The Truth About Xmas

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019


(which is actually condemned by Christ)


Xmas has absolutely nothing to do with God. It was originally called Yuletide, which is a pagan festival from the Babylonian Mystery religion of SUN worship. The Babylonians were merchants (they were the originators of the "Market-system" which is condemned by God) and they used Yuletide to sell their merchandise because, like today, it made them lots of money. Then in the first century A.D. Simon (the Sorcerer) Pater (NOT Peter) stole the name christian, mixed it with the Babylonian Mystery religion and formed a new religion called christianity, that teaches the opposite of what Christ taught, and has SUNdays as its sabbath days, due to its SUN-god worshipping origins (Galatians 1:6-9; 2:4). Simon Pater NOT Simon Peter (Cephas) started the fake religion called "christianity" (Acts 8:9-25). Christ's TRUE followers or disciples called themselves "Followers of The Way" or "Those True to The Covenant" (Nazrim ha-Brit), NOT christians.

SUNday is the FIRST day of the week, NOT the Sabbath which is the SEVENTH day; on which God rested. This "so-called" christianity perverted the teachings of Christ and incorporated their pagan rituals, in their temples, which have as their focal point a "Tower of Babel" (from which the word Babylon is derived) in which were babbling-bells. This is directly opposed to the true teaching of Christ who says that YOU must NOT go to church (Matthew 6:5-6 where synagogue means all churches). They also hijacked the virgin-birth and moved it from April to December 25th to coincide with their own Yuletide festival, which Christ says he HATES, in the Holy Bible, in Apocalypse/Revelation 2:6, 15, where the Nicolaitanes, whose doctrine Christ hates, are the followers of Santa (Ni)-Claus, who celebrate Yuletide (and Easter [Ishtar] a god of fertility - eggs are the symbol of fertility not crucifixion).

Verse 6: But this thou hast (in thy favour), that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes which I (Christ) ALSO HATE.

Verse 15: So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (the followers of St.Nicholas - Santa Claus), which thing I (Christ) HATE.

The Nicolaitans celebrate Yule-tide (Christmas now) and Santa Claus (st. Nicholas) and decorate trees with silver, which thing Christ HATES, because it is Satanic and NOT from God or Christ, as he makes perfectly clear in the verses above.

SANTA CLAUS WEARS SCARLET which Christ has told us is SATAN'S COLOUR (see Revelations chapter 12 verses 3+9 - the great RED dragon - SATAN).

SANTA CLAUS is an anagram for SATAN.


There is nothing Godly about Christmas and Christ HATES it; so how can christians celebrate it? Who taught them to do so? Certainly NOT Christ or his apostles.

A true Christian would be one who follows Christ's Way, does what He did, loves what He loved and hates what he hates - he would not imagine or theorize on what Christ would like or not like.

The "Virgin-birth" was in Spring at the time of birth and The Passover, when "lambs" were being born. It was NOT in December, the seasonal time of death.

The virgin-birth was actually in April, with new-born lambs in the fields, just like the Second Coming.

The fact that the three kings came to pay homage, and brought gifts of great wealth, was used by Satan to give, to those who perverted the teaching, the idea to continue and even increase the sales of their merchandise (a great marketing-exercise for them). So the virgin-birth was hijacked and corrupted into a time to make lots of money, using the ultimate in "high-pressure sales techniques", which was to falsely use God's Son's name, in order to embarass people, who couldn't afford to buy gifts, to go into debt or steal in order to buy their merchandise. By doing this the rich merchants ruin the lives of the poor, driving them further into debt and poverty or crime, whilst making themselves richer and richer. It is WRONG and EVIL from every angle. The original gifts were from rich kings to the "supposedly" poor - from the rich to the Son of God. There is absolutely NO Biblical precedent or teaching that supports giving gifts to human children. The merchants have turned it all backwards and made it the opposite, where the poor give money to the rich. They have done this because it and they are Satanically inspired. Satan is a Hebrew word that means "the Opposer" - someone who does and says the OPPOSITE of what God says, telling and teaching others to do the opposite too, by words, persuasion and example.

Giving presents to human children, instead of them giving their "selves" as presents to God, feeds their egoes (the "self") and makes them more arrogant and selfish because people are paying homage to them, bringing them gifts. This arrogance then causes them to oppress adults (Isaiah 3:12).

Instead of which they should be paying homage to God, and being thankful for Him having sent His Son to show them The Way, using their money in God's cause (for good). Children like adults have to lose their egoes and become unselfish (by daily crucifixion - "self"-sacrifice); humble; polite and helpful, or they will continue the ruining of the world and cause themselves to be executed on the Last Day.

So, by giving gifts and celebrating a pagan festival, parents are, IN REALITY, doing harm to their own children and themselves, whilst making themselves poorer, and the rich richer and bringing about the ultimate execution of their children's souls (Beings) and their own, on the now imminent Last Day.

Children should get only what they need, when they need it and NOT get expensive useless rubbish that breaks and/or is quickly discarded. They need you to spend the time, that you spent working to buy presents, with them, teaching them love and how to behave properly, instead of feeding their egoes. Less time at work, for you, and more time with your children so that you are not strangers to each other.

Christ came to bring True Justice for everyone, to put an end to poverty and make life loving and better EVERY day not one miserable day a year.

The decking of fir trees with silver and gold and placing presents (offerings) under them is also a pagan ritual condemned by God in the Bible in Jeremiah 10:2-4. Nimrod/Osiris/Horus is often pictured with wings, holding reindeer and a fir tree.

For the rest of this article, please visit:
Mar 30, 2017


(which is actually condemned by Christ)


Xmas has absolutely nothing to do with God. It was originally called Yuletide, which is a pagan festival from the Babylonian Mystery religion of SUN worship. The Babylonians were merchants (they were the originators of the "Market-system" which is condemned by God) and they used Yuletide to sell their merchandise because, like today, it made them lots of money. Then in the first century A.D. Simon (the Sorcerer) Pater (NOT Peter) stole the name christian, mixed it with the Babylonian Mystery religion and formed a new religion called christianity, that teaches the opposite of what Christ taught, and has SUNdays as its sabbath days, due to its SUN-god worshipping origins (Galatians 1:6-9; 2:4). Simon Pater NOT Simon Peter (Cephas) started the fake religion called "christianity" (Acts 8:9-25). Christ's TRUE followers or disciples called themselves "Followers of The Way" or "Those True to The Covenant" (Nazrim ha-Brit), NOT christians.

SUNday is the FIRST day of the week, NOT the Sabbath which is the SEVENTH day; on which God rested. This "so-called" christianity perverted the teachings of Christ and incorporated their pagan rituals, in their temples, which have as their focal point a "Tower of Babel" (from which the word Babylon is derived) in which were babbling-bells. This is directly opposed to the true teaching of Christ who says that YOU must NOT go to church (Matthew 6:5-6 where synagogue means all churches). They also hijacked the virgin-birth and moved it from April to December 25th to coincide with their own Yuletide festival, which Christ says he HATES, in the Holy Bible, in Apocalypse/Revelation 2:6, 15, where the Nicolaitanes, whose doctrine Christ hates, are the followers of Santa (Ni)-Claus, who celebrate Yuletide (and Easter [Ishtar] a god of fertility - eggs are the symbol of fertility not crucifixion).

Verse 6: But this thou hast (in thy favour), that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes which I (Christ) ALSO HATE.

Verse 15: So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (the followers of St.Nicholas - Santa Claus), which thing I (Christ) HATE.

The Nicolaitans celebrate Yule-tide (Christmas now) and Santa Claus (st. Nicholas) and decorate trees with silver, which thing Christ HATES, because it is Satanic and NOT from God or Christ, as he makes perfectly clear in the verses above.

SANTA CLAUS WEARS SCARLET which Christ has told us is SATAN'S COLOUR (see Revelations chapter 12 verses 3+9 - the great RED dragon - SATAN).

SANTA CLAUS is an anagram for SATAN.


There is nothing Godly about Christmas and Christ HATES it; so how can christians celebrate it? Who taught them to do so? Certainly NOT Christ or his apostles.

A true Christian would be one who follows Christ's Way, does what He did, loves what He loved and hates what he hates - he would not imagine or theorize on what Christ would like or not like.

The "Virgin-birth" was in Spring at the time of birth and The Passover, when "lambs" were being born. It was NOT in December, the seasonal time of death.

The virgin-birth was actually in April, with new-born lambs in the fields, just like the Second Coming.

The fact that the three kings came to pay homage, and brought gifts of great wealth, was used by Satan to give, to those who perverted the teaching, the idea to continue and even increase the sales of their merchandise (a great marketing-exercise for them). So the virgin-birth was hijacked and corrupted into a time to make lots of money, using the ultimate in "high-pressure sales techniques", which was to falsely use God's Son's name, in order to embarass people, who couldn't afford to buy gifts, to go into debt or steal in order to buy their merchandise. By doing this the rich merchants ruin the lives of the poor, driving them further into debt and poverty or crime, whilst making themselves richer and richer. It is WRONG and EVIL from every angle. The original gifts were from rich kings to the "supposedly" poor - from the rich to the Son of God. There is absolutely NO Biblical precedent or teaching that supports giving gifts to human children. The merchants have turned it all backwards and made it the opposite, where the poor give money to the rich. They have done this because it and they are Satanically inspired. Satan is a Hebrew word that means "the Opposer" - someone who does and says the OPPOSITE of what God says, telling and teaching others to do the opposite too, by words, persuasion and example.

Giving presents to human children, instead of them giving their "selves" as presents to God, feeds their egoes (the "self") and makes them more arrogant and selfish because people are paying homage to them, bringing them gifts. This arrogance then causes them to oppress adults (Isaiah 3:12).

Instead of which they should be paying homage to God, and being thankful for Him having sent His Son to show them The Way, using their money in God's cause (for good). Children like adults have to lose their egoes and become unselfish (by daily crucifixion - "self"-sacrifice); humble; polite and helpful, or they will continue the ruining of the world and cause themselves to be executed on the Last Day.

So, by giving gifts and celebrating a pagan festival, parents are, IN REALITY, doing harm to their own children and themselves, whilst making themselves poorer, and the rich richer and bringing about the ultimate execution of their children's souls (Beings) and their own, on the now imminent Last Day.

Children should get only what they need, when they need it and NOT get expensive useless rubbish that breaks and/or is quickly discarded. They need you to spend the time, that you spent working to buy presents, with them, teaching them love and how to behave properly, instead of feeding their egoes. Less time at work, for you, and more time with your children so that you are not strangers to each other.

Christ came to bring True Justice for everyone, to put an end to poverty and make life loving and better EVERY day not one miserable day a year.

The decking of fir trees with silver and gold and placing presents (offerings) under them is also a pagan ritual condemned by God in the Bible in Jeremiah 10:2-4. Nimrod/Osiris/Horus is often pictured with wings, holding reindeer and a fir tree.

For the rest of this article, please visit:
This is an interesting read. I remember years ago Redsilverj had a video discussing the pagan origins of Christmas, as he mentioned Saturnalia and the origin of Christmas trees. However, he seems to have removed it from his YT channel. This article seems to touch on it:

Pagan Origins of Christmas: Where Santa Claus, His Chariot and Christmas Decorations Came From

And who could forget the Church Lady calling as she saw it:


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
This is an interesting read. I remember years ago Redsilverj had a video discussing the pagan origins of Christmas, as he mentioned Saturnalia and the origin of Christmas trees. However, he seems to have removed it from his YT channel. This article seems to touch on it:

Pagan Origins of Christmas: Where Santa Claus, His Chariot and Christmas Decorations Came From

And who could forget the Church Lady calling as she saw it:

The power of this satanic ritual is difficult to fathom until one stops partaking in it. The Nicolaitanes don't take kindly to dissenters pointing out the truth that the largest, most materialistic retail event of the year has absolutely nothing to do with Christ nor is it what children need.
Oct 20, 2021
I never use the term Xmas because they are xing out Christ and replacing Christ with an X. Why even do this except for nefarious reasons?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I never use the term Xmas because they are xing out Christ and replacing Christ with an X. Why even do this except for nefarious reasons?
The term Christmas (Christ-mass) was invented by the RCC for nefarious reasons. It's clearly a pagan holiday/tradition that has absolutely NOTHING to do with Christ. In fact, anyone celebrating Christ-mass is mocking Christ, even though most of the world associates that day, the 25th of December, with Christ (an immortal spirit-Being).

How could the Lamb of God be born in the dead of winter, during the Yuletide/Saturnalia? Lambs are born in the Spring.

And how could the most materialistic event of the year supposedly coincide with the birth of Jesus when Jesus said it's impossible to serve both God and mammon/materialism?

Further, IF celebrating the birth of Jesus was something that people needed to do, wouldn't Christ have told us to do so? It is Christ's Teachings and His Life Example that people need to learn from and put into action, so that they can be born again from above, as their true, spiritual self. THAT is the birth that matters.

It is perhaps noteworthy that because most associate the 25th of December with Christ, God arranged for Jacob's Pillar-Stone (which is the Throne of David) to be taken on that very day in 1950, to fulfill prophecy and to provide a very important clue to anyone paying close attention.
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Apr 25, 2021


(which is actually condemned by Christ)


Xmas has absolutely nothing to do with God. It was originally called Yuletide, which is a pagan festival from the Babylonian Mystery religion of SUN worship. The Babylonians were merchants (they were the originators of the "Market-system" which is condemned by God) and they used Yuletide to sell their merchandise because, like today, it made them lots of money. Then in the first century A.D. Simon (the Sorcerer) Pater (NOT Peter) stole the name christian, mixed it with the Babylonian Mystery religion and formed a new religion called christianity, that teaches the opposite of what Christ taught, and has SUNdays as its sabbath days, due to its SUN-god worshipping origins (Galatians 1:6-9; 2:4). Simon Pater NOT Simon Peter (Cephas) started the fake religion called "christianity" (Acts 8:9-25). Christ's TRUE followers or disciples called themselves "Followers of The Way" or "Those True to The Covenant" (Nazrim ha-Brit), NOT christians.

SUNday is the FIRST day of the week, NOT the Sabbath which is the SEVENTH day; on which God rested. This "so-called" christianity perverted the teachings of Christ and incorporated their pagan rituals, in their temples, which have as their focal point a "Tower of Babel" (from which the word Babylon is derived) in which were babbling-bells. This is directly opposed to the true teaching of Christ who says that YOU must NOT go to church (Matthew 6:5-6 where synagogue means all churches). They also hijacked the virgin-birth and moved it from April to December 25th to coincide with their own Yuletide festival, which Christ says he HATES, in the Holy Bible, in Apocalypse/Revelation 2:6, 15, where the Nicolaitanes, whose doctrine Christ hates, are the followers of Santa (Ni)-Claus, who celebrate Yuletide (and Easter [Ishtar] a god of fertility - eggs are the symbol of fertility not crucifixion).

Verse 6: But this thou hast (in thy favour), that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes which I (Christ) ALSO HATE.

Verse 15: So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (the followers of St.Nicholas - Santa Claus), which thing I (Christ) HATE.

The Nicolaitans celebrate Yule-tide (Christmas now) and Santa Claus (st. Nicholas) and decorate trees with silver, which thing Christ HATES, because it is Satanic and NOT from God or Christ, as he makes perfectly clear in the verses above.

SANTA CLAUS WEARS SCARLET which Christ has told us is SATAN'S COLOUR (see Revelations chapter 12 verses 3+9 - the great RED dragon - SATAN).

SANTA CLAUS is an anagram for SATAN.


There is nothing Godly about Christmas and Christ HATES it; so how can christians celebrate it? Who taught them to do so? Certainly NOT Christ or his apostles.

A true Christian would be one who follows Christ's Way, does what He did, loves what He loved and hates what he hates - he would not imagine or theorize on what Christ would like or not like.

The "Virgin-birth" was in Spring at the time of birth and The Passover, when "lambs" were being born. It was NOT in December, the seasonal time of death.

The virgin-birth was actually in April, with new-born lambs in the fields, just like the Second Coming.

The fact that the three kings came to pay homage, and brought gifts of great wealth, was used by Satan to give, to those who perverted the teaching, the idea to continue and even increase the sales of their merchandise (a great marketing-exercise for them). So the virgin-birth was hijacked and corrupted into a time to make lots of money, using the ultimate in "high-pressure sales techniques", which was to falsely use God's Son's name, in order to embarass people, who couldn't afford to buy gifts, to go into debt or steal in order to buy their merchandise. By doing this the rich merchants ruin the lives of the poor, driving them further into debt and poverty or crime, whilst making themselves richer and richer. It is WRONG and EVIL from every angle. The original gifts were from rich kings to the "supposedly" poor - from the rich to the Son of God. There is absolutely NO Biblical precedent or teaching that supports giving gifts to human children. The merchants have turned it all backwards and made it the opposite, where the poor give money to the rich. They have done this because it and they are Satanically inspired. Satan is a Hebrew word that means "the Opposer" - someone who does and says the OPPOSITE of what God says, telling and teaching others to do the opposite too, by words, persuasion and example.

Giving presents to human children, instead of them giving their "selves" as presents to God, feeds their egoes (the "self") and makes them more arrogant and selfish because people are paying homage to them, bringing them gifts. This arrogance then causes them to oppress adults (Isaiah 3:12).

Instead of which they should be paying homage to God, and being thankful for Him having sent His Son to show them The Way, using their money in God's cause (for good). Children like adults have to lose their egoes and become unselfish (by daily crucifixion - "self"-sacrifice); humble; polite and helpful, or they will continue the ruining of the world and cause themselves to be executed on the Last Day.

So, by giving gifts and celebrating a pagan festival, parents are, IN REALITY, doing harm to their own children and themselves, whilst making themselves poorer, and the rich richer and bringing about the ultimate execution of their children's souls (Beings) and their own, on the now imminent Last Day.

Children should get only what they need, when they need it and NOT get expensive useless rubbish that breaks and/or is quickly discarded. They need you to spend the time, that you spent working to buy presents, with them, teaching them love and how to behave properly, instead of feeding their egoes. Less time at work, for you, and more time with your children so that you are not strangers to each other.

Christ came to bring True Justice for everyone, to put an end to poverty and make life loving and better EVERY day not one miserable day a year.

The decking of fir trees with silver and gold and placing presents (offerings) under them is also a pagan ritual condemned by God in the Bible in Jeremiah 10:2-4. Nimrod/Osiris/Horus is often pictured with wings, holding reindeer and a fir tree.

For the rest of this article, please visit:
I agree wholly with the part on gifts…It truly do inflate your ego, btw.
Jun 26, 2022
We don't celebrate christmas in my household. Im thankful that my husband and i are on the same page about this (he's actually more adamant about it than me). Our children will not be expecting presents brought by some home intruder whose name is an anagram for satan.

Regarding the gifts the kings brought (scripture does not specify that it was three kings, but that three gifts were brought), it was not at the time of Jesus's birth. He was born in a manger [Luke2:7], but the gifts were brought to him when he was a child (not a newborn) living in a house [Matt2:9-11].

Also interesting that the Bible does not mention birthdays in a positive sense, they are often associated with death. In Genesis 40:20-22 we have mention on the pharoah's birthday and the hanging of his baker as phophesied by Joseph. In the New Testament we have Herod's birthday and the beheading of John the baptist [Matt14:6, Mark 6:21]. Around this point is where people usually start accusing me of being a jehovas witness (im not).

These are some of my favorite videos regarding the topic. In general, ive noticed that the majority of pastors fall into one of two groups: either denying that there is any pagan influence in christmas at all, or admitting there is but attempting to justify it/using it for good. These two pastors do neither.



May 17, 2020
God aint gonna salt you with fire and brimstone if you put up a Christmas tree and give and receive gifts.

“A voice is heard in Ramah,
weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be comforted,
because they are no more.”

Of course you could do something about the other side of Christmas where there will be poor suffering children who will be cold and hungry so why not go out your way and gift them food and or clothes? Or would you deem this Pagan because of the time of year?


Dec 27, 2017
God aint gonna salt you with fire and brimstone if you put up a Christmas tree and give and receive gifts.

“A voice is heard in Ramah,
weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be comforted,
because they are no more.”

Of course you could do something about the other side of Christmas where there will be poor suffering children who will be cold and hungry so why not go out your way and gift them food and or clothes? Or would you deem this Pagan because of the time of year?
There is nothing wrong with doing good deeds on any day no matter what the celebration or time of year it is. Its best to stay away from any pagan connotations as Christians but nothing wrong with giving gifts to the needy during the Christmas season. I think we should show God's genuine love amid all the frivolous celebration of the season.

As God’s people, we must think of how to preach Christ to the world. Christmas, pagan though it may be, is the one time in all the year that hearts are most open to receive the truth of Jesus’ birth and life, and ultimately His death, resurrection, and the current work He is doing on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary. If we would make Christmas a blessing, then we need to know how to do it and prepare to do it.
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Aug 24, 2017
Yes we hear that every year but I still celebrate Christmas anyway.
Why? Because I believe that's where the difference lies between American and European Christianity. In Europe we tend to accept that Christ came to replace pagan falsehoods and as a matter of fact, Christmas period is the ONLY moment of the year where we remember the birth of Jesus. Just be honest , there is not another time where we can talk about nativity in that way and have songs reminding His birth in which we can tell everybody that God gave us the biggest gift of them all in Jesus.

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
John 1:12‭-‬13

It's also the moment where we truly live this verse

I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
Acts 20:35

So to me it is the proper moment of the year where we meet friends/family and can be a blessing to them. Believe it or not, it's the time where numerous non-believers, would dare enter a church to hear the gospel.

Does it mean I worship trees? No I don't, just like muslim don't believe they worship the Moon although their feasts rely on Moon sightings which might coincide with lunar deities of ancient times.
I don't tell kids "Santa" is a thing either.

In American Christianity, I often notice Christians complaining that the world is imposing their customs, their feasts and their moral order. I'm genuinely asking, Is it not because you willingly accept to give up everything including your feasts as you're more interested in becoming the fringe minority with little to no influence on this world's culture? Why Merry Christmas got replaced by Happy Holidays?

Let that sink in.


May 17, 2020
Christmas in its current form has more to do with American corporate greed than paganism. Has been ever since they changed 'santa's' colours from green/tan and white to coca cola red and white. I guess from a European perspective it's a form of cultural occupation.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
From The Law:-

Deuteronomy 12:29-32
12:29 When the "I AM" thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, where thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;
12:30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
12:31 Thou shalt not do so unto the "I AM" thy God: for every abomination to the "I AM", which He hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.
12:32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.

~600 years before the birth of Jesus:-

Jeremiah 10:1-4
10:1 Hear ye the Word which the "I AM" speaketh unto you, O House of Israel:
10:2 Thus saith the "I AM", Learn NOT the way of the heathen, and be NOT dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
10:3 For the customs of the people [are] VAIN: for [one] cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

Revelation 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes (followers of Santa [Ni]-Claus - Yuletide, Easter [Ishtar - a goddess of fertility - eggs a symbol of fertility] etc.), which I also hate.

Adopting and keeping pagan practices, particularly those which both God and Christ have said they hate, and hoping that it's okay to do so because it's supposedly so much fun, isn't very smart.

There's nothing wrong with treating others with kindness, love and respect every day of the year; in fact it's what all of us should be doing. The poor and less fortunate should be fed, clothed and sheltered every day of the year too, although this wouldn't be necessary if we started obeying God and His Christ by keeping The Law they gave us for our collective benefit, to eliminate poverty.

Deuteronomy 15:4 TO THE END THAT THERE BE NO POOR AMONG YOU; for the "I AM" shall greatly bless thee in the land which the "I AM" thy God giveth thee [for] an inheritance to possess it:

Romans 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love [is] the fulfilling of The Law.
Jun 26, 2022
A few more thoughts about the subject

- i agree that we should be helping those in need throughout the year, and it should not be limited to a particular day or season

- while my household has the conviction that we should not celebrate, i dont have a judgmental attitude towards those believers who do (provided they are focusing on Jesus Christ. I dont really care for people celebrating a day centered around a fat gift man and putting up blown up disney characters on their front lawns). As the Bible says, let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

Romans 14:5-6
5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.

- part of the reason we realized we should not celebrate is the very name christ-mass, coming from a "mass" for Christ. We don't celebrate the mass, so it follows that why celebrate a day called Christ mass. I remember wondering as a child, why isnt it just called "Jesus birthday" IF that's what we're supposedly celebrating.

- i dont believe in saying "happy holidays" either. If we take out the one that's supposedly about Christ then what are we left with? Saturnalia, day of sol invictus, dedication of the temple/hanukkah?

I think ive mentioned before on the forums, years before being saved we got caught up in new age type of beliefs, and that included observing pagan "holidays" (we didnt do any rituals or anything, just noted that it was that day and referred to them by pagan names). So in a way we are still the "weak" brethren that may stumble if we are to observe these days, even by their Christianized name. I realize that those believers who have never fallen into the new age trap would not have to concern themselves with this.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
From: The Top 10 Myths That Dominate "Christianity" -

4. Ho-ho-ho.

Merry Christ-mas! It's the most wonderful time of the year (sing along if you know the words), when we celebrate Santa and reindeer and Christ-mas trees and Christ-mas lights and Christ-mas decorations and presents and ski trips and drinking and stuffing our faces at Christ-mas parties. Deck the halls. Jingle bells.

What in the world does any of this have to do with the birth of Jesus?

Ask any Christian and they'll probably tell you that despite the central role Santa plays in all of this 'holiday cheer', they know the real reason for the season. Don't we all?


Christ-mass/X-mass is the most materialistic event on the calendar. Advertising and peer pressure has people spending money they don't have on things they don't need, to impress people they don't know. THAT is what X-mass is all about and the real reason for the silly season. The supposed birthday of Jesus was simply added to indoctrinate and incorporate Christians into these overtly pagan/heathen Yuletide/Saturnalia traditions and promote materialism. X-mass/Yuletide/Saturnalia and the birth of Jesus are, by their very nature, mutually exclusive.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and materialism.

X-mass teaches people to tell lies, and worse yet, it manipulates us to perpetuate these lies “for the good of the children”. And if any should refuse to teach, train and spoil their children into being selfish and materialistic liars like themselves, they face the wrath and judgment of the evil majority (Exod. 23:2) who consider themselves to be St. Nick's best friend and personal defenders.

From a very early age, children are fed the LIE that there is a jolly old man in a red suit named Santa [Ni]Claus (old St. Nick/Nicolas) who, in a single night, flies around the world in a sled pulled by flying reindeer (one with a red nose that lights the way), landing on people's rooftops undetected before forcing his obese, jelly-like exterior through the chimney and leaving all of these wonderful gifts under the X-mass tree strung with gold and silver tinsel. As ridiculous as this story sounds, even to children, they are told if they do not believe in Santa he won't come and leave them any presents. How can children believe anything their parents tell them after finding out Santa is a lie?

We are training our children to believe in lies and that it's fun to repeat them.

The name “Santa” is a very obvious anagram for Satan, who is the father/inventor of LIES [John 8:35 (John 8:44 KJV)] and he is laughing at us all (ho-ho-ho) for falling for his X-mass con job. No wonder Christ HATES X-mass.

Revelation 2:6, 15
2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes (followers of Santa [Ni]-Claus - Yuletide, Easter [Ishtar - a goddess of fertility - eggs a symbol of fertility] etc.), which I also hate.

2:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the followers of St. [Ni]-Claus (Yuletide), which thing I hate.

So how can so-called Christians do this to Christ? Celebrating a lie, and teaching your children to do the same is patently evil, which is why Christ (the Truth) condemns the pagan tradition of the X-mass/Yuletide/Saturnalia, which honors Satan/Santa, NOT the supposed birth of Jesus. Does anyone really believe that the Lamb of God was born in the dead of Winter? Lambs are born in the Spring, the season of REBIRTH.

In the year 7 B.C. there was a conjunction of Jupiter (the king of the planets) and Saturn (thought to be the protector of Israel) in the Constellation of Pisces (the Sign of the Messiah), as computed in 1603 by the Astronomer Royal in Prague - Johannes Kepler, that was first visible at daybreak on the 12th of April 7 B.C. (Passover in 7 B.C. was on Monday April 13th which commenced at sundown on the 12th). The earth-shattering significance of this conjunction – Messiah; King; Protector of Israel; Passover - would have been unmistakable to the Levitical Druid astronomers (wise men) in the British Isles, where the monarch was also the Archdruid.

Matthew 2:1-6
2:1 Now when Jesus had been born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men (druids) to the East to Jerusalem,
2:2 Saying, Where is he that has been BORN King of the Jews? for we saw his "Star" in the East, and are come to worship him.
2:3 When Herod the king had heard [these things], he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
2:4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and lawyers of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
2:5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,
2:6 And thou Bethlehem, [in] the land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor (of this prison planet), that shall rule My people Israel.

Jesus (Savior) was born in the Spring, in Bethlehem of Judaea, at the time of the Passover (when the lamb's blood saved us by causing the angel of death to passover) NOT on the pagan Yuletide/Christmas, during the season of death. Celebrating the heathen Yuletide/Saturnalia began shortly after the flood (Gen. 10:8-9), and had been going on for thousands of years before the birth of Jesus.

Jeremiah 10:1-4
10:1 Hear ye the Word which the "I AM" speaketh unto you, O House of Israel:
10:2 Thus saith the "I AM", Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
10:3 For the customs of the people [are] vain: for [one] cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

Spreading lies and continuing to do that thing which Christ hates is a sure-fire way to burn (Rev. 21:8).
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
A few more thoughts about the subject

- i agree that we should be helping those in need throughout the year, and it should not be limited to a particular day or season

- while my household has the conviction that we should not celebrate, i dont have a judgmental attitude towards those believers who do (provided they are focusing on Jesus Christ. I dont really care for people celebrating a day centered around a fat gift man and putting up blown up disney characters on their front lawns). As the Bible says, let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

Romans 14:5-6
5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.

- part of the reason we realized we should not celebrate is the very name christ-mass, coming from a "mass" for Christ. We don't celebrate the mass, so it follows that why celebrate a day called Christ mass. I remember wondering as a child, why isnt it just called "Jesus birthday" IF that's what we're supposedly celebrating.

- i dont believe in saying "happy holidays" either. If we take out the one that's supposedly about Christ then what are we left with? Saturnalia, day of sol invictus, dedication of the temple/hanukkah?

I think ive mentioned before on the forums, years before being saved we got caught up in new age type of beliefs, and that included observing pagan "holidays" (we didnt do any rituals or anything, just noted that it was that day and referred to them by pagan names). So in a way we are still the "weak" brethren that may stumble if we are to observe these days, even by their Christianized name. I realize that those believers who have never fallen into the new age trap would not have to concern themselves with this.
Something being offered, for everyone's consideration...

The goal of every Bible-believing individual should be obedience to God and His Christ, realizing (having faith) that They know best and have our best interest in Mind at all times and in all matters.

Sharing this Truth with others is not in any way judging another. It is merely (and lovingly) bringing the Truth to their attention, which people are free to either accept of reject. For example, sharing the Truth about Christ-mass, and pointing out the fact it is overtly pagan and materialistic and thus has absolutely nothing to do with Christ, is in no way judging anyone. It is The Law that God gave us which will be used to judge each and every one of us on Judgment Day, because The Law is totally just/fair/impartial in all matters.

The graciousness, mercy and long-suffering patience that we have been extended to turn our lives around and return (even at this late hour) to placing our faith in God and His Law is beyond words.

What most do not realize is that the ego (the "self") can never be corrected, because it wrongly assumes it is always right, even when it is shown to be in obvious error. That is why it (the ego/"self") is so dangerous, because it stands as a gatekeeper to the mind, attempting to keep out anything truthful that challenges its lies and perceived authority. The ego/"self" MUST be crucified daily (see: Matt. 10:38, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, Luke 14:26-27, Gal. 2:20, Sura 6:162, Sura 92:18-21) for this very reason, which is what the "overcomeths" are also referring to in Revelation (overcoming the ego/"self" - Rev. 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:26-28, 3:5, 3:12, 3:21, 21:7).

One of the most frequently used tactics employed by the ego/"self" to divert attention away from its own wrong doing is to accuse others of judging it. In that manner it can act/pretend it is somehow wrong to share the Truth with others, according to God's Will, for everyone's benefit. This is especially true whenever offering criticism of the long-held traditions of men, like the pagan Yuletide/Saturnalia/Christ-mass celebration, or pointing out any of the other countless man-made traditions which make The Law/Commandments of God of no effect.
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Oct 20, 2021
Santa sees you when you are sleeping and he knows if you have been naughty or nice. So you better watch out and you better think twice because Santa Claus is coming to town whether you like it or not. But the biggest question remains will he visit you if you haven't been vaccinated or wearing a mask?