BTS discussion thread

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
May I ask your opinion on the astrology stuff, third eyes, and things of that nature?
Those are all occultic things imo. I used to be heavy in astrology and tarot, along with numerology. Since the occult believes so highly in numerology, that is one thing we do need to understand and doing it to figure out and expose is ok. As long as we ourselves don't hold it as sacred.
May 24, 2018
OMG, THIS IS SO GROSS, I had such a dirty feeling reading this. How can this girl advice this 'job' to others? The morals falling with amazing speed, we don't even surprised anymore when one or other girl is a prostitute. I follow some models in instagram, these girls have money from their ig, their clothing or cosmetics lines, but they still always go to Dubai every couple of months, people are so greedy. Maby i'm crazy moralist but I really don't understand how sleeping with a dad and four sons who like pee on you is fine. Ok, I can understand girls from super poor families when they didn't have food or smth like that, but if you are from ordinary family...
And I quote: "Concubines are the future." If that doesn't scream brainwashed by materialism idk what is. And the fall of self-dignity. I am sad and disgusted that they would allow this to happen to themselves. No money and material wealth is worth your priceless worth/soul/mind/body.
May 24, 2018
is it me or J-Hope's reaction here is kind of fake? he looks like he is happy and smiling but the way he took Jimin's hand away from his face was funny

Lmao he didn't want his face covered. But jh0pe is really good at maintaining that smiling face despite maybe his emotions/thoughts.
Actions speak louder than facial expressions.. Now that is the new saying.
No offence, they look like puppets waving to the camera.


Jun 11, 2018
Absolutely. If it wasn't for Ellen,I probably would never have listened to them or even given them a chance. I wasn't a kpop fan, never listened to it due to the language barrier. You're right. Another things is (I don't know much about other kpop groups) but these boys have swag and can easily attract a casual viewer. Like I mentioned in a previous post, the rap line esp hope and suga caught my attention and made me want to check their other stuff out. My point is some people may be attracted to them because of their looks but there are others (like myself) who liked them due to the fact they're entertaining. They have the whole package-can sing, dance, rap and portray a humble, down to earth, funny personas that make people like them as individuals. This is a dangerous combination which reminds me of MJ. Isn't it interesting that poster mentioned child-like sex demons.
I loved MJ, but I remember how he would be intense and sexual on stage or when performing and off stage he would have this child-like, innocent demeanor which drove everyone crazy. You couldn't help falling for him.

doesn't that look similar to

Although all of them switch from cute/normal to sexy on stage, I chose Vee in particular because I feel he's the most intense on stage. It really seems as if he's taken over. I don't believe it's just acting.
Same here wasn't interested in kpop at all but they had that entertaining thing that would pull you in (until you learn about the occult stuff)
They reminded me of Michael as well
Glad some people share mutual opinions :D


Jun 11, 2018


Jun 21, 2018
is it me or J-Hope's reaction here is kind of fake? he looks like he is happy and smiling but the way he took Jimin's hand away from his face was funny

I also think he's acting strange if you watch the clip for 7 things that make them happy (sorry can't remember the actual title) at the end if the video his expression changed when he finished reading and he smiled when he looked back at the camera IDK if it's fake?!?


Jun 11, 2018
I don't know much about bts. I only see what my inner eye reveals to me. I know someone who's part of their cult. They're the worst but know the most.

Their music videos and references make it easy to see which teachings they follow.

Celebrities fly to Dubai for various reasons:
- prostitution
- occult rituals (especially sex rituals)

Dubai is a popular place for child trafficking.

I'm part of the Thelema Society. We live according to the book of the law Liber AL vel Legis of Aleister Crowley.
In my cult, we learn to enter and leave a room backwards, to read backwards, to talk backwards, to think backwards.
Love is the law. Love under the will.
We worship ancient Egyptian gods.
We have pictures and statues of Egyptian deities in our houses and churches. We worship Bastet, Horus, Ra and Anubis. Ra is our creator and rules all parts of the world.

We call ourselves Christians in public.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this. It's too late anyway. I've done things in the past that weren't allowed.

33 is my lucky number, 6 my compulsory and destiny number.

With "3 minutes" I meant, I only had 3 minutes to answer your questions. 33 hours aren't over yet.

My posts are "protected" for 33 hours. You don't have to know what that means.

V is an indigo child, an old soul. He sees what I see. His inner eye is wide open. And because he sees what I see, he's more susceptible to evil. Jung Kook is a weak soul. Park Jimin needs serious help, he's about to break inside. Min Yoongi is evil, evil, evil and worse than Nam Joon. Nam Joon is most of the time not himself. Jin suffers from depression and has suicidal thoughts. This is what I see when I watch their current videos.

It's good to be suspicious. I don't trust myself either.
As I said, I don't care if you believe me or not.

This thread may be unimportant to you, but not for very specific people. And it's not about what you write, but about yourself.

I want to make one thing clear: I'm not a troll. I didn't insult you nor stop your discussion.

I didn't read all of your comments.

Yes, I started talking about bts because you wanted to know some information about them. Now I have fulfilled your wish and you continue to complain. Your behavior is childish. Don't ask me questions if you're not interested or consider me a liar.

My life was already in danger, as I have broken a number of rules in the past.

You don't understand. I can only reveal few things.

You should doubt the person who went to a Juju priest (a high priest, we also have high priests) and comes from a family with a "generational pact". Read her posts carefully. Her friend was part of my cult - or was SHE part of my cult? She says she doesn't believe in "one true religion". These are the teachings we're taught.
She constantly mentions Seokjin being a potential sacrifice. Why? Because she knows that they have something important in common. She's the one who didn't doubt my posts. Why?
Her name is a popular code name.
She was born in December and is a Capricorn. Ding Dong. You want me to spill the tea? Question her. Because I know who she is.

My question is still the same : why would you tell us ?


Feb 23, 2018
And I quote: "Concubines are the future." If that doesn't scream brainwashed by materialism idk what is. And the fall of self-dignity. I am sad and disgusted that they would allow this to happen to themselves. No money and material wealth is worth your priceless worth/soul/mind/body.
I agree. This theme is actually very sensitive for me, I will share something with you. I used to have a friend, she was my best friend for a long time since school, then she went to Europe for studying. Her family is not rich, but they're doing ok. And she got friends there. Those girls were rich and were going shopping in luxury stores every week, going to fancy places e.t.c the girls started pay for her everywhere and than they told her where the money from, turned out they were escorting with rich men and asked her to join and she did. When she told me that I was scared and warned her that it will not end in a good way but she didn't listen. Sometimes she told me WHAT some of those guys like, it's awful and she hates it. And when I told her quit it she said she can't cs she got used to money so much, now she can't imagine how is it to not be able to buy something expensive when u want it, saving monety or live in basic apartment e.t.c
We rarely hang out now but I feel she is not happy, struggle with depressions all the time and doesn't listen to me at all. This lifestyle is so fake and not that easy in reality, it brings a lot of psychological problems, they don't think about what they gonna do in their 30-40s, not all of them will marry rich guy, most of them will be left.


Jun 1, 2018
Lol I'm just playing around. I don't believe a word from that poster. They literally gave nothing but an opinion and a couple of claims about their life being in danger and spies in this thread. If they'd actually given some insider information, I'd be more inclined to believe them.
Im still back reading and what a lame post. I guess I’m used to the level of mind games bh puts us through and lucy’s post was...meh


Jun 7, 2018
This is why one among many reasons I try very hard to not comment anything related to any religion obviously because this is a bts illuminati discussion thread. Not a religion discussion. Everyone believed in their own faith and religion. But religions collided with each other since it mentions the same things but with different views depends on the religion. For example, according to muslims as recorded in Quran Jesus or prophet Isa a.s is a prophet. But christians would say he is a son of God. And many other things. And there could only be one truth. But everyone believe that their truth is the truth. So thats why I wouldnt comment back on anyone who disagrees with my post. And I try not to state anything on those threads that I didnt agree with. Mostly about religion. Especially since most of active users here is christians and coming on rather strong. I try to not force on you guys and respect everyone.


Jun 7, 2018
Hi Lucyfer,

I'm not supposed to be here rn bc i always knew that there something fishy in this forum, so that's why i deleted all my posts.
l'm not gonna stay in here for a long time, i just want to rectify some stuff.
Okay, so first all what you said is nothing new for me as a muslim more precisely a quranist (i don't believe all the hadiths and i don't follow the sects like sunni or shia and all that stuff), and everything you said is TRUE, expect when you said that Mohamed's wife Aisha (peace be upon her) was supposedly 9 years old, no that's false she was 19/20 years old when she married him.
Another thing, what do you mean by "The Quran contains protective magic."???

About the code 19 in the Quran:

It was discovered that the verses, words, letters and all parameters of the original Scripture were coded by means of the prime number 19. The complexity and amazing intricacy of this deliberate structure made it apparent that the phenomenon was superhuman.

The discovery of the miracle established two prime matters:

1- The mathematical structure of the Book cannot be duplicated today, even with the aid of a computer, let alone by a man living in the desert 1400 years ago. This confirms that the Book was not written by any human, but is the true word of God.

2- The mathematical miracle of the Quran also confirmed that one of the functions of the code 19 in the Book is to detect any corruptions that may enter the original text.

The miracle of the Quran was discovered by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in fulfilment of the prophecy contained in the Quran.

The following are some of the simple facts:

1- There are 114 Suras (chapters) in the Quran, 114 = 19 x 6.

2- The total number of verses in the Quran is:

6234 numbered verses + 112 un-numbered basmalahs = 6346 (19 x 334).

3- There are 30 unique numbers mentioned in the Quran (i.e. 1 God, 2 brothers, 7 heavens ... etc.), If we add the 30 numbers we get a total of 162146 = 19 x 8534.

4- The very first verse in Quran, "In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful"consists of 19 Arabic letters. Known as the Basmalah, it prefaces every chapter except Chapter 9.

5- Though missing from Chapter 9, exactly 19 chapters later the Basmalah occurs twice. Chapter 27 has this statement at its beginning and also in verse 30. This makes the total number of Basmalahs in the Quran 114 = 19 x 6.

6- Since there are 19 chapters between the missing Basmalah and the extra one, the sum of those chapter numbers is a multiple of 19. (The sum of any 19 consecutive numbers is a multiple of 19.) But the total, 342, is also the exact number of words between the two occurrences of the Basmalah in Chapter 27, 342 = 19 x 18.

7- If we look at the four words of the Basmalah separately, which are 1- Ism 2- Allah 3- Al-Rahman 4- Al-Raheem, we find that each word occurs in the whole Quran in a number that is a multiple of 19.

8- The very first revelation given to Prophet Muhammed (the first 5 verses of sura 96) consisted of 19 words.

9- The total number of letters making up the 19 words of the first revelation is 76 = 19 x 4.

10- Chapter 96 (first to be revealed) consists of 304 Arabic letters = 19 x 16.

11- The last chapter revealed (Chapter 110) has 19 words, and its first verse is 19 letters.

12- The word Allah occurs in the Quran 2698 times = 19 x 142.

13- If we add the numbers of the verses where the word Allah occurs, we find that the total is 118123 = 19 x 6217.

14- The main message in the Quran is that there is only 'One' God. The number of times the word 'One' is used to refer to this concept of One God is 19.

15- The word Quran occurs in 38 different Suras = 19 x 2.

16- The word Quran occurs in the Quran 58 times, with one of them, in 10:15, referring to 'another quran'. This particular occurrence, therefore, must be excluded. Thus, the frequency of the occurrence of God's Quran is 57 = 19 x 3.

17- Within the 114 chapters of the Quran, 29 of them begin with Quranic initials. Intermixed between the first initialed chapter (Chapter 2) and the last initialed chapter (Chapter 68) are 38 non-initialed chapters = 19 x 2.

18- In this same group of chapters, from Chapter 2 to Chapter 68, there are 19 alternating sets of initialed and non-initialed chapters.

19- The total number of verses making up this group of chapters is 5263 = 19 x 277.

20- Within this group of chapters there are also 2641 occurrences of the word Allah = 19 x 139. Of course, that leaves 57 = 19 x 4, occurrences of that word outside of this group.

21- If we add the chapter and verse numbers of the 57 occurrences of the word Allah outside the initialed section, we find the total is 2432 = 19 x 128.

22- There has been a large number of discoveries related to the numbers of the chapters and verses. Many of them are very complex and interrelated. One of the simpler examples is: If we add the numbers assigned to all the chapters, plus the numbers assigned to all of the verses, plus the number of verses in the Quran, the total is 346199 = 19 x 19 x 959.

23- If we look at the initialed chapters separately and add the chapter numbers, verse numbers and number of verses, the total is 190133 = 19 x 10007. Of course it follows that the total for the uninitialed chapters, 156066, is also divisible by 19.

24- 1+9= 10, and 1+0= 1, Allah is unique, He has no partner. He is therefore the only Creator of all things, good as well as evil.

In addition to the beauty of the texts, the Quran repeats words a number of times in total. The number of appearance of words is surprising.
DAY (singular): 365 times

DAYS (plural): 30 times

MONTH: 12 times

MOON: 12 times

PAYMENT: 117 times

PARDON: 234 times (117x2, nothing surprising when we know that forgiveness is one of the foundations of Islam)

FAITH: 25 times

INFIDELITY: 25 times

ANGELS: 88 times

DEMONS: 88 times

PEOPLE: 50 times

THE PROPHETS: 50 times

MEN: 24 times

WOMEN: 24 times

LIFE: 145 times

DEATH: 145 times

GOOD WORKS: 167 times

PEACHES: 167 times


WORLD: 115 times

BEYOND: 115 times

BEING HUMAN: 65 times

CLAY: 17 times

SEED: 12 times

EMBRYO: 6 times

MOUDGHAH: 3 times

BONES: 15 times

FLESH: 12 times

=> 17 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 15 + 12 = 65

EARTH: 13 times

SEA: 32 times

which is exactly 71.1% for sea and 28.9 for land, the proportion of land and sea in the world.

the Kaaba lies exactly at the position of Gold of the terrestrial globe a proportion of 1,618 Between North and South.

The word Mecca is quoted once in the Quran and separates the verse in which it is found in two parts, the proportion of these two part gives the number of gold 1,618.

If you take a referential plane whose abscise is represented part of the Quran chapter and the ordinate the number of versed in each chapter, the point cloud will form the word and write in Arabic the word Allah الله.

When you said "We call ourselves Christians in public.",.. it's already predicted in the Quran 1400 years ago "And when they meet those who believe, they say, "We believe"; but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say, "Indeed, we are with you; we were only mockers." [2:14]

I think you (and @Bae Yeon Hee ) should repent and ask for the forgiveness of Allah The Almighty before it's too late. ALLAH loves you more than anyone else, MORE than you could ever imagine.
I will never understand why people worship their enemy?? like WTF??? Anything satan promises is no more than an illusion.
The life of this world is only a test, deceiving enjoyment and temporary, you should know that you have an eternal life after this one so make your choice.

The life of the world is nothing but a game and a diversion. The abode of the hereafter—that is truly Life if they only knew. (Surat al-'Ankabut: 64)

Here what's gonna happen to disbelievers:

"Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe.

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.

And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but they are not believers.

They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.

In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie.

And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers."

Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not.

And when it is said to them, "Believe as the people have believed," they say, "Should we believe as the foolish have believed?" Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know [it] not."

"[But] Allah mocks them and prolongs them in their transgression [while] they wander blindly.

Those are the ones who have purchased error [in exchange] for guidance, so their transaction has brought no profit, nor were they guided.

Their example is that of one who kindled a fire, but when it illuminated what was around him, Allah took away their light and left them in darkness [so] they could not see.

Deaf, dumb and blind - so they will not return [to the right path].

Or [it is] like a rainstorm from the sky within which is darkness, thunder and lightning. They put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps in dread of death. But Allah is encompassing of the disbelievers.

The lightning almost snatches away their sight. Every time it lights [the way] for them, they walk therein; but when darkness comes over them, they stand [still]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.

O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous -

[He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him].

And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful.

But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers." [Quran, 2:6-24]
Could you explain to me further. What is quranist? Did you defy hadith? So what do you think on a relation between Allah swt and Muhammad saw and Quran and hadith. Im sorry this is off topics.