying to educate brainwashed ARMYs. It was a genuine sentiment but since then, we've seemed to have issues constantly.
yeah we are having a new mess everyday :confused:
I think some hardcore fans are not ok with us discussing those taboo topics but this is a conspiracy forum and being part of the occult is not only about covering one eye or making triangles with their hands, if we want to talk about the occult we will have to discuss heavy topics too

And nobody accused them of anything, we just shared rumors and theories but everyone is free to believe whatever they want


Feb 23, 2018
You know, you (those who started these rumours) really are horrible people, without any kindness in you, ready to destroy other people life with false allegations and slander. And I read Vigilant citizens articles for many years; l didn't know anything about Bts till 2 months ago when I obswrved alot of activity about them on forum. I was curious and I googled them. They are not my oppas, maybe yours? But to accuse somebody of such serous things is cruel. And based on rumours you don't even have a source of? Shame on you!
I doubt discussing them on the forum will ruin their life lol We're not that powerful, the only thing we able to do is trigger such an idiots like u
May 24, 2018
If I remember correctly, we've seen symbolism of most members d#ing or smth bad happening to them if it's an mv or comic style.
W and J1n in the mv's
Hobe and Cook in this Bt2one pic
And the threads aganst Chim
IDK about $ugar and R_m ?

Maybe they want to confuse us or it's hinting to things like t0rt0re going on behind the scenes?

My theory is that bigh1t is aware of our speculations and that there are a few people who know about sacr1f1ces in the industry and the foreshadowing that they like to make years before anything happens. If something really does happen to a member and we connect the dots, and link it to all the evidence and foreshadowing to that one specific member, it would make sense and maybe people will get suspicous. But if they put all the members into such symbolism, the evidence would be seen as only a small picture out of thousands of these "concepts".
That's a very good speculation. They want to dilute it to confuse the masses of what their real agenda is. I'll try looking into more of these comics when I have the time...
Because in this instance it is Jayk and H0b1 that are not in good shape

Aww no no :D..
I was just wondering ... Because the thread shrunk .. So this question came into my mind.. Whether it takes days or minutes to delete the account from here.. :)
Don't ever leave u funny girl!:D When I read ur comments in my head xD
And idk why I have this monotone voice in my head.
Mar 24, 2018
I can't believe some of you are trying to say Jimin and Taehyung are pedophiles. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? You don' even know these boys. You already said Taehyung killed his grandmother and today he is a p***phile??? If I were him I will sue the hell of you all!
First of all these are assumptions that we are looking into not once have any of us said that they definitely did something
Unfortunately in the illuminati things happen and people are sacrificed for money and power it’s horrible and insane
I do understand that it may be far fetched but Bighit are not exactly a top company if you cared for the boys you would see the drastic change they’ve been through and how they’ve deteriorated in many ways
May 24, 2018
yeah we are having a new mess everyday :confused:
I think some hardcore fans are not ok with us discussing those taboo topics but this is a conspiracy forum and being part of the occult is not only about covering one eye or making triangles with their hands, if we want to talk about the occult we will have to discuss heavy topics too

And nobody accused them of anything, we just shared rumors and theories but everyone is free to believe whatever they want
Yeah and we don't even link their names. They have awesome names here like .... gucci and international playboi, jamal, etc. to name a few.
I think a suggestion would be a YT channel or tumblr or an amino or just a wordpress blog just add onto what @Bae Yeon Hee has begun
So new theories have like a master list or a table of contents to easily access them all and read all theories
And it will be only accessible to a few people who are interested in the beginning stages
When everything pans out then open it to the general public
Just a suggestion
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May 24, 2018
I doubt discussing them on the forum will ruin their life lol We're not that powerful, the only thing we able to do is trigger such an idiots like u
do you not read the responses or are you trolling? I just said in my previous comment we did not accuse tae or jin of murder, but there is a theory that the elite may have. If you read all 400+ pages you would know a lot of us army's and some are worried for them and still love them, we don't go out of our way to accuse them of something like that.
That poster is the definition of a brainwashed drama q*ueen:
And I would do this when I see them again:
Cuz if you keep talking to them you will become like:
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