Why do they hate Aisha?


May 20, 2017
There is a difference of opinion on her age.
However as per the norm in the societies at that time there was no 'teenage years construction' people were promised to each other at any age and then consummated marriage after puberty.
Eta we do not have time to throw rocks at every dog that barks.;)


Mar 26, 2017
This is not about the age thing. People are free to their views but that is a completely different topic. Besides, someone else already made a thread about that. I ask that people go post in that thread if they want to talk about that- this is not about that.

This is about..... I don't even want to mention them.

I mean no harm, no hate, no disrespect towards anyone- however... it is hard for me not to feel angry... when people are so horribly misguided

as to claim that Aisha is in hell!

If you know what this is about- you know what this is about. If you don't, you don't. People are free to their views but I request that people not discuss the age thing here. This has nothing do with that topic and there's already a thread for that.

If you know what this is about, you know what this is about. If you don't, you don't.

edit: people who want to talk about that completely other topic- I'm even giving you the link- there's already a thread for you to talk about that. We don't need multiple threads about the same topic. This is not about that. This is about a completely different topic, this has nothing to do with that.
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May 20, 2017
Yes we should feel angry at how misguided some people are. I can guess at why they hate her and their most probably religious motivation for this. However, the vast majority of Muslims love her and see her as the prophet's beloved wife and as one of the major scholars of Islam.
There will always be misguided people who hate we can not do much about that they will be answerable for their words on the d of j.
We ask Allah to guide them inshaAllah.


Mar 26, 2017
This is not about the age thing. People are free to their views but that is a completely different topic. Besides, someone else already made a thread about that. I ask that people go post in that thread if they want to talk about that- this is not about that.

This is about..... I don't even want to mention them.

I mean no harm, no hate, no disrespect towards anyone- however... it is hard for me not to feel angry... when people are so horribly misguided

as to claim that Aisha is in hell!

If you know what this is about- you know what this is about. If you don't, you don't. People are free to their views but I request that people not discuss the age thing here. This has nothing do with that topic and there's already a thread for that.

If you know what this is about, you know what this is about. If you don't, you don't.

edit: people who want to talk about that completely other topic- I'm even giving you the link- there's already a thread for you to talk about that. We don't need multiple threads about the same topic. This is not about that. This is about a completely different topic, this has nothing to do with that.
Where is Aisha now? again, I don't hate this little girl.


Mar 26, 2017
This thread has nothing to do with Christians. This is not about Christians or Christianity. If you don't know what this thread is about, this doesn't concern you.


Mar 15, 2017
They hate Aisha because they are ignorant. Ignorant of history, scripture and hadith. So they'd rather make up lies about some historical figures in order to make someone else look better. So they lie about Aisha r.a and the prophet and the caliphs and so on just to make themselves look good. But people should remember that the one honored by God can not be hurt by the lies of mere mortals. May God guide us all.
Mar 14, 2017
They don’t hate Aisha, I don’t hate Aisha, I feel sad and sorry for her for having to go thru being sexually molested by Muhammed. Normal people absolutely hate, despised, find p***philia abhorrent and one of the worst crimes against Preadolescence Children. It should disgust and outrage anyone, especially since so many have turned a blind eye for far too long now and it became an open secret, yet it was complete taboo - no one dared talked about it. And who would?

No one hates Aisha, quite the contrary I can assure you of that. In fact, I can’t imagine the horror of a child having sex with a dirty stinky ugly old man!!!! Not to mention that that he could sleep with all 30 wife's in one night!!!!! Ican’t imagine the internal damages she must have suffered with. Even just the thought terrifies me.

I don’t understand how followers of Islam can’t and don’t find this to be what most of us Christians find it to be the most horrific criminal act against Children who should be allowed to be children. It’s disturbing that people are okay with this. Child brides break my heart. I won’t post any pics, I’m sure most have seen a fair share.

People who aren’t Christians are disgusted by Muhammed because of his relationship with Aisha. If anything, those who are against Muhammed are so for his actions and find them to be sexually immoral. I, and many others if anything, we sympathize
with Aisha. She didn’t do anything wrong, she was a sexually abused child, plain and simple. And now it makes perfect sense why the Kabbalah witches (elite) are using Islam, and no doub - like Islam because they like Muhammed for his pedophilic nature.

I’m not trying to offend any Musilms here, I’m just trying to give an answer to the question to the best of my knowledge and understanding.

1) This thread was about the shia's hatred for Aisha Ra, so please put that forked tongue away.

2) Most educated and informed muslims who are free from historically politically charged sectarian views, don't believe Aisha was 9 years old when her marraige was consumated and have a better idea of the background sectarian/political contexts that led to those 'hadiths'.

For example, to answer the OP @Etagloc one of the major reasons Aisha is hated with such venom is because of the Safavid empire which is a longgg story in it's own right. However the fact that i'm aware of that history aswell as the history of the early caliphates and shia movement.....I can easily make sense of many hadith that are hidden/politically influenced type narratives. This inc presenting aisha as a child/pure bride whilst the shia accused her of being a whore!!
To us, it appears stupid to believe in either side, but you have to understand how events like the death/assasination of Uthman RA (the 3rd caliph) changed events in a drastic manner, his death caused a huge fallout and led to tyrannical rule and politically charged sectarianism.

Even if I went in depth discussing this topic with you, the fact is all day everyday the western/christian stance online is to repeat it until it 'sticks' ie 'Mohammad was a paedophile' angle. I hope this makes you feel good. Thank you, because this approach is completely devoid of any knowledge of history/contexts etc. By putting this in our faces, it makes people like me curious to know the truth, to study history and to become a smarter more intelligent believer. Still i have limited patience to deal with stupidity online.

3) I'm a british pakistani, which means I have 'desi' (originating from the indian subcontinent) culture. So i've been exposed to online desi communities from the moment i first got online. You have the india vs pakistan divide and then you have sikhs and hindus who have nothing else to do in their life but to spend all their time trying to poke holes at my beliefs and background.

This is something, most you christians have never experienced. Your only 'enemy' (in your mind) is islam. Whereas islam hs historically 'dealt with' far more and it's even more true when im a minority living in 'the west'.

4) Don't blow things out of proportion. For example even if there were 100,000 'muslim' terrorists in the world, that is not even 0.005% of our population. Yet there aren't even that many, probably less than 10000, so it's more like 0.0005%.
an absolutely tiny percentage for a 'religion of death'

If you could muster10 to 100 pictures/stories of child brides, it's a tiny statistic. In this case what happens is people commit this act and then attempt to defend themselves 'using religion', their action isn't motivated by religion, they don't think 'ok islam certainly condones p***philia therefore i must marry a child' because if that was the case it would be commonplace, a norm, but it isn't.

there are homosexuals who justify their actions 'using religion' too actually. just because someone tries to twist the religion to suit themselves doesn't make itheir argument valid.

There are child bride cases in many parts of the third world that are not muslim, but do you see it in the media so often?
Mar 14, 2017
I normally don't like Imran Hossein's views on prophecy, he's spot on here

also just read the comment section

that is the view of people with perspective and knowledge.

@Sephora I don’t understand how followers of Islam can’t and don’t find this to be what most of us Christians find it to be the most horrific criminal act against Children who should be allowed to be children. It’s disturbing that people are okay with this. Child brides break my heart. I won’t post any pics, I’m sure most have seen a fair share.

comment section
I do not believe that this Hadith is true!--> Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64 Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). .....read these ayats, because the old pagan Arabs used to bury their female babies alive under the dirt, and I believe that some of them till this very day still has that same ridiculous mentality by spreading lies and saying that Bukhari authenticated that the Prophet consummated (sexual intercourse) with Aisha when she was just 9 years old! You see the evil folks within the Ummah want to believe this to have an excuse to mistreat & abuse females!!! But NO I don't believe it at all!!! Read the below Quranic scriptures of truth about how evil they were to females. They want to carry on with molesting girls & oppressing women, -------> Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. The Qur'an, Surah 81. At-Takwir, Ayah 8-9, And when the girl child that was buried alive is asked For what sin she was slain,....So remember O Ummah the Qur'an is 1st and the Hadith is 2nd, and verily our Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi WaSallam) would never hurt a little girl rather if she had her period or not! May Allah protect us from evil, O Allah please stop letting these Hypocrites and Disbelievers attack the seal of the Prophets. Ameen.

Christians still don't realise that hadith, are important as historical documents, that doesnt make them entirely factual. they present a picture, but more of a fragmented muslim world in the time they were 'compiled'. The hadith were an attempt by the abbasids to consolidate power.
If you know that, then you can read them with the bigger picture in mind when reading any hadith that has potentially political or sectarian favoritism.

The hadith scholars were all persian. persia was abbasid territory. It is easy for me to assume the abbasid caliphs made sure the hadith were compiled in amanner that benefits their rule.
Same reason why shia have their own hadith collections.

Yet the hadith are vast and there are many important things in them that are general and not political/sectarian.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

"Most educated and informed muslims who are free from historically politically charged sectarian views, don't believe Aisha was 9 years old when her marraige was consumated and have a better idea of the background sectarian/political contexts that led to those 'hadiths'."

I must confess to not being a Muslim scholar here - with that in mind, what verses do the age of Aisha (and Muhammad's age when he married her) appear? Are those verses outside the accepted canon of the Qur'an and agreed upon Hadith?

For the record, I don't believe in methods that try to locate a weakness in a religion and kick it, and I don't see Muslims as enemies either. I don't think Islam is the truth, but I do believe there are people who care greatly about truth who are Muslims.
Mar 14, 2017

"Most educated and informed muslims who are free from historically politically charged sectarian views, don't believe Aisha was 9 years old when her marraige was consumated and have a better idea of the background sectarian/political contexts that led to those 'hadiths'."

I must confess to not being a Muslim scholar here - with that in mind, what verses do the age of Aisha (and Muhammad's age when he married her) appear? Are those verses outside the accepted canon of the Qur'an and agreed upon Hadith?

For the record, I don't believe in methods that try to locate a weakness in a religion and kick it, and I don't see Muslims as enemies either. I don't think Islam is the truth, but I do believe there are people who care greatly about truth who are Muslims.
They are in the Sahih Bukhari collection, the most famous collection of hadith.
Hadith are a lot different to the Quran ie they are stories/narrations passed on for a few generations orally until certain Imams (who happened to be persian and living under strict Abbasid rule) decided to collect as many of these narrations they could and then go through the task of verifying every chain in the narration and deciding what to accept and what to reject. This work was done around 2 centuries after the prophet SAW. Yet from the get go, there was prejudice in this since the actual decendants of the prophet (the shia imams) were usually under imprisonment/house arrest and their opinions/narrations didn't matter, which is why shia have their own hadith.

The vast majority of the narrations that they did receive though, were rejected, that doesnt mean they were false, just that the chain of narration may have 1 individual in it who was questionable. Obviously this process is subjective, but i'm led to believe men like Imam Bukhari were far far more learned than us commonfolk

What made it through was classified as 'saheeh'.
Yet even till this day there are imams who scrutinise hadith and classify them differently. Everyone has an opinion.

When you say 'agreed upon hadith' this is wrong, they are not necessarily 'agreed' upon, they are verified as 'saheeh' (that the source is trustworthy) rather than the content itself being questioned. Just the same there are hadiths within the Saheeh bukhari collection that contradict each other. So it's important for people not to get swept away by emotion and just judge what they clearly have never spent the time to learn. One book out of the Sahih bukhari book is as lengthy as the entire old and new testaments together just in content, imagine having the task of verifiyng each hadith? then imagine that being one book out of 9 volumes and that was only a tiny percentage of what was accepted by Imam Bukhari.
So imagine how much information he had to process. Insane.
Then extend that to other hadith collections too
6 hadith collections all from the 9th century, all persian meaning all were under the yoke of an oppressive abbasid regime, you would be mad to accept them all at face value without knowing how some could be used as a political pretext.

It's actually also true, much like the jewish religion, that the hadith/oral traditions are not meant to be shared by common people but by qualified scholars because the common man is not trained to understand them ie background contexts like i mentioned. It takes wisdom to know what is relevant according to the time/place, that's the mythos in religion. that's something many do not understand about the actual quotes/stories in the hadith attributed to the prophet SAW ie so we see he said something to someone....does that mean that applies to all of us? ie the medicine given to one person may not be ideal for another person. So even beyond common hadith scholarship, it requites a special person who possesses God given wisdom/hikmah to make sense of them.

i have even openly talked about how muslim translators have lied by inserting their own words/opinions into translations of the Quran which in turn retards a lot of common muslims who do not know the difference

Mohsin khan was notorious for this (see his opinions in brackets)
(3) Similarly (to complete My Blessings on you), We have sent among you a Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) of your own, reciting to you Our Verses (the Qur'an) and purifying you, and teaching you the Book (the Qur'an) and the Hikmah (i.e. sunnah, Islamic laws and Fiqh - jurisprudence), and teaching you that which you used not to know.
(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #151)

So the Quran always says 'Scripture and wisdom' whereas the common muslim now literally thinks 'Quran and hadith'
they are not the same.
how would a person without wisdom spot the mythos in a hadith? ie they would take it at face value.
So a lot of the fanatical types who use hadith think they are doing so on the basis of what they think is in the Quran, when it isn't...and the one thing they lack is wisdom, ironic isn't it?
it is better to treat the hadith as historical sources of information that 'may' contain the actual wisdom of the prophet SAW, so the primary aim should be to study them in order to try to find this hikmah.
I can't do this topic enough justice in a post. It is something i strongly feel. For example many of the prophecies in the hadith, i could only really make sense of them after i read bible prophecy..and vice versa. I feel it is a privilege to have that, but by no means does it mean the hadith collections are perfect.


May 3, 2018
9yo wife? Wow. Just wow. It's totally barbaric and evil. No words. Awful.


Mar 15, 2017
9yo wife? Wow. Just wow. It's totally barbaric and evil. No words. Awful.
Except that she wasn't nine but a consenting adult that has been discussed over and over again. Stop waking up a century later only to derail a thread that has nothing to do with you. Thank you very much.