The US government colludes in Mass Deaths by Opioids

Golden Age

Apr 9, 2018
There are, currently, two theories as to the origins of the opioid crisis in the United States. They are:

1] The political dominance of the pharmaceutical industry lobby and the 'cultural propensity' of Americans to heavily medicate themselves, (the consequence of not having a coherent and efficient public healthcare system) !?
2] A more comprehensive evaluation of the phenomenon concentrates on the the collapse of a productive economy and wages for working Americans. Therefore, the opioids being consumed are not just addressing physical pain but are a nihilistic 'prop' to help working Americans deal with the loss of income, living standards, identity and emotional despair.

In general, the political establishment on Capitol Hill accept the first theory. That allows them to continue taking money from the pharmaceutical sector and waste resources trying to deal with the consequences of the opioid epidemic, rather than treating its causes.

Capitol Hill wishes to ignore the second explanation because it implicates the political class in the socio-economic conditions that created the crisis, in the first place.
Like all political classes in advanced democracies, they are intellectually perverted and morally bankrupt. And they're massive cowards, too.

From my perspective, I think there is a deeper, more fundamental, cultural issue. America tends to value its citizenry as economic beings.
Working Americans operating as wage slaves and consuming drones have values attached to them, i.e. a 'credit ratings'. Unfortunately, this is a fantastically ignorant cultural view of humans that ignores the dominant characteristic of the species: that we're all social beings, first!
Therefore, America has created a moribund, debt spewing, rentier economy that undermines working Americans and fails to appreciate them for who and what they are.

The opioid epidemic is evidence of a multi-layered cultural and intellectual crisis in America. Its a flawed view of human society, combined with a failed rentier economy, political domination of American democracy by lobby interests, i.e. 'big pharma' and a political class too conceited, corrupt and cowardly to admit their shortcomings. Adding to the brew of angst, alienation and resentment ... throw in a virulent dose of postmodern identity theory and you have the 'perfect storm'.

I have no idea where America is heading in the 21st century. However, the road sign that she has driven past seems to read "To Hell, In A Handcart" . . .

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
@Kung Fu . . . As long as you have a strong and coherent value system, you should be able to avoid the carnage you're witnessing around you. Sadly, not everyone is as fortunate as you.
It's also odd (really not that odd though) that since it's a majority of white people succumbing to these drugs, probably because of the higher price tag, the government is spending millions in funding in trying to help these "poor" white kids and adults. But when it comes to black people and their drug issues they're all of a sudden looked at as criminals who should sleep in the bed they make.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
@Kung Fu . . . you're not the first one to point out that contradiction, i'm afraid
I studied what happened in the 80s but reading about it and looking at the research is a lot different than actually being alive, conscious, and living through it and seeing exactly how it's unfolding right before my eyes. Almost 40 years later and nothing has really changed in terms of government relations in how they interact with the white middle class and people of colour.