Vaccine pressure


Jul 27, 2017
Well I hope they don't consider getting another one and completely compromise their immune systems and dna. I have a feeling that covid will never go away and they will start attributing vaccine related deaths to the new delta variant.
No virus ever truly goes away. That is why we have yearly flu vaccines. Covid much like the flu evolves given the amount of people it travels through seasonally.

Viruses like that mutate. It’s better to promote healthy living for a stronger immune system. Yeah like the flu, covid effects suck but is nothing life threatening as long as your body is truly healthy.


May 11, 2020
No virus ever truly goes away. That is why we have yearly flu vaccines. Covid much like the flu evolves given the amount of people it travels through seasonally.

Viruses like that mutate. It’s better to promote healthy living for a stronger immune system. Yeah like the flu, covid effects suck but is nothing life threatening as long as your body is truly healthy.
Any non threating virus can become deadly with a compromised immune system. That's what these shots are doing according to allot of the medical research that is coming out and being censored, destroying the immune system.


Sep 8, 2018
Has anyone felt pressured to get the COVID vaccine? So far, everyone in my household has gotten vaccinated, except for myself. I have made my decision clear to them that I do not want to get it. Everyone insists I should so we can "go back to normal" as a society. I am also a health care worker and my state is mandating us to be vaccinated by october. It is getting out of control and I feel trapped. Any advice on how to handle this ?
I hope you are doing well.
Pressure? A lot for almost two years, but I am a permanent "no".
May 18, 2018
I'm afraid it's going to become mandatory even at work globally. And in the case of the OP, it's impossible for them to work remotely. But you have ppl like @lightseeker, advising the OP to not get the vaccine, as if it was as simple as saying no. Do these people even know how to read...? Sometimes I wonder.

I swear to god.
There are several VC users on here that give questionable advice. I could make a list, that one, is one of them.
It's as simple as saying no. Draw a line in the sand. If you will really let a company have jurisdiction over your bloodstream, knowing full well it doesn't protect you from a disease and has side effects but will cave to a marketing campaigns pressure to modify your genes, well you only have yourself to blame for the effects. No one is stopping you though. Feel free to look through the effects that millions have suffered below



Jun 27, 2019
Genuis piece of advice here. The OP has clearly stated that she was a health care worker and that her state is making it mandatory for her to be vaccinated. She probably already has the vaccine by now. Learn english.
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But anyways. Regarding the vaccine, me and my close family haven't had the vaccine yet. We're also home buddies so that helps. I don't miss going to the restaurant or to the cinema (what for ?). But I used to take dance classes and go to the gym quite regularly and it's a shame I can't do that anymore because I don't have the sanitary pass. My sister is the only one in my family who got vaccinated, simply because she wants to continue to go to the restaurant.
I had this convo with my friend and she told me that even tho we don't know what's inside the vaccine, we don't know what is in our food either. But I don't think it's comparable, you need food to stay alive, you need the nutrients, but you don't need a vaccine to sustain yourself. The corona virus is not a matter of life and death. People are popping out babies left and right during the global pandemic, and most pregnancies are planned. Do you really think they would continue doing that if it really posed a serious threat ?
The lockdown was necessary only for the part of the population that's already sick or elderly. There is no reason younger generations should be sacrificed for the already ageing, dying or ill. And yet that's what's happening. I had plans to go abroad and study in south America for one year, well all my plans are ruined because I don't want to be injected with a f--ing vaccine. Those of us who are still in college didn't deserve to have our lives put on hold. We don't know what it's going to be like next year, they might make the vaccine mandatory for anyone who wants to work. I hope not.
In all fairness on Aug 24, 2021 the OP also clearly stated that the decision was made to not get the COVID vaccine and also clearly asked for any advice on how to handle it. The OP even went as far as thanking everyone and very much appreciated their response.

Seems fair to determine that the OP had not been vaccinated at that time. You seem to imply that lightseeker replied a long time after the fact and that the advice given was bad even though the COVID vaccine trials are not over. This so called COVID vaccine has maimed and killed many and continues to do, this is irrefutable. @lightseeker respectfully replied to the OP the very same day. It seems that Lightseeker's timing in response to the OP was impeccable and the advice given was sound.

Do you have any respectful advice to add to this discussion?
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Dec 7, 2021
It's as simple as saying no. Draw a line in the sand. If you will really let a company have jurisdiction over your bloodstream, knowing full well it doesn't protect you from a disease and has side effects but will cave to a marketing campaigns pressure to modify your genes, well you only have yourself to blame for the effects.
I read some of that poster's comments on the white supremacy thread, I have no respect for people like him. If you want to defend white supremacists that's on you.
I can make my own conclusions and research abt the covid vaccine myself, and I certainly don't need complete nobodies like you and lightseeker to tell me what to think or believe. Nowhere did I say I endorsed the vaccine if you had read correctly.
And second of all, what makes you think you're entitled to demand "respectful advice" to this discussion like you're some kind of authority over me ? You might want to take a step back.
"A line in the sand" is the most important thing stated here.

I know a girl who works in health care that moved to Florida a few months ago due to healthcare worker mandates. It'll more than likely what it'll come down to for those of us who choose to remain unvaccinated. My point is we all still have a choice. My wife and I have been discussing this at length here lately.

We've already discussed the thought we may have to relocate to a state that isn't mandating it. It seems to be what the future is looking like. But what OP was asking seems to be becoming true in a lot of places. I just hope they were able to make a decision based on facts and what they believe and not pressure from work or others. We all still deserve a choice.

billy t

Aug 2, 2020
Bob: "Billy, you really know that you need to get vaccinated don't you buddy?"
Me: "Why?
Bob: "To protect yourself against the Coronavirus. Where have you been for the last 2 years? Under a rock?
Me: "1) Show me the seminal paper that first claimed to have discovered the SARS CoV-2 boogeyman virus. 2) Show me the specific text in the study that describes the proper isolation and purification of the alleged virus".
Bob: "YOU prove to ME that it doesn't exist".
Me: "Sorry Bob but that is not how science works. I am not the one making the outrageous claim that a non-living entity can hijack cells and force them to make copies of itself. This is YOUR claim Bob and the burden of proof is upon the claimant. If an oceanologist and his mates claim to have sighted the The Loch Ness Monster monster at the local beach then it is upon HIM to provide evidence that this creature actually exists with a description of its biological characteristics. Now, do you have evidence for this belief?
Bob: "But the experts said so".
Me: "That is appeal to authority which is a logical fallacy. I will repeat the question again, "do you have evidence?"
Bob: "Where did you get your science degree? Facebook?
Me: "Right Bob, I think I have had just about enough of your nonsense. Goodbye :) ".
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Dec 7, 2021
They're defo pressing us to get the booster in the UK. I think people are just getting fed up of it all. Vaxxed or not, economically we're still getting screwed..
I just don't understand why they're pushing for something that even the liberal media is now saying isn't working. How bad has it been in the UK? I've been seeing talk of a proposed lockdown from some of Johnson's advisors.


Jan 20, 2021
Has anyone felt pressured to get the COVID vaccine? So far, everyone in my household has gotten vaccinated, except for myself. I have made my decision clear to them that I do not want to get it. Everyone insists I should so we can "go back to normal" as a society. I am also a health care worker and my state is mandating us to be vaccinated by october. It is getting out of control and I feel trapped. Any advice on how to handle this ?
I know it’s hard to do. But stand with your convictions. If they ask you why, just say you are waiting until it is proven effective in the long term. Also, I hate when they use the excuse of getting vaccinated and things will go back to normal. They have been brainwashed to think that. It’s been two years and things haven’t returned to normal at all. It’s a scapegoat to justify them taking the vaccination knowing it’s experimental. Stick to your guns and don’t let them pressure you. Also, it’s best to not bring up the subject. I lost my only friend and family have shunned us because I’m not vaxxed, so it’s normal if they act different around you. The propaganda has told them to do is. Be aware of spiritual warfare and manipulation.


Jan 20, 2021
I'm afraid it's going to become mandatory even at work globally. And in the case of the OP, it's impossible for them to work remotely. But you have ppl like @lightseeker, advising the OP to not get the vaccine, as if it was as simple as saying no. Do these people even know how to read...? Sometimes I wonder.

I swear to god.
Oh. It’s freakin tough because some employers require it and if you can’t work remotely, your screwed. They knew this, that’s why they keep trying to come after to workers who must work in the field.


Mar 16, 2017
I just don't understand why they're pushing for something that even the liberal media is now saying isn't working. How bad has it been in the UK? I've been seeing talk of a proposed lockdown from some of Johnson's advisors.
Hopefully no lockdown, some just some restrictions but they could always change plans last minute.


Aug 18, 2019
The vast overwhelming majority of deaths are unvaccinated. At at certain point you just need to use common sense and suck it up and stop being scared of a tiny needle. Stop being a snowflake and do the right thing for yourself, or get sick and potentially die. At this point I have zero sympathy for the unvaxxed. If you’re bored check out r/HermanCainAward on Reddit for real life people mocking Covid/vaccines then dying
Nov 5, 2021

I think the people with functioning brains left in society would rather have the week-long minor cold-like symptoms over life-long debilitating vax induced heart damage. If you want to gamble your life on experimental gene therapy with no long term studies on humans that's your decision, but don't mock other people for not making the same insane choice as you.

P.S. Here's a better subreddit, one that isn't filled with bots and maniacs celebrating people's deaths like which you suggested -

Edit: Also this suspiciously quarantined subreddit -
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Dec 7, 2021

I think the people with functioning brains left in society would rather have the week-long minor cold-like symptoms over life-long debilitating vax induced heart damage. If you want to gamble your life on experimental gene therapy with no long term studies on humans that's your decision, but don't mock other people for not making the same insane choice as you.

P.S. Here's a better subreddit, one that isn't filled with bots and maniacs celebrating people's deaths like which you suggested -
I guess trolls were to be expected, even here.