Vaccine pressure


Oct 31, 2018
Has anyone felt pressured to get the COVID vaccine? So far, everyone in my household has gotten vaccinated, except for myself. I have made my decision clear to them that I do not want to get it. Everyone insists I should so we can "go back to normal" as a society. I am also a health care worker and my state is mandating us to be vaccinated by october. It is getting out of control and I feel trapped. Any advice on how to handle this ?


Nov 4, 2018
It must be difficult getting pressured both at home and work. I have distanced myself from acquaintances and family who are vax/masktards. I don’t trust them. I dislike their whole deal. I get spitting mad at this behavior.

As far as work is concerned, do not talk about anything personal to anyone at work. Ask HR for the written vaccine policy and read it carefully. There likely will be exemptions. Pick one and follow the submission protocol in writing to HR and wait for their next move.


May 11, 2020
There is no reason to get vaccinated considering the first two shots are now basically acknowledged to be failures. Anybody who is willing to give their body over to a third unknown and untested booster shot at this point is flat out ignorant and asking for serious irreconcilable health problems. We weren't made to be jabbed and pumped with unknown and untested mutagens.


Jun 17, 2017
ive come across the 'workplace mandate' thing a few times. best thing to do is to document it on video-- make it clear that you are willing to work but are being coerced against your will to take it. if you can get it on video and show that you are being threatened to take it by your boss(es), thats very good evidence. report this BEFORE you get fired to an attorney (maybe a local government department that deals with harrassment or bias in the workplace-- it might be a violation under HIPAA or ADA; i dont know). let them fire you and then take the whole case to them. you will be paid (according to him-- whose friend did it) unemployment money until the whole case is resolved.
that doesnt help if the unemployment money isnt enough, but theres so many other jobs available that are begging for workers.

its funny you should mention this pressure-- i just watched this video...

(15 min)

where clif high was talking about a pattern of positive impressions he has felt for the vax when he is clearly very much against it.
it freaked me out because i ALSO experienced a feeling of relaxation and contentment with the thought of taking the jab on two occasions. and looking at the comments, we are not alone. are people being hit by 5G or other mind control weapons? who knows. maybe. it shouldnt really come as a surprise.

anyway, keep your mind clear and your thoughts pure. stand your ground. we are getting close to the end of this, so you need to hold out a little bit longer before this story collapses. try to surround yourself with like minded people; maybe read this forum on a more regular basis to keep your intent strong.


Jun 28, 2020
Has anyone felt pressured to get the COVID vaccine? So far, everyone in my household has gotten vaccinated, except for myself. I have made my decision clear to them that I do not want to get it. Everyone insists I should so we can "go back to normal" as a society. I am also a health care worker and my state is mandating us to be vaccinated by october. It is getting out of control and I feel trapped. Any advice on how to handle this ?
It will never go back to normal. They only say that to help sell it. Millions have taken the jab hoping for normality when they just keep adding doses. Now they are saying monthly boosters so it is never ending.

Peer pressure is one of their tools, Don't let it get to you. There are many videos online of people suffering from the vax. Blinded, paralyzed, just a host of inflictions that could destroy your life.

When the CDC says con-vid has a 99.7% survivability rate, you are playing Russian roulette if you ever go near this needle.


Oct 31, 2018
Thanks everyone! I very much appreciate your responses. Even my university is requiring vaccines for in-person participation, but I am going to file an exemption form.


Oct 31, 2018
It will never go back to normal. They only say that to help sell it. Millions have taken the jab hoping for normality when they just keep adding doses. Now they are saying monthly boosters so it is never ending.

Peer pressure is one of their tools, Don't let it get to you. There are many videos online of people suffering from the vax. Blinded, paralyzed, just a host of inflictions that could destroy your life.

When the CDC says con-vid has a 99.7% survivability rate, you are playing Russian roulette if you ever go near this needle.
Exactly! people are just eating up everything they are told by the masses without ever being skeptical or questioning anything. I have not seen any videos of people suffering from the vaccine, but I am not surprised this is happening. Of course the media also won't show this side.
Jan 27, 2018
ive come across the 'workplace mandate' thing a few times. best thing to do is to document it on video-- make it clear that you are willing to work but are being coerced against your will to take it. if you can get it on video and show that you are being threatened to take it by your boss(es), thats very good evidence. report this BEFORE you get fired to an attorney (maybe a local government department that deals with harrassment or bias in the workplace-- it might be a violation under HIPAA or ADA; i dont know). let them fire you and then take the whole case to them. you will be paid (according to him-- whose friend did it) unemployment money until the whole case is resolved.
that doesnt help if the unemployment money isnt enough, but theres so many other jobs available that are begging for workers.

its funny you should mention this pressure-- i just watched this video...

(15 min)

where clif high was talking about a pattern of positive impressions he has felt for the vax when he is clearly very much against it.
it freaked me out because i ALSO experienced a feeling of relaxation and contentment with the thought of taking the jab on two occasions. and looking at the comments, we are not alone. are people being hit by 5G or other mind control weapons? who knows. maybe. it shouldnt really come as a surprise.

anyway, keep your mind clear and your thoughts pure. stand your ground. we are getting close to the end of this, so you need to hold out a little bit longer before this story collapses. try to surround yourself with like minded people; maybe read this forum on a more regular basis to keep your intent strong.
People probably have feelings like that at times because you're *imagining* that the pressure will be off you and that you'll be accepted if you cave. But the reality is, this vaccine BS will NEVER end IF you cave you'll hate yourself for caving AND it could kill you at worst, make you sick (likely), or not do sh*t (guaranteed).

Also remember - there are WAY more people who WILL NEVER get this jab than you realize - media is making it seem like everyone wants it or has it - THAT IS FALSE.


Jun 28, 2020
Exactly! people are just eating up everything they are told by the masses without ever being skeptical or questioning anything. I have not seen any videos of people suffering from the vaccine, but I am not surprised this is happening. Of course the media also won't show this side.
People are brainwashed, literally. Theres a reason the news radio and social media only talk about con vid.

There is a thread here by @Fajr full of victim stories. Shouldn't be hard to find.


Oct 31, 2018
ive come across the 'workplace mandate' thing a few times. best thing to do is to document it on video-- make it clear that you are willing to work but are being coerced against your will to take it. if you can get it on video and show that you are being threatened to take it by your boss(es), thats very good evidence. report this BEFORE you get fired to an attorney (maybe a local government department that deals with harrassment or bias in the workplace-- it might be a violation under HIPAA or ADA; i dont know). let them fire you and then take the whole case to them. you will be paid (according to him-- whose friend did it) unemployment money until the whole case is resolved.
that doesnt help if the unemployment money isnt enough, but theres so many other jobs available that are begging for workers.

its funny you should mention this pressure-- i just watched this video...

(15 min)

where clif high was talking about a pattern of positive impressions he has felt for the vax when he is clearly very much against it.
it freaked me out because i ALSO experienced a feeling of relaxation and contentment with the thought of taking the jab on two occasions. and looking at the comments, we are not alone. are people being hit by 5G or other mind control weapons? who knows. maybe. it shouldnt really come as a surprise.

anyway, keep your mind clear and your thoughts pure. stand your ground. we are getting close to the end of this, so you need to hold out a little bit longer before this story collapses. try to surround yourself with like minded people; maybe read this forum on a more regular basis to keep your intent strong.
I have experienced some moments as well, then I come back to my senses. I don't know a lot about 5G yet, but I will research on it.


Jun 17, 2017
I have not seen any videos of people suffering from the vaccine

Mini Contini

Jan 25, 2021
Has anyone felt pressured to get the COVID vaccine? So far, everyone in my household has gotten vaccinated, except for myself. I have made my decision clear to them that I do not want to get it. Everyone insists I should so we can "go back to normal" as a society. I am also a health care worker and my state is mandating us to be vaccinated by october. It is getting out of control and I feel trapped. Any advice on how to handle this ?
When you’re sovereign, no one can force you to get the vaccine and anything else basically. You could watch the thread Sovereign people / maritime law / Live life claim for more information on how to become sovereign.
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Feb 5, 2018
Use the loopholes while you still can. But I think it's important to be prepared for the very real possibility/inevitability that one day it may be impossible to live a "normal" life without getting the vaccine. Be prepared to not be able to go into a grocery store, attend university or school, work or do the everyday activities that we enjoy now. Start looking into ways to grow your own food and be self sustainable now, while you still have the freedom to do so.


Jul 27, 2017
Everyone in my family except the wife and I. My parents, my bros, my sister in law, all pressuring us to get it. To think of our kids. I love my family, will not argue, I stated my reasons why I won’t get it
Has anyone felt pressured to get the COVID vaccine? So far, everyone in my household has gotten vaccinated, except for myself. I have made my decision clear to them that I do not want to get it. Everyone insists I should so we can "go back to normal" as a society. I am also a health care worker and my state is mandating us to be vaccinated by october. It is getting out of control and I feel trapped. Any advice on how to handle this ?


Jul 27, 2017
Use the loopholes while you still can. But I think it's important to be prepared for the very real possibility/inevitability that one day it may be impossible to live a "normal" life without getting the vaccine. Be prepared to not be able to go into a grocery store, attend university or school, work or do the everyday activities that we enjoy now. Start looking into ways to grow your own food and be self sustainable now, while you still have the freedom to do so.

I’ve always been under the assumption that the US wouldn’t go as far as to mandate security over freedom. But different times.

I’m not super religious, but this feels like that mark of the beast type of stuff


May 11, 2020
Everyone in my family except the wife and I. My parents, my bros, my sister in law, all pressuring us to get it. To think of our kids. I love my family, will not argue, I stated my reasons why I won’t get it
Do they feel any sort of regret in encouraging you to get the vaccine considering the first two are now beginning to be acknowledged as failures?