BTS discussion thread


Feb 14, 2018
So now my question is: how much of this money are B*S really seeing for solely, hard carrying B!gH? It's unheard of!
I don't think it's as much as we'd assume. It's known that whenever they buy new cars, houses etc. they're usually purchased and put under the company's name. I think that's used as collateral to keep the idols in line and from trying to stray from the company since they stand to lose everything if they do.

Jimin also mentioned recently that he went shopping at a store just as it was closing so he was trying to hurry and randomly picked a bunch of outfits without checking the prices and then as he was leaving he looked at the receipt and noticed he overspent and had to return them because he went "over his limit". I assume that they're given company credit cards with limits on what they're allowed to spend so I don't think they're as free with money as they should be. They also still fight a lot on who pays for food but they could just be doing that to keep up with the whole humble facade lol

That's a crazy net worth for a company with only 1 group though.


Jan 16, 2018
I don't think it's as much as we'd assume. It's known that whenever they buy new cars, houses etc. they're usually purchased and put under the company's name. I think that's used as collateral to keep the idols in line and from trying to stray from the company since they stand to lose everything if they do.

Jimin also mentioned recently that he went shopping at a store just as it was closing so he was trying to hurry and randomly picked a bunch of outfits without checking the prices and then as he was leaving he looked at the receipt and noticed he overspent and had to return them because he went "over his limit". I assume that they're given company credit cards with limits on what they're allowed to spend so I don't think they're as free with money as they should be. They also still fight a lot on who pays for food but they could just be doing that to keep up with the whole humble facade lol

That's a crazy net worth for a company with only 1 group though.

Dang. Breaking it down like this truly hurts my heart. That's practically an allowance! Putting aside all the conspiracy theories, evil workings and what not, it's ashame they give so much of themselves 24/7 for this company and are limited like that. I had a thought like, can they or do they really even have time to enjoy the money they make?? Sure it's a cushion right now, but how can they really enjoy it for working and being forced to participate in crazy diets all the time? Is it really worth it in the end??

And 1 trillion? My mind cant even wrap around such a astronomical amount! The hustle (B*S) vs the greed (B!gH)...I know it doesn't match or add up!

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018

This vid talks about repetition in music, and the push for the one world government. Now that its mentioned, there is a lot of repetition used in music these days to stick a phrase in ppls minds
Makes me think of this verse
Matthew 6:7: "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking."
For me the repititions are pretty vain in music.
Lmao xD

Btw do you guys belive in clone theory between celebrity ?
I'm on the fence on it. I don't doubt that the technology to do so exists. I don't believe the reptilian theories, however I do believe those so called reptilians are just possessed and sometimes the true image of the demon can manifest outwardly physically. I've seen the videos of celebs and their eyeballs blinking like a reptiles but again it's just a strong possession.


May 20, 2018
This is RMs room where he sat down for the vlive he did yesterday .. He has Nirvana's kurt C0bain poster in his room on the left wall.. along with creepy dolls on the right side below...



Apr 25, 2018
I found an article but i'll copy and paste the important parts:
  • Whistleblowers and victims have been coming forward for decades trying to expose the elite and their use of occult rituals to gain power, commonly referred to as “black magic.” From sexual abuse by different power circles such as the Vatican to secret men’s clubs like the one held annually at Bohemian Grove in California to Satanic rituals, it’s clear that there must be some truth to these stories.
  • Of course, this was only the beginning of the deception involved with the financial elite in Europe, and Bernard hadn’t even come close to experiencing the worst of it. What came next was his introduction to Satanism, a practice that the elite allegedly use through rituals to gain more power--> 'And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan. So I visited these places and they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn’t believe in any of this stuff and was far from convinced any of this was real. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn’t make the connection yet.
    So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some moment, which is why I am telling you this, I was invited to participate in sacrifices abroad.'
  • The next part of the interview deals with who exactly the elite were sacrificing, and unfortunately, Bernard expressed that they used children as the human sacrifices --> 'If they want to control the Middle East, or the music industry they have to make a sacrifice to these “demons.” Whether it’s children or soldiers at war, they always respond to signs and symbols, for example the pyramid shape, the five sided star, the six sided star, they congregate around these signs. This is why major corporate symbols are full of “Illuminati” symbols. That’s why when you wear those clothes, or buy those products, you are giving power to that entity, you are giving energy to it, you are giving it power over you. (source)'
  • Bernard continued to explain the sacrifices and where he drew the line, stating, “That was the breaking point. Children.”
    “You were asked to do that?” asks the interviewer.
    “Yes, and I couldn’t do that,” Bernard explains. “And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But that is the world I found myself in. And then I started to refuse assignments within my job. I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.”
  • Bernard addresses the fact that it’s not just in Europe that these rituals are performed, but rather all over the world and by the highest members of the elite class.
  • 'Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true creation. As long as you divide them on political parties, skin color, you name it, then you – from a lucferian point of view – suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power. They can’t stand up for themselves because if they did the luciferians would lose. This monster, this greedy monster would disappear.'
  • Many secret societies take part in and worship this pocket of consciousness, that most call Satanism, in which they perform esoteric rituals that entail ceremonial chanting, gratuitous sexual activities, and even blood sacrifice.
  • There's also a video of an actual sacrifice:
Thank you so much for this. Much appreciated. The world that elite has created is absolutely terrifying and absymal :(
And that also explained why B!T?S wearing so many 'sponsored' clothes and are spokesmen for c0c@-c0l@. And that they have another record: Top 10 BB 100 hit under their belt now.


May 20, 2018
I found an article but i'll copy and paste the important parts:
  • Whistleblowers and victims have been coming forward for decades trying to expose the elite and their use of occult rituals to gain power, commonly referred to as “black magic.” From sexual abuse by different power circles such as the Vatican to secret men’s clubs like the one held annually at Bohemian Grove in California to Satanic rituals, it’s clear that there must be some truth to these stories.
  • Of course, this was only the beginning of the deception involved with the financial elite in Europe, and Bernard hadn’t even come close to experiencing the worst of it. What came next was his introduction to Satanism, a practice that the elite allegedly use through rituals to gain more power--> 'And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan. So I visited these places and they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn’t believe in any of this stuff and was far from convinced any of this was real. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn’t make the connection yet.
    So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some moment, which is why I am telling you this, I was invited to participate in sacrifices abroad.'
  • The next part of the interview deals with who exactly the elite were sacrificing, and unfortunately, Bernard expressed that they used children as the human sacrifices --> 'If they want to control the Middle East, or the music industry they have to make a sacrifice to these “demons.” Whether it’s children or soldiers at war, they always respond to signs and symbols, for example the pyramid shape, the five sided star, the six sided star, they congregate around these signs. This is why major corporate symbols are full of “Illuminati” symbols. That’s why when you wear those clothes, or buy those products, you are giving power to that entity, you are giving energy to it, you are giving it power over you. (source)'
  • Bernard continued to explain the sacrifices and where he drew the line, stating, “That was the breaking point. Children.”
    “You were asked to do that?” asks the interviewer.
    “Yes, and I couldn’t do that,” Bernard explains. “And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But that is the world I found myself in. And then I started to refuse assignments within my job. I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.”
  • Bernard addresses the fact that it’s not just in Europe that these rituals are performed, but rather all over the world and by the highest members of the elite class.
  • 'Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true creation. As long as you divide them on political parties, skin color, you name it, then you – from a lucferian point of view – suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power. They can’t stand up for themselves because if they did the luciferians would lose. This monster, this greedy monster would disappear.'
  • Many secret societies take part in and worship this pocket of consciousness, that most call Satanism, in which they perform esoteric rituals that entail ceremonial chanting, gratuitous sexual activities, and even blood sacrifice.
  • There's also a video of an actual sacrifice:
Thanks for sharing this