BTS discussion thread


Jan 16, 2018
Jimin was playing with a cat and singing about them in Serendipity. :confused:

Despite the content, this thread is peaceful...enough for us to all come together to add information on what we find and how we interpret things. I'm learning a lot. Don't know if we're all adults here, but I sense the maturity. Hope it remains that way, whether we agree or disagree at times.


Apr 24, 2018
Does anyone know how we can actually save them though?
If this does happen to be real
Bc the thought of them going through this makes my heart ache
We honestly can't do anything but pray for them. No one believes me when I tell them about this, so it's pointless to try to spread it. Anyone who's curious or skeptical about this all would find this thread with a simple google search.

Even for those who don't have a religion, I believe prayer and speaking things into existence really works.


Dec 23, 2017
Does anyone know how we can actually save them though?
If this does happen to be real
Bc the thought of them going through this makes my heart ache
That’s why I wish fans were educated about these type of things, especially those who get to go to their concerts and fanmeets because they could easily communicate with them through secret codes, like with fanmeets it would be so easy to slip in a little message while they’re signing your cd, book or whatever but idk we can only pray and hope


Apr 1, 2018
That’s why I wish fans were educated about these type of things, especially those who get to go to their concerts and fanmeets because they could easily communicate with them through secret codes, like with fanmeets it would be so easy to slip in a little message while they’re signing your cd, book or whatever but idk we can only pray and hope
I was honestly thinking of doing something like that If i do happen to go to a fanmeet in the future


Jan 4, 2018
Since you mentioned the notes Jimin said that his character in the videos suffers from epileptic seizures, Jhope has Munchausen syndrome due to his mother leaving him when he was younger Taehyung had an abusive father Jungkook had negativing step-parents all of them thought of committing suicide in their little diary entries which this album main theme.


Feb 14, 2018
We honestly can't do anything but pray for them. No one believes me when I tell them about this, so it's pointless to try to spread it.
People are quick to dismiss conspiracy theorists as "crazy people who believe anything". People are so brainwashed that they can't see the truth even though it's hidden in plain sight. They would rather continue to live in their little bubble where they believe it's much safer as to avoid the problem. The amount of evidence that's blatantly shoved in front of us is overwhelming yet people would rather turn a blind eye because of their ignorance.

The problem is never the lack of evidence, it's our inability to accept these things.


Jan 4, 2018
His hand signal seems off too. It could be just the way he positioned it, but nothing is ever coincidence especially in photographs that are carefully posed and positioned. Anyone know what it means?
It looks like an upside down devil horn hand symbol:
The “devil’s horn” signal signifies that Satan rules. Remember that Satan is called the “Horned God”, and the hand signal is formed so as to resemble horns.

It is a universal hand signal used by politicians, celebrities as well as heavy metal bands, affirming their allegiance to satanic powers and a visual shorthand for “Hail, Satan.”


Feb 14, 2018
RM's accessories are also interesting. Restraints/chains are often used to symbolize if someone's controlled aka mk-ultra. Despite the fact that he seems to have more freedom than the others, I still think he's a slave.


Any thoughts on the water bottle? Must have a meaning why they'd include it since it's quite random.
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May 8, 2018
Hello everyone! I’m new here and this has all been very insightful and eye opening. So glad I found this forum.

I have a question. What happens when BTS looses popularity/disbands? Would they be set free to live their lives or would they still have ties because they know too much.

As you most likely know, since the beginning to even recently, Taehyung has openly expressed his love for children and his strong desire of wanting to be a father and have kids. To the point of even having thought of names, how many he wants, and scenarios with them. Once when asked what he’ll be doing in 10 years he said he wants to take his children, Taekwon (male, 2 years) and Taeguk (female, 7 months), to the zoo, and feed the pigeons shrimp crackers. ??? That’s so specific haha. And when asked how many kids he wants he said If they have time (not sure what that means) that he wants 5 kids. 4 boys 1 girl. But if they don’t have time, he wants 3. 2 boys 1 girl.

But he’s also said he still wants to be in the industry
years from now and wants to progress as a singer and actor. This is very conflicting to me because with him knowing the dangers of the industry and how they could sacrifice (more?) family members/people close to him, why would he want to risk having his children (who based on his words and actions will be one of the things he’ll love most and be very protective of) be subjected to that?

Another thing to add is earlier this year(?) he said that “after a few decades” he’ll tell his son all about how he “was” famous. Maybe meaning he’ll wait until he’s done with entertainment to have kids? Also note how he said “son” and not multiple “kids” this time. I don’t know if that has any significance. Also when he says he’ll tell his son “all about it” I wonder if that would include the elite stuff. Hopefully not a passing the torch sort of thing. Like I said before I’d think he wouldn’t want them involved with that. I don’t know, maybe I’m reading to much into it. That’s easy to do. Please let me know what you think of all this! :)


Feb 14, 2018
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This photo is a bit more suggestive than they usually do. I wonder what the rest of the photos for the album look like..
His pose is off-putting too. Even though he's my bias this is making me cringe because I have a feeling why he's being sexualized like this in particular. His eyes look so empty...

Also, their makeup here is awful. They look like they either have allergies or have been crying non-stop. Maybe the latter one is the concept though.


Apr 1, 2018
His pose is off-putting too. Even though he's my bias this is making me cringe because I have a feeling why he's being sexualized like this in particular. His eyes look so empty...

Also, their makeup here is awful. They look like they either have allergies or have been crying non-stop. Maybe the latter one is the concept though.
Yeah these photos out of all the ones ive seen these group of photos seem to be the worst
I can't believe i haven't seen people question why they look like they have 0 emotion


Apr 1, 2018
I have noticed that only the maknae line, JK, Tae and Jimin, were photographed with an animal print blanket or jacket. Could it be that they represent the beta-kitten?

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Beta is referred to as “sexual” programming (slaves). This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level. Known as Kitten programming, it is the most visible kind of programming as some female celebrities, models, actresses and singers have been subjected to this kind of programming. In popular culture, clothing with feline prints often denote Kitten programming.

Beta – This is the second Greek letter, and it represents the sexual models and sexual alters that the Programmers are creating. The primitive part of the brain is involved in this type of programming. An early sexual abuse event will be used to anchor this programming. These sexual slaves will develop sexual abilities that are far beyond what the public is aware is even possible. They also receive the worst kind of abuse far beyond what most people’s imagination can picture. Beta alters generally see themselves as cats.

SEXUAL ALTERS (“Sex Kitten” Programming)
… The torture and sexual abuse eventually becomes gratifying to the mind. The mind does a reversal, pain becomes pleasure. At any rate, the programmers are trying to get a type of nymphomaniac. They accomplish this on one level. The sexual alters have no feelings attached to what they do, and their masters never allow them to enjoy sex. They are not to have climaxes, although they may be coached how to fake it. […] The Programmers have been heard to program their slaves, “Don’t be a hustler and don’t pick up strays.” The programmers must now ‘‘groom’’ these alters. […] Females (and some males) need to learn how to appear and act seductive. The programmers understand human nature. They understand that there is a spectrum of female sexuality, where on one end of the spectrum females guard their bodies with their minds, and on the other end they guard their emotions with their bodies. When a woman guards her emotions with her body–she is the type who craves sex for the physical pleasure of sex. There are an entire cluster of behavior traits that go with this type of personality, such as the way they walk, use their eyes, stare at men, the way they dress etc. The sexual groomers and programmers will teach the sexual alters these clusters of behavior. The sexual alters will also pick up lots of expertise naturally during the years of having to sexually service hundreds of abusers in every fashion imaginable. When Roseanne Barr, a Monarch slave, in a T.V. interview with Barbara Walters said, “I’m been screwed every possible way,” she was not exaggerating. The Gumby Programming (undoubtedly utilized in the porn industry) is to make the slave think their body is like Gumby and is flexible to move into any position. The slave is repeatedly threatened with their life, if they do not perform perfectly.

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How long would you say this programming goes on for? and what do you think they'll be programmed with next?


Dec 22, 2017
His pose is off-putting too. Even though he's my bias this is making me cringe because I have a feeling why he's being sexualized like this in particular. His eyes look so empty...

Also, their makeup here is awful. They look like they either have allergies or have been crying non-stop. Maybe the latter one is the concept though.
I agree, while all the others are covered he is wearing no shirt and the pose is done to show more skin
Fans are saying the make up is because of the "tear" concept, they are supposed to look sad or like they have been crying