Welcome To Your NWO: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution

Mar 15, 2019
a good compilation and it deserves a special thread.

Welcome To Your New World Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution
As the nation continues to spiral under its 21st century cultural revolution, here's a running list of the ongoing insanity.

America is in the midst of a new cultural civil war that for years has been brewing under the surface as left-wing academics breed aggressively woke children now permeating throughout the nation’s mainstream institutions.

Since the killing of George Floyd at the knees of a Minneapolis police officer sparked the worst outbreak of civil unrest in decades, protests that grew out of demanding justice for Floyd morphed into a dark operation to fundamentally transform the nation’s psyche, convincing the people of their own inherent evil from ancestral wrongs.

Battle lines are clearly being drawn, where the radical left has offered Americans a binary choice in a false dichotomy between total submission or unrelenting exile with those opposed to the new woke world order cast out of society as unrepentant racists refusing to atone for past generations’ sins. No justice, no peace. Silence is violence. You’re either with us, or against us. There is no middle ground. Which side of history are you on?

Of course in reality, (and sanity), it’s clearly not that black and white, but if recent events show us anything, they expose that this mentality is no longer one of a fringe left-wing movement but a central tenant of our mainstream culture of what it means to make “progress.” America, according to the now only acceptable narrative, is an irredeemably racist society that was built for the sole purpose to oppress. It has never been great. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is as guilty as the slaveholders who lived more than 150 years ago.

For as long as the nation continues to go mad, purging books, movies, statues and history in its own cultural revolution launched by woke elites, The Federalist will be chronicling its destruction, updating this list with each new event in its collapse. The Federalist will also be keeping tally of those fired from lack of allegiance to the new woke overlords found here.

Updated June 15, 2020
Oklahoma State Football Coach In Hot Water Over Wearing A Shirt

Oklahoma State football coach Mike Gundy faced a player mutiny simply wearing a t-shirt sporting the logo of One America News (OAN) Network.
After player Chuba Hubbard, the nation’s leading rusher last fall and a top prospect for the National Football League (NFL) publicly complained about the t-shirt with the support teammates and administrators including the university president, Gundy issued an apology and promised “changes” to the team culture.

Minneapolis City Council Officially Dismantles Police Department

The Minneapolis City Council moved through on its promise to abolish its police department by a unanimous vote on June 12 to replace its law enforcement with a “transformative new model.”

The resolution passed declared the city government would begin a year long process to develop its new system of providing public safety.

New York Times Op-ed: ‘Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police’

The New York Times ran an op-ed on June 12 erasing any doubt that calls to “defund the police” actually mean the complete abolition of law enforcement, as if the Minneapolis City Council’s Friday vote to do just that wasn’t proof already.

As this list will later explain, the Times had previously issued an apology to readers for publishing a well-reasoned editorial by Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton arguing for Trump to “send in the troops” to quell violent riots after staff complained its publication put black employees “in danger.”
Seattle Mayor While Anarchists Control Downtown: This Is Fine
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan shot back at President Donald Trump on June 12 as the president called for an end to the city’s partial occupation by socialist protestors.

“Seattle is fine,” Durkan wrote, defending the demonstrators keeping downtown businesses that have survived the pandemic closed as heroic exemplars of free expression. “Don’t be so afraid of democracy.”
Kristen Bell Accused Of Glorifying Color Blindness

“The Good Place” actress Kristen Bell is being accused online of glorifying color blindness in her new children’s book titled, “The World Needs More Purple People.”

One Twitter user mocked it as the “‘I don’t see colour,’ book.”
Bell was one of a handful of celebrities that participated in a Hollywood’s “I take responsibility” video apologizing for their whiteness.

Today, #ITakeResponsibility for my role in eradicating racism in America. Unless white America acknowledges its privilege, systemic racism will persist. Act Now. What will you commit to? https://t.co/OjSR23y7lp. @NAACP @itakeresponsibility #itakeresponsibility #blacklivesmatter pic.twitter.com/NYH2WQyiKP
— Julianne Moore (@_juliannemoore) June 11, 2020
Petition Circulates To Remove Ghandi Statue

An online petition has now reached more than 5,000 signatures to remove a statue of Mahatma Ghandi in Leicester because the tribute to the Indian peace figure was a “fascist, racist, and sexual predator,” according to activists.

Meghan Markle’s Best Friend Fired From TV Gig After ‘Generic Call To Action’ On Race

Jessica Mulroney was fired from her television gigs with ABC News’ “Good Morning America” and CTV for “I DO REDO” after athlete-turned-influencer Sasha Exeter condemned Mulroney’s recent call to action from white allies on behalf of Black Lives Matter too “generic” and therefore offensive.

Mulroney’s employer’s agreed. While ABC didn’t say what led to Mulroney’s departure, CTV released a statement.

“Because of recent conduct by one of our show’s hosts, Jessica Mulroney conflicts with our commitment to diversity and equality, CTV has removed ‘I DO REDO’ from all Bell Media channels and platforms effective immediately.”
Mar 15, 2019
Lady Antebellum Changes Name Because ‘Antebellum’ Is Offensive

“We are deeply sorry for the hurt this has caused,” the group said in a statement, according to Rolling Stone.

The country music trio will now go by “Lady A.”
Episode Of ‘Fawlty Towers’ Censored

The British television station, UKTV pulled down the episode “The German” of “Fawlty Towers” off air over “racial slurs.”

“The episode contains racial slurs so we are taking the episode down while we review it,” UKTV said in a statement.

John Cleese from the show condemned the move as “cowardly and gutless and contemptable.” On the comments the station found offensive, Cleese made clear, “we are not supporting his views, we are making fun of them. If they can’t see that, if people are too stupid to see that, what can one say?”

Shows Depicting Police Get Cancelled

As animosity towards police reach new heights, popular television shows depicting law enforcement doing their jobs are getting ripped from the air. Paramount Network’s “Cops” was among the first to go, followed by “Live PD” the next day produced by A&E with MGM’s Big Fish Entertainment.

The Mob Comes For ‘Paws Patrol’

The protests have reached Adventure Bay, a fictional Nickelodeon town home to the children’s show “Paws Patrol,” celebrating good cops which is now being demonized as “copapaganda.”

“Euthanize the police dog,” demanded police brutality protestors online, according to the New York Times.

UCLA Professor Fired For Refusing Special Treatment For Black Students

University of California Los Angeles Accounting Professor Gordon Klein was placed on three weeks of involuntary leave after students demanded his firing for rejecting requests to provide a “no harm” final for black students.

Klein was condemned as a “racist” and was put in police protection following his refusal to give into students’ discriminatory demands.

Seattle Occupiers Running The ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’ Demand Anarchy And Segregation

The occupiers of a section of downtown Seattle branding it the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” released their list of demands that includes the total abolition of police replaced by a new socialist utopis complete with a 21st century era segregation.

Read their list of demands here.

Inslee Had No Idea About Anarchist Insurrection Taking Over Seattle

Washington Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee was completely oblivious to the anarchist insurrection taking over Seattle when he was asked about the rogue militia during a coronavirus press briefing.
‘Gone With The Wind’ Gets Cancelled

HBO also announced on June 9 it would rip the 1939 classic “Gone with the Wind” from its library because it’s racist. Never mind that Hattie McDaniel was the first black actress to capture an Academy Award for her role in the film.

By the next day however, the movie re-emerged as a #1 Amazon best-seller.

Poets Demand Resignation Of Poetry Foundation President

Thirty poets are demanding the resignation of the Poetry Foundation president along with the board after the group issued the following statement:

The Poetry Foundation and Poetry magazine stand in solidarity with the Black community, and denounce injustice and systemic racism.
As an organization we recognize that there is much work to be done, and we are committed to engaging in this work to eradicate institutional racism. We acknowledge that real change takes time and dedication, and we are committed to making this a priority.
Per usual, it’s not enough. Not even close. What would be?

CNN Guest: Not Wanting To Be Raped And Robbed Is White Privilege
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender told residents on June 8 worried that the absence of law enforcement in their city they ought simply check their “privilege.”
The comments came a day after the city council declared a veto-proof majority to completely dismantle its police.

New York Times Reveals Its Intellectual Bankruptcy

The New York Times apologized and ousted an editorial editor in June following the publications of a well-reasoned op-ed from a sitting U.S. senator and combat veteran advocating the use of the military to quell the violent rioting that engulfed the nation.

James Bennet, the Times editor responsible for the decision to publish the piece from Sen. Cotton resigned while another Times employee who helped edit the piece was reassigned following internal outrage made public when colleagues collectively tweeted: “Running this puts Black @nytimes staffers in danger.”

Progressive Minneapolis Mayor Booted From Protest After Professing White Guilt

Democratic Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey was kicked out of a protest in a walk of shame on June 6 even after professing his “coming to grips with” his “own brokenness” for the sin of being white standing in the center of thousands of protestors.

His crime? That he refused to promise his support for the complete abolition of the city’s police department.

“I do not support the full abolition of police,” Frey said when presented with the yes or no ultimatum.

The next day, the Minneapolis City Council announced its move to banish its police department.

Drew Brees Apologizes Repeatedly For Comments On The National Anthem
NFL Quarterback Drew Brees sparked nationwide outrage when saying in a Yahoo Finance interview that he would “never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.”

Facing intense pressure from the sports world, Brees apologized, again, again, and again.

Wokesters Compare The Greatest Generation To Antifa On Normandy Anniversary
That’s a bit of a stretch, particularly considering Antifa defaced the World War II Memorial on the National Mall.
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Mar 15, 2019
NPR: Your Books Are Racist

It seems NPR has skipped right to the book-burning phase of the American woke revolution urging individuals to “decolonize” their bookshelves in an effort to rewrite the nation’s past.
Stop Cleaning Up Rioter Graffiti, That’s Also Racist

A day after another round of D.C. rioting, a group of three women cleaning the side of a vandalized federal building were harassed by one activist calling their public service “disgusting.”

“So you don’t care about black lives then?”

Cleaning up the buildings in your city? Ur a racist
— rooftop nicoco (@PetiteNicoco) June 4, 2020
Coronavirus Is Woke-Sensitive
On June 1, dozens of public health experts signed an open letter blaming white supremacy on societal illnesses applauding the protestors for combating the true pandemic without regard for the novel Wuhan coronavirus that shut down the nation causing irreparable damage in the process.

“As public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risk for COVID-19 transmission… This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders,” they wrote.

In other words, protests are fine as long as they remain in the name of social justice. Any other form of expression however, must be banned, for public health that is. Surely that’s a convincing message to the millions of Americans forced down to food pantries because the government deemed their life’s work as non-essential, or to the families unable to say goodbye to loved ones because funerals of more than 10 people were too dangerous.
You Can’t Go To Church But You Can Burn Down The Church

As millions of Americans flocked the nation’s city streets in righteous protests, the rest of the country has been forced to remain locked down despite its leaders joining in on the massive gatherings violating their own social distancing orders, but the media doesn’t seem to care.

In fact, the double standard is even encouraged, where reporters cry danger over sitting next to one another for a White House press briefing after celebrating their own presence amidst a sea of social justice warriors.
If nothing else is clear in the aftermath of these time-defining protests, it’s surely time to end the lockdowns.
Cult-Like Sermons Host White Guilt Worship
White people are now bowing down in religious gatherings to atone for ancestral sins.
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Mar 15, 2019
Atlantic Writer Who Melted Down Over Georgia Reopening Claims Anti-Riot Curfew Is ‘Insane’
The Atlantic writer who headlined a piece on Georgia’s pandemic reopening, “Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice” called riot curfews insane.

“I’m sorry but 8 p.m. is an absolutely insane curfew for a city in which much of the population famously does not even eat dinner until like 9,” Amanda Mull wrote on Twitter.

NBA Announcer Fired For Saying ‘All Lives Matter’
Grant Napear resigned as the Sacramento Kings TV play-by-play announcer and was fired from his radio job for daring to utter the phrase “all lives matter,” which includes black lives by the way.

‘Law and Order’ Writer Fired For Pledging To Defend Law And Order

Craig Gore, a writer and producer was fired from the program for sharing a post on Facebook featuring himself armed at his front-door promising to protect his home from rioters just two blocks away.

Woke Reporters Downplay Riot Violence

Government-funded PBS Reporter Yamiche Alcindor tried (and failed) to fact-check President Donald Trump on the presence of “anarchists” among the nationwide protests.
Meanwhile, NBC News allegedly directed its reporters at one point not to use the term “riot” to describe the spontaneous combustion of buildings, and just as a warlord was in the process of taking over Seattle, CNN’s Brian Stelter dedicated an entire newsletter to “the riot lie.”

Make no mistake, the list of reporters downplaying the violence is virtually endless, but this video just about sums it up:
Pulitzer Prize New York Times Writer Says Destroying Property Isn’t Violence

The New York Times’ architect of the anti-American “1619 Project” Nikole Hannah-Jones decided to just say it out lout, explicitly rejecting the idea that destroying property fits the definition of “violence.”

“Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence,” Hannah-Jones said on CBS, to which the anchors offered no challenge.

“It’s a great point that you make Nikole,” responded CBS’ Vladimir Duthiers.
The Second Amendment Is Racist

Hannah-Jones also erroneously claimed the Second Amendment is racist despite its most ardent supporters having been fervently opposed to slavery.

Hollywood Celebrities Glorify Violence In Virtueless Virtue Signaling

In the wake of the Minneapolis riots, Hollywood celebrities staying true to form pledged donations to pay the bail for those arrested in the chaos. Among them include Seth Rogan, Steve Carell, Cynthia Nixon and the Sadfie Brothers.

Chris Cuomo Doesn’t Understand The First Amendment

CNN’s Chris Cuomo showcased is own ignorance of the First Amendment in early June appearing dumbfounded by the criticism that what the rioters were doing was actually wrong.

“Please, show me where it says protestors are supposed to be police and peaceful,” Cuomo said.

Here’s the text from the First Amendment, emphasis ours:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

‘Social Justice Warriors’ Deface Statues Of Actual Social Justice Warriors

In an ironic twist, civil rights heroes have become the target of protestor fury in the name of social justice. Monuments paying tribute to President Abraham Lincoln, an iconic abolitionist, and a union war hero have fallen victim to the demise of the demonstrators’ historical ignorance.
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Mar 15, 2019
Antifascists Attack Monument To Antifascists

During protests in Washington D.C., demonstrators defaced a monument to those who actually liberated the world from tyranny.
Protestors Kill St. Louis Black Police Chief

His life mattered too.
Riots Destroy Minority Businesses

The worst of the rioting might be over (hopefully), but the destruction left behind will take years to rebuild. While violent protestors terrorized communities, minority neighborhoods reported bearing the brunt of the damage. Such progress for the advancement of the “oppressed.”
Feb 22, 2020
Its all a stage show.

The funny thing is that you dont realize that you are being manipulated just as much, if not more, than all these people you are "exposing".

Their worldview would not exist without yours.

They would not exist without you.

Once you come to terms with that, you can actually begin to do something positive about all of this.

But until then you are simply a cog in the wheel of this whole charade.

You are playing your role.


Oct 2, 2017
Facts do not work on the leftist woke mob. They only care about their FEELINGS. I bet most of them never had a father who was there for them.

And their ideology has been in control of academia and western culture for at least 2 decades. What we see now is only the externalisation of that poisonous ideology.
Feb 22, 2020
I find it so strange that these days, conspiracy theorists stan the police and the state. If this was even ten years ago, people as a whole would have been supporting the protests, like folks did the Occupy Movement.
"Conspiracy theorists" are proxies of the Deep state.

That is what is so hilarious about their supposed "red pilling"

They are useful idiots for the NWO agenda, so it's no surprise they support the police state.

Every single one of their fake conspiracy theories were given to them by the John Birch Society.

An intelligence operation named after a member of the CIA. LOL.


May 11, 2020
"Conspiracy theorists" are proxies of the Deep state.

That is what is so hilarious about their supposed "red pilling"

They are useful idiots for the NWO agenda, so it's no surprise they support the police state.

Every single one of their fake conspiracy theories were given to them by the John Birch Society.

An intelligence operation named after a member of the CIA. LOL.
Your the one that keeps deflecting any moral and rational critique of what is transpiring. I guess you could say you are the thought police.
Feb 22, 2020
Your the one that keeps deflecting any moral and rational critique of what is transpiring. I guess you could say you are the thought police.
I see you've made no comments about

Police being killed by right winger in California

Protesters being murdered and shot by police and vigilantes.

2 blacks being lynched in LA.

Of course your outrage is selective.

Please dont speak of morals you fake christian.
Feb 22, 2020
I want the state to be harsh on criminal and abusive people, because that's right. (for example) I don't want the government to force us to ridiculous rules like masks and social distances, because that's wrong. "right" and "wrong" is not the matter of choosing your party. That's childish.
Your views of "right" and "wrong" are entirely based on your politics.

Dont try to pretend otherwise.
Feb 22, 2020
Some people here are totally incapable of nuanced thought. Signs of totally mind controlled individuals.
Read anymore JBS nonsense lately ?

Who is mind controlled when your talking points come from an organization named after a member of the CIA.

Laugh all you want, doesn't make it untrue.


May 11, 2020
I see you've made no comments about

Police being killed by right winger in California

Protesters being murdered and shot by police and vigilantes.

2 blacks being lynched in LA.

Of course your outrage is selective.

Please dont speak of morals you fake christian.
Hows that straw man?


Oct 2, 2017
Read anymore JBS nonsense lately ?

Who is mind controlled when your talking points come from an organization named after a member of the CIA.

Laugh all you want, doesn't make it untrue.
John Birch Society material is an attempt to discredit an already legitimate growing movement of people who know what is going on by making it mainstream and exagerating it to the extreme. The CIA does this all the time. You're incapable of nuanced thought like I said.
Mar 15, 2019

...Within days, Pasternak was a target of a massive public vilification campaign. The country’s prestigious Literary Newspaper launched the assault with an article titled “Unanimous Condemnation” and an official statement by the Soviet Writers’ Union—a powerful organization whose primary function was to exercise control over its members, including by giving access to exclusive benefits and basic material necessities unavailable to ordinary citizens. The two articles expressed the union’s sense that in view of Pasternak’s hostility and slander of the Soviet people, socialism, world peace, and all progressive and revolutionary movements, he no longer deserved the proud title of Soviet Writer. The union therefore expelled him from its ranks...

...Twitter has been used as a platform for exercises in unanimous condemnation for as long as it has existed. Countless careers and lives have been ruined as outraged mobs have descended on people whose social media gaffes or old teenage behavior were held up to public scorn and judged to be deplorable and unforgivable. But it wasn’t until the past couple of weeks that the similarity of our current culture with the Soviet practice of collective hounding presented itself to me with such stark clarity. Perhaps it was the specific professions and the cultural institutions involved—and the specific acts of writers banding together to abuse and cancel their colleagues—that brought that sordid history back.

On June 3, The New York Times published an opinion piece that much of its progressive staff found offensive and dangerous....

...As the mob’s fury kicked into high gear, the language of collective outrage grew increasingly strident, even violent. Goldie Taylor, writer and editor-at-large at The Daily Beast, queried in a since-deleted tweet why Weiss “still got her teeth.” With heads rolling at the Times—James Bennet resigned, and deputy editorial page editor James Dao was reassigned to the newsroom—one member of the staff asked for Weiss to be fired for having bad-mouthed “her younger newsroom colleagues” and insulted “all of our foreign correspondents who have actually reported from civil wars.” (It was unclear how she did that, other than having used the phrase “civil war” as a metaphor.)...
History repeats itself. This is the Soviet communism. This is totalitarianism. This is 1984. The Soviets killed millions of opponents. Now this will happen in the USA and the world. As branded cows (with immunity passports), we are waiting for our line for slaughter.
Feb 22, 2020
John Birch Society material is an attempt to discredit an already legitimate growing movement of people who know what is going on by making it mainstream and exagerating it to the extreme. The CIA does this all the time. You're incapable of nuanced thought like I said.
No they aren't discrediting anything.

They literally created most of the silly conspiracies you believe in.

All this "communists taking over" is JBS garbage, because the NWO wanted to destroy all opposition to their antiquated ways of operating. Colonialism, racism, and crony capitalism. What you are buying into is simply defending the elites and their status quo from any positive change.

That's the truth, you are just far too programmed to see it.

They tried to blame JFK assassination on "communists"

That's their go to scapegoat for everything. It switched briefly to muslims, but we are back to the century old communist scapegoat.

And if we really want to get stupid, the communists and muslims are working together. These clowns tried to claim Obama was a communist Muslim, but he killed plenty of muslims, and his only major policy "obamacare" was written by the far right wing Heritage foundation, which ironically is very connected to the JBS.

That's how stupid their "communist" conspiracy theory is.

You dont know jack about this history.