BTS discussion thread

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
this may sound like a stupid question, but what’s the point of having sacrifices? like what does it prove
It proves loyalty, commitment. The elite require it, to prove you can and will pay any price for fame & money and what bigger price then the life of a loved one. They don't choose who gets sacrificed, the Elite do. Sacrificing is the most important thing in occultism. In satanism, some girls as young as 10 become basically baby factories where the baby is literally born just to be sacrificed. Sacrifices are used to appease their "god".

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018


May 19, 2018
I found an article but i'll copy and paste the important parts:
  • Whistleblowers and victims have been coming forward for decades trying to expose the elite and their use of occult rituals to gain power, commonly referred to as “black magic.” From sexual abuse by different power circles such as the Vatican to secret men’s clubs like the one held annually at Bohemian Grove in California to Satanic rituals, it’s clear that there must be some truth to these stories.
  • Of course, this was only the beginning of the deception involved with the financial elite in Europe, and Bernard hadn’t even come close to experiencing the worst of it. What came next was his introduction to Satanism, a practice that the elite allegedly use through rituals to gain more power--> 'And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan. So I visited these places and they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn’t believe in any of this stuff and was far from convinced any of this was real. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn’t make the connection yet.
    So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some moment, which is why I am telling you this, I was invited to participate in sacrifices abroad.'
  • The next part of the interview deals with who exactly the elite were sacrificing, and unfortunately, Bernard expressed that they used children as the human sacrifices --> 'If they want to control the Middle East, or the music industry they have to make a sacrifice to these “demons.” Whether it’s children or soldiers at war, they always respond to signs and symbols, for example the pyramid shape, the five sided star, the six sided star, they congregate around these signs. This is why major corporate symbols are full of “Illuminati” symbols. That’s why when you wear those clothes, or buy those products, you are giving power to that entity, you are giving energy to it, you are giving it power over you. (source)'
  • Bernard continued to explain the sacrifices and where he drew the line, stating, “That was the breaking point. Children.”
    “You were asked to do that?” asks the interviewer.
    “Yes, and I couldn’t do that,” Bernard explains. “And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But that is the world I found myself in. And then I started to refuse assignments within my job. I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.”
  • Bernard addresses the fact that it’s not just in Europe that these rituals are performed, but rather all over the world and by the highest members of the elite class.
  • 'Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true creation. As long as you divide them on political parties, skin color, you name it, then you – from a lucferian point of view – suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power. They can’t stand up for themselves because if they did the luciferians would lose. This monster, this greedy monster would disappear.'
  • Many secret societies take part in and worship this pocket of consciousness, that most call Satanism, in which they perform esoteric rituals that entail ceremonial chanting, gratuitous sexual activities, and even blood sacrifice.
  • There's also a video of an actual sacrifice:
I remember watching this interview. The man was a Dutch banker, I think. Is he still alive?

OT but I would like to mention this -

What I find extremely interesting is how women are debased in these rituals and reduced to nothing more than sex vessels. Actually, that can apply to the majority of the female population of the world, generally speaking. Nothing in this world happens without reason, and misogyny is one of those things.

If any of you are interested, you may want to research the history of women and the reasoning behind the widespread misogyny in the world today. It's very deep and I've come to believe that the spiritual power structure we have today is inverted.

Before I go into anything I'd just like to say that I don't hate men - but the status the world gives me as a woman often hurts me deeply. It's very imbalanced. When it comes down to it - we apparently have no worth once we're out of our childbearing years.

One of my beliefs is that the world is inverted. What is, isn't and what isn't, is. I've always wondered why women were given such a shoddy station in life. It differs in the world, it's worst in the east, but the west is not a utopia either.

In the (very) ancient societies, women were revered and respected for their ability to create. Creation was a Woman's domain - she was the embodiment of univeral mystery, the spiritual gatekeeper through which men would gain spiritual enlightenment. A man could not ascend without Woman. By design, Women were closer to the Source (or god, whichever you believe) - and so they held high and revered positions such as priestesses. Even kings would have to have the aid of a priestess for spiritual wisdom. Isn't it interesting how modern religions have men in power? How things like periods (needed for creation) deem women unclean for many religious activities?

Isn't it interesting how all prophets and messengers were men and had women as their 'sidekicks'? Or women who were revered were like the Virgin Mary? Pure and chaste? Always relegated to the lesser role. Do a little digging - especially on the spark that was Magdalene - and you may find something surprising.

Misogyny was created out of fear, weak mindedness and spite and has done a great job in reducing women from their true worth. So great that a good number of women perpetuate misogyny themselves. We are more than simply childbearing vessels and that power is given to us by our two X chromosomes and our maternal lineage. What is carried by these two factors is what is feared and men in power keep this knowledge suppressed. The vast majority are ignorant but the top 1% of men know. If you have the time, I would urge you to do a little research on the topic. It's very interesting and at best, is liberating.
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Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
I found an article but i'll copy and paste the important parts:
  • Whistleblowers and victims have been coming forward for decades trying to expose the elite and their use of occult rituals to gain power, commonly referred to as “black magic.” From sexual abuse by different power circles such as the Vatican to secret men’s clubs like the one held annually at Bohemian Grove in California to Satanic rituals, it’s clear that there must be some truth to these stories.
  • Of course, this was only the beginning of the deception involved with the financial elite in Europe, and Bernard hadn’t even come close to experiencing the worst of it. What came next was his introduction to Satanism, a practice that the elite allegedly use through rituals to gain more power--> 'And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan. So I visited these places and they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn’t believe in any of this stuff and was far from convinced any of this was real. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn’t make the connection yet.
    So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some moment, which is why I am telling you this, I was invited to participate in sacrifices abroad.'
  • The next part of the interview deals with who exactly the elite were sacrificing, and unfortunately, Bernard expressed that they used children as the human sacrifices --> 'If they want to control the Middle East, or the music industry they have to make a sacrifice to these “demons.” Whether it’s children or soldiers at war, they always respond to signs and symbols, for example the pyramid shape, the five sided star, the six sided star, they congregate around these signs. This is why major corporate symbols are full of “Illuminati” symbols. That’s why when you wear those clothes, or buy those products, you are giving power to that entity, you are giving energy to it, you are giving it power over you. (source)'
  • Bernard continued to explain the sacrifices and where he drew the line, stating, “That was the breaking point. Children.”
    “You were asked to do that?” asks the interviewer.
    “Yes, and I couldn’t do that,” Bernard explains. “And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But that is the world I found myself in. And then I started to refuse assignments within my job. I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.”
  • Bernard addresses the fact that it’s not just in Europe that these rituals are performed, but rather all over the world and by the highest members of the elite class.
  • 'Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true creation. As long as you divide them on political parties, skin color, you name it, then you – from a lucferian point of view – suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power. They can’t stand up for themselves because if they did the luciferians would lose. This monster, this greedy monster would disappear.'
  • Many secret societies take part in and worship this pocket of consciousness, that most call Satanism, in which they perform esoteric rituals that entail ceremonial chanting, gratuitous sexual activities, and even blood sacrifice.
  • There's also a video of an actual sacrifice:
It's like they hinted at it with The Ones who walk away from Omelas. They knew ARMY would look into the name Omelas and find the story. Ironic that it's basically the sacrifice of a child for a utopian life. Hmmm

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Ok I wanted to share this with ya'll so that when watching certain things, you can be more aware of hidden luciferianism & satanism meanings. On the surface Lucifieranism doesn't seem bad at all. But deep down it's root is satanism. You can see the similarities once you get to the core elements of both.
Luciferanism : The Luciferianism is not a branch of Satanism, (cough cough)
and its main difference is just the focus that it gives to
rebellion, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom,
the individual growth, pushing the limits and self-improvement,
self- discipline, spiritual excellence, independence and mostly freedom.

Luciferianism is an affirmative doctrine that seeks the virtues listed above,

instead of mere opposition to the way of being of Christians that characterizes Satanism. His followers do not worship Lucifer (seen by them as an Angel, or an archetype and not as the embodiment evil in Christianity), but see it as a reference to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment. Given that the origin of its name means Bearer of the Torch .

Luciferians strive for balance between the primal instincts which motivate our designs in life (darkness); with self-determination in maintaining self-control and applying our ability to use reason and logic (light). This symbol of unity of darkness (instinct, emotion) and light (intellect, logic) sparks the Black Flame (inspired imaginative consciousness and potential towards your True Will). This is represented as Liberation, the conscious act of logically destroying restrictive dogma, especially if uncomfortable to gain new levels of insight and power; Illumination is the achievement of the insight of the experience.

The Luciferian philosophy is easily defined as the self-determined path towards potential with a balance between actualizing results in material and spiritual aims. Luciferianism advocates seeking knowledge for a goal-oriented purpose, gaining insight from experience and power from evolving and becoming towards a potential in self-excellence. To challenge and question restrictive belief and dogmatic religion requires courage and a path to the knowledge you seek. This is called Liberation, breaking the chains of ignorance. To seek knowledge to apply towards gaining insight as well as goals is called Illumination. To become aware that you can shape your life by your Will, Desire and Belief is continual Apotheosis.


The Two Most Important Laws of Satanism
The first law, the "Law of Reversal," is the crux of Satanism! Consider the following:
The Black Mass: The entire Roman Catholic litergy of the Mass is performed backwards, or in reverse. Everything is read backwards, or in reversed speech. The Cross in the Black Mass is hung upside down (reverse) over the Satanic altar.

The Anti-Christ: This signals the reverse or direct opposite of Christ.

Heaven is the reversal of Hell. Heaven is up. Hell is down. (As above so below)

God is Light. The Devil is Dark.

The second law, "Self-Awareness":
This sounds modern, but in effect comes from ancient Babylon. The teachings basically are: All is one. Man is a divine being within. Life's purpose is to realize the divine within. Other terms used to describe this are Nirvana, the atonement or at-one-ment, God-consciousness, the satori, and the samadhi.
This state of Gnosis, or Self-Realization of who you are can be finally attained, though Yoga meditation or the like, only by turning within. Then, you self-realize that all life and all about you is Maya, or Self-Illusion. When this is achieved, you now recognize you are God!

Those who want fame, power, spell-casting abilities, demons at their beck and call, and to recognize the godhead within, as well as to know the past, present, and future, he extolled to his apt students, must consistently, with intensity, practice talking (reverse speech), walking, thinking, and playing phonograph records, backwards. This is a form of divination, and we are warned against this in the Holy Bible.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Oh yes they are very important to the elite, and they occur on a regular bases for different reasons, the most common being that to become the wealthiest or to rank up a higher position and royalty from the elite, you need to make a human blood sacrifice, the more higher you are the more successful you are.

I’m not trying to be insensitive, but for example with exo, their comeback this year has been speculated to be one of their biggest comeback in all their history, greater than growl era, it’s a bit suspicious that Kai’s father died recently...I mean yes it could be natural causes and trust me I feel extremely saddened that the poor man lost his life but these type of things can’t be overlooked, it is the music industry after all.

Also look at v, death always surrounds him, first his grandma, then former model best friend who “committed suicide” @Bae Yeon Hee once made a theory on these things,

“v he stated his grandmother passed on September 3rd, 9-3 (same as Ladies Codes EunB) rumored to be a illuminati sacrifice as well, her funeral was held 49 days later, 4+9=13 ( 13 a very important number to the elite )

And I’m sorry but I’ve always been suspicious of his stigma lyrics, it sounds like a confession, but blah blah yeah you can say it’s related to their concepts...but c’mon none of us here are that gullible? Interesting how he was given the role to kill his character’s loved one, and yet when we look at the scene in I need you prologue we see him with a pic of a woman who resembles his grandma

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Like c’mon bighit are known to pay attention to details I suggest you check out @Bae Yeon Hee excellent posts
Awe thanks for this mention. In the blog More connections, about the movies and books referenced to, I didn't include all the occult illuminati connections. I was gonna do a third blog on it just didn't get around to it.


Apr 1, 2018
I remember watching this interview. The man was a Dutch banker, I think. Is he still alive?

OT but I would like to mention this -

What I find extremely interesting is how women are debased in these rituals and reduced to nothing more than sex vessels. Actually, that can apply to the majority of the female population of the world, generally speaking. Nothing in this world happens without reason, and misogyny is one of those things.

If any of you are interested, you may want to research the history of women and the reasoning behind the widespread misogyny in the world today. It's very deep and I've come to believe that the spiritual power structure we have today is inverted.

Before I go into anything I'd just like to say that I don't hate men - but the status the world gives me as a woman often hurts me deeply. It's very imbalanced. When it comes down to it - we apparently have no worth once we're out of our childbearing years.

One of my beliefs is that the world is inverted. What is, isn't and what isn't, is. I've always wondered why women were given such a shoddy station in life. It differs in the world, it's worst in the east, but the west is not a utopia either.

In the (very) ancient societies, women were revered and respected for their ability to create. Creation was a Woman's domain - she was the embodiment of univeral mystery, the spiritual gatekeeper through which men would gain spiritual enlightenment. A man could not ascend without Woman. By design, Women were closer to the Source (or god, whichever you believe) - and so they held high and revered positions such as priestesses. Even kings would have to have the aid of a priestess for spiritual wisdom. Isn't it interesting how modern religions have men in power? How things like periods (needed for creation) deem women unclean for many religious activities?

Isn't it interesting how all prophets and messengers were men and had women as their 'sidekicks'? Or women who were revered were like the Virgin Mary? Pure and chaste? Always relegated to the lesser role. Do a little digging - especially on the spark that was Magdalene - and you may find something surprising.

Misogyny was created out of fear, weakmindedness and spite and has done a great job in reducing women from their true worth. So great that a good number of women perpetuate misogyny themselves. We are more than simply childbearing vessels and that power is given to us by our two X chromosomes and our maternal lineage. What is carried by these two factors is what is feared and men in power keep this knowledge suppressed. The vast majority are ignorant but the top 1% of men know. If you have the time, I would urge you to do a little research on the topic. It's very interesting and at best, is liberating.
Hmm maybe they downgrade women because we might have certain abilities that are stronger than men?
(idk just a thought)
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May 19, 2018
Hmm maybe they downgrade women because we might have certain abilities that are stronger than men?
(idk just a thought)
Yes, something along those lines. I've read that misogyny has spiritual roots, and it is down to possessing certain abilities which doesn't serve the current world's agenda. There is a lot of info to sift through.

Ok I wanted to share this with ya'll so that when watching certain things, you can be more aware of hidden luciferianism & satanism meanings. On the surface Lucifieranism doesn't seem bad at all. But deep down it's root is satanism. You can see the similarities once you get to the core elements of both.
Luciferanism : The Luciferianism is not a branch of Satanism, (cough cough)
and its main difference is just the focus that it gives to
rebellion, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom,
the individual growth, pushing the limits and self-improvement,
self- discipline, spiritual excellence, independence and mostly freedom.

Luciferianism is an affirmative doctrine that seeks the virtues listed above,

instead of mere opposition to the way of being of Christians that characterizes Satanism. His followers do not worship Lucifer (seen by them as an Angel, or an archetype and not as the embodiment evil in Christianity), but see it as a reference to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment. Given that the origin of its name means Bearer of the Torch .

Luciferians strive for balance between the primal instincts which motivate our designs in life (darkness); with self-determination in maintaining self-control and applying our ability to use reason and logic (light). This symbol of unity of darkness (instinct, emotion) and light (intellect, logic) sparks the Black Flame (inspired imaginative consciousness and potential towards your True Will). This is represented as Liberation, the conscious act of logically destroying restrictive dogma, especially if uncomfortable to gain new levels of insight and power; Illumination is the achievement of the insight of the experience.

The Luciferian philosophy is easily defined as the self-determined path towards potential with a balance between actualizing results in material and spiritual aims. Luciferianism advocates seeking knowledge for a goal-oriented purpose, gaining insight from experience and power from evolving and becoming towards a potential in self-excellence. To challenge and question restrictive belief and dogmatic religion requires courage and a path to the knowledge you seek. This is called Liberation, breaking the chains of ignorance. To seek knowledge to apply towards gaining insight as well as goals is called Illumination. To become aware that you can shape your life by your Will, Desire and Belief is continual Apotheosis.


The Two Most Important Laws of Satanism
The first law, the "Law of Reversal," is the crux of Satanism! Consider the following:
The Black Mass: The entire Roman Catholic litergy of the Mass is performed backwards, or in reverse. Everything is read backwards, or in reversed speech. The Cross in the Black Mass is hung upside down (reverse) over the Satanic altar.

The Anti-Christ: This signals the reverse or direct opposite of Christ.

Heaven is the reversal of Hell. Heaven is up. Hell is down. (As above so below)

God is Light. The Devil is Dark.

The second law, "Self-Awareness":
This sounds modern, but in effect comes from ancient Babylon. The teachings basically are: All is one. Man is a divine being within. Life's purpose is to realize the divine within. Other terms used to describe this are Nirvana, the atonement or at-one-ment, God-consciousness, the satori, and the samadhi.
This state of Gnosis, or Self-Realization of who you are can be finally attained, though Yoga meditation or the like, only by turning within. Then, you self-realize that all life and all about you is Maya, or Self-Illusion. When this is achieved, you now recognize you are God!

Those who want fame, power, spell-casting abilities, demons at their beck and call, and to recognize the godhead within, as well as to know the past, present, and future, he extolled to his apt students, must consistently, with intensity, practice talking (reverse speech), walking, thinking, and playing phonograph records, backwards. This is a form of divination, and we are warned against this in the Holy Bible.
Interesting. There is some similarity to gnosticism - is this where these two doctrines are derived from?