BTS discussion thread


May 20, 2018
Thank you
I don’t like to assume that someone is faking as I don’t have evidence a user got annoyed with me for questioning her instead of dismissing her
I don’t like how she approached @the world is a stage though
She still has an account when does 33 hours finish
From my time.. It's going to be 24hours in another half an hour almost ...
If we click on her name.. We can see the time she joined according to our standard times


May 20, 2018
Thanks for clarifying. So rainman=her(umbrellas)=lucifer...Also, it reminds me of when J1mbo said he watched Rain and idk if it was rainism perf but then he decided he wanted to sing

Danced the rainism:
Interesting how the background is like the matrix numbers. And basically saying they're gonna be a "bad boy". Probably gonna be "possessed" to become a 'bad boy'

I think that movie must have satanic references cuz of D. Hoofman and T. Cruise seem to be in the/under the el!te illuminati but its about a guy with gifted ability:

Thanks for sharing your analysis. Yes, that puppy did leave him along at the end possibly worsening his trauma. So that black circle is also the splitting of his mind....correct me if I'm wrong. So is that his mom shown in his eye? While being tortured to increase the trauma?

They love wearing these chokers/leash
hope its not Ye0ntans.
On another hand,
images (13).jpeg
A girly lacey choker for a gurly looking suga... Pixie hair cut
May 24, 2018
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A girly lacey choker for a gurly looking suga... Pixie hair cut

Wow looks like some BK accessory to me wonder if he had some cat ears...Hm..
What a different persona/alter from the one who was singing here "Agust D":
From the person we see there wearing lacy choker and a pixie green hair cut.
Must be different alters.

And I have to think why Sugar said to fans its okay not to have a dream... What did he mean by this?
So another translation:

낙원 (Parad!se)
Produced by J-H0pe, Sugar (BT$), R*M, Tyler Acord, Lophiile & MNEK
Album Love Yourself 轉 'Tear'
Stop runnin’ for nothin’ my friend
You don’t need a dream like everyone does
Stop runnin’ for nothin’ my friend

All the language that make you come true is already in paradise
It’s alright to stop
There’s no need to run without even knowing the reason
It’s alright to not have a dream
If you have moments where you feel happiness for a while
It’s alright to stop
Now we don’t run without even knowing the destination
It’s alright to not have a dream
All the breaths you breathe are already in paradise
Seems kinda nihilistic to me or maybe he means don't stress out about having dreams too much? Also can mean don't have too much ambition? Just be happy with what you've got?
Also, this lyrics of this song have some more numbers;
Marathon marathon
Life is long, go slow
The end is full of a paradise of dreams
42.195 if you add them all you get 21 and (2+1 = 3, an occult number). Or 42. is 4+2 = 6 and 19+5 = 24 which is 2+4 =6 and 1+9+5= 15 and 1+5 = 6 so we get 6,6,6 and 3, for adding the numbers ,all relevant to the occult.
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May 24, 2018
It's this painting that appears in the short films a few times
It could be his mom or a caring figure in his life, not sure though
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Thanks it could be his grandma. Who is said to have raised him.
Taehyung was raised in the countryside with his grandma and lived with her. For some reason (I’ve seen this in numerous Korean families), Taehyung’s grandma raised him until he was probably in middle school. I don’t know why specifically though. He said in his ending ment that she was the most precious person to him and that was a presence like that of his parents. I would go more into what I feel about this…but I’ll turn into a sobbing mess again. Listening to the stream yesterday, I couldn’t even believe what I heard…
- Kylie

The elite must love taking people who are most dear to someone.


Dec 22, 2017
I see our secret "insider" came here to hate on other user again, is she going to do this everytime they post? :rolleyes:

anyways.... BT-S decided to post pictures of Yeontan today, some of the pictures are very old like in this one you can see Tae3 blonde hair

Why post those old videos and pics now? it's an important date and the dog also has an important name


May 20, 2018
I see our secret "insider" came here to hate on other user again, is she going to do this everytime they post? :rolleyes:

anyways.... BT-S decided to post pictures of Yeontan today, some of the pictures are very old like in this one you can see Tae3 blonde hair

Why post those old videos and pics now? it's an important date and the dog also has an important name
Let's hope we don't hear any bad news...

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
In the K-pop thread we had a person who claimed he/she was an insider and shared some things with us. Later he/she deleted them and said he/she was in danger.
So this story here reminds me a little bit of what happened in the other thread.
They may be 'spies' who try to bring fear and curiosity to the occult.
I HIGHLY WARN ABOUT CURIOUSITY ABOUT THE OCCULT. They make it look so good and appealing. Do what thou wilt, You are a god, you can learn real magik and have the world in your hands. You will become enlightened and able to open your third eye etc. All those things come at the highest price. It's core is evil and it's all teachings of Lucifer and his fallen angels. Please I beg all of you to be careful when going down the rabbit role when researching, research can lead to allure & temptation.
Mar 24, 2018
I HIGHLY WARN ABOUT CURIOUSITY ABOUT THE OCCULT. They make it look so good and appealing. Do what thou wilt, You are a god, you can learn real magik and have the world in your hands. You will become enlightened and able to open your third eye etc. All those things come at the highest price. It's core is evil and it's all teachings of Lucifer and his fallen angels. Please I beg all of you to be careful when going down the rabbit role when researching, research can lead to allure & temptation.
Ik a girl that did A Muslim boy in my school started praying and reading on her and she started to scream and run around chasing him I think she’s possessed Everyone keeps aways from her they’re really scared for her
Oh my I just realised her name......... can I disclose someone’s name without permission
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Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
''I have to do that all the time...''

This is interesting.

So does this mean all these symbolisms like covering one eye, throwing up devil horns or other occult hand gestures we see celebrities do, they're forced to do it to please HER (lucifer)....
Yep, it's to prove their alliegance to him. Yes I'm saying him because I no longer believe Lucifer is a her. Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

God calls lucifer son of the morning.
May 24, 2018
Yep, it's to prove their alliegance to him. Yes I'm saying him because I no longer believe Lucifer is a her. Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

God calls lucifer son of the morning.
But luciferians still believe lucifer is a "her" right? So outr0:her could be about the baphomet/lucifer? And the whole LY:her?
I HIGHLY WARN ABOUT CURIOUSITY ABOUT THE OCCULT. They make it look so good and appealing. Do what thou wilt, You are a god, you can learn real magik and have the world in your hands. You will become enlightened and able to open your third eye etc. All those things come at the highest price. It's core is evil and it's all teachings of Lucifer and his fallen angels. Please I beg all of you to be careful when going down the rabbit role when researching, research can lead to allure & temptation.
Thanks for sharing. It is tempting, so the 3rd eye is a no-go.. And taking with spirits ouija is a no-go.. Ive heard/watched in movies bad things about those ouija boards.. And some of my classmates and teacher said they had their 3rd eye open and it was scary listening to their stories (a long time ago)..

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Yes it can May God forgive me I was very close to joining when my faith wasn’t strong at all I pray I never do
Ik a girl that did A Muslim boy in my school started praying and reading on her and she started to scream and run around chasing him I think she’s possessed Everyone keeps aways from her they’re really scared for her
Oh my I just realised her name......... can I disclose someone’s name without permission
What do you think about rainman? Is it the movie with Dustin Hoffman and Cruise? Does it have a connection with J1n?
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A lot of artists refer to the devil as the rain man. JayZ and Eminem talk about it. When you join the occult you do partake in a baptism, everything God has sanctified, the occult use and twist it. Part of the law of reversal thing.

This article talks more about it.
May 24, 2018
A lot of artists refer to the devil as the rain man. JayZ and Eminem talk about it. When you join the occult you do partake in a baptism, everything God has sanctified, the occult use and twist it. Part of the law of reversal thing.

This article talks more about it.
This is new. They have a lot of names for lucifer/devil. I thought he was the son of the morning, light bringer. Now he's a 'her', a 'rainman' , baphomet, pan wow a lot of names there....
The term appears in the context of an oracle against a dead king of Babylon, who is addressed as הילל בן שחר (Hêlêl ben Šāḥar), rendered in the King James Version as "O Lucifer, son of the morning!" and in others as "morning star, son of the dawn".
Lucifer (/ˈljuːsɪfər/ LEW-si-fər) is a name that, according to dictionaries of the English language, refers either to the Devil or to the planet Venus when appearing as the morning star
As a name for the Devil, the more common meaning in English, "Lucifer" is the rendering of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל‎ in Isaiah (Isaiah 14:12) given in the King James Version of the Bible. The translators of this version took the word from the Latin Vulgate,[4] which translated הֵילֵל by the Latin word lucifer (uncapitalized),[5][6] meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing"

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Thanks it could be his grandma. Who is said to have raised him.

The elite must love taking people who are most dear to someone.
That picture is "supposedly" of Demian and his mother. Since all the short films & BS&T were "concepted" around that book. Honestly they used the book as a cover, as the book itself is based on gnostic/luciferian beliefs.
Mar 24, 2018
A lot of artists refer to the devil as the rain man. JayZ and Eminem talk about it. When you join the occult you do partake in a baptism, everything God has sanctified, the occult use and twist it. Part of the law of reversal thing.

This article talks more about it.
I never quite understood why Kpop stars laying in bathtubs would be so relevant and aesthetically pleasing it’s not just one Kpop group too it’s many
These are some of the biggest Kpop groups right now
May 24, 2018
That picture is "supposedly" of Demian and his mother. Since all the short films & BS&T were "concepted" around that book. Honestly they used the book as a cover, as the book itself is based on gnostic/luciferian beliefs.
Those snakes..... and the gnostic who believed in the Archons are like part snakes
The Egyptian Gnostic Basilideans accepted the existence of an archon called Abraxas who was the prince of 365 spiritual beings (Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, I.24). The Orphics accepted the existence of seven archons: Iadabaoth or Ialdabaoth (who created the six others), Iao, Sabaoth, Adonaios, Elaios, Astaphanos and Horaios (Origen, Contra Celsum, VI.31). The commonly-called Pistis Sophia (or The Books of the Savior) gives another set: Paraplex, Hekate, Ariouth (females), Typhon, and Iachtanabas (males).[citation needed]
Ialdabaoth had a head of a lion, like Mithraic Arimanius and Vedic Narasimha, a form of Vishnu. Their wrathful nature was mistaken as evil. The snake wrapped around them is Ananta (Sesha) Naga (mythology).[citation needed]
On another note, this Dubai rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper! (In relation to BT$ in Dubai! discussion)
Those depraved el!te but also poor children because they look like MK Ultra victims with drug problems and loads of other addictions:

The 2010 disclosure of various U.S. diplomatic cables by Wikileaks and several other news outlets unearthed the dirty little secrets of various royal families all over the world. Perhaps no one royal emerged more embarrassed by this U.S. State Department security breach than Crown Prince Hamdan bin Mohammed al Maktoum of Dubai. Still considered among the world’s handsomest and most eligible princes, Wikileaks exposed documents written by American diplomats stating that the heir to Dubai’s throne was an out of control drug addict that’s been in and out of rehab for years, and
that he’s a bisexual party boy that enjoys flying in male and female escorts to his father’s desert kingdom for weekend orgies. According to the Dec. 2, 2012 post “, Drug-addicted Dubai Crown Prince Hamdan: following the usual footsteps of the Arab Royal Family,” posted on the blog The Muslim Issue, Worldwide, within a few days of the cables’ disclosure they were removed from Wikileaks’ website, which to this day makes them the only documents concerning a member of a royal family to have been successfully expunged from their database. This is apparently but one example of the drastic measures the Sheik Mohammed bin Rasheed al Maktoum of Dubai is willing to take in order to salvage the reputation of his favorite son and designated heir.
Born the second son in a family that currently contains 23 children, Prince Hamdan was declared his father’s successor in 2008. Dubai is something of a geopolitical anomaly. While most people presume its either a sovereign nation or city state, its technically neither. Instead, Dubai exists as a semi-autonomous kingdom, or emirate, within a federation of such kingdoms known as the United Arab Emirates. Founded in the early ’70’s, the King of Abu Dhabi is its hereditary president, whereas the King of Dubai serves as its hereditary vice president. Dubai is both the name of the kingdom and its capital city.
Crown Prince Hamdan, who writes poetry in his spare time under the pen name Fazza and also likes to spend his free time engaging in various dare devil sports, has a generally favorable reputation within his father’s emirate, though certain eccentricities of His Highness’ character and lifestyle have been noticed but are rarely commented on by his countrymen. Some of the more interesting rumors that have made their way to the author’s ear blowing from the general direction of Dubai concerning Prince Hamdan’s private life include that he privately doesn’t consider himself gay or straight, but prefers to label himself simply as sexual; he prefers for his friends, family and lovers to call him Fazza; he possesses a large and eccentric menagerie of wild pets that include at least one white tiger and four alligators; he’s friendly, charming and down to Earth; and that his married and procreating little brothers are jealous of him and eager to use his continued, self chosen bachelorhood as a means by which to talk their father into disinheriting Hamdan and designating one of them as the successor.
Needless to write, Sheik Mohammed appears willing to allow his heir to indulge in his private lifestyle and generally looks the other way concerning Hamdan’s vices. This is a particularly fortuitous circumstance for the Crown Prince, for Dubai’s laws concerning homosexuality and drug use are as draconian and potentially life terminating as those of their fellow Arab, Muslim neighbors.
According to The Muslim Issue’s last post concerning Dubai’s heir apparent, he had just finished his latest rumored stint in some presumably European rehab, and after several months of having disappeared from public view had now resumed his role as his dessert kingdom’s primary diplomatic spokes model. While undoubtedly spoiled and self indulgent, Crown Prince Hamdan appears to be a privately liberal and forward thinking young man who will hopefully advance the cause of civil liberties in his kingdom should he survive to inherit his father’s throne. One can always hope

And this is odd, the other son dies age 33 of a heart attack
Drug overdose: Dubai Ruler Al Maktoum’s son Rashid dies of heart attack at the age of 33
The disgraced elder Prince, Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, was the uglier of the two brothers and a notorious sex-addict and drug user. ‘Prince’ Rashid had been to drug rehab in Europe, more than once, and was the subject of a lawsuit in South Africa because he took possession of a horse and refused to pay for it. Rashid was is rumored to employ the services of many prostitutes.
He is often confused with the younger and more popular brother, Sheikh Hamdan “Fazza”, who male escorts claim prefers naked boys and has managed to remain unmarried. The hook-nosed brothers would frequent London’s luxury hotels for group-orgies that would extend into all-night drug binges with male and female human trafficking victims of Eastern European background. Premature heart attacks in young people are not uncommon with drug users during drugs overdose. Ask any physician and they will classify two causes for premature heart attacks: congenital heart disease or drugs. And he certainly had no history of heart disease. Looks like Rashid was on a cocaine binge the night before he died. According to wikileaks reports a few years back Rashid was sent to secret detox clinics in Europe several times but his addiction was so deep they failed to get him clean.
Both Dubai crown prince’s have drug problems but the eldest one, Rashid, was apparently the one who was the worse off. Another little known fact is that Rashid was a murderer. According to a confidential report leaked by wikileaks from David Williams, Acting Consul General, Consulate Dubai, Rashid killed a royal assistant in his father’s office sometime before 2008.
looks like Vee was doing a masonic hand sign here:

Seems like a rich but troubled country at the underbelly.
Dubai Princess Latifa Al Maktoum EXPOSES the TRUTH about her father Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum
In the video, she said when they were beating her up, she didn't feel anything. "I think the first time they tortured me , I didn't feel any pain @ time 10:46. Like she felt being punched through a pillow and just seeing it. This totally sounds like MK Ultra dissociation at work. Crazy own family imprisoning her and beating her up... and maybe even worse..And she experienced sensory deprivation in solitary confinement while in prison they would turn off all the lights. They were totally wanting here to dissociate. All that torture that
Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum is an evil guy,
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Mar 24, 2018
Do not apologize, sorry if I said it too rude, it is just a lot of army trolls here, since this is the most popular thread about them right now, plus they brought thread on twitter, there will be more
No worries
Ik what you were getting at and why you would be annoyed ARMYS need to start taking things seriously sometimes
It’s fine!!!


Feb 23, 2018
I've read more about "Dubai porta potty" and I am completely disgusted! This is really sick. This is why people shouldn't have that much money. The depravity! so so so sick people! And this are rich people! You can't buy class with money. And you can't buy morality with money. Poor people selling themselves/mind/soul/body for something as transient as money and material goods (materialism).
Indeed its crazy. There is something really WRONG in this world.
Sick system.
To think BT$$ stayed there for 3 days. In their earlier years (2016). I'm scared to think what type of abuse they underwent with those depraved royalty/rich people/el1te. And satanic ritual abuse. Poor souls.
Insane this is like another rabbit hole!
THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, I love how you brought attention about Porta Potties. I was lucky enough to have an older sister that was a porta potty so as I was growing up, I idolized her for being 19 and paying my parents rent and practically buying me everything I desired. It made me sad though, because she was always gone in Vegas and traveling the world with her rich “Arabian” friends as I use to think. When I was 16, and old enough to understand she told me everything she did to obtain these funds but at the end told me she did it for my and my family. My sister and I are very blessed, both of us are 5’5, blonde hair, grey/blue eyes and not to toot my own horn but probably the best set of natural D’s you will come across. 2 years ago, I got out of a pretty bad relationship and wanted to try and get back into school, stop partying and get my sh*t together. I asked my sister if I could be a porty potty with her, but she got super mad at me, but a week later asked if I was serious and told me I cannot be a porta potty, but I can be a concubine for one of the Saudi Prince’s that she sees. I had no clue what the F*ck a concubine is. And for you that don’t know, well its probably the best job ever. Currently I’m 23 and for the past 22 months of my life, I have been living in Saudi with a very wealthy Prince. The Prince has his several wives, but then there is 6 or 7 concubines at his other palace at any given time. We live with the Prince full time, we have to sleep with him, or any of his sons at ANY time they desire, 3 some to orgies included. We do it all, and I kid you not Nik, we don’t get defecated on, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say some of his sons have a fetish with golden showers lololol. I don’t mind it, it is just pee. Before you judge me and say I’m some stupid gold diggin b*tch, let me tell you what I get in exchange for having sex. I get my education fully paid for, I have a 18,000 a month allowance, which goes into my savings account, since all of us concubines get to go shopping once a week and not just here is Saudi. We have a jet and body guards ready to take us anywhere at anytime we desire, long as the Prince approves it. He pays my parents mortgage, bought me a house back home so soon as I’m done with college I wouldn’t have to stress about anything. I don’t even want to tell you what I drive because you wouldn’t believe me. When I go on TheDirty or trips to St. Tropez and hear all these stories about these girls getting treated like hell and gettin sh*t and pissed on I feel bad for them. I’m lucky I only have to sleep with father and 4 sons and the other girls, instead of just getting gang banged by 10 old hair men. I feel bad for my sister when I hear that stuff cause I know she has been there. For all you future porta potties, or current porta potties… TAKE THIS ADVICE. If you can and are smart and hot enough, you have the potential to be a concubine, I highly recommend it… By the time I’m done with school, I will basically have my self set up for a very very long time. Judge me if you want, but ladies, don’t be porta potties have some self respect. Concubines are the future.
I don’t know if I should praise you or hate you?- nik
Another note, an el!te whistleblower:
I hope she lived. Brave princess.
Dubai Princess Latifa Al Maktoum EXPOSES the TRUTH about her father Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum
OMG, THIS IS SO GROSS, I had such a dirty feeling reading this. How can this girl advice this 'job' to others? The morals falling with amazing speed, we don't even surprised anymore when one or other girl is a prostitute. I follow some models in instagram, these girls have money from their ig, their clothing or cosmetics lines, but they still always go to Dubai every couple of months, people are so greedy. Maby i'm crazy moralist but I really don't understand how sleeping with a dad and four sons who like pee on you is fine. Ok, I can understand girls from super poor families when they didn't have food or smth like that, but if you are from ordinary family...


Apr 8, 2018
I HIGHLY WARN ABOUT CURIOUSITY ABOUT THE OCCULT. They make it look so good and appealing. Do what thou wilt, You are a god, you can learn real magik and have the world in your hands. You will become enlightened and able to open your third eye etc. All those things come at the highest price. It's core is evil and it's all teachings of Lucifer and his fallen angels. Please I beg all of you to be careful when going down the rabbit role when researching, research can lead to allure & temptation.
May I ask your opinion on the astrology stuff, third eyes, and things of that nature?