BTS discussion thread


Apr 25, 2018
when someone on here mentioned the translated Korean Bible has some flaws and it changed my motivation. I want to learn to be able to translate and clarify any misinterpreted words.
The thing about Christianity in Korea is that it is mostly marred by Shamanism which leads to a lot of Christian cults.

Could someone reverse magic shop?
I'm convinced theres affirmations under it bc i felt tingles like i did with fake love
Really ? I only listened to Magic Shop once - don't know why but the title alone already gives me creeps. Poor Armys, they don't even realize that they have the weirdest fan song (if we wanted to compare it to Vixx, BAP or Seventeen - they have written way more superior and happier songs for their fandoms).


Apr 1, 2018
Really ? I only listened to Magic Shop once - don't know why but the title alone already gives me creeps. Poor Armys, they don't even realize that they have the weirdest fan song (if we wanted to compare it to Vixx, BAP or Seventeen - they have written way more superior and happier songs for their fandoms).
I'll let you know magic shop has nothing to do with what the title says buuut its still creepy
May 24, 2018
They'll torture you any way they see fit so long as they break you enough to program you. I don't know about fire though since they can't cause any permanent damage but I believe water could definitely be one. I've heard of them sticking needles between peoples nails as a method :(
That's really evil. I guess with fire it'll be too obvious with the scars, if they do it. Or they can do it another way as said here:
Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 11.15.05 PM.jpg


Feb 14, 2018
I have to agree. That's why they attack Jesus' name. His name is the only one that seems to offend, which makes you wonder why? I can say from being luciferian their beef is with christians not any other religion. Not with Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or even catholicism because well catholicism is truly the babylonian mystery religion. Sorry if this offends anyone but trust me it's true.
Why do you think Catholicism is the Babylonian of religion? Curious as I was raised Catholic and my entire family is. It's true that every other religion seems to have issues with Christianity.


Apr 25, 2018
I have to agree. That's why they attack Jesus' name. His name is the only one that seems to offend, which makes you wonder why? I can say from being luciferian their beef is with christians not any other religion. Not with Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or even catholicism because well catholicism is truly the babylonian mystery religion. Sorry if this offends anyone but trust me it's true.
Catholic Agnostic here. Not offended at all. It's true that Catholicism has derived from Babylonian religion - which explains why some Catholic Churches have statues of Mother Mary with infant Jesus. Ever since I know this, I am careful about to whom I pray to. I've stopped praying to whatever that I shouldn't pray to - only to Jesus. Special thanks to @some random name for opening my eyes as well.

Why do you think Catholicism is the Babylonian of religion? Curious as I was raised Catholic and my entire family is. It's true that every other religion seems to have issues with Christianity.
Please read this:
and watch this:

I'll let you know magic shop has nothing to do with what the title says buuut its still creepy
Is it related to the book tho' ? Magic Shop book by the neuronsurgeon ? Can't remember the name.


May 16, 2018
Okay this will be a longggg post lol so I'm sorry in advance but I just really needed to bring up things already spoken about and just connect to it to stuff happening now to BTS as well. So @WOKE_ARMY mentioned in a post before about the Prophet Solomon and it got me thinking about the origin of music, black magic, rituals and all that satanic stuff that ties into what the Elite is forcing down into our throats since a young age. Of course, this relates to BTS and K-Pop in general because again another tool to control the people is in entertainment, meaning music.

I think it's kinda ignorant to ignore all the information that historical proofs give us, I was reading posts on this thread and while everyone may not share the same faith (from Christian, Muslim, Judaism etc) we all have this united belief against satanic stuff and what we've noticed in music lol so we can have common ground there.


Sulayman/Solomon(AS) the son of Dâwûd/David (AS) succeeded his father and became the prophet and the sovereign of the Israelites. Israelites meaning a member of the ancient Hebrew nation, in the period from the Exodus to the Babylonian Captivity ( c. 12th to 6th centuries BC). So, Prophet Solomon, he could speak to jinns, wild animals and birds.

Allah/God gave Prophet Solomon (AS) abilities over mankind, the Jinn/Djinn and all living creatures. However of course the Satan/Shaytan wanted to take those powers away from him. One day, Prophet Solomon (AS) gave his ring to a woman called Al-Jaradah. Satan took advantage of this opportunity, came in the form of Sulaiman, and took the ring from her and put the ring on. As Allah had decreed to bless the holder of the ring to have many powers, all mankind, the jinn and devils submitted to Satan. Later, when Prophet Solomon came seeking his ring from the woman, she accused him of being an imposter. Prophet Solomon endured this with patience as he knew that this was a test from Allah (source ibn katheerstories).

Harut and Marut (mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah) were two angels who are known to be behind bringing black magic to this world. Quran clarifies the misunderstanding related to their role. They are mentioned in connection with the events that took place during the time of Prophet Solomon/Sulaiman (AS) the wise prophet and king, who came after Prophet Moses/Musa (AS). Allah’s revelation in the Quran about Solomon(AS) also clears the misconceptions that the Jews had about him that he was “just a sorcerer or idolator who was carried by the wind."

"They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, “We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us).” And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah’s Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their ownselves, if they but knew."

Quran (Surah Al-Baqara, Verses 102-103)

Satan had all these abilities now, abilities he took and now the devils could do as they all wanted to. This is when the whole “Book of Magic/Black Magic” writing began. When Prophet Solomon learned this he took them away and ordered the Jinn to bury it all under his (Prophet Solomon) throne. SO black magic and even fortune telling all came to earth from devils (with new powers) eavesdropped on the descending Angels about things decreed in the Heavens. Then the devils would come down and whisper to soothsayers. When people that visited these “fortune tellers/soothsayers” heard this they would believe it and see it as trustworthy information. Word spread among the Children of Israel that the unseen was known to Jinn.

Of course, it is known that black magic also was practiced and existed before Prophet Solomon, he was sent to the children of Israel, and Prophet Moses was sent before him. We all know the story from the time Prophet Moses/Musa(AS) that black magic was really used and dominant in the rule of the Pharaoh.

So when Allah restored Prophet Solomon his kingdom, and those that strayed returned, Prophet Solomon (AS) learned about the black magic that was now normal to his people. This is when all was seized and he gathered the writings to put in a chest to bury under his throne. Any devils that neared the chest were burned.

In Islam magic is considered to be haraam. Meaning? Haraam refers to anything that is prohibited in the Quran or would result in sin when committed by a Muslim. For example murder or money obtained through cheating or stealing. It can also refer to certain foods and drinks such as pork or alcohol, that is considered Haraam (حرام).

Regarding magic, there are different types to understand.

  1. Tricks: These are simple “games” that anyone can do from card tricks to the three cups being switched as people guess where the ball is. This doesn’t require magic or anything satanic. All of this is just practice, hand movements and tricking your audience.
  2. Black Magic: Obviously not natural and people who do this aren’t doing simple tricks lol. An example would be like Dynamo or any popular magician that people believe to not be assisted by some source whether that be Jinn/Devils.
  3. Miracles: I’m not sure if this story is the same in Christianity BUT I remember watching that movie Prince of Egypt and it had the same thing lol so I guess it is!!, SO the story goes that Prophet Musa(AS) threw down his staff and his staff became a massive serpent, so the magicians who threw down sticks and had these dancing small snakes, Prophet Moses had this serpent which ate them all up. So as you can see, this is a miracle just like Prophet Moses parting the sea in two. Modern day magicians can't do this. These are miracles that have only been performed by Allah/God's most divine messengers, his prophets not common people.
Solomon(AS) appointed guards known as the Knight of the Temple of Solomon (Knight Templars) to guard the temple day and night.

They did this until the prophet passed away, then a devil came in the form of a human being to the knights and said: “I will lead you to an everlasting treasure that will never run out.” He was referring to the writings that were buried under the throne. The Satan led the Knights to dig under Solomon’s throne. To provide credibility to his word he also offered to be killed if he was not correct in his claims. After the people dug out all the writings, the devil told them that it was these writings that had given Prophet Solomon power over mankind, the Jinn and the birds. The devils even altered these books by adding magical and blasphemous writings. The devils wrote about different types of sorcery meant to fulfill different desires. Anyone who does black magic is a slave of Jinn/Djinn.

The knights and the jews stole it and began practicing. They moved completely away from religion and God , and immersed themselves under the power and influence of Iblees (Satan). Due to the nature of their rituals, they quickly became powerful and wealthiest people in the land. (It's starting to add up people lol)

The manuscript smuggled in Europe and the Knight Templars took on the name "Free Masons" -With this new found power, they quickly spread this knowledge across the world, in the forms of secret societies-ALL WITH A COMMON GOAL.: To serve their "God" Satan and to prepare for the arrival of the one-eyed Dajjal/The Anti-Christ, Who is Satans Representative on Earth. Their symbol is a pyramid topped by an "all-seeing" ONE EYE! Please note that the Ancient Egyptians also had the all-seeing one eye which they called the Eye of Ra, and the Eye of Osiris, Remember that the dark arts were learnt from the Pagans of ancient Egypt.

Most of this we all already might know but this will be a continuous post just to sum up everything for everyone so we're all aware of stuff. So next in part 2 is the societies and music.
This is a greaat summary of how it all begins
Refreshing my memory again ! Thank you baby girl Gid bless you!

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Why do you think Catholicism is the Babylonian of religion? Curious as I was raised Catholic and my entire family is. It's true that every other religion seems to have issues with Christianity.
I will private message you since it will be very long and focused solely on religion. If anyone else wants to know I will gladly add you to conversation.


Apr 25, 2018

Pls can anyone tell me what is the significance of these red strings in kabbalah or whatever cult they have? I have seen h0b1 and V wearing these.. Why do they wear it?

I think they are just some fashionable red bracelets. Hmmm.

According to wiki, the kabbalah red bracelet is:
'The red string itself is usually made from thin scarlet wool thread. It is worn as a bracelet or band on the left wrist of the wearer (understood in some Kabbalistic theory as the receiving side of the spiritual body), knotted seven times. The person has to knot it 7 times while saying the kabbalah bracelet prayer.'
May 24, 2018
So I was reading this and another one of the tortures they use is starvation. This might be a stretch but remember when J1min starved himself and even J1n talked about their strict diet plans. J M : So I went on a diet eating only 1 meal in 10 days (from What’s in my Fridge’ ep.)... That is really unhealthy and alarming. This is not only supported by their company but seems to be the status quo in the business.
Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 11.19.52 PM.jpg

Also, about water torture:
Screen Shot 2018-05-28 at 11.19.00 PM.jpg
Lots of depictions of them drowning or being submerged.
So from what I gather (not proof and I might be wrong)-- J M must've been subject to some starvation and water torture now he is another beta-kitten slave. Just from piecing these together. J1n also subject to starvation according to his account. Poor souls. Evil business, evil industry. Also "heavy exercise" and periods of "lack of sleep" this could link to their long hours of dance practices and how many times have they said they didn't get enough sleep and people also noticed how tired they were?

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Feb 14, 2018
Catholic Agnostic here. Not offended at all. It's true that Catholicism has derived from Babylonian religion - which explains why some Catholic Churches have statues of Mother Mary with infant Jesus. Ever since I know this, I am careful about to whom I pray to. I've stopped praying to whatever that I shouldn't pray to - only to Jesus. Special thanks to @some random name for opening my eyes as well.

Please read this:
and watch this:
I watched most of it and found it interesting. I don't necessarily believe in any of it and there's a reason as to why I left Catholicism and ultimately, Christianity behind me but I respect all opinions regardless of anyones beliefs.

I will private message you since it will be very long and focused solely on religion. If anyone else wants to know I will gladly add you to conversation.
I watched the YT video that explained it so I'm fine but thank you! :)


Jan 16, 2018
They're just basically sentences under music..

So like for an example.. I do this a lot actually i'll start repeating similar sentences in my brain... but for example say if i wanted a certain situation to happen like the teacher to skip me during presentations i'll just repeat these sentences in my head: "She is skipping me. Why is she skipping me? She is skipping me" or something along the lines of that.. but you can actually force your brain to accept affirmations

so like "I am forcing myself to do [whatever you want]" but they are usually unhealthy because i don't think you would like to be forced to do something... but it does make the results show quicker because if you're not forcing yourself to accept it you're waiting for your brain to accept the affirmations. Forcing your brain will make it accept it immediately

If you're putting it under music its more effective if you have 2 voices saying it rather than 1 but you'll still get results
Frequencies and Subliminal messages under music are the most common reason for headaches

I was gonna say it is basically the same as subliminal messages. In this case it would be like, "Buy our music. Don't listen to other singers. Listen to us." Is that it? Lol

Only your subconscious can pick it up, am I right?


Feb 14, 2018
So I was reading this and another one of the tortures they use is starvation. This might be a stretch but remember when J1min starved himself and even J1n talked about their strict diet plans. J M : So I went on a diet eating only 1 meal in 10 days (from What’s in my Fridge’ ep.)... That is really unhealthy and alarming. This is not only supported by their company but seems to be the status quo in the business.
View attachment 7995

Also, about water torture:
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Lots of depictions of them drowning or being submerged.
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So from what I gather (not proof and I might be wrong)-- J M must've been subject to some starvation and water torture. Just from piecing these together. J1n also subject to starvation according to his account. Poor souls. Evil business, evil industry. Also "heavy exercise" and periods of "lack of sleep" this could link to their long hours of dance practices and how many times have they said they didn't get enough sleep and people also noticed how tired they were?

I've always thought their starving "diets" were used as a programming method. I never noticed the water submersion as potentially being related as an mk-ultra method since I've always figured it was only a storyline. But it honestly wouldn't surprise me if it's used as a tool.

V poured water on Jimin and I always thought it was out of place and didn't understand why they found it so funny. Am I missing something?

May 24, 2018
I've always thought their starving "diets" were used as a programming method. I never noticed the water submersion as potentially being related as an mk-ultra method since I've always figured it was only a storyline. But it honestly wouldn't surprise me if it's used as a tool.

V poured water on Jimin and I always thought it was out of place and didn't understand why they found it so funny. Am I missing something?

It might seem funny to them maybe some kind of insider secret seeing him being humiliated? But J M seems to embrace it and doesn't show any signs of humiliation. Might also be numbed to it due to the programming.. Not entirely sure... The industry seems to use humiliation as a form of entertainment and the masses seem to approve of it...:( Edit: Also, I think in that episode the loser has to dance while water is being poured on them. And, how it looks like a baptism as well?
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Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
I watched most of it and found it interesting. I don't necessarily believe in any of it and there's a reason as to why I left Catholicism and ultimately, Christianity behind me but I respect all opinions regardless of anyones beliefs.

I watched the YT video that explained it so I'm fine but thank you! :)
Sorry I saw this after I sent message lol


Feb 14, 2018
It might seem funny to them maybe some kind of insider secret seeing him being humiliated? But J M seems to embrace it and doesn't show any signs of humiliation. Might also be numbed to it due to the programming.. Not entirely sure... The industry seems to use humiliation as a form of entertainment and the masses seem to approve of it...:(
Interesting view point. V just may have thought it would be funny to drench him since he's an odd one lol he doesn't seem afraid of water either from their BV's, etc. which would be expected from someone with trauma from water torture so maybe it's just a story line after all.

Sorry I saw this after I sent message lol
No worries!


Dec 22, 2017
V poured water on Jimin and I always thought it was out of place and didn't understand why they found it so funny. Am I missing something?
they know what's going on and usually laugh at it
whatch this video:

at the 9:20 mark Jimin asks RM why he always puts his hand over one eye in pictures. Look at his response and Jimin's reaction (laughing as usual) lol I'm convinced they know
May 24, 2018
Interesting view point. V just may have thought it would be funny to drench him since he's an odd one lol he doesn't seem afraid of water either from their BV's, etc. which would be expected from someone with trauma from water torture so maybe it's just a story line after all.
Yes, I agree that he seems to not have trauma from water irl and it could be just a storyline. But, I am confused? Alarmed? At this concept that looks like drowning/suicide? Maybe it's not that deep? And its just their plot... Maybe that's what's "IN" - Dark concept.
But , they could also be giving hints about the tortures that are done behind the scenes (Bt$) in their MVs. Not necessarily on themselves, but on others. Or they don't remember the torture because they disassociate from themselves and its another one of their alters?
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Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Yes, I agree that he seems to not have trauma from water irl and it could be just a storyline. But, I am confused? Alarmed? At this concept that looks like drowning/suicide? Maybe it's not that deep? And its just their plot... Maybe that's what's "IN" - Dark concept.
View attachment 8002
But , they could also be giving hints about the tortures that are done behind the scenes (Bt$) in their MVs. Not necessarily on themselves, but on others.
I posted a day or so ago an article about bathtub symbolism but it also covers the signifigance of water/rain as well. It kinda has to do with being baptized into the occult.

Here's the link again

Here's the video if you don't want to read.

There's a pic of V in a bathtub no water signing something with a black feathered pen that has never sat right with me. I keep trying to post it but it says file is too large.