BTS discussion thread


May 16, 2018
I’m still confused on a lot of stuff so I have more questions. You don’t have to answer all of them, just whatever one or ones you know or feel like answering.

1. If the elite worship satan wouldn’t that also mean they believe in God? (Not worship him but believe he exists) and if they believe in God wouldn’t they also believe he’s all powerful and would be able to end satan and all of them when the time came?

2. Why do they cover one eye? I know it has to do with some Egyptian eye of Horus thing (?). And with that eye on the pyramid. But what does it mean and what does it have to do with the Illuminati? What does it mean to them?

Adding to that why do so many Illuminati things lead back to Egypt? The eye, the pyramid, etc.

3. Does satan control the elite and fill their head with the agendas and carry it out through them? How did they know what he wanted to/know what he wants?

4. Why are there different names for him? The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, etc. Are they basically the same? Like the Devil seems like the red guy with horns, a pointed tail, and a pitch fork, and Satan seems like the dark shadowy figure on fire with a really deep voice. And Lucifer is the fallen angel who is supposed to look beautiful, but the baphomet is a goat headed thing.

5. I’ve seen some say that they need to repent because the end times are near (resurrection?) and I’ve also seen people say the new world order is coming into place soon. So would a resurrection happen during the nwo or after?

6. For people who don’t believe in the resurrection part and just the nwo. Do you think it’ll be too late and everyone will be doomed if it’s implemented?

I think there’s a balance in the universe and if the elite control everything in the world, there has to be an opposite but equal force of good that can fight back. Most likely “the people”. I think they’d fight back once they finally realize no matter how brainwashed they were.

I’m know my questions probably sound really dumb but I just want to know the different takes on it because I know people interpret the Illuminati in different ways, through religious views, as a corrupt and evil greedy business, both, and more.
It’s interesting what @DarkAndWild wrote, I agreed with the statement. I’m a muslim, and Islam and Christianity shares a lot of things! So here’s from my pov.

From what I understand, it all started with prophet Sulaiman ( Solomon ) who owned armies of djinn. And Solomon is gifted with the ability to talk to them (the unseen world) the animals and also had powers. ( you guys can google it)
So Solomon kept a magic book where all the secret to do all kind of magic is in there under his castle (correct me if I’m wrong at this part).
So the British or maybe the ancient people of Egypt found it and then practiced it and several centuries later the British found it and start practicing it as well until today.
In Islam, we believe in the arrival of the Dajjal or the AntiChrist.
And we believe the elite is accomplishing Dajjal/antichrist’s plans/agendas to fit our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s prophecies about him and the end times.
So why do the elites want to accomplish NWO so bad and why they planned it ? Because when there’s religion, it’s all about achieving peace, right?
In my religion ( I don’t know about Christian) in banking system, we are not allowed to have interest in any transactions. Everything needs to be done fair and square. So the elites didn’t like the idea so they came out with the current system. Everything need to be paid extra, right? Hence, the one currency agenda.

Now move on to the one religion agenda. Every religions teach us that all humans are the same. Be it if you’re white, black, asians, hispanic, we are all equals. But they don’t like that. So they created status. They make black people as a slave, they downgraded certain ethnics and people and creating levels so people know who’s in the bottom and who’s the higher.
They don’t want to be equal, they don’t want to share goodness with each other. Religions comes with rules, you can do this,you cannot do that. So if ones follow the religion religiously, it would have so many restrictions. Like, you cannot steal, you cannot lie and you can’t hurt you brothers and sisters. They broke all this so they can do all that. So yes, they do believe inGod and they know God exist. They’re blinded by powers, money and all the promises.

About the signs thingy I think it’s a worldwide codes?

In Islam, the fallen angel is what we call Iblees. The shaytaan/satan is their sons. They’re many different names and kinds of satan and iblees too. Each has their own roles in deceiving the son of Adam.

Sorry if it’s too long! Your question is not dumb! I was curious too and hope to read more answers from other friends in this forum!


May 16, 2018
1. If the elite worship satan wouldn’t that also mean they believe in God? (Not worship him but believe he exists) and if they believe in God wouldn’t they also believe he’s all powerful and would be able to end satan and all of them when the time came?

I've read somewhere that they are aware of the existence of God, but are manipulated to believe that God is evil and Satan is good.

2. Why do they cover one eye? I know it has to do with some ECthat eye on the pyramid. But what does it mean and what does it have to do with the Illuminati? What does it mean to them?

In Islam teachings there is the so-called Dajjal.

"Al-Masih al-Dajjal" or "al-Dajjal": The "Dajjal" is one of the ten great signs that indicate that the Last Day is imminent. The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم said: "From the creation of Adam until the hour comes, there is no greater trial (fitnah) than the trial of" dajjal "!" (Ahmed 15831)

"Dajjal" means "liar" and comes from "dajala" - "cover up, cover up" because it covers reality and truth with its lies.

The "lies Messiah" "Dajjal is called" Masih "because the word in Arabic is due to the word stem" masaha = wipe ". In a Hadith to Muslim (5221) states: "The eye of the" Dajjal "is wiped out (" Mamasuh "of" masaha "- it is not there) and between his eyes is" Kafir "(infidel)!"

The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم has described the "Dajjal", so that one can beware of him: he is a redskinned, young well-built man, hairy with a snake-like head, wide forehead and strong neck. He is short and has O-legs. One of his arms is longer than the other. In the right eye, which looks like a picked grape, he is blind; over the left, on which he still sees, is a thick Hautwulst. Between his eyes stands, so that every believer clearly recognizes - whether he can read or not - "Kafir - infidel", or the Arabic letters "Kaf", "Fa", "Ra", from which the word "Kafir" consists. The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم also says that he is childless and barren.

Interesting "coincidence", don't you think? Could it be that it's the Dajjal all these devil worshippers are waiting for? They pay homage to him by covering their eyes.

Does satan control the elite and fill their head with the agendas and carry it out through them? How did they know what he wanted to/know what he wants?

Lucifer only communicate with very specific and very few people. He selects them to act as his deputies. They are the ones who pass on his will. This is what I believe.

4. Why are there different names for him? The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, etc. Are they basically the same? Like the Devil seems like the red guy with horns, a pointed tail, and a pitch fork, and Satan seems like the dark shadowy figure on fire with a really deep voice. And Lucifer is the fallen angel who is supposed to look beautiful, but the baphomet is a goat headed thing.

- because there are many different languages, all of which have a different name for him

- there are dozens of other demons that have their own characteristics and names. When one speaks of Satan, one doesn't always mean Lucifer.

- Demons are shapeshifters. They can turn into any person and form, so you can see so many different pictures of them.

Incidentally, I think that Lucifer was never an angel. This story was invented over time to portray him as the "heroic rebel" rebelling against God's injustices. I am convinced that Lucifer belonged to the demons from the beginning.

6. For people who don’t believe in the resurrection part and just the nwo. Do you think it’ll be too late and everyone will be doomed if it’s implemented?

I don't believe in this "my religion is the only salvation" -thinking. Anyone who does good and avoids evil, prays to God, is sincere and humble, can find his place in paradise. Of course, everyone is convinced of his religion, but in my eyes, God doesn't choose religion. There are countless ways leading to the Lord.
2 + 8 is 10
6 + 4 is also 10
So why should only one path lead to God and all others to hell?
That would be unfair to people who were born into a certain religion and were strongly influenced by it. And God is never unfair.
Everyone, whether Muslim, Christian or whatever, can be on the right path.
Oh thank you for this! I wanted to explain like this but I was too lazy to copy paste the Dajjals part. It’s 2 am in the morning right now in Malaysia!

And yes, like I said in my replies, they’re achieving/waiting for Dajjal, and nope, it’s not a coincidence at all, all of the one eye signs are for him! They’re expecting him!

For my non muslim friends in here who don’t know who Dajjal is can search it on YT, there are to s of videos talking about his arrival!
Religion differences aside, hope you guys enjoy gaining new knowledge !


Feb 14, 2018
You just wrote my thoughts. I also think they do these comments because of jealousy. Objectively tae is the most handsome man in bts, maby now jk is the most popular but I think since debut it was tae, cs asian people have huge weakness for beautiful people. It is common in bands - jealousy. Everybody's want to be more popular, especially when it's their life goal. So yeah, they are trying to make themselves feel better with such a comments adressed to Tae.
I believe Tae was an ulzzang before debuting from what I've heard which is one of the reasons they had to keep him hidden? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I definitely think there are jealousy issues within the group. It's quite normal considering the competitiveness within the Asian community. Jin was always considered "the visual" since debut but within the passed couple years, Tae has been getting called the visual even from media more so than Jin. I've noticed that Jin almost never comments on Tae's appearance while the others, especially RM are quick to call him as the visual now. I've only ever heard Jin mention it once during a Vlive that people regard Tae as the most handsome/the visual in the group now but that that title is still officially his.

Jin was pretty mean to Jimin in a Festa (I think 2015?) where he commented in a pretty annoyed and serious tone that there's no way Jimin could ever call himself handsome with a face like that and especially over him. Jimin suddenly got very quiet and I felt awful for him. I can't imagine the things they used to say to him why his confidence issues are so low even now when he's considered as one of the most attractive and the one who draws in the most fans.


May 19, 2018
It’s interesting what @DarkAndWild wrote, I agreed with the statement. I’m a muslim, and Islam and Christianity shares a lot of things! So here’s from my pov.

From what I understand, it all started with prophet Sulaiman ( Solomon ) who owned armies of djinn. And Solomon is gifted with the ability to talk to them (the unseen world) the animals and also had powers. ( you guys can google it)
So Solomon kept a magic book where all the secret to do all kind of magic is in there under his castle (correct me if I’m wrong at this part).
So the British or maybe the ancient people of Egypt found it and then practiced it and several centuries later the British found it and start practicing it as well until today.
In Islam, we believe in the arrival of the Dajjal or the AntiChrist.
And we believe the elite is accomplishing Dajjal/antichrist’s plans/agendas to fit our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s prophecies about him and the end times.
So why do the elites want to accomplish NWO so bad and why they planned it ? Because when there’s religion, it’s all about achieving peace, right?
In my religion ( I don’t know about Christian) in banking system, we are not allowed to have interest in any transactions. Everything needs to be done fair and square. So the elites didn’t like the idea so they came out with the current system. Everything need to be paid extra, right? Hence, the one currency agenda.

Now move on to the one religion agenda. Every religions teach us that all humans are the same. Be it if you’re white, black, asians, hispanic, we are all equals. But they don’t like that. So they created status. They make black people as a slave, they downgraded certain ethnics and people and creating levels so people know who’s in the bottom and who’s the higher.
They don’t want to be equal, they don’t want to share goodness with each other. Religions comes with rules, you can do this,you cannot do that. So if ones follow the religion religiously, it would have so many restrictions. Like, you cannot steal, you cannot lie and you can’t hurt you brothers and sisters. They broke all this so they can do all that. So yes, they do believe inGod and they know God exist. They’re blinded by powers, money and all the promises.

About the signs thingy I think it’s a worldwide codes?

In Islam, the fallen angel is what we call Iblees. The shaytaan/satan is their sons. They’re many different names and kinds of satan and iblees too. Each has their own roles in deceiving the son of Adam.

Sorry if it’s too long! Your question is not dumb! I was curious too and hope to read more answers from other friends in this forum!
What you wrote was really informative! I'm Muslim as well lol and learned most of this stuff too, but anyways for those wanting to have links to learn more, I found some here for you.


Dec 22, 2017
Am I the only one thinks its fishy he congratulated them, doesn't it mean they're a step higher in the eyes of elite?]
yes it means exactly that, also pay attention to his letter where he talks about magic:

"there is a MAGICAL power wich can change sadness into hope and diference into equivalence"

The president also mentioned the grammys in his letter saying he wishes BTS to get it and he wants them to be to be the "most influential artist in the world" ;)


Jan 16, 2018
In my opinion, the main reason b*s has been "picked" is because of their fan base. They post often on social media and are known as humble and hardworking people (making people relate to them). When you watch their content it feels like they're your friends and not your favorite kpop idols. For this reason their fan base has become stronger and has helped propel b*s into something huge. Now since the elite noticed how obsessive and huge their fan base is, they've picked them and basically made them blow up.

I agree. It is because of the fanbase. The boys know this; that's why they keep thanking ARMYs every chance they get, which in turn propels them into even more stardom because ARMY will continue to do everything they can to receive their recognition like it is some kind of reward for good behavior.

Their fanbase is the only sensible reason as to why they've been chosen. Their fanbase includes so many different classes of people, young and old, color, religion, music taste....

Where I get confused is if everything was planned from the start, how were they able to predict having this much success?


Feb 23, 2018
Hey everyone, been a long time lurker here and in the other kpop thread but only decided to join a couple days ago :) Felt so glad to have found this place where the discussions are far less delusional and much more respectful towards each other. I honestly feel my brain cells drifting away every time I scroll down stan twitter and coming across blind fanatics all the time. Am also impressed seeing the amount of research you guys have done so far!

I wasn't originally into K pop at all (i even despised it lol) but eventually got sucked in when I started having an interest in korean language 8 months ago.. thought entertainment would be the easiest way for me to immerse in the language so I decided to dive in & my first bias group was e><o. Then I moved on to Bㅜ$ as they have tons of content and instantly got hooked. I found it weird bc i was obsessed with them in just a short time and was even thinking of making a $uga shrine in my room :eek:
Anyway i'm not really into Bㅜ$' latest album except for $ingularity, had that one on constant replay.
Their FL comeback show with those hoods creeped the heck out of me too. Indeed has striking similarities with e><o's mama as that was what came through my mind while watching.

Also, i've been wondering, if these groups have been practicing similar rituals to elevate their fame, why then only "chosen" ones like Bㅜ$ gets a bombastic effect from it? I knew e><o too had their share of fame but it's not even close to what Bㅜ$ is getting right now, especially globally.. could it have something to do with which evil entity they worship or how often they promote the elite's agenda? what do you guys think?
Well I think they all promote elite agenda, but they also choose amoung them people who'll get more fame based on astrology and numerology and elite goals. For examle there weren't so many fans of kpop before girls generation. Now bts were chosen to continue their mission. I've noticed that it is after bts people started pay so much attention to kpop in general. They think it's innocent , diffrent from rihana and others, while in reality it is much more addictive and heavily promotes occultism. Smbd also said its elites agenda to make such a huge attention for asia right now. Cs ecerybodys know how popular bands are and it's suprisely quite rare in western industry. They made korea platform for boys and girls groups - cute, innocent in some way, who don't date, don't smoke, don't do drugs, dont sleep with so many women and men(wich is all not true) and dream about perfect families - husband materials for teen girls and adult men.
And now white and black girls massively going crazy about Korea. some thorists say it was planned to raise tourism in Korea. 20 yr ago forigners were in Europe in Usa, but not in Asis. Then Japan happend and everybody were obsessed about anime and jpop, my older cousin said in begining of 2000s so many people learned japanese and wanted to travel there, not in europe anymore. And now Korea. I watched one woman on youtube who married to korean man. And she said when she came with him there in 2008 everybody were starring at her, it was so uncomfortable being in public then. But now thanks to kpop Korea filled with foreigners and it seems like now it s one of the most popular country to visit.
All these fans now dreaming marrying if not idol then perfect korean man or cute korean woman, it is also became a place for some white people to feed their egos. Again, I so youtube channel were guy just travelling in China, Korea and Japan and picking up asian girls so easily just cs he is tall blonde, making videos with advices how easily get them,while in his own country he would hardly get any woman. It's so discusting brrr
So yes, kpop blew tourism in Korea very welk, now its the most popular Asian country
Last edited:


Apr 22, 2018
I believe Tae was an ulzzang before debuting from what I've heard which is one of the reasons they had to keep him hidden? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I definitely think there are jealousy issues within the group. It's quite normal considering the competitiveness within the Asian community. Jin was always considered "the visual" since debut but within the passed couple years, Tae has been getting called the visual even from media more so than Jin. I've noticed that Jin almost never comments on Tae's appearance while the others, especially RM are quick to call him as the visual now. I've only ever heard Jin mention it once during a Vlive that people regard Tae as the most handsome/the visual in the group now but that that title is still officially his.

Jin was pretty mean to Jimin in a Festa (I think 2015?) where he commented in a pretty annoyed and serious tone that there's no way Jimin could ever call himself handsome with a face like that and especially over him. Jimin suddenly got very quiet and I felt awful for him. I can't imagine the things they used to say to him why his confidence issues are so low even now when he's considered as one of the most attractive and the one who draws in the most fans.
And here I thought jin was nice....
I think v and jimin are always ridiculed...


Jan 16, 2018
Well I think they all promote elite agenda, but they also choose amoung them people who'll get more fame based on astrology and numerology and elite goals. For examle there weren't so many fans of kpop before girls generation. Now bts were chosen to continue their mission. I've noticed that it is after bts people started pay so much attention to kpop in general. They think it's innocent , diffrent from rihana and others, while in reality it is much more addictive and heavily promotes occultism. Smbd also said its elites agenda to make such a huge attention for asia right now. Cs ecerybodys know how popular bands are and it's suprisely quite rare in western industry. They made korea platform for boys and girls groups - cute, innocent in some way, who don't date, don't smoke, don't do drugs, dont sleep with so many women and men(wich is all not true) and dream about perfect families - husband materials for tee girls and adult men.
And now white and black girls massively going crazy about Korea. some thorists say it was planned to raise tourism in Korea. 20 yr ago forigners were in Europe in Usa, but not in Asis. Then Japan happend and everybody were obsessed about anime and jpop, my older cousin said in begining of 2000s so many people learned japanese and wanted to travel there, not in europe anymore. And now Korea. I watched one woman on youtube who married to korean man. And she said when she came with him there in 2008 everybody were starring at her, it was so uncomfortable being in public then. But now thanks to kpop Korea filled with foreigners and it seems like now it s one of the most popular country to visit.
All these fans now dreaming marrying if not idol then perfect korean man or cute korean woman, it is also became aa place for some white people to feed their ego. Again, I so youtube chanbel were guy just travelling in China, Korea and Japan and picking up asian girls so easily just cs he is tall blonde, making videos with advices how easily get them,while in his own country he would hardly get any woman. It's so discusting brrr
So yes, kpop blew tourism in Korea very welk, now its the most popular Asian country

Speaking of this, I've noticed in Hollywood movies, they have been showing locations in Korea. I always found that odd for some reason. Just didn't know why.

I blame KDramas too for the fetishism with moving to Korea and dating the perfect/beautiful man. If only they knew the people look nothing like they do!


Dec 23, 2017
And here I thought jin was nice....
I think v and jimin are always ridiculed...
Well tbh I’m not trying to condone Jin’s jealous tendencies but can you blame him tho? Like he’s always known as the weakest link in bts, even when they started out, he stood out like a sore thumb because he wasn’t that much of a great dancer, or singer compared to the rest of the members, so I think he takes a lot of pride in his appearance, and feels the need to always call himself handsome because that’s the only thing he feels he has to offer? Someone in bts being more beautiful than him is threatening because he feels less valuable idk, it’s kinda ironic because he acts all confident but in reality he’s extremely insecure


Dec 22, 2017
I agree. It is because of the fanbase. The boys know this; that's why they keep thanking ARMYs every chance they get, which in turn propels them into even more stardom because ARMY will continue to do everything they can to receive their recognition like it is some kind of reward for good behavior.
they keep thanking armys: the reason why we are here is because of armys, we are not going to partys to see army, the awards we win all belong to armys, all the questions we are asked are about armys, armys are my grilfriends and the air I breathe (they literally said this)

This kind of codependency they are creating with the fans is not healthy and i'm convinced it will end in a bad way
May 8, 2018
1. The 3lit3 do believe in God despite what people may think. Either they think God is the enemy or that He is rendered powerless because whatever they've been told, the serpent has lied to them. They hate God and everything He has created just like their boss. They live for the power satan gives to them and they happily do his bidding. Just as God has agents of light, satan has agents of darkness. Remember, scripture tells us when he tempted Yeshua/Jesus, he promised to give Him all the kingdoms in the world if he would bow down to worship him. This let's us know he is the one in control of this world and can give "blessings" that come with a price ("If you do this for me..."). They believe in God, they're not atheists. To be an atheist, you must not believe in either one. If they believe in satan, they believe in Yah.

Part of 2. I don't have the full answer and I'm not stating it as fact. I just think they adopted Egyptology as their religion and its practices. If you think back to ancient history, Egypt in those times was influential with the science they had access too. Some theologians believe they gained knowledge from the fallen angels and that was how they were able to become influential and build the pyramids of Giza. It is my personal belief that we are seeing a modern day Egypt (not the country, but the ancient practices) with the technology we have now.

3. A simpler answer is yes and yes. I'm a follower of Christ, but even I have to admit that satanists are on top of their game when it comes to their practice. They're so dedicated, they will spend hours upon hours of praying, casting spells, performing rituals, etc. because they have faith in what they do and who they serve. Many Christians can't even 'stand to be in church for two hours before they get bored and tired, ready to get on with their day. The difference is terrifying once you really think about it. I believe that is why they are succeeding as a whole and that darkness seems to be winning: most Christians don't fully understand the power they have and are just getting by but are too afraid to come into contact to combat darkness. ("For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places," Ephesians 6:12.) Satanists are putting in the work that is necessary to obtain their power even if it is false. In order for satan to operate in this world, he needs people to do it. Just like in order for God to intervene in this world, He needs His people to do their part. It's a dichotomy.

4. I'm learning this myself, so I cannot say what is the real name or if they are all his name. I know he is called the Angel of Light: Lucifer and is considered to be beautiful. He doesn't have a red suit with a pitchfork and devil horns lol (I'm not directing this to you, but just the popular image we have of him of something grotesque). I believe if he was to appear to us in human form, he would be stunning and beautiful to both women and men and therefore appear to be nonthreatening. That is why it is important as a believer in Yah, to be able to discern spirits and test them to see whom do they serve. Anyway, I call him a serpent these days, lol. Or just "enemy."

5. Hmmm. Resurrection. Hmmm. I'm not going to say anything about this. I will say whether it happens or not, people should really decide if they're going to follow God, satan, or self. The choice is up to them. We are definitely living in different times. Not sure if our generation will see it come to an end or the next one will. But like so many of these pop artists sing in their songs, "you better live today as if it was your last" (errrr, actually they sing that they're going to live their life like they're never gonna die lol. My bad!).

6. The NWO is going to happen, resurrection or no resurrection. There is too much evidence of it being set in place.

You're right. People do have the power to fight back. Fear, brainwashing, propaganda, etc. are the tools to keep us in control and asleep. Not even that, keeping us bogged down with every day life, keeping us sick, working 8 hours a day, making us tired to the point where we don't have the energy to fight back. We really do live in a lie (a matrix as some call it).
Thank you very much! I feel I know so much more now.


Apr 22, 2018
Well tbh I’m not trying to condone Jin’s jealous tendencies but can you blame him tho? Like he’s always known at the weakest link in bts, even when they started out, he stood out like a sore thumb because he wasn’t that much of a great dancer, or singer compared to the rest of the members, so I think he takes a lot of pride in his appearance, and feels the need to always call himself handsome because that’s the only thing he feels he has to offer? Someone in bts being more beautiful than him is threatening because he feels less valuable idk, it’s kinda ironic because he acts all confident but in reality he’s extremely insecure
I thought he would understand others if he had been through so much....But in reality it's otherwise...


Jan 16, 2018
they keep thanking armys: the reason why we are here is because of armys, we are not going to partys to see army, the awards we win all belong to armys, all the questions we are asked are about armys, armys are my grilfriends and the air I breathe (they literally said this)

This kind of codependency they are creating with the fans is not healthy and i'm convinced it will end in a bad way

Ugh! ARMYs are gonna feel betrayed if there ever is a dating scandal.

I finally watched their vlive from the BBMAs and I couldn't help but laugh at how abruptly JH told them to pop the champagne so they could end it, lol. I said, "He ready to go to the party!" They were all still dressed after all. They probably didn't go to the after party (or did they? Haha).

Oh, and JK know good and well he sipped that champagne after they cut the camera off lol!
May 8, 2018
It’s interesting what @DarkAndWild wrote, I agreed with the statement. I’m a muslim, and Islam and Christianity shares a lot of things! So here’s from my pov.

From what I understand, it all started with prophet Sulaiman ( Solomon ) who owned armies of djinn. And Solomon is gifted with the ability to talk to them (the unseen world) the animals and also had powers. ( you guys can google it)
So Solomon kept a magic book where all the secret to do all kind of magic is in there under his castle (correct me if I’m wrong at this part).
So the British or maybe the ancient people of Egypt found it and then practiced it and several centuries later the British found it and start practicing it as well until today.
In Islam, we believe in the arrival of the Dajjal or the AntiChrist.
And we believe the elite is accomplishing Dajjal/antichrist’s plans/agendas to fit our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s prophecies about him and the end times.
So why do the elites want to accomplish NWO so bad and why they planned it ? Because when there’s religion, it’s all about achieving peace, right?
In my religion ( I don’t know about Christian) in banking system, we are not allowed to have interest in any transactions. Everything needs to be done fair and square. So the elites didn’t like the idea so they came out with the current system. Everything need to be paid extra, right? Hence, the one currency agenda.

Now move on to the one religion agenda. Every religions teach us that all humans are the same. Be it if you’re white, black, asians, hispanic, we are all equals. But they don’t like that. So they created status. They make black people as a slave, they downgraded certain ethnics and people and creating levels so people know who’s in the bottom and who’s the higher.
They don’t want to be equal, they don’t want to share goodness with each other. Religions comes with rules, you can do this,you cannot do that. So if ones follow the religion religiously, it would have so many restrictions. Like, you cannot steal, you cannot lie and you can’t hurt you brothers and sisters. They broke all this so they can do all that. So yes, they do believe inGod and they know God exist. They’re blinded by powers, money and all the promises.

About the signs thingy I think it’s a worldwide codes?

In Islam, the fallen angel is what we call Iblees. The shaytaan/satan is their sons. They’re many different names and kinds of satan and iblees too. Each has their own roles in deceiving the son of Adam.

Sorry if it’s too long! Your question is not dumb! I was curious too and hope to read more answers from other friends in this forum!
Thank you! It’s definitely not too long at all!


Feb 14, 2018
they keep thanking armys: the reason why we are here is because of armys, we are not going to partys to see army, the awards we win all belong to armys, all the questions we are asked are about armys, armys are my grilfriends and the air I breathe (they literally said this)

This kind of codependency they are creating with the fans is not healthy and i'm convinced it will end in a bad way
Exactly! They're fanbase is fueled by obsession and delusion. This is normal for all fandoms but they take it to another level.

ARMYs say they'll be fine if they have a dating scandal because they're trying to convince themselves they're above that typical fandom behaviour but I have a feeling it won't end well. They've esentially added fuel to the fire and encourage possesive behaviour by referring to their fans so intimately as their girlfriends.

It's a recipe for disaster.


Dec 22, 2017