Traηsgender agenda in Kpop


Feb 2, 2018
I would like to chime in,if that's ok with you.
As I see this drawing,the 1st and the 3rd legs from left go together along with the upper left hand and the lower right hand.
And the rest of the limbs go together as the second set.Is that correct?
I also heard about the ME about this drawing and da vinci's quest to square the circle.
That's a very good take on it and in these cases the axis of the shoulders would be tilted in the opposite direction to the hips which is correct but then the leg who's supporting most of his weight should be directly underneath his head in these positions, unless gravity has no influence in this drawing.

Edit: you can try sitting in that position and have your picture taken from the front and from the side. Your foot will be perfectly aligned with your head when viewed from any side

Yeah, I did
Then you should be able to provide reference drawings like in the video inquisitor posted (but drawings of the correct race) to accompany the pictures you're posting and specifying the name of the bones/traits that make that person a man/woman, instead of just flooding us with dozens of pictures of the same girl in one post. You should posses the lingo (just put it in a translator) and you probably have plenty of books you can photograph drawings of
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Oct 18, 2019
1. I have the flu so I have no life at the moment
2. I'll be one of the people affected by this
3. because there's a very prolific poster here that keeps bumping this thread up on the first page

Even if there was a man posing as female that had all these attributes you're enumerating, how are you personally affected by this?
I don't think anyone here as transphobic BTW
I and many others are very much affected by this
Many girls at my school would come to me and tell me that they wanted such a part of my body
This is to bring about a false illusion
I have no problem if today they say in the first place that they made this transition and take into consideration that what you see was not born a biological male or female
But they will not do such a thing
Because then it destroys all their magic and illusion and agenda.


Feb 2, 2018
If even after I went and pointed out that the reference drawings in that video belong to the Caucasian race (apart from one that compares a Caucasian female to an Asian, much logic) and that their particularities should never be applied to Asians, she deemed them very interesting and that they speak for themselves and went ahead and took snapshots of all of those and posted them as proof....I just can't.
If you can't recognize a Caucasian skull from an Asian one when it's not covered by muscle and skin and you can't recognize that Caucasian and Asians have very different figures and body proportions then how can you recognize male Asians from female Asians?
Your singling out famous female Asians for having long and pointy faces when Asians are known to be obsessed with V shaped faces because of how rare they are in a sea of wide faces... If you have a V shaped face, you have a straight ticket to fame...and you're singling them out also for not having big hips, when they're asian (and most of these idols are extremely skinny). Asian women have narrow hips from nature, I had a wider pelvis than most Asian women when I was 9-10 years old.

Jin's shoulders are female looking shoulders now...mind blown
This is a female's back apparently o_O :
"A male's arms are always longer than the arms of a female when held to the body, so if you measure a woman's arms dangling from the side, the crotch should stop inside the palms of her hands" He's asian, their proportions aren't the same as the ones the quote is referring to, they have shorter limbs so their arms will dangle higher than in the Caucasian sketch with very big feet (very asian, much wow). Also go compare a Russian woman's arm length to an Italian man of the same height. The woman is more likely to have the longer arms.

Enjoy the fruits of your labour when you get to have very masculine little daughters or feminine sons. Karma doesn't forgive.

Don't worry, I'm not going to bother any one of you again, I don't ever want to come back on this forum. If this is what brings value to your lives, then continue the circus.


Feb 2, 2018
Wow you definetely hate me, you are so angry.
I don't want to respond directly as you did the same. 'She'...
Firstly, I found a time to watch that video, so I watched it. Secondly, I often take a shots of different videos I watch, because yt videos often tend to become privite or deleted. So, my screenshots aren't related to your post, it's just my habit.
Thirdly, it's awful wishing bad to others.
Fourthly, I've already mentioned I don't want to offense someone, I am not an antifan, I just want to speculate about this topic, and I found a like-minded people here, and started a separate thread not to trigger people in other threads. And it's not only me wanted to start such a thread. If you were wished you wouldn't join this thread, it's simply. Please, don't manipulate us as if we were doing something strongly unacceptable.
Recover your health, and please, be more kindly.

I can't copy-paste your name, I'm using my cursor on a Bamboo graphic tablet and that function doesn't work anymore.
You being hell-bent on flooding the Internet with this stupidity that may very well affect real people in the future, or the present, isn't kind AT ALL. You're very, very prolific, in this rhythm, this thread will catch up to the main Kpop one in the not so distant future.

I didn't wish you bad, I've witnessed Karma at work many, many times, in other people's lives and in my own life.
Doesn't the Bible say that you reap what you sow?
Thanks for the well wishes, Im almost recovered, and I wish you'll one day be able to think of someone other than yourself!


Nov 16, 2019
I can't copy-paste your name, I'm using my cursor on a Bamboo graphic tablet and that function doesn't work anymore.
You being hell-bent on flooding the Internet with this stupidity that may very well affect real people in the future, or the present, isn't kind AT ALL. You're very, very prolific, in this rhythm, this thread will catch up to the main Kpop one in the not so distant future.

I didn't wish you bad, I've witnessed Karma at work many, many times, in other people's lives and in my own life.
Doesn't the Bible say that you reap what you sow?
Thanks for the well wishes, I'm almost recovered, and I wish you'll one day be able to think of someone other than yourself!
No, karma isn't biblical in any way!
I see you trying to mix the Bible with satanic teachings. You "sneakily" add more and more spiteful lies to the Bible. Don't deceive others! And yes, the Earth doesn't move, has a firmament above and isn't round, no gravity whatsoever.
As for your question on how that matters to anyone. It's obvious as to why! Media imposes those people on us. I don't watch TV but the satanic system is made in a way you can't escape it - education with fake history, evolution, gravity theories, etc; magazines; music videos, etc. Then teens start to think their bodies and faces aren't beautiful enough. Then comes low self-esteem and even plastic surgery. Satan is destroying them both physically and mentally. Not to mention corrupting their souls! Even if you want to you can't escape it. The system wants us in the cities, far from nature and growing our own food until the time of the mark of the beast comes. People are being dumbed down with their heads filled with lies while not even knowing what gender they are nor how to work with their hands. This is Satan killing, stealing and destroying.
Throughout your all comments you really come off as an angry person. While I do agree with you that Kpop still isn't affected by hidden transgenders (there may be 1-2 but I'm still doubtful), you constantly attack passive aggressively the other users.
Transgenderism is definitely predominant when it comes to Hollywood celebrities, scientists, authors etc. I don't even think they're pure human beings at all with the DNA manipulative they do to themselves. There we have blood lines which only God knows for sure what exactly is happening there.
That's why, on a side note, I'm also against the Mk ultra theory. This immediately remove the free will God has given to us. That's why conspiracy theories can make just as addicted as anything else. It will lead you into a vicious cycle of pleasing once again your flesh thinking you know it all or seeing things the way they aren't. Just repent and seek Christ. No need to go any deeper or you'll still in Satan's trap. Once you get that everyone will stand before God, you will start seeing that wasting your time on is exactly what Satan wants you to do(and you think it's right).

Edit: A special edit from me to @Stina and how the use of "you" in the last 2 paragraphs isn't directed at her but to every reader! And please, if you say your goodbyes, then don't come back and write me messages. I'm not changing my comment any further to fit in your own narrative. Oh, and I guess if you're not an English speaker(which you aren't also I remember right from your comments), you can't express your opinion. "Sorry" that i'm not on your level. I'm not gonna derive the thread any further with topics that aren't in relation to this thread.
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Oct 18, 2019
Seeing how YT focused on it and remove videos about this subject (under 5,000 views) they don't want the secret out
If that is not true then why are they removing such videos and pressed about it
I saw how they defined a video explaining biological anatomy as a sensitive video
They don't want us to know it
And I'm sure there are people trolling here that are on the secret and trying to make a joke out of it
too late I woke up already and I'm glad I see more and more people talking about it.


Oct 18, 2019
Friends, I've just taken a break for weekends having a good time. Soon I'll back and I'm going to continue this tranny topic, and welcome you too~ Let's keep a good mood here~
By the way, one user has written a very good post yesterday (about Bible and karma, about crazy things in hllyweird like DNA mutations etc). But now it's deleted. I just wanted to thank that person because that post was really nice, and you encouraged me.
I also would like to see if you have a screenshot!


Oct 18, 2019
I love her transvestigations videos so much! so on point
The zoom on the pixels
I never thought about it But in today's generation that everything is computerized and undergoing processing and Photoshop it makes so much sense
the Masks and body suits also make sense
If you use it in movies why not use it for things like that, and when it's very high quality.


Mar 4, 2019
I also would like to talk about clones. I don't know if this thing happens in Kpop like in HW, I think we can only speculate, but there are some idols I couldn't distinguish from each other for a long time. For example, oddly enough but Sú11i and Djoy. I am not saying that's because 'they are asians and europians can't distinguish them blabla', no! Although I am not asian it's not difficult distinguishing asians for me. And I know people can look very alike, but...I mean such cases as M¡l3y and B¡3b3r. They have identical DNA no doubtsView attachment 28841I saw so many videos that celebrities in HW are usually sacrificed and replaced by their clones (synthetic people/robotoids/artificial humans..). Like 3m¡n3mView attachment 28842View attachment 28843

So, I want to talk about cloning in Kpop too
What do you think about an article below?


K-pop idols all have a certain look that they all rock, but there are those who look so similar that they might as well be identical twinsIn a new Reddit thread, K-pop fans got into a hilarious discussion about those male and female K-pop idols who look incredibly similar. Armed with photographic evidence, some male and female K-pop idols look so alike that one may mistake them as the same person!
Here are 15 pairs of male and female K-pop idols who may as well pass off as identical twins:
6. BtoB's Sungjae + Ailee = Kang Daniel
This is far too convincing!
View attachment 28850
5. SEVENTEEN's Joshua and PRISTIN's Roa
Practically the same person!
View attachment 28848
View attachment 288494. TWICE's Tzuyu and SEVENTEEN's Jeonghan
Exactly the same smiles!
View attachment 28847
1. BTS' Suga and CL
The resemblance is uncanny!
BONUS: Suga + CL = SEVENTEEN's Woozi!
Can't unsee this now!
View attachment 28844
View attachment 28845

This is very creepy omg...


Oct 18, 2019
I also would like to talk about clones. I don't know if this thing happens in Kpop like in HW, I think we can only speculate, but there are some idols I couldn't distinguish from each other for a long time. For example, oddly enough but Sú11i and Djoy. I am not saying that's because 'they are asians and europians can't distinguish them blabla', no! Although I am not asian it's not difficult distinguishing asians for me. And I know people can look very alike, but...I mean such cases as M¡l3y and B¡3b3r. They have identical DNA no doubtsView attachment 28841I saw so many videos that celebrities in HW are usually sacrificed and replaced by their clones (synthetic people/robotoids/artificial humans..). Like 3m¡n3mView attachment 28842
View attachment 29005

So, I want to talk about cloning in Kpop too
What do you think about an article below?


K-pop idols all have a certain look that they all rock, but there are those who look so similar that they might as well be identical twinsIn a new Reddit thread, K-pop fans got into a hilarious discussion about those male and female K-pop idols who look incredibly similar. Armed with photographic evidence, some male and female K-pop idols look so alike that one may mistake them as the same person!
Here are 15 pairs of male and female K-pop idols who may as well pass off as identical twins:
6. BtoB's Sungjae + Ailee = Kang Daniel
This is far too convincing!
View attachment 28850
5. SEVENTEEN's Joshua and PRISTIN's Roa
Practically the same person!
View attachment 28848
View attachment 288494. TWICE's Tzuyu and SEVENTEEN's Jeonghan
Exactly the same smiles!
View attachment 28847
1. BTS' Suga and CL
The resemblance is uncanny!
BONUS: Suga + CL = SEVENTEEN's Woozi!
Can't unsee this now!
View attachment 28844
View attachment 28845
I will say my opinion on the subject
I think that cloning is not real or a thing
Of course they knew that there would be an awakening and people would wake up to the transgender agenda
So they make up newer and more bizarre conspiracies so you don't know what's right and what's not

All I know is that these idols are transgendered many undergo surgery and play with the hormones
mk ultra programming that makes them behave weird and robotic
You will also know what a demon enters them
As for their similarities
I strongly believe that there is a blood connection between many of them
Many come from the same family root
And of course they won't say that because it destroys all the fantasy and the magic
And also in my opinion they don't have much choice because they are still the minority
And immediately I think of Apink's Chorong and Bomi
When I saw their debut, I was sure they were sisters and it turned out not
Maybe it's another way of putting sisters in the same band and seeing how no one gets on it and laughing at us like that.