Can you be spiritual without being religious?

Apr 12, 2017
@Red Sky at Morning I see you are still apparently serving under compulsion and counting the benefits,

rather than standing on your own feet and choosing to be free, as the context of that particular chapter of Joshua clearly instructs, which shows that you don't really understand what you have just quoted.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
@Red Sky at Morning I see you are still apparently serving under compulsion and counting the benefits,

rather than standing on your own feet and choosing to be free, as the context of that particular chapter of Joshua clearly instructs, which shows that you don't really understand what you have just quoted.
It's a conversation as old as the world, FHM...

Listen to the Serpent and sit in judgement of God and his revelation of himself or "slavishly" obey your maker. You can stack up role models and stories that cast rebellion in a heroic light, embrace the light and shade of human nature if you want, but I'm with Joshua here.

And also with the rather Mule-like determination of a character I admired by C.S Lewis as a child...

"One word, Ma'am,' he said... 'One word. All you've been saying is quite right, I shouldn't wonder. I'm a chap who always liked to know the worst and then put the best face I can on it. So I won't deny any of what you said. But there's one thing more to be said, even so. Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things--trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that's a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We're just babies making up a game, if you're right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That's why I'm going to stand by the play-world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia. So, thanking you kindly for our supper, if these two gentlemen and the young lady are ready, we're leaving your court at once and setting out in the dark to spend our lives looking for Overland. Not that our lives will be very long, I should think; but that's small loss if the world's as dull a place as you say."

Mic drop.


May 3, 2018
A man is drowning in the middle if the Atlantic and a boat comes past. With vile negativity the thoughtless, insensitive captain points out to the flailing man that he will soon be fish food unless he climbs on board.

"Move on, buddy" shouts the man between gulps of air. "I don't need your kind of 'solution'".

I will leave you both to it, @Bacsi and @Gnostic Christian Bishop
Fear mongering. Is it best you can do? God is better than that!
Apr 12, 2017
It's a conversation as old as the world, FHM...

Listen to the Serpent and sit in judgement of God and his revelation of himself or "slavishly" obey your maker. You can stack up role models and stories that cast rebellion in a heroic light, embrace the light and shade of human nature if you want, but I'm with Joshua here.
My comment has nothing to do with this over-simplification. Seriously, you really should read it more closely before reacting. I'm not trying to start an argument.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
My comment has nothing to do with this over-simplification. Seriously, you really should read it more closely before reacting. I'm not trying to start an argument.
Sorry FHM - I answered you as if you were someone else!

Taking your question for what you wrote:

"I see you are still apparently serving under compulsion and counting the benefits,
rather than standing on your own feet and choosing to be free"

As a Christian, I started well but between about 23 and 40 I lost my way (being so keen to get my way) I wanted to be free of Gods standards and ended up hurting myself and those I love badly. The "soundtrack" of my heart and my actions at the time perhaps best fitted the lyrics of the old levellers song...

I choose to follow the Lord out of love and gratitude, not fear and compulsion. I hope this makes more sense now.
Oct 30, 2017
Sorry FHM - I answered you as if you were someone else!

Taking your question for what you wrote:

"I see you are still apparently serving under compulsion and counting the benefits,
rather than standing on your own feet and choosing to be free"

As a Christian, I started well but between about 23 and 40 I lost my way (being so keen to get my way) I wanted to be free of Gods standards.
God's standard is that torturing and murdering innocent babies is good.

Why would you want to get back to such a vile and satanic God?

Do you support his genocide of mankind?


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017



Among the many end times warningsthat Jesus Christ (the Son of God) gave us... of the most famous and important statements is: "Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." (Matthew 24:4-5 King James Version).

Most Christians have believed that this statement means that liars will show up claiming to be Jesus Christ.

This is an accurate understanding, but as we go deeper and deeper into the emerging new age end times, it is apparent that this warning actually has a multi-level meaning. We have identified at least 3.

1. Liars claiming to be Jesus

"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."

Liars will come saying that they are "Jesus Christ", and deceive many. Such liars are usually considered psychotic, however the time has arrived when the psychotic will accept the psychotic.

Any non-Biblical depiction claiming to be Jesus Christ, since a false depiction, is therefore fulfilling this prophecy, and this is showing up in TV, movies, books, music, videos, stores, and so called churches, even among those who are claiming to be Christians.

*sidenote - Benjamin Creme took this view, and provides a very enlightening quote...


2. Liars claiming to be Christians

"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."

Liars will come as if Christians [IN MY NAME], saying, Jesus is the Christ [SAYING, I AM CHRIST]; and shall deceive many.

This is happening all the time now - the enemy is rising up cells who are claiming Jesus Christ is their leader, and yet are working to destroy truth. Likewise, some are claiming to be teaching from the Bible, and yet they are wickedness. Because they are professing Jesus Christ, people are being deceived by them, believing that they can follow them as leaders.

3. Liars claiming to be Christ

"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."

People are arising all the time, who do not claim to be "Jesus Christ", however they do claim to be a "Christ" [SAYING: I AM CHRIST].

There are countless new age people all over the world who will lie that Jesus is not "THE CHRIST", but rather "A CHRIST". They try to sound smart by saying how the Greek word "kristos" or "Christ" means "the anointed", and the lie claiming that "Jesus" found out how to be a "Christ"; to teach us how to become a "christ" like him. They may call it "the Christ within" or "the Christ consciousness". How seductive is that? Why do you need Jesus to get to God, when you can be a Christ as well? In their sinful deceived minds, they fail to know the #TRUTH: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He [the one who denieth] is antichrist" (1 John 2:22).

Rephrased: an anti-christ is someone that denies that Jesus is THE CHRIST, not a Christ, but THE CHRIST. No one will have "Christ within" unless they have Jesus Christ living within their lives through the Holy Ghost. This will not come to anyone who is not a saved, born again Christian. This will not come to anyone who would dare to claim that they could become a "Christ"!

BE NOT DECEIVED! Jesus Christ says the truth: "Without me ye can do nothing." (John 15:5 King James Version)

As we head farther and farther into the end times, more explanations of Matthew 24:4-5 may come to pass. Therefore, let us remember one of the most vital truths God has ever given us. Jesus Christ proclaims to all of existence: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father [GOD], but by me." (John 14:6 King James Version). #TRUTH!

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Oct 30, 2017
Nah it only indicates that we are imperfect, simple fact really not hard to come to terms with, unless a person is absolute egomaniac
So why does God not create perfect people, and how does he justify making us just to send us all to hell?

If you accept such a vile prick as a God, you are insane and know nothing of justice.



Jun 29, 2017
So why does God not create perfect people, and how does he justify making us just to send us all to hell?

If you accept such a vile prick as a God, you are insane and know nothing of justice.

I believe we were created perfect...but stuff happened lol. Who said he will send us all ? Never heard that before...We are held accountable for our actions, i have no problems accepting that...


May 3, 2018
So why does God not create perfect people, and how does he justify making us just to send us all to hell?

If you accept such a vile prick as a God, you are insane and know nothing of justice.

There is no hell, it's a lie to manipulate people.
Oct 30, 2017
I believe we were created perfect...but stuff happened lol. Who said he will send us all ? Never heard that before...We are held accountable for our actions, i have no problems accepting that...
Your bible does not say perfect and only fools would think that A & E were created perfect since they had no knowledge of good and evil and were as bright as bricks and without a moral sense. hey, that does sound like what Christians think is perfect.

How sad for you.

I do give you points for this though. "We are held accountable for our actions,"

That being the case, the so called sacrifice of Jesus is just as foolish as this person says. Right?

Oct 30, 2017
There is no hell, it's a lie to manipulate people.
I agree. You have to allow for stupid statements when I address Christians at their level. If I want to play in their filthy ideology, I have to use their ridiculous beliefs.

Just another of the lies that the Christians and Muslims have made up for their childish carrot and stick God. So human.

Good of you to point this out though.



May 3, 2018
I agree. You have to allow for stupid statements when I address Christians at their level. If I want to play in their filthy ideology, I have to use their ridiculous beliefs.

Just another of the lies that the Christians and Muslims have made up for their childish carrot and stick God. So human.

Good of you to point this out though.

Carrot and stick approach works on a primitive level. It's like treating animals... I believe we humans are capable of thinking and making conscious decisions based on understanding of how this world actually works. Not lies to scare you into submission.


Jun 29, 2017
I know what his sacrifice means for me personally and that's good enough. That girl failed at around 1 minute mark, yeah it would not make sense if he was forced to do what he did. Thing is nobody forced Him He did it because he wanted to do it. What is foolishness from her view point is ultimate expression of love for those who find more in his actions than just foolishness. That girl also fails to understand meaning of life victory over death, hence her comment about it means nothing because He rose up after three days. Lets oversimplify everything until it sounds dumb... If she thinks she is being clever, she has reading comprehension problems...Half of bible deals with explaining Jesus life and death and half of world refuses to understand it...I get that people doesn't believe it, but to pretend not understand it.... I don't believe that for one second..
Anyways best of luck with educating folks here about "truth" i got points, im happy now...


May 3, 2018
I know what his sacrifice means for me personally and that's good enough. That girl failed at around 1 minute mark, yeah it would not make sense if he was forced to do what he did. Thing is nobody forced Him He did it because he wanted to do it. What is foolishness from her view point is ultimate expression of love for those who find more in his actions than just foolishness. That girl also fails to understand meaning of life victory over death, hence her comment about it means nothing because He rose up after three days. Lets oversimplify everything until it sounds dumb... If she thinks she is being clever, she has reading comprehension problems...Half of bible deals with explaining Jesus life and death and half of world refuses to understand it...I get that people doesn't believe it, but to pretend not understand it.... I don't believe that for one second..
Anyways best of luck with educating folks here about "truth" i got points, im happy now...
Human sacrifice is abhorrent. God would never do that.