BTS discussion thread


Jun 11, 2018
Ok sorry you guys i didn't answer earlier XD
So from what i understood :
1) half of our world if not all of it is run by pyschopaths who have no empathy whatsover and they use pol!t!c!ans and m3d!a as their main p!pp3ts
2) m0n3y didn't existed back then so that's how they started their pl@n of nw0 with as many l!es as they could and now we are all tr@pped in their m@ze :(
3)all the b@nks in the w0rld are what's keeping them in total c0ntr0l
Now about the top 5 str@ng3st vid3os ever captured i think like this about B+s situation :
1)m@sonic degr33 must be 0btained with the h3lp of 2 other m@sons )r!tu@l)
2)to be a fr33m@sons you must be over 18 (how many m3mbers were 18 at the debut ?) and the highest degr33 is 33 right ?(i'm thinking they are at r@nk 5) (also remember they have over a mi!!i0n FO!!owers to this very day !!!)
3)bùt for sku!!s and b0nes they are ptobably b0rn int0 it
So basically my 2 final deducti0ns are :
1) ev!l/s@t@n itself,w0rsh!p f!gur3s for power,sku!! and b0nes,the el!te :r0ckf3ller and the 0thers ,fr33m@sons,m@sonic pe0ple,an0ther p@rt of the el!te for nw0 and under it/b3s!d3s it you h@ve : c3ntr@l banks and c0ps then you have comp@nies,the med!@,rel!g!ons,sch00l,etc... until you have us the mices :/
2) for b+s i'm thinking this : at least 3 of them are fr33masons and also have a m@son!c degr33 and on top of that they are part of the 2nd w!ng el!te (who has the 1+ mi!!On over the w0rld i'm thinking (they are pr0b@bly re@lizing their m!s@kes n0w wh0 knows ?)
the y0ung3sts are pr0bably part of 2 el!te at the s@me t!me + sk! And b0nes or whatever it may be + are simple m@sons ? Then when they were over 18 they bec@me fr33m@sons too ?
The other 2 i'm thinking were a part of some l0w l3v3l el!te and they w0rked their w@y up to be fr33m@sons themselves and take c0ntr0l of another le!te but now they saw th@t g0t played and are g0ing down again ?
(Then the mk u!tra takes place for all of them cause their br@in can't h@ndle all of this ?)
SORRY all of this is messy but i hope i got most of it right tell me guys what you think ?(if what i said is no use ?XD)
Now y'all gonna think i'm crazy XD (it feels good and bad tho to get out of the m@tr!x)


Feb 14, 2018
I’m actually in Dubai hahaha i didnt care about stuff that goes down here but now i wanna know so fill me inView attachment 10102
Apparently celebrities and regular thots are flown out to those parts for prostitution. Nothing is off limits and they pay top dollar for it all. Look up 'Dubai Porta Potties'.

I’ve had to be gangbanged and bukkaked by over 20 Saudi royalty at once (made 40K) in two days so it was worth it.
As evidenced in that picture.


Jun 1, 2018
Litterally lmao
Some rich dude in Dubai pay 40 000$ insta girls or model and escort girls to have a niiight with them if you know what I mean xD
And a lot of guy like to poop on the girl face literally lmao

Apparently celebrities and regular thots are flown out to those parts for prostitution. Nothing is off limits and they pay top dollar for it all. Look up 'Dubai Porta Potties'...they bukake them too which is what that picture shows.
They “bukake” having a headache


Feb 14, 2018
true, when was the last time she had a hit? in my country her last hit song was "single ladies" now she is only known as Beyonce the celebrity but nobody cares about her music no more
She hasn't released any new music and she's getting older.

Those disgusting pictures she just released with her atrocious handler husband only further proves how far she's fallen.